Characteristics of the variability of a geomagnetic field for studying the impact of the magnetic storms and substorms on electrical energy systems

2018 ◽  
Vol 54 (1) ◽  
pp. 52-65 ◽  
V. B. Belakhovsky ◽  
V. A. Pilipenko ◽  
Ya. A. Sakharov ◽  
V. N. Selivanov
2006 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 64-69
O.I. Maksimenko ◽  
L.N. Yaremenko ◽  
O.Ya. Shenderovskaya ◽  
G.V. Melnyk ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (13) ◽  
pp. 7119
Abbas Rabiee ◽  
Ali Abdali ◽  
Seyed Masoud Mohseni-Bonab ◽  
Mohsen Hazrati

In this paper, a robust scheduling model is proposed for combined heat and power (CHP)-based microgrids using information gap decision theory (IGDT). The microgrid under study consists of conventional power generation as well as boiler units, fuel cells, CHPs, wind turbines, solar PVs, heat storage units, and battery energy storage systems (BESS) as the set of distributed energy resources (DERs). Additionally, a demand response program (DRP) model is considered which has a successful performance in the microgrid hourly scheduling. One of the goals of CHP-based microgrid scheduling is to provide both thermal and electrical energy demands of the consumers. Additionally, the other objective is to benefit from the revenues obtained by selling the surplus electricity to the main grid during the high energy price intervals or purchasing it from the grid when the price of electricity is low at the electric market. Hence, in this paper, a robust scheduling approach is developed with the aim of maximizing the total profit of different energy suppliers in the entire scheduling horizon. The employed IGDT technique aims to handle the impact of uncertainties in the power output of wind and solar PV units on the overall profit.

Patterns ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 100301
Jann M. Weinand ◽  
Russell McKenna ◽  
Max Kleinebrahm ◽  
Fabian Scheller ◽  
Wolf Fichtner

2021 ◽  
pp. 014459872098662
Salma Hazim ◽  
Abdelouahab Salih ◽  
Mourad Taha Janan ◽  
Ahmed El Ouatouati ◽  
Abdellatif Ghennioui

Generating electricity through renewable energies is growing increasingly to reduce the huge demand on electricity and the impact of fossil energies on the environment, the most common sources forms used are: the wind, the sun, the photovoltaic and the thermal, without forgetting hydropower by the bays of dams. Fortunately, 70% of our planet is covered by the seas and oceans, this area constitutes a huge potential for electricity production to be exploited. The scientific advances of recent years allow a better exploitation of these resources especially the marine current due to its reliability and predictability. The marine current energy is extracted using a hydrokinetic turbine (HKT) which transform the kinetic energy of water into an electrical energy. The exploitation of this resource needs in the first step the assessment of marine currents in the study area for implementing the HKT, and the second step is designing an adequate technology. The main goal of this study is the assessment of the marine current resource on the Moroccan Mediterranean coast to evaluate the suitable area to implement the HKT, and to determine the marine current speed intensities at different depths. As well as, to estimate an average potential existing in the site. Moreover, we will conduct a study based on the results of the assessment that was made to design a horizontal axis marine current turbine (HAMCT). Two hydrofoil profile were considered to design a HAMCT using the Blade Element Theory (BEM) and calculating their performances adapted to the site conditions Naca4415 and s8052. In addition, a comparison was made between this two HAMCT hydrofoil profile for deciding the best one for implementing in the studied area.

2017 ◽  
Vol 54 (3) ◽  
pp. 50-57 ◽  
I. Grinevich ◽  
Vl. Nikishin ◽  
N. Mozga ◽  
M. Laitans

Abstract The paper deals with the possibilities of reducing the consumption of electrical energy of the impact screwdriver during the assembly of fixed threaded joints. The recommendations related to a decrease in electrical energy consumption would allow reducing product costs but so far there have been no such recommendations from the producers of the tool as to the effective operating regimes of the impact screwdrivers in relation to electrical energy consumption and necessary tightening moment of the nut. The aim of the study is to find out the economical operating mode of the electrical impact screwdriver when assembling fixed threaded joints. By varying the set speed of the rotor head and working time of the impact mechanism, there is an opportunity to determine electrical energy consumption of the tool for the given tightening moment. The results of the experiment show that at the same tightening moment obtained the electrical energy consumption of the impact screwdriver is less at a higher starting set speed of the rotor head but shorter operating time of the impact mechanism than at a lower speed of the rotor head and longer operating time of the impact mechanism.

2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 223
Akhyar Zuniawan ◽  
Iphov Kumala Sriwana

Currently, many coal-fired powers plants are built to supply electrical energy needs in Indonesia due to relatively inexpensive raw materials and abundant in Indonesia. Handling of coal is mostly done at the power plant using coal handling facilities consisting of ship unloaders, conveyor belts, stock piles, silos or bunkers. The problem that arises in the coal handling facility is dust from coal that fells or hovers in the air so that it can interfere with the environment and health both for workers in the Coal Power and residents around the Coal Power. The purpose of writing this paper is to eliminate the spread of coal dust that arises due to coal handling equipment that is not precise and imperfect. The method used is the Soft System Methodology (SSM), which is a systematic approach used to analyze and solve problems in complex and messy situations. This paper examines the benefits of applying SSM to knowledge management issues in handling coal dust at a power plant. Improvement is done by upgrading coal handling equipment (ship unloader, conveyor belt, stock pile) with the addition of dust suppression, proper sealing system, dust bag, and training to operators on the impact and handling of coal dust and coal handling equipment maintenance, so resulting in a significant decrease in the spread of coal dust, creating a working environment and the environment becomes clean, healthy and safe.


Often, coalitions are formed by the hierarchical integrated energy systems (HIESs) and their evolutionary process which is driven by the benefits of stakeholders and consolidate energy consumers and producers. Several literature have failed to analyze the operation of HIES under the impact of multiple coalitions. At the lower level, multiple users, in the middle level, the multiple distributed energy stations (DESs) and at the upper level, one natural gas and one electricity utility company structure is used for analyzing the HIES operation with a trading scheme. The Lagrange function is used for deriving the optimal operation strategy based analytical function for each probable coalition and each market participant comprising of users and the DESs. It is evident from the results that in a single coalition, the profits linked to other DESs will decrease while increasing the profit of one DES with technological enhancements, users show an aversion towards DESs with high generation coefficient while they are attracted to the ones that enable reduction of heat and electricity price. Maintaining their isolation is preferred by high heat and electricity consuming DESs at the same energy price. Other coalitions and their operations are not affected by the change in parameters of one coalition.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 255
Kemal Farouq Mauladi ◽  
Nurul Fuad

Telecommunications technology is developing very rapidly, ranging from users or engineers. The development of smartphone smartphones is also increasingly in demand, so that the use of electricity needs is also increasing. The need for electricity usage has resulted in more standing voltage in some settlements. The establishment of sutet will have a negative impact on public health. In addition, the influence of electrical energy on humans occurs because the electrical energy generated by electricity generation or electricity that is channeled gives rise to electromagnetic fields. The higher the voltage required by an equipment, the greater the electric field that is distributed. Besides that, it can also find ways to reduce the negative impact of the electric and magnetic fields produced by SUTET which impacts the process of the occurrence of electric and magnetic fields on SUTET. From the problems above, the author intends to determine the effect or correlation between the impact of SUTET on cellphone network transmissions or channels. This research can later determine the negative impact caused by SUTET for the surrounding community, and the impact of SUTET radiation on cellular networks.

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