Functionally Graded Polymeric Composites Having Micro-Tailored Structure Formed by Electric Field

Materials ◽  
2003 ◽  
Geun Hyung Kim ◽  
Daniel K. Moeller ◽  
Yuri M. Shkel

A solid composite having locally micro-tailored structure can be produced by curing liquid polymeric suspensions in an electric field. The redistribution effect of the field-induced forces exceeds the effect of centrifugation, presently employed to manufacture functionally graded materials. Moreover, unlike centrifugational sedimentation, one can electrically rearrange the inclusions in desired targeted areas. The applied electric field can be employed to produce a composite having uniformly oriented structure or only modify the material in selected regions. This technology enables polymeric composites to be locally micro-tailored for given design objectives. We discuss electrical and rheological inteactions in liquid suspensions. Relationships between microstructure and mechanical properties of the obtained functionally graded composites are presented.

2004 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 1164-1174 ◽  
GeunHyung Kim ◽  
Yuri M. Shkel

A solid composite of desirable microstructure can be produced by curing a liquid polymeric suspension in an electric field. Redistribution effect of the field-induced forces exceeds that of centrifugation, which is frequently employed to manufacture functionally graded materials. Moreover, unlike centrifugational sedimentation, the current approach can electrically rearrange the inclusions in targeted areas. The electric field can be employed to produce a composite having uniformly oriented structure or only modify the material in selected regions. Field-aided technology enables polymeric composites to be locally micro-tailored for a given application. Moreover, materials of literally any composition can be manipulated. In this article we present testing results for compositions of graphite and ceramic particles as well as glass fibers in epoxy. Electrical and rheological interactions of inclusions in a liquid epoxy are discussed. Measurements of tensile modulus and ultimate strength of epoxy composites having different microstructure of 10 vol% graphite, ceramic particles and glass fiber are presented.

Licheng Guo ◽  
Zhihai Wang ◽  
Naotake Noda

This study aimed to develop a method to build a ‘bridge’ between the macro fracture mechanics model and stochastic micromechanics-based properties so that the macro fracture mechanics model can be expanded to the fracture mechanics problem of functionally graded materials (FGMs) with stochastic mechanical properties. An analytical fracture mechanics model is developed to predict the stress intensity factors (SIFs) in FGMs with stochastic uncertainties in phase volume fractions. Considering the stochastic description of the phase volume fractions, a micromechanics-based method is developed to derive the explicit probabilistic characteristics of the effective properties of the FGMs so that the stochastic mechanical properties can be combined with the macro fracture mechanics model. A thought for choosing the samples efficiently is proposed so that the stable probabilistic characteristic of SIFs can be obtained with a very small sample size. The probability density function of SIFs can be determined by developing a histogram from the generated samples. The present method may provide a thought to establish an analytical model for the crack problems of FGMs with stochastic properties.

2008 ◽  
Vol 587-588 ◽  
pp. 400-404
P. Pinto ◽  
L. Mazare ◽  
Delfim Soares ◽  
F.S. Silva

The Incremental Melting and Solidification Process (IMSP) is a relatively new field for material processing for the production of functionally graded materials. In this process a controlled liquid bath is maintained at the top of the component where new materials are added changing the components composition. Thus, a functionally graded material is obtained with a varying composition along one direction of the component. This paper deals with the influence of one of the process parameters, namely displacement rates between heating coil and mould, in order to evaluate its influence on both metallurgical and mechanical properties of different Al-Si alloys. Hardness and phase distribution, along the main castings axis, were measured. To better assess and characterize the process, two different Al-Si alloys with and without variation of chemical composition along the specimen were analysed. Results demonstrate that a gradual variation of metallurgical and mechanical properties along the component is obtained. It is also shown that Al-Si functionally graded materials can be produced by the incremental melting and solidification process. Results show that the displacement rate is very important on metallurgical and mechanical properties of the obtained alloy.

Yuen-Shan Leung ◽  
Huachao Mao ◽  
Yong Chen

Functionally graded materials (FGM) possess superior properties of multiple materials due to the continuous transitions of these materials. Recent progresses in multi-material additive manufacturing (AM) processes enable the creation of arbitrary material composition, which significantly enlarges the manufacturing capability of FGMs. At the same time, the fabrication capability also introduces new challenges for the design of FGMs. A critical issue is to create the continuous material distribution under the fabrication constraints of multi-material AM processes. Using voxels to approximate gradient material distribution could be one plausible way for additive manufacturing. However, current FGM design methods are non-additive-manufacturing-oriented and unpredictable. For instance, some designs require a vast number of materials to achieve continuous transitions; however, the material choices that are available in a multi-material AM machine are rather limited. Other designs control the volume fraction of two materials to achieve gradual transition; however, such transition cannot be functionally guaranteed. To address these issues, we present a design and fabrication framework for FGMs that can efficiently and effectively generate printable and predictable FGM structures. We adopt a data-driven approach to approximate the behavior of FGM using two base materials. A digital material library is constructed with different combinations of the base materials, and their mechanical properties are extracted by Finite Element Analysis (FEA). The mechanical properties are then used for the conversion process between the FGM and the dual material structure such that similar behavior is guaranteed. An error diffusion algorithm is further developed to minimize the approximation error. Simulation results on four test cases show that our approach is robust and accurate, and the framework can successfully design and fabricate such FGM structures.

Metals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 1923
Bruna Horta Bastos Kuffner ◽  
Patricia Capellato ◽  
Larissa Mayra Silva Ribeiro ◽  
Daniela Sachs ◽  
Gilbert Silva

Metallic biomaterials are widely used for implants and dental and orthopedic applications due to their good mechanical properties. Among all these materials, 316L stainless steel has gained special attention, because of its good characteristics as an implantable biomaterial. However, the Young’s modulus of this metal is much higher than that of human bone (~193 GPa compared to 5–30 GPa). Thus, a stress shielding effect can occur, leading the implant to fail. In addition, due to this difference, the bond between implant and surrounding tissue is weak. Already, calcium phosphate ceramics, such as beta-tricalcium phosphate, have shown excellent osteoconductive and osteoinductive properties. However, they present low mechanical strength. For this reason, this study aimed to combine 316L stainless steel with the beta-tricalcium phosphate ceramic (β-TCP), with the objective of improving the steel’s biological performance and the ceramic’s mechanical strength. The 316L stainless steel/β-TCP biocomposites were produced using powder metallurgy and functionally graded materials (FGMs) techniques. Initially, β-TCP was obtained by solid-state reaction using powders of calcium carbonate and calcium phosphate. The forerunner materials were analyzed microstructurally. Pure 316L stainless steel and β-TCP were individually submitted to temperature tests (1000 and 1100 °C) to determine the best condition. Blended compositions used to obtain the FGMs were defined as 20% to 20%. They were homogenized in a high-energy ball mill, uniaxially pressed, sintered and analyzed microstructurally and mechanically. The results indicated that 1100 °C/2 h was the best sintering condition, for both 316L stainless steel and β-TCP. For all individual compositions and the FGM composite, the parameters used for pressing and sintering were appropriate to produce samples with good microstructural and mechanical properties. Wettability and hemocompatibility were also achieved efficiently, with no presence of contaminants. All results indicated that the production of 316L stainless steel/β-TCP FGMs through PM is viable for dental and orthopedic purposes.

Saeed Rouhi ◽  
Seyed H Alavi

In this paper, the elastic properties of functionally graded materials reinforced by single-walled carbon nanotubes are studied. Three different matrices, including steel-silicon, iron-alumina and alumina-zirconia are considered. Besides, the effects of nanotube length, radius and volume fraction on the Young’s modulus of functionally graded matrices reinforced by single-walled carbon nanotubes are investigated. It is observed that short nanotubes not only cannot increase the longitudinal elastic modulus of the matrices, but sometimes decrease their elastic modulus. Of the three selected matrices, steel-silicon matrix would have the most enhancement. Investigation of the effect of nanotube volume fraction on the mechanical properties of nanocomposites shows that increasing the volume fraction of long single-walled carbon nanotube results in increasing the elastic modulus of the nanocomposites.

1998 ◽  
Vol 26 (6) ◽  
pp. 539 ◽  
DR Petersen ◽  
RE Link ◽  
PR Marur ◽  
HV Tippur

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