scholarly journals Weak decays of bottom-charm baryons: $$\mathcal {B}_{bc}\rightarrow \mathcal {B}_bP$$

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (6) ◽  
Jia-Jie Han ◽  
Rui-Xiang Zhang ◽  
Hua-Yu Jiang ◽  
Zhen-Jun Xiao ◽  
Fu-Sheng Yu

AbstractAfter the discovery of the double-charm baryon $$\Xi _{cc}^{++}$$ Ξ cc + + by LHCb, one of the most important topics is to search for the bottom-charm baryons which contain a b quark, a c quark and a light quark. In this work, we study the two-body non-leptonic weak decays of a bottom-charm baryon into a spin-1/2 bottomed baryon and a light pseudoscalar meson with the short-distance contributions calculated under the factorization hypothesis and the long-distance contributions considering the final-state-interaction effects. The branching fractions of all fifty-seven decay channels are estimated. The results indicate that $$\Xi _{bc}^+\rightarrow \Xi _b^0\pi ^+$$ Ξ bc + → Ξ b 0 π + , $$\Xi _{bc}^{0}\rightarrow \Xi _{b}^{-}\pi ^+$$ Ξ bc 0 → Ξ b - π + and $$\Omega _{bc}^0\rightarrow \Omega _b^-\pi ^+$$ Ω bc 0 → Ω b - π + decay modes have relatively large decay rates and thus could be used to experimentally search for the bottom-charm baryons. The topological diagrams and the SU(3) symmetry of bottom-charm baryon decays are discussed.

2006 ◽  
Vol 21 (27) ◽  
pp. 5482-5487
James S. Russ

Heavy flavor baryons are attractive systems for testing effective theories for weak lifetime and decay systematics. Recently, new experimental results have mitigated one historic problem in the weak lifetime systematics and continued another. The charm baryon system continues to show new high mass, narrow states well isolated from one another. The spectroscopy of these states will challenge new advances in lattice gauge theoretic calculations of baryon structure. Double charm baryons still are seen only by SELEX, which showed a new [Formula: see text] candidate. High-sensitivity searches by BELLE and BaBar show only featureless background.

2006 ◽  
Ibrahim Daniel Torres Aguilar

2001 ◽  
Vol 16 (supp01a) ◽  
pp. 444-448

We review recent advances in the theory of strong-interaction effects and final-state interaction in hadronic weak decays of heavy mesons. In the heavy-quark limit, the amplitudes for most nonleptonic, two-body B decays can be calculated from first principles and expressed in terms of semileptonic form factors and light-cone distribution amplitudes. We summarize the main features of this novel QCD factorization and discuss its phenomenological applications to the charmless decays B→π K and B→ππ.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (1) ◽  
Yan-Ke Chen ◽  
Jia-Jie Han ◽  
Qi-Fang Lü ◽  
Jian-Peng Wang ◽  
Fu-Sheng Yu

AbstractThe exotic states $$X_{0,1}(2900)$$ X 0 , 1 ( 2900 ) with the quark flavor of $$cs\bar{u}\bar{d}$$ c s u ¯ d ¯ are recently observed in the mass spectrum of $$D^+K^-$$ D + K - in $$B^-\rightarrow D^-D^+K^-$$ B - → D - D + K - by the LHCb collaboration. To explore the nature of $$X_{0,1}(2900)$$ X 0 , 1 ( 2900 ) , except for analyzing their masses and decay widths as usually did in literatures, the study of their production mechanism in B-meson weak decays would provide another important information. The amplitude of $$B^-\rightarrow D^- X_{0,1}$$ B - → D - X 0 , 1 is non-factorizable. We consider the final-state-interaction effects and calculate them via the rescattering mechanism. The measured branching fractions of $$B^-\rightarrow D^- X_{0,1}$$ B - → D - X 0 , 1 are revealed. It is manifested by $${B}^-\rightarrow \Lambda _c^-\Xi _c^{(\prime )0}$$ B - → Λ c - Ξ c ( ′ ) 0 and $$\Lambda _b^0\rightarrow P_c^+K^-$$ Λ b 0 → P c + K - that the rescattering mechanism can result in the relatively large branching fractions. The similar processes of $$B^-\rightarrow \pi ^-X_{0,1}$$ B - → π - X 0 , 1 are also analyzed. The isospins of $$X_{0,1}$$ X 0 , 1 can be investigated by $$B\rightarrow DX_{0,1}^{\pm ,0}$$ B → D X 0 , 1 ± , 0 decays.

2021 ◽  
Vol 45 (5) ◽  
pp. 053105
Jia-Jie Han ◽  
Hua-Yu Jiang ◽  
Wei Liu ◽  
Zhen-Jun Xiao ◽  
Fu-Sheng Yu

1987 ◽  
Vol 36 (12) ◽  
pp. 5606-5614 ◽  
G. Bradley Armen ◽  
Jukka Tulkki ◽  
Teijo Aberg ◽  
Bernd Crasemann

2003 ◽  
Vol 68 (1) ◽  
B. El-Bennich ◽  
W. M. Kloet ◽  
B. Loiseau

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