scholarly journals Vacuum Expectation Value of the Higgs Field and Dyon Charge Quantisation from Spacetime Dependent Lagrangians

2003 ◽  
Vol 18 (31) ◽  
pp. 2207-2216
Rajsekhar Bhattacharyya ◽  
Debashis Gangopadhyay

The spacetime dependent Lagrangian formalism of Refs. 1 and 2 is used to obtain a classical solution of Yang–Mills theory. This is then used to obtain an estimate of the vacuum expectation value of the Higgs field viz. ϕa = A/e, where A is a constant and e is the Yang–Mills coupling (related to the usual electric charge). The solution can also accommodate noncommuting coordinates on the boundary of the theory which may be used to construct D-brane actions. The formalism is also used to obtain the Deser–Gomberoff–Henneaux–Teitelboim results10 for dyon charge quantisation in Abelian p-form theories in dimensions D = 2(p+1) for both even and odd p.

1992 ◽  
Vol 07 (11) ◽  
pp. 2469-2485

An affine field theory may be constructed by gauging an affine algebra. The momentum integrals of the affine N = 4 Yang–Mills theory are ultraviolet finite but diverge because the sum over states is infinite. If the affine symmetry is broken by postulating a nonvanishing vacuum expectation value for that component of the scalar field lying in the L0 direction, then the theory acquires a linear mass spectrum. This broken theory is ultraviolet finite too, but the mass spectrum is unbounded. If it is also postulated that the mass spectrum has an upper bound (say, the Planck mass), then the resulting theory appears to be altogether finite. The influence of the exotic states has been estimated and, according to the proposed scenario, is negligible below energies at which gravitational interactions become important. The final effective theory has the symmetry of a compact Lie algebra augmented by the operator L0.

Michael Kachelriess

Noethers theorem shows that continuous global symmetries lead classically to conservation laws. Such symmetries can be divided into spacetime and internal symmetries. The invariance of Minkowski space-time under global Poincaré transformations leads to the conservation of the four-momentum and the total angular momentum. Examples for conserved charges due to internal symmetries are electric and colour charge. The vacuum expectation value of a Noether current is shown to beconserved in a quantum field theory if the symmetry transformation keeps the path-integral measure invariant.

1994 ◽  
Vol 09 (20) ◽  
pp. 3497-3502 ◽  
D.G. BARCI ◽  

We consider a tachyon field whose Fourier components correspond to spatial momenta with modulus smaller than the mass parameter. The plane wave solutions have then a time evolution which is a real exponential. The field is quantized and the solution of the eigenvalue problem for the Hamiltonian leads to the evaluation of the vacuum expectation value of products of field operators. The propagator turns out to be half-advanced and half-retarded. This completes the proof4 that the total propagator is the Wheeler Green function.4,7

1992 ◽  
Vol 01 (02) ◽  
pp. 371-377 ◽  

In a conical spacetime, we determine the twisted Euclidean Green’s function for a massive scalar field. In particular, we give a convenient form for studying the vacuum averages. We then derive an integral expression of the vacuum expectation value <Φ2(x)>. In the Minkowski spacetime, we express <Φ2(x)> in terms of elementary functions.

1964 ◽  
Vol 19 (7-8) ◽  
pp. 828-834
G. Heber ◽  
H. J. Kaiser

The vacuum expectation value of the S-matrix is represented, following HORI, as a functional integral and separated according to Svac=exp( — i W) ∫ D φ exp( —i ∫ dx Lw). Now, the functional integral involves only the part Lw of the Lagrangian without derivatives and can be easily calculated in lattice space. We propose a graphical scheme which formalizes the action of the operator W = f dx dy δ (x—y) (δ/δ(y))⬜x(δ/δ(x)) . The scheme is worked out in some detail for the calculation of the two-point-function of neutral BOSE fields with the self-interaction λ φM for even M. A method is proposed which under certain convergence assumptions should yield in a finite number of steps the lowest mass eigenvalues and the related matrix elements. The method exhibits characteristic differences between renormalizable and nonrenormalizable theories.

1999 ◽  
Vol 14 (30) ◽  
pp. 4819-4840

We discuss the current use of the operator-product expansion in QCD calculations. Treating the OPE as an expansion in inverse powers of an energy-squared variable (with possible exponential terms added), approximating the vacuum expectation value of the operator product by several terms and assuming a bound on the remainder along the Euclidean region, we observe how the bound varies with increasing deflection from the Euclidean ray down to the cut (Minkowski region). We argue that the assumption that the remainder is constant for all angles in the cut complex plane down to the Minkowski region is not justified. Making specific assumptions on the properties of the expanded function, we obtain bounds on the remainder in explicit form and show that they are very sensitive both to the deflection angle and to the class of functions considered. The results obtained are discussed in connection with calculations of the coupling constant αs from the τ decay.

1998 ◽  
Vol 13 (09) ◽  
pp. 659-671 ◽  

Making use of the duality transformation, we derive in the Londons' limit of the Abelian Higgs model string representation for the 't Hooft loop average defined on the string worldsheet, which yields the values of two coefficient functions parametrizing the bilocal correlator of the dual field strength tensors. The asymptotic behaviors of these functions agree with the ones obtained within the method of vacuum correlators in QCD in the lowest order of perturbation theory. We demonstrate that the bilocal approximation to the method of vacuum correlators is an exact result in the Londons' limit, i.e. all the higher cumulants in this limit vanish. We also show that at large distances, apart from the integration over metrics, the obtained string effective theory (which in this case reduces to the nonlinear massive axionic sigma model) coincides with the low energy limit of the dual version of 4D compact QED, the so-called universal confining string theory. We derive string tension of the Nambu–Goto term and the coupling constant of the rigidity term for the obtained string effective theory and demonstrate that the latter is always negative, which means the stability of strings, while the positiveness of the former is confirmed by the present lattice data. These data enable us to find the Higgs boson charge and the vacuum expectation value of the Higgs field, which well-described QCD. We also study dynamics of the weight factor of the obtained string representation for the 't Hooft average in the loop space. In conclusion, we obtain string representation for the partition function of the correlators of an arbitrary number of Higgs currents, by virtue of which we rederive the structure of the bilocal correlator of the dual field strength tensors, which yields the surface term in the string effective action.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (3) ◽  
Junichi Haruna ◽  
Hikaru Kawai

Abstract In the standard model, the weak scale is the only parameter with mass dimensions. This means that the standard model itself cannot explain the origin of the weak scale. On the other hand, from the results of recent accelerator experiments, except for some small corrections, the standard model has increased the possibility of being an effective theory up to the Planck scale. From these facts, it is naturally inferred that the weak scale is determined by some dynamics from the Planck scale. In order to answer this question, we rely on the multiple point criticality principle as a clue and consider the classically conformal $\mathbb{Z}_2\times \mathbb{Z}_2$ invariant two-scalar model as a minimal model in which the weak scale is generated dynamically from the Planck scale. This model contains only two real scalar fields and does not contain any fermions or gauge fields. In this model, due to a Coleman–Weinberg-like mechanism, the one-scalar field spontaneously breaks the $ \mathbb{Z}_2$ symmetry with a vacuum expectation value connected with the cutoff momentum. We investigate this using the one-loop effective potential, renormalization group and large-$N$ limit. We also investigate whether it is possible to reproduce the mass term and vacuum expectation value of the Higgs field by coupling this model with the standard model in the Higgs portal framework. In this case, the one-scalar field that does not break $\mathbb{Z}_2$ can be a candidate for dark matter and have a mass of about several TeV in appropriate parameters. On the other hand, the other scalar field breaks $\mathbb{Z}_2$ and has a mass of several tens of GeV. These results will be verifiable in near-future experiments.

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