scholarly journals Doublet–singlet model and unitarity

2016 ◽  
Vol 31 (01) ◽  
pp. 1650013 ◽  
G. Cynolter ◽  
J. Kovács ◽  
E. Lendvai

We study the renormalizable singlet–doublet fermionic extension of the Standard Model (SM). In this model, the new vector-like fermions couple to the gauge bosons and to the Higgs via new Yukawa couplings that allow for nontrivial mixing in the new sector, providing a stable, neutral dark matter candidate. Approximate analytic formulae are given for the mass spectrum around the blind spots, where the dark matter candidate coupling to h or Z vanishes. We calculate the two particle scattering amplitudes in the model, impose the perturbative unitarity constraints and establish bounds on the Yukawa couplings.

2008 ◽  
Vol 23 (10) ◽  
pp. 721-725 ◽  

Adding a second scalar doublet (η+, η0) and three neutral singlet fermions N1, 2, 3 to the Standard Model of particle interactions with a new Z2 symmetry, it has been shown that [Formula: see text] or [Formula: see text] is a good dark-matter candidate and seesaw neutrino masses are generated radiatively. A supersymmetric U(1) gauge extension of this new idea is proposed, which enforces the usual R-parity of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model, and allows this new Z2 symmetry to emerge as a discrete remnant.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (12) ◽  
Chun Liu ◽  
Yakefu Reyimuaji

Abstract A model, which extends the standard model with a new chiral U(1)′ gauge symmetry sector, for the eV-mass sterile neutrino is constructed. It is basically fixed by anomaly free conditions. The lightness of the sterile neutrino has a natural explanation. As a by product, this model provides a WIMP-like dark matter candidate.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (11) ◽  
Michael J. Baker ◽  
Darius A. Faroughy ◽  
Sokratis Trifinopoulos

Abstract Motivated by UV explanations of the B-physics anomalies, we study a dark sector containing a Majorana dark matter candidate and a coloured coannihilation partner, connected to the Standard Model predominantly via a U1 vector leptoquark. A TeV scale U1 leptoquark, which couples mostly to third generation fermions, is the only successful single-mediator description of the B-physics anomalies. After calculating the dark matter relic surface, we focus on the most promising experimental avenue: LHC searches for the coloured coannihilation partner. We find that the coloured partner hadronizes and forms meson-like bound states leading to resonant signatures at colliders reminiscent of the quarkonia decay modes in the Standard Model. By recasting existing dilepton and monojet searches we exclude coannihilation partner masses less than 280 GeV and 400 GeV, respectively. Since other existing collider searches do not significantly probe the parameter space, we propose a new dedicated search strategy for pair production of the coloured partner decaying into bbττ final states and dark matter particles. This search is expected to probe the model up to dark matter masses around 600 GeV with current luminosity.

2007 ◽  
Vol 22 (13) ◽  
pp. 931-937 ◽  

Abelian quiver gauge theories provide candidates for the conformality approach to physics beyond the standard model which possess novel cancellation mechanisms for quadratic divergences. A Z2 symmetry ( R parity) can be imposed and leads naturally to a dark matter candidate which is the Lightest Conformality Particle (LCP), a neutral spin-1 / 2 state with weak interaction annihilation cross-section, mass in the 100 GeV region and relic density of non-baryonic dark matter Ωdm which can be consistent with the observed value Ωdm≃0.24.

2010 ◽  
Vol 25 (14) ◽  
pp. 1187-1197

We consider a scenario with an additional scalar standard model singlet ϕS, living in a single extra dimension of the RS1 background. The zero mode of this scalar which is localized in the extra dimension is a dark matter candidate and the annihilation cross section is strongly sensitive to its localization parameter. As a second scenario, we assume that the standard model Higgs field is accessible to the fifth flat extra dimension. At first we take the additional standard model singlet scalar field as accessible to the sixth extra dimension and its zero mode is a possible dark matter candidate. Second, we consider that the new standard model singlet, the dark matter candidate, lives in four dimensions. In both choices the KK modes of the standard model Higgs field play an observable role for the large values of the compactification radius R and the effective coupling λS is of the order of 10-2–10-1 (10-6) far from (near to) the resonant annihilation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 79 (9) ◽  
Joachim Herrmann

Abstract A generalized theory of electroweak interaction is developed based on the underlying geometrical structure of the tangent bundle with symmetries arising from transformations of tangent vectors along the fiber axis at a fixed spacetime point given by the SO(3,1) group. Electroweak interaction beyond the standard model (SM) is described by the little groups $$ SU(2)\otimes E^{c}(2)$$SU(2)⊗Ec(2) ($$E^{c}(2)$$Ec(2) is the central extended Euclidian group) which includes the group $$SU(2)\otimes U(1)$$SU(2)⊗U(1) as a limit case. In addition to isospin and hypercharge, two additional quantum numbers arise which explain the existence of families in the SM. The connection coefficients yield the SM gauge potentials but also hypothetical gauge bosons and other hypothetical particles as a Higgs family as well as candidate Dark Matter particles are predicted. Several important consequences for the interaction between dark fermions, dark scalars or dark vector gauge bosons with each other and with SM Higgs and Z-bosons are described.

2009 ◽  
Vol 24 (18n19) ◽  
pp. 3366-3371 ◽  

These days we learn that, in our Universe, the dark matter occupies about 25% of the content, compared to only 5% of the "visible" ordinary matter. We propose that the description of the dark matter would be an extension of the Standard Model - a gauge theory. We all know that in the Standard Model we have three generations but still don't know why - the so-called "family problem". On other hand, in view of the masses and oscillations, the neutrinos now present some basic difficulty in the Standard Model. In this note, I propose that on top of the SUc(3)×, SU(2) × U(1) standard model there is an SUf(3) extension - a simple SUc(3) × SU(2) × U(1) × SUf(3) extended standard model. The family gauge bosons (familons) are massive through the so-called "colored" Higgs mechanism while the remaining Higgs particles are also massive. The three neutrinos, the electron-like, muon-like, and tao-like neutrinos, form the basic family triplets. Hopefully all the couplings to the "visible" matter are through the neutrinos, explaining why the dark matter is more than the visible matter in our Universe.

2017 ◽  
Vol 32 (19) ◽  
pp. 1730018 ◽  
Bartosz Fornal

A simple model is constructed based on the gauge symmetry [Formula: see text], with only the leptons transforming nontrivially under [Formula: see text]. The extended symmetry is broken down to the Standard Model gauge group at TeV-scale energies. We show that this model provides a mechanism for baryogenesis via leptogenesis in which the lepton number asymmetry is generated by [Formula: see text] instantons. The theory also contains a dark matter candidate — the [Formula: see text] partner of the right-handed neutrino.

1998 ◽  
Vol 13 (23) ◽  
pp. 1865-1873 ◽  

A scalar sector of the 3 3 1 model with three Higgs triplets is considered in detail. The mass spectrum, eigenstates and interactions of the Higgs and the SM gauge bosons are derived. We show that one of the neutral scalars can be identified with the standard model Higgs boson, and in the considered potential, there is no mixing between scalars having vev and those without vev.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (2) ◽  
Alexandre Carvunis ◽  
Diego Guadagnoli ◽  
Méril Reboud ◽  
Peter Stangl

Abstract We present a model of composite Dark Matter (DM), in which a new QCD-like confining “hypercolor” sector generates naturally stable hyperbaryons as DM candidates and at the same time provides mass to new weakly coupled gauge bosons H that serve as DM mediators, coupling the hyperbaryons to the Standard Model (SM) fermions. By an appropriate choice of the H gauge symmetry as a horizontal SU(2)h SM flavor symmetry, we show how the H gauge bosons can be identified with the horizontal gauge bosons recently put forward as an explanation for discrepancies in rare B-meson decays. We find that the mass scale of the H gauge bosons suggested by the DM phenomenology intriguingly agrees with the one needed to explain the rare B-decay discrepancies.

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