Domain Walls from M-Branes
We discuss the vertical dimensional reduction of M-sbranes to domain walls in D=7 and D=4, by dimensional reduction on Ricci-flat four-manifolds and seven-manifolds. In order to interpret the vertically-reduced five-brane as a domain wall solution of a dimensionally-reduced theory in D=7, it is necessary to generalize the usual Kaluza–Klein ansatz, so that the three-form potential in D=11 has an additional term that can generate the necessary cosmological term in D=7. We show how this can be done for general four-manifolds, extending previous results for toroidal compactifications. By contrast, no generalization of the Kaluza–Klein ansatz is necessary for the compactification of M-theory to a D=4 theory that admits the domain-wall solution coming from the membrane in D=11.