Four-year Basal Area Growth Response of a 25-year-old Douglas-fir Stand to Thinning and Urea Fertilization

1974 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 568-571 ◽  
Y. Jim Lee

Four-year growth response to nitrogen fertilization and thinning is reported for an experiment established in a 25-year-old Douglas-fir stand of medium site quality. Four levels of nitrogen (0, 112, 224, and 336 kg N/ha), in the form of urea, were tested at two thinning levels in a randomized 4 × 2 × 2 factorial design replicated in 2 Blocks. Fertilizer was applied in spring or fall. Basal area growth per hectare in the thinned stand significantly surpassed that of the unthinned stand in the fourth growing period. Increased rate of nitrogen fertilization resulted in increased growth 1 year after fertilization. Urea applied in the fall resulted in greater growth response than that applied in the spring for the first growing period and over a 4-year period. Increased rate of fertilization increased mortality significantly in the fourth growing period, but had no prior effect. Thinning decreased mortality in all four growing periods.

2002 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 86-95 ◽  
Douglas A. Maguire ◽  
Alan Kanaskie ◽  
William Voelker ◽  
Randy Johnson ◽  
Greg Johnson

Abstract During the past decade, Swiss needle cast (SNC) damage has intensified in many Douglas-fir plantations in the Coast Range of Oregon, particularly along the immediate north coast. In plantations with severe symptoms, growth losses and reduced tree vigor are evident, but the magnitude of growth losses associated with varying intensities of damage is not known. A growth impact study was conducted in 1997 to quantify retrospectively the relationship between growth losses and visual symptoms in 10- to 30-yr-old Douglas-fir plantations in coastal northwestern Oregon, a population totaling 75,700 ha. A random sample of 70 Douglas-fir plantations was selected from the population and evaluated for Swiss needle cast severity. One 0.02 ha plot was destructively sampled in each plantation to reconstruct past height and basal area growth trends and to characterize foliage loss and distribution. The SNC “effect” was assessed by comparing growth of plantations with varying degrees of Swiss needle cast to growth of those that retained maximal amounts of foliage, after correcting for initial stand density, Douglas-fir growing stock, age, and site index. Of numerous possible SNC indices, mean needle retention (yr) explained the largest amount of variation in both basal area and top height growth. Prior to 1990, top height growth was similar across all plantations after correcting for site quality and plantation age; but, by 1992, top height growth losses appeared and were proportional to apparent foliage losses. In 1996, top height growth was reduced by up to 25% relative to plantations with little or no SNC. Basal area growth reductions began to appear around 1990, and in 1996 basal area growth of the most heavily damaged plantations was 35% less than the growth that would be expected in absence of SNC damage. The inferred volume growth loss for 1996 averaged 23% for the 75,700 ha target population, but this loss averaged as high as 52% for the most severely impacted plantations. West. J. Appl. For. 17(2):86ߝ95.

2000 ◽  
Vol 30 (4) ◽  
pp. 613-623 ◽  
Guanghong Shen ◽  
James A Moore ◽  
Charles R Hatch

Individual tree basal area increment models for nitrogen fertilized stands were developed using data from permanent research plots located throughout the Inland Northwest. Results show that tree size, stand density, habitat type, and rock type significantly interact to affect individual tree basal area growth response to nitrogen fertilization. Suppressed trees growing on moist habitat types and all rock types, except metasedimentary, exhibited greater relative response than did dominant or codominant trees growing in the same stand. However, suppressed trees growing on dry sites or on soils derived from granite rocks did not show different relative response than dominant or codominant trees growing in the same stand. This study quantitatively demonstrates that individual tree competitive relationships are significantly affected by rock type. Rock types proved to be useful in representing broad differences in a site's nutrient environment. Incorporating the new equations into individual tree growth and yield simulators would provide better representation of N fertilization response differences within a stand.

2002 ◽  
Vol 32 (7) ◽  
pp. 1232-1243 ◽  
Nathan J Poage ◽  
John C Tappeiner, II

Diameter growth and age data collected from stumps of 505 recently cut old-growth Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) trees at 28 sample locations in western Oregon (U.S.A.) indicated that rapid early and sustained growth of old Douglas-fir trees were extremely important in terms of attaining large diameters at ages 100–300 years. The diameters of the trees at ages 100–300 years (D100–D300) were strongly, positively, and linearly related to their diameters and basal area growth rates at age 50 years. Average periodic basal area increments (PAIBA) of all trees increased for the first 30–40 years and then plateaued, remaining relatively high and constant from age 50 to 300 years. Average PAIBA of the largest trees at ages 100–300 years were significantly greater by age 20 years than were those of smaller trees at ages 100–300 years. The site factors province, site class, slope, aspect, elevation, and establishment year accounted for little of the variation observed in basal area growth at age 50 years and D100–D300. The mean age range for old-growth Douglas-fir at the sample locations was wide (174 years). The hypothesis that large-diameter old-growth Douglas-fir developed at low stand densities was supported by these observations.

2014 ◽  
Vol 60 (1) ◽  
pp. 191-199 ◽  
Junhui Zhao ◽  
Douglas A. Maguire ◽  
Douglas Mainwaring ◽  
Jon Wehage ◽  
Alan Kanaskie

1989 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 279-284 ◽  
J. A. Stanturf ◽  
E. L. Stone Jr. ◽  
R. C. McKittrick

Nitrogen fertilization rate trials (0–672 kg/ha) were established in seven second-growth mixed deciduous forest stands in southern New York, on well to somewhat poorly drained soils typical of better hardwood sites, with no history of fire or cultivation. Basal-area growth over 20 years was determined from increment cores of dominant and codominant trees. Significant growth response occurred only for black cherry (Prunusserotina Ehrh.). Nitrogen additions of 168–336 kg/ha increased growth 21% over 5–10 years. Ten-year basal-area growth response of sugar maple (Acersaccharum Marsh.) and white ash (Fraxinusamericana L.) was less than in other fertilization studies. The lack of response is attributed to favorable nitrogen status of the soils, resulting from lack of disturbance over at least the last four decades and, possibly, atmospheric input of nitrogen.

Forests ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 167
Stella Britwum Acquah ◽  
Peter L. Marshall

Research Highlights: We investigated the competitive interactions among three tree species (interior Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca (Beissn.) Franco), interior spruce (Picea glauca [Moench] Voss × Picea engelmannii Engelm.), and lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. Ex Loud. var. latifolia Englem.)) in multi-aged stands in central British Columbia, Canada. Background and Objectives: Understanding competitive interactions among tree species in mixed-species stands is fundamental to supporting silvicultural decision-making in such stands. Using the periodic annual basal area increment for single trees as our dependent variable, we investigated whether neighboring trees competed with subject trees independently of species identity. We also examined the differences in single-tree basal area growth among the three conifer species over time under different levels of competition. Materials and Methods: We developed several spatially explicit, single-tree basal area growth models for interior Douglas-fir, interior spruce, and lodgepole pine using data from 16 plots in two blocks of a long-term study (five measurements over a 21-year period) on the response to pre-commercial thinning. We compared these equations to assess whether intraspecific or interspecific competition predominated. We also examined the differences in basal area growth among the three conifer species over time under different levels of competition. Results: We found asymmetrical relationships between the conifer trees and their neighbors for all species, indicating that the main driver limiting growth in these stands is aboveground competition for light. There was evidence of higher intraspecific competition for small (<10.0 cm DBH) interior Douglas-fir in one block. However, there was no general pattern among larger subject trees with respect to the identity of neighborhood competitive effects and the equivalence of neighbors. We observed a higher level of basal area growth over time for interior Douglas-fir than for lodgepole pine and interior spruce, irrespective of the competition intensity and, not surprisingly, the growth rate declined with increasing competition levels for the three species. Conclusions: Our results provide an understanding of how interior Douglas-fir stands will develop over time and information on species interactions that could help forest managers explore different silvicultural options and their effects on individual tree growth in these complex stands.

2016 ◽  
Vol 136 (2) ◽  
pp. 193-204 ◽  
Jérôme Perin ◽  
Hugues Claessens ◽  
Philippe Lejeune ◽  
Yves Brostaux ◽  
Jacques Hébert

2005 ◽  
Vol 35 (10) ◽  
pp. 2394-2402 ◽  
Douglas B Mainwaring ◽  
Douglas A Maguire ◽  
Alan Kanaskie ◽  
Jeff Brandt

Concern has risen about the degree to which Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) stands with severe infections of Swiss needle cast (SNC) respond to thinning. A retrospective study was established in the fall of 2001 to assess the growth of Douglas-fir stands that were commercially thinned between 4 and 10 years ago. Current SNC infection levels in these stands ranged from severe to very light. Past volume and basal area growth declined with increasing severity of SNC, as measured by current foliage retention and crown length / sapwood ratio. As has been observed in many other studies, thinning to lower residual stock reduced stand level growth; however, individual tree growth increased with lower residual stand density. The ratio of growth in successive periods and analysis of annual basal area growth since thinning suggested that trees did respond to thinning, although less so as SNC increased. A positive response to thinning, regardless of infection level, was confirmed by an analysis of annual trends in basal area growth over the first 5 years after thinning.

1991 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 104-107 ◽  
Jeffrey S. Ward

Abstract Thirty pairs of thinned and unthinned plots in roadside fuelwood areas, and 12 plots in each of 2 commercial cordwood thinnings were located in Connecticut oak sawtimber stands. Thinning during 1969-82 reduced stocking on plots an average of 30%. Subsequent stand basal area growth, cubic-foot growth, and board-foot growth were similar among all treatments. There was no decrease in stem quality nor increase in epicormic branching associated with thinning. Thinning mature oak sawtimber stands provides forest managers an opportunity to capture volume of declining trees while increasing growth on residual oak sawtimber. North. J. Appl. For. 8(3):104-107.

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