Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences
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Published By De Gruyter Open Sp. Z O.O.

0868-8257, 0868-8257

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (2) ◽  
pp. 11-18
E. Groza ◽  
M. Balodis ◽  
K. Gulbis ◽  
J. Dirba

Abstract The paper covers the main aspects and restrictions on siting small-scale wind farms in Latvia and benefits of using energy storage systems with small-scale wind farms. The restrictions of siting have been analysed. Grid connection restrictions are addressed as the main issues for small-scale wind farm development in Latvia. Two small-scale wind farm models with similar properties have been made and analysed within the framework of the research. The paper proposes the idea for maximising the production of small-scale wind farm in a small area site with high wind potential.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (2) ◽  
pp. 45-63
J. Savickis ◽  
L. Zemite ◽  
L. Jansons ◽  
N. Zeltins ◽  
I. Bode ◽  

Abstract In the early 2010s, only 23 countries had access to the liquefied natural gas (hereinafter – LNG). Import terminals, despite attractive short-term economics, took long time to build, and rigid supply contracts made truly global use of LNG rather complicated. Concerns about geo-political risks also stunted demand growth from existing supply sources, even when new LNG export routes and sources became available. Current natural gas market is very different, both in terms of market participants and accessibility and diversity of services. In 2019, the number of LNG importing countries reached 43. Rising competition among suppliers and increasing liquidity of markets themselves created favourable conditions to diversify contract duration, size, and flexibility. In addition, development of floating storage and regasification unit (hereinafter – FSRU) technology provided LNG suppliers with a quick response option to sudden demand fluctuations in regional and local natural gas markets [1]. Moreover, LNG is one of the major options not only for bringing the natural gas to regions where its pipeline supply infrastructure is historically absent, limited or underdeveloped, but also for diversification of the natural gas supply routes and sources in regions with sufficient state of pipeline delivery possibilities. And it concerns smaller natural gas markets, like the Baltic States and Finland as well. Accordingly, prospects for use of LNG there in both mid and long-term perspective must be carefully evaluated, especially in regards to emerging bunkering business in the Baltic Sea aquatory and energy transition in Finland, replacing coal base-load generation with other, more sustainable and environmentally friendly alternatives.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (2) ◽  
pp. 3-10
A. Usseinov ◽  
Zh. Koishybayeva ◽  
A. Platonenko ◽  
A. Akilbekov ◽  
J. Purans ◽  

Abstract Gallium oxide β-Ga2O3 is an important wide-band gap semiconductor. In this study, we have calculated the formation energy and transition levels of oxygen vacancies in β-Ga2O3 crystal using the B3LYP hybrid exchange-correlation functional within the LCAO-DFT approach. The obtained electronic charge redistribution in perfect Ga2O3 shows notable covalency of the Ga-O bonds. The formation of the neutral oxygen vacancy in β-Ga2O3 leads to the presence of deep donor defects with quite low concentration. This is a clear reason why oxygen vacancies can be hardly responsible for n-type conductivity in β-Ga2O3.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (2) ◽  
pp. 64-78
R. Kalnina ◽  
V. Priednieks ◽  
K. Lukins ◽  
A. Gasparjans ◽  
A. Rijkure

Abstract The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and corrosion behaviour of physical vapour deposited (PVD) TiAlN and TiCN coatings of 50 µm mesh shaped AISI 316 stainless steel were estimated under simulated marine conditions (3.5 wt. % NaCl solution). The coatings were prepared by creating adhesive Cr-CrN interlayer with the thickness of about 0.3 µm. The obtained thicknesses of produced coatings were measured to be in a range between 2 and 3.5 µm. The presence of protective coatings leads to corrosion potential (Ecorr ) shifting to more positive values as compared to the bare stainless steel. This effect indicates higher protection efficiency of coated steel under marine conditions. The protective behaviour of produced coating leads to the decreased corrosion current density (jcorr ) by indicating up to 40-fold higher polarization resistance as compared to resistance of the naturally formed oxide layer over the stainless steel. The Nyquist and Bode plots were obtained with the help of EIS measurements by applying alternating potential amplitude of 10 mV on observed Ecorr . The obtained plots were fitted by appropriate equivalent circuits to calculate pore resistance, charge transfer resistance and capacitance. The present study reveals that pore resistance was the highest in the case of TiCN coating (Rpore =3.22 kΩ·cm2). The increase in duration of the immersion up to 24 h leads to change in the capacitive behaviour of the coatings caused by the penetration of the aqueous solution into pore system of TiCN coating with low wettability and surface passivation of reactive TiAlN coating. The presence of defects was confirmed by examining the obtained samples with the help of the scanning electron microscope.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (2) ◽  
pp. 32-44
K. Lebedeva ◽  
A. Borodinecs ◽  
A. Krumins ◽  
A. Tamane ◽  
E. Dzelzitis

Abstract One of the main challenges in the world as well as in Latvia is the reduction of the fossil fuel consumption. Electricity generation, which is still mainly produced by fossil fuel or nuclear power, is one of the largest shares. Nowadays end-users can efficiently control their electricity consumption by shifting electrical loads and taking into account fluctuating electricity price at Nord Pool. The smart metering systems have been expanding, but for the time being, end-users do not use this possibility efficiently. This study provides an analysis of Latvian electricity consumption specifics and evaluates a potential to shift electricity peak loads. The study includes households, industry and commercial/public sector. Based on the questionnaire distributed among end-users, the initial data on equipment and usage profile were collected. The most essential equipment was reviewed to estimate the potential for load shift. The obtained results show that that there is a positive effect of the load shift. In the household sector, the average electrical load shift can be 6 % (95 GWh/ year) during a period at a cheaper price; in the industry sector on average 37 % (36.58 GWh/ year) and in the commercial/public sector there is no potential due to its specifics (working hours, constant use of refrigerators, etc.).

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (2) ◽  
pp. 19-31
I. Tipans ◽  
J. Viba ◽  
M. Irbe ◽  
S. K. Vutukuru

Abstract An approximate method for analysis and synthesis of moving rigid bodies (prisms) in the airflow without using numerical methods of space-time programming techniques is described by applying a fluid (air)–rigid solid body interaction concept for engineering applications through a straightforward mathematical model. The interaction of rigid body (prism) and air is encountered in different cases: moving body (prism) in the air; stationary bodies (prism) in the airflow; moving body (prism) in the airflow. The complicated task of rigid body (prism) and air interaction is simplified by using superposition principles, i.e., by taking into account the upstream and downstream rigid body (prism) and air interaction phenomenon, which has been found to be different under varying speeds. Numerical results obtained for various forms of prisms are shown for constant air–speed, where the steady state Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) equation is solved by using k-ε realizable turbulence model. A detailed explanation to support the proposed approximate method is given by using numerical results obtained in ANSYS computations. All equations are formed based on laws of classical mechanics; the interaction of viscous forces is neglected in forming the mathematical model. Numerical results for different model prisms are compared and the theoretical results discussed in detail. The mathematical model in the present paper is applicable only to bodies that undergo a rectilinear translation motion. In the final part of the present paper, the proposed method is used in the synthesis and optimization task of energy extraction by considering the motion of a variable parameter prism in the airflow.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-14
J. Cipa ◽  
L. Trinkler ◽  
B. Berzina

AbstractAlN is a wide band gap material with promising properties for dosimetric applications, especially in UV dosimetry. In the present research, the thermoluminescence method is used in order to better understand sunlight and X-ray irradiation effects on yttria doped AlN ceramics. In general, the TL response is characterised by a broad TL peak with maxima around 400–450 K and a TL emission spectrum with UV (400 nm), Blue (480 nm) and Red (600 nm) bands. Compared to the X-ray irradiation, sunlight irradiation creates a wider TL glow curve peak with a maximum shifted to higher temperatures by 50 K.Furthermore, in the TL emission spectra of AlN irradiated with sunlight the UV band is suppressed. The reasons of the TL peculiarities under two types of irradiation are discussed. Practical application of AlN ceramics as material for UV light TL dosimetry and, in particular, for sunlight dosimetry is estimated.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-52
I. Kaulachs ◽  
A. Ivanova ◽  
A. Tokmakov ◽  
M. Roze ◽  
I. Mihailovs ◽  

AbstractDevelopment of hybrid organic-inorganic perovskite solar cells (PSC) has been one of the hottest research topics since 2013. Within brief literature review, we would like to achieve two objectives. Firstly, we would like to indicate that a whole set of physical properties, such as high change carrier mobility, very low recombination rates, large carrier life time and diffusion length, large absorption coefficients and very weak exciton binding energies, are defining high power conversion efficiency (PCE) of methyl ammonium lead trihalide SC. The second objective is to draw attention to some, in our opinion, important aspects that previously have not been satisfactory addressed in literature. Although degradation of PSC is widely discussed, processes at very first exposure to ambient conditions after deposition of top electrode are uncovered.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-43
A. Spustaka ◽  
M. Senko ◽  
D. Millers ◽  
I. Bite ◽  
K. Smits ◽  

AbstractThe near-band luminescence of doped ZnO is promising for advanced scintillators; however, the dopant type and concentration effects require a detailed study. Undoped and Ga-doped ZnO nanopowders were prepared by a microwave-assisted solvothermal method and the gallium concentration effect on luminescence properties was studied. The near-band luminescence peak position dependence on gallium concentration was observed. Near-band luminescence intensity versus defect luminescence intensity ratio was explored for different gallium concentrations and the optimal value was determined. Samples were prepared with dopant concentrations between 0.2 and 1.5 at%, XRD analysis confirmed that samples contained only zinc oxide hexagonal wurtzite phase. The results of the research showed that ZnO:Ga containing 0.9 at.% gallium was promising for scintillators.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-69
I. Kaulachs ◽  
A. Ivanova ◽  
A. Holsts ◽  
M. Roze ◽  
A. Flerov ◽  

AbstractThe main drawback of the methylammonium lead halide perovskite solar cells is their degradation in ambient atmosphere. To investigate ambient-air-induced cell degradation, spectral dependencies of open-circuit voltage (VOC), fill factor (FF) and the power conversion efficiency (PCE) have been acquired (for the first time reported in literature).Our custom-made measurement system allowed us to perform measurements of the abovementioned entities in situ directly in vacuum during and after thermal deposition of the electrode. We also studied how these parameters in vacuum changed after cell exposure to ambient air for 85 min (50 nm top electrode) and for 180 min (100 nm top Ag electrode). For fresh CH3NH3PbI3–xClx cell (never been in open air) with very high shunt resistance of 3·107 Ω·cm2 (with practically no shorts and therefore FF could be determined mainly by charge carrier recombination processes) we found that FF in vacuum increased along with an increase of the incident photon energy from 0.55 at 760 nm up to 0.82 at 400 nm. Hypothesis considering hot polaron participation in charge carrier photogeneration and recombination processes as well as another competing hypothesis were offered as possible explanations for the observed FF increase.The kinetics of short-circuit photocurrent EQE with a change in pressure was also investigated. It was also shown that perovskite solar cell degradation could be noticeably reduced by increasing the top Ag electrode thickness to at least 100 nm, which could possibly facilitate the usual encapsulation process.

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