Parallel Iterative Methods for the Helmholtz Equation With Exact Nonreflecting Boundaries

Cristian Ianculescu ◽  
Lonny L. Thompson

Parallel iterative methods for fast solution of large-scale acoustic radiation and scattering problems are developed using exact Dirichlet-to-Neumann (DtN), nonreflecting boundaries. A separable elliptic nonreflecting boundary is used to efficiently model unbounded regions surrounding elongated structures. We exploit the special structure of the non-local DtN map as a low-rank update of the system matrix to efficiently compute the matrix-by-vector products found in Krylov subspace based iterative methods. For the complex non-hermitian matrices resulting from the Helmholtz equation, we use a distributed-memory parallel BICG-STAB iterative method in conjunction with a parallel Jacobi preconditioner. Domain decomposition with interface minimization was performed to ensure optimal interprocessor communication. For the architectures tested, and using the MPICH version of MPI, we show that when implemented as a low-rank update, the non-local character of the DtN map does not signicantly decrease the scale up and parallel eciency versus a purely approximate local boundary condition.

1996 ◽  
Vol 04 (01) ◽  
pp. 89-100 ◽  

The impedance boundary condition for the parabolic approximation is derived in the case of a sea bottom profile sloping at a constant angle, as a non-local boundary condition imposed exactly at the interface. This condition is integrated into the IFD code for the numerical computation of the pressure field and implemented to test its accuracy in some benchmark cases, for which the backscattered field is negligible. It is shown that by avoiding the sloping interface, the results obtained are closer to the benchmark results given by normal mode codes solving the full Helmholtz equation, such as the 2-way COUPLE code, than those of the standard IFD or other 1-way codes, at least for problems that do not have significant backscattering effects.

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