Effects of Age and Overhead Illumination on Temperatures Preferred by Underyearling Rainbow Trout, Salmo gairdneri, in a Vertical Temperature Gradient
During their first 12 mo of life rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri, preferred progressively cooler temperatures as they grew older; 19 °C was selected during the 1st mo and the selected temperature declined by intervals of 0.5 °C for each of the following months up to the 3rd mo. Fish swam higher in temperature gradients exposed to overhead illumination than in those in total darkness. This trend was reversed during the following 9 mo. These findings demonstrate the important role that age plays in the temperature preference of this species and the influence that overhead light may have on the distribution of fish in vertical gradients. Key words: preferred temperature, age, Salmo gairdneri, light gradients