Unleashing the Hidden Value of a Pipeline Through the Use of Visual Communications

Paul B. Connor

How does the communication of information affect the pipeline industry? People are becoming more aware of the pipeline industry and how it may affect individuals and landowners in the future. Corporations are producing commuications tools to alleviate the lack of knowledge and the hidden value of energy pipelines. This case study examines two projects: “Passing through Edson” examines a winter pipeline construction job in Edson, Alberta. The story is told by the people on the job. We examine the environmental issues, economic impact, Native employment, and winter construction techniques. The “Boy Chief” video examines the impact of an archaeological dig on the prairies. In this program we have insight into the aboriginal history of the area and how the pipeline company is helping people learn more about the Native way of life. The paper examine how communication tools like these, allow employees access to information when communicating to stakeholders.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 92-97
Dea Mutiara

Daarut Tauhid as one of the educational institutions that study religion proves that an islamic boarding school does not only deepen the Holy Qur’an and hadith; but also does real activities in the society. Researchers are interested in capturing the process of implementing the "BRTT" program to the ecological intelligence of the Santri[1] of Daarut Tauhid. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. The subjects of this study include the santri from Daarut Tauhid, the Quality Control Team and Daarut Tauhid Principal. The data are collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the background of implementing this program is the desire to make islamic boarding schools as pioneers of a clean, neat, orderly, and organized attitude to its santri and to the people who live nearby. The process of implementing the BRTT program is carried out in two categories: internally and externally. The obstacles encountered in the implementation of the BRTT program were self-habit constraints and fatigueness. The factors that influence the students in being disciplined in implementing BRTT are self-consciousness and environmental habit. The ecological intelligence of the students of Daarut Tauhid consists of seven aspects: (1) understanding environmental issues and problems from the perspective of ecological balance and sustainability, (2) conducting BRTT starting with a rule, mandatory policies which gradually become a habit and are inherent in self, (3) ways of solving problems creatively and applying knowledge in a new situation (ecological context), (4) oftenly assess the impact and the effects of human actions and technology on the environment, (5) oftenly take into account of the long-term consequences in taking a decisions (environmental context), (6) knowing indicators of clean and healthy living behavior, also (7) ways to give attention, empathy, and care for others and other living things.[1] Santri is the students of islamic boarding school

1989 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 319-328
Salahudeen Yusuf

The history of Islam in part of what is known today as Nigeria datesto about the loth Century. Christianity dates to the late 18th Century. Bythe middle of the 19th Century, when Nigerian newspapers began to appearon the streets of Nigeria, both religions had won so many followers and extendedto so many places in Nigeria that very few areas were untouched bytheir influence. The impact of both religions on their adherents not only determinedtheir spiritual life, but influenced their social and political lives aswell. It therefore became inevitable that both religions receive coverage frommost of the newspapers of the time. How the newspapers as media of informationand communication reported issues about the two religions is thetheme of this paper.Rationale for the StudyThe purpose of this study is to highlight the context in which such earlynewspapers operated and the factors that dictated their performance. Thisis because it is assumed that when a society faces external threat to its territory,culture, and independence, all hands (the press inclusive) ought tobe on deck to resist the threat with all might. Were newspapers used as verbalartillery and how did they present each religion? It is also assumed thatin a multireligious society a true press should be objective and serve as avanguard in the promotion of the interest of the people in general and notcreate or foster an atmosphere of religious conflict. The study also aims atfinding out whether the papers promoted intellectual honesty and fosteredthe spirit of unity particularly when the society was faced with the encroachmentof the British who posed a threat to their freedom, culture, economy ...

Religions ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 121
Tiasa Basu Roy

For centuries, various denominations of Christian missionaries have contributed in a larger way towards the spread of Christianity among the people of Indian sub-continent. Each Church had its own principles of preaching the word of God and undertook welfare activities in and around the mission-stations. From establishing schools to providing medical aids, the Christian missionaries were involved in constant perseverance to improve the ‘indigenous’ societies not only in terms of amenities and opportunities, but also in spiritual aspects. Despite conversion being the prime motive, every Mission prepared ground on which their undertakings found meanings and made an impact over people’s lives. These endeavours, combining missiological and theological discourses, brought hope and success to the missionaries, and in our case study, the Basel Mission added to the history of the Christian Mission while operating in the coastal and hilly districts of Kerala during the 19th and the 20th centuries. Predominantly following the trait of Pietism, the Basel Mission emphasised practical matters more than doctrine, which was evident in the Mission activities among the Thiyyas and the Badagas of Malabar and Nilgiris, respectively. Along with addressing issues like the caste system and spreading education in the ‘backward’ regions, the most remarkable contribution of the Basel Mission established the ‘prototype’ of industries which was part of the ‘praxis practice’ model. It aimed at self-sufficiency and provided a livelihood for a number of people who otherwise had no honourable means of subsistence. Moreover, conversion in Kerala was a combination of ‘self-transformation’ and active participation which resulted in ‘enculturation’ and inception of ‘modernity’ in the region. Finally, this article shows that works of the Basel Mission weaved together its theological and missiological ideologies which determined its exclusivity as a Church denomination.

2005 ◽  
Vol 37 (5) ◽  
pp. 895-907 ◽  
Ari Goelman

My research explores the question: how can theorists better understand the ways in which planning technologies are used by municipal planners? In the case-study municipality, a recently introduced web-GIS technology had little demonstrable success in attaining two of its stated goals: enabling increased public access to municipal geographic information and encouraging planners to produce their own maps. My research links these outcomes not only to the technologies themselves, but to organizational structure and human agency. Planners and planning theorists can gain additional insight into the impact of planning technologies through closer attention to the process through which planners come to use information technologies and the way this process both alters and is constrained by existing organizational constraints, including previously adopted technologies.

1970 ◽  
Vol 42 (117) ◽  
pp. 159-174
Michael Böss

WRITING NATIONAL HISTORY AFTER MODERNISM: THE HISTORY OF PEOPLEHOOD IN LIGHT OF EUROPEAN GRAND NARRATIVES | The purpose of the article is to refute the recent claim that Danish history cannot be written on the assumption of the existence of a Danish people prior to 19th-century nationalism. The article argues that, over the past twenty years, scholars in pre-modern European history have highlighted the limitations of the modernist paradigm in the study of nationalism and the history of nations. For example, modernists have difficulties explaining why a Medieval chronicle such as Saxo Grammaticus’s Gesta Danorum was translated in the mid-1600s, and why it could be used for new purposes in the 1800s, if there had not been a continuity in notions of peoplehood between the Middle Ages and the Modern Age. Of course, the claim of continuity should not be seen as an argument for an identity between the “Danes” of Saxo’s time and the Danes of the 19th-century Danish nation-state. Rather, the modern Danishness should be understood as the product of a historical process, in which a number of European cultural narratives and state building played a significant role. The four most important narratives of the Middle Ages were derived from the Bible, which was a rich treasure of images and stories of ‘people’, ‘tribe’, ‘God’, King, ‘justice’ and ‘kingdom’ (state). While keeping the basic structures, the meanings of these narratives were re-interpreted and placed in new hierarchical positions in the course of time under the impact of the Reformation, 16th-century English Puritanism, Enlightenment patriotism, the French Revolution and 19th-century romantic nationalism. The article concludes that it is still possible to write national histories featuring ‘the people’ as one of the actors. But the historian should keep in mind that ‘the people’ did not always play the main role, nor did they play the same role as in previous periods. And even though there is a need to form syntheses when writing national history, national identities have always developed within a context of competing and hierarchical narratives. In Denmark, the ‘patriotist narrative’ seems to be in ascendancy in the social and cultural elites, but has only partly replaced the ‘ethno-national’ narrative which is widespread in other parts of the population. The ‘compact narrative’ has so far survived due the continued love of the people for their monarch. It may even prove to provide social glue for a sense of peoplehood uniting ‘old’ and ‘new’ Danes.

Jurnal Office ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Samuel Randy Tapparan ◽  
Abdul Wahab

The increasing number of regions proposing themselves to form new autonomous regions since the enactment of Law Number 32 of 2004 concerning "Regional Government", aims to improve economic development and the welfare of the people in each region. The purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of regional expansion on the economic growth of North Toraja Regency. The Technik of data collection in this study uses the documentary Technik, which is in the form of reports from relevant agencies. The analysis technique used is by using the independent sample T-test. The results of the study show that regional expansion has an impact on the economic growth of North Toraja Regency.

Julia Evangelista ◽  
William A. Fulford

AbstractThis chapter shows how carnival has been used to counter the impact of Brazil’s colonial history on its asylums and perceptions of madness. Colonisation of Brazil by Portugal in the nineteenth century led to a process of Europeanisation that was associated with dismissal of non-European customs and values as “mad” and sequestration of the poor from the streets into asylums. Bringing together the work of the two authors, the chapter describes through a case study how a carnival project, Loucura Suburbana (Suburban Madness), in which patients in both long- and short-term asylum care play leading roles, has enabled them to “reclaim the streets,” and re-establish their right to the city as valid producers of culture on their own terms. In the process, entrenched stigmas associated with having a history of mental illness in a local community are challenged, and sense of identity and self-confidence can be rebuilt, thus contributing to long-term improvements in mental well-being. Further illustrative materials are available including photographs and video clips.

1999 ◽  
pp. 63-74
T. Dlinna

The key concept of our study is "religiosity". In scientific literature, it is most often correlated with an individual or a social group, a community and understands a set of certain attributes that are inherent to them and which find expression in faith and worship of supernatural both at the level of consciousness and at the level of behavior. The object of our study is the Ukrainian people (ethnos). It should be noted that religious studies in Soviet times did not take into account the fact that human existence is possible only in the conditions of a certain ethnic community, an individual is, above all, a certain ethnotype, and, moreover, it does not study the religious dimensions of the ethno-national being of that another people. Religion itself, if considered as a special, long-standing state of consciousness, as a certain system, which is a set of elements (ideas, representations) that interact with each other and with the environment, form a stable integrity, can be considered an integral part of ethno-national mentality. According to M.Kostomarov, folk religiosity is a special view that the people have in their religion and that it does not constitute any kind of whole religion, nor a certain sect. Today it is universally accepted that the national type of religiosity exists on the ordinary level of consciousness, is a complex syncretic entity. The history of its formation does not coincide with the history of the doctrine of a certain denomination. However, it is clear that the religiosity of Ukrainians, posing an integral part of the mentality and spirituality of the people, has a history of its formation. It is a consequence of the influence of a complex of factors that predetermined the way of life of the Ukrainian people in a certain natural geographic and cultural-historical space.

Brahim Jabir ◽  
Noureddine Falih ◽  
Khalid Rahmani

<p>In the socio-economic world, the human resources are in the most top phase of the enterprise evolution. This evolution began when the arithmetic, statistics are applicable over a vast of opportunities and used to identify problems and support decision. However, analytics has been emerged to provide predictions and understand the people performance based on available data.</p>In light of this vast amount of information, human resources services need to deploy a predictive management model and operating system of analytics that can be an efficient and an instead solution that can respond to the gaps of the traditional existing ones and facilitate the decision making. In this paper, we present a literature review of this HR analytics concept and a case study concerning the impact of interventions using an analytics solution.<p> </p>

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Nell Musgrove ◽  
Naomi Wolfe

PurposeThis article considers the impact of competing knowledge structures in teaching Australian Indigenous history to undergraduate university students and the possibilities of collaborative teaching in this space.Design/methodology/approachThe authors, one Aboriginal and one non-Aboriginal, draw on a history of collaborative teaching that stretches over more than a decade, bringing together conceptual reflective work and empirical data from a 5-year project working with Australian university students in an introductory-level Aboriginal history subject.FindingsIt argues that teaching this subject area in ways which are culturally safe for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff and students, and which resist knowledge structures associated with colonial ways of conveying history, is not only about content but also about building learning spaces that encourage students to decolonise their relationships with Australian history.Originality/valueThis article considers collaborative approaches to knowledge transmission in the university history classroom as an act of decolonising knowledge spaces rather than as a model of reconciliation.

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