basal area growth
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PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. e0245218
Santosh K. Ojha ◽  
Luben D. Dimov ◽  
Wubishet Tadesse

The long-term decline of longleaf pine-dominated forests has received considerable attention among land managers and conservation professionals in the last few decades. The objective of this study was to investigate the change in and the variation of the proportion, density, growth, and dominance of longleaf pine across the longleaf pine ecosystems for the 1997–2018 period. We used two sets of measurements of 1,432 plots from the Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) dataset covering the entire current longleaf pine range. The relationship between disturbances and longleaf pine basal area ratio and basal area growth were analyzed using linear mixed modeling. Change detection maps were produced using the Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) interpolation method. The total basal area and aboveground biomass per hectare increased in 64% and 72%, but decreased in 30% and 28% of the study area, respectively, between the first and last inventory intervals. Species richness and diversity generally decreased across the studied plots. Longleaf pine tree density and importance value percent increased during the period. However, longleaf basal area ratio and aboveground biomass ratio in the stands decreased on average by 5% during the period, although these ratios increased in some locations in southwest Georgia and near the west coast of Florida. The longleaf pine basal area ratio and aboveground biomass ratio decreased equally in 37%, and increased in 19% and 21% of the study area, respectively. There was about 79% variation in the ratio of longleaf pine basal area among plots. When compared to the natural control of no disturbance, fire disturbance was significantly associated with greater longleaf pine basal area ratio and basal area growth. Understanding the change in growth and distribution patterns of longleaf pine across its range over time is vital to restore these critical ecosystems.

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
Alonso Barrios-Trilleras ◽  
Ana Milena López-Aguirre

Eucalyptus tereticornis is an important species used in reforestation programs in Colombia. Information on the dynamics and development of the E. tereticornis stands is required to improve management planning. This study compares nine basal area growth models, evaluating their goodness of fit and prediction, and describes their linkage to a thinning response model for E. tereticornis plantations. The evaluated models showed a good fit to the data, the R2adj ranged between 0.90 - 0.92 and 0.69 - 0.86 for the basal area projection and prediction models, respectively. The root of the mean square error (RMSE) ranged between 1.080 m2 ha-1 - 1.343 m2 ha-1 for basal area projection models and 1.671 m2 ha-1 - 2.206 m2 ha-1 for basal area prediction models. The selected basal area model for unthinned stands depends on the age, stand density, and dominant height. For the thinned stands, the basal area was predicted using a competition index that depends on the age and the dominant height of the stand. The competition index had an R2adj = 0.87, and a standard error of estimate of 0.031%. The system of equations presented a slight tendency to overestimate with a mean error of -0.14 m2 ha-1 and a RMSE of 0.696 m2 ha-1. This way, the developed models have the potential to be applied to unthinned and thinned stands with different ages, productivity, and planting densities. The developed models provide new tools to support forest management and research of the species growing in plantations.

Forests ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 409
Gheorghe Marin ◽  
Vlad C. Strimbu ◽  
Ioan V. Abrudan ◽  
Bogdan M. Strimbu

In many countries, National Forest Inventory (NFI) data is used to assess the variability of forest growth across the country. The identification of areas with similar growths provides the foundation for development of regional models. The objective of the present study is to identify areas with similar diameter and basal area growth using increment cores acquired by the NFI for the three main Romanian species: Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst), European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), and Sessile oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.). We used 6536 increment cores with ages less than 100 years, a total of 427,635 rings. The country was divided in 21 non-overlapping ecoregions based on geomorphology, soil, geology and spatial contiguousness. Mixed models and multivariate analyses were used to assess the differences in annual dimeter at breast height and basal area growth among ecoregions. Irrespective of the species, the mixed models analysis revealed significant differences in growth between the ecoregions. However, some ecoregions were similar in terms of growth and could be aggregated. Multivariate analysis reinforced the difference between ecoregions and showed no temporal grouping for spruce and beech. Sessile oak growth was separated not only by ecoregions, but also by time, with some ecoregions being more prone to draught. Our study showed that countries of median size, such as Romania, could exhibit significant spatial differences in forest growth. Therefore, countrywide growth models incorporate too much variability to be considered operationally feasible. Furthermore, it is difficult to justify the current growth and yield models as a legal binding planning tool.

2020 ◽  
Vol 93 (5) ◽  
pp. 589-600
Kjersti Holt Hanssen ◽  
Johan Asplund ◽  
Nicholas Clarke ◽  
Ruben Selmer ◽  
Line Nybakken

Abstract We fertilized a Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) stand on rich mineral soil with 3 t ha−1 of wood ash (ASH), 150 kg ha−1 of nitrogen (N) or a combination of wood ash and nitrogen (ASH + N), in addition to unfertilized control plots. After five growing seasons, we remeasured the trees and took core samples. Current- and previous-year needles were sampled and analyzed for total nitrogen and carbon, low-molecular weight phenolics and condensed tannins. Annual volume increment and standing volume were significantly higher in the ASH + N treatment than in control plots after 5 years. N gave a significant positive effect on basal area growth in the third year, after which the effect diminished. The ASH + N treated trees, on the other hand, showed an increasing basal area growth trend throughout the period. ASH reduced the total concentration of low-molecular weight phenolic compounds significantly in current-year needles. Phenolic acids increased under both ASH and ASH + N, while flavonoids decreased significantly under the same treatments compared to N. By including annual growth rate before fertilization in the analyses, the effect of N-treatment on flavonoids was positive only in trees with higher growth rates, and in those trees the concentration was higher than in both ASH-treated plots and controls. An acetophenone, constituting more than half of the total low-molecular weight phenolics concentration, was strongly reduced under all fertilization treatments. These results demonstrate that in addition to effects on tree growth, fertilization of the forest floor also has a strong influence on other metabolic processes of trees, with potential implications for ecosystem functioning.

Forests ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 167
Stella Britwum Acquah ◽  
Peter L. Marshall

Research Highlights: We investigated the competitive interactions among three tree species (interior Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca (Beissn.) Franco), interior spruce (Picea glauca [Moench] Voss × Picea engelmannii Engelm.), and lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. Ex Loud. var. latifolia Englem.)) in multi-aged stands in central British Columbia, Canada. Background and Objectives: Understanding competitive interactions among tree species in mixed-species stands is fundamental to supporting silvicultural decision-making in such stands. Using the periodic annual basal area increment for single trees as our dependent variable, we investigated whether neighboring trees competed with subject trees independently of species identity. We also examined the differences in single-tree basal area growth among the three conifer species over time under different levels of competition. Materials and Methods: We developed several spatially explicit, single-tree basal area growth models for interior Douglas-fir, interior spruce, and lodgepole pine using data from 16 plots in two blocks of a long-term study (five measurements over a 21-year period) on the response to pre-commercial thinning. We compared these equations to assess whether intraspecific or interspecific competition predominated. We also examined the differences in basal area growth among the three conifer species over time under different levels of competition. Results: We found asymmetrical relationships between the conifer trees and their neighbors for all species, indicating that the main driver limiting growth in these stands is aboveground competition for light. There was evidence of higher intraspecific competition for small (<10.0 cm DBH) interior Douglas-fir in one block. However, there was no general pattern among larger subject trees with respect to the identity of neighborhood competitive effects and the equivalence of neighbors. We observed a higher level of basal area growth over time for interior Douglas-fir than for lodgepole pine and interior spruce, irrespective of the competition intensity and, not surprisingly, the growth rate declined with increasing competition levels for the three species. Conclusions: Our results provide an understanding of how interior Douglas-fir stands will develop over time and information on species interactions that could help forest managers explore different silvicultural options and their effects on individual tree growth in these complex stands.

Trees ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-36 ◽  
Jérôme Metz ◽  
Peter Annighöfer ◽  
Katharina Westekemper ◽  
Peter Schall ◽  
Ernst-Detlef Schulze ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 92 (5) ◽  
pp. 538-553 ◽  
Pradip Saud ◽  
Thomas B Lynch ◽  
Douglas S Cram ◽  
James M Guldin

Abstract Understanding climatic influences on annual basal area growth (ABAG) rates of individual trees is necessary to predict future stand dynamics. We fitted nonlinear ABAG models for shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata Mill.) with climate variables linearly added to the arguments of logistic and exponential multiplicative functions of climate variables as climate modifiers to incorporate 14 growing seasons and 30 month-specific climate variables including standardized precipitation index. Data were collected from permanently established plots in Arkansas and Oklahoma. Six re-measurement events collected between 1985 and 2014 provided five growth periods (GPs) and ABAG models were fitted using a mixed-effects approach. Model performance was evaluated using likelihood ratio tests and fit statistics. Climate variables from GPs expressed as deviations from long-term means that performed better than other candidate variables included (1) month-specific: June mean maximum air temperature (°C) (DTMAX6), and September precipitation (mm) (DPPT9); and (2) growing seasons: mean maximum air temperature (°C) (DGTMAX) and precipitation (mm) (DGPPT). ABAG models fitted with multiplicative climate modifiers provided improved growth predictions compared with models fitted with climate variables linearly added to the argument of a logistic function. There was positive correlation with DGTMAX and negative correlation with DMPPT. In addition, 1°C increase in mean maximum temperature had a greater cumulative effect on ABAG rates of young versus old trees. Fitting ABAG models with climate modifiers are useful for assessing variations in productivity due to climate change in the future.

Forests ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 249 ◽  
José Riofrío ◽  
Miren del Río ◽  
Douglas Maguire ◽  
Felipe Bravo

Models that incorporate known species-mixing effects on tree growth are essential tools to properly design silvicultural guidelines for mixed-species stands. Here, we developed generalized height–diameter (h-d) and basal area growth models for mixed stands of two main forest species in Spain: Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.). Mixed-effects models were fitted from plot measurement and tree rings data from 726 Scots pine and 693 Maritime pine trees from mixed and pure stands in the Northern Iberian Range in Spain, with the primary objective of representing interactions between the species where they are interspersed in mixtures of varying proportions. An independent dataset was used to test the performance of the h-d models against models previously fitted for monospecific stands of both species. Basal area increment models were evaluated using a 10-fold block cross-validation procedure. We found that species mixing had contrasting effects on the species in both models. In h-d models, the species-mixing proportion determined the effect of species interactions. Basal area growth models showed that interspecific competition was influential only for Maritime pine; however, these effects differed depending on the mode of competition. For Scots pine, tree growth was not restricted by interspecies competition. The combination of mixed-effect models and the inclusion of parameters expressing species-mixing enhanced estimates of tree height and basal area growth compared with the available models previously developed for pure stands. Although the species-mixing effects were successfully represented in the fitted models, additional model components for accurately simulating the stand dynamics of mixtures with Scots pine and Maritime pine and other species mixtures require similar model refinements. Upon the completion of analyses required for these model refinements, the degree of improvement in simulating growth in species mixtures, including the effects of different management options, can be evaluated.

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