2006 ◽  
Vol 15 (02) ◽  
pp. 273-288 ◽  

A recent review article by S. Samuel "On the Speed of Gravity and the Jupiter/Quasar Measurement" published as Int. J. Mod. Phys. D13, 1753 (2004), provides the reader with a misleading "theory" of the relativistic time delay in the general theory of relativity. Furthermore, it misquotes original publications by Kopeikin and Fomalont and Kopeikin related to the measurement of the speed of gravity by VLBI. We summarize the general relativistic principles of the Lorentz-invariant theory of the propagation of light in a time-dependent gravitational field, derive a Lorentz-invariant expression for the relativistic time delay, and finally explain why Samuel's "theory" is conceptually incorrect and confuses the speed of gravity with the speed of light.

2003 ◽  
Vol 590 (2) ◽  
pp. 683-690 ◽  
Clifford M. Will

Geoff Cottrell

By the beginning of the twentieth century, our understanding of matter was completely transformed by the great discoveries of electromagnetism and relativity. ‘Energy, mass, and light’ outlines Einstein’s special theory of relativity of 1905, which describes what happens when objects move at speeds close to the speed of light. The theory transformed our understanding of the nature of space and time, and matter through the equivalence of mass and energy. In 1916, Einstein extended the theory to include gravity in the general theory of relativity, which revealed that matter affects space by curving space around it.

1994 ◽  
Vol 03 (02) ◽  
pp. 393-419 ◽  

The possibility of a new extension of the general relativistc theory will be considered using Finsler geometry. The extension of Einstein’s general relativity can be expected to regard gravitational, electroweak, and strong interactive fields as geometrical structure of a spacetime based on Finsler geometry. Indeed, it will be shown that this theory can include the general theory of relativity under a certain special condition. In addition, Maxwell’s equations will be expressed using new metric representations of the electromagnetic vector and its tensor. Moreover, it will be suggested that this theory may include metric representations of weak and strong interactive fields.

2006 ◽  
Vol 15 (02) ◽  
pp. 291-293

The observation of Shapiro time delay of quasar light passing near Jupiter1 generated considerable excitement, but also considerable controversy. The disagreements involve two distinct issues: (i) Is there a vJ/c term in the time delay that is large enough to detect? (ii) If so, is the factor of c in the delay the "speed of gravity" cg or the "speed of light" c? I will comment briefly on each.

2021 ◽  
Li Chunhong

Abstract The F - t curve obtained from the process of applying and releasing force to the piezoelectric sensor shows that in the atomic scale, the time coordinate is equivalent to the position coordinate. The time-position coordinate relationship calculated by the experimental data is consistent with the geometric unit obtained in the general theory of relativity, thus the experiment verifies the symmetry of length and time,and connection between the microscopic - quantum mechanics and the macroscopic - general theory of relativity, and a new method for calculating the speed of light is obtained.

2019 ◽  
Vol 28 (10) ◽  
pp. 1950131 ◽  
Christian Corda

We received an Honorable Mention at the Gravity Research Foundation 2018 Awards for Essays on Gravitation by showing that a correct general relativistic interpretation of the Mössbauer rotor experiment represents a new, strong and independent proof of Einstein’s general theory of relativity (GTR). Here, we correct a mistake which was present in our previous computations on this important issue by deriving a rigorous computation of the additional effect of clock synchronization. Finally, we show that some recent criticisms on our general relativistic approach to the Mössbauer rotor experiment are incorrect, by ultimately confirming our important result.

2021 ◽  
Na Dong ◽  
Dong Jun

Abstract This paper analyzes the problems and contradictions that occur when the traditional special theory of relativity which uses the speed of light in a vacuum as an invariant constant, studies the propagation of light in media. These problems are re-examined and discussed with the special theory of relativity of variable speed of light. The transformation relationship of the characteristic quantities describing light wave frequency ν, phase velocity w and the direction angle α of the wave normal between the two inertial coordinate systems in vacuum S and in medium S' were derived; combining the transformation of the light ray speed u which describes light granular motion, the de Broglie wave-particle velocity relationship in the vacuum u w = c2 is νextended to the medium to become u' w' = c'2. Corrected the approach of the traditional special theory of relativity when dealing with these problems, in which the transformation from the space-time coordinates to the relevant physical quantity is limited to the half-sided transformation of the media into the vacuum (not two sided transformation), so that the resulting contradictions and problems are all solved. Optical experiments that support the traditional special theory of relativity, such as the Fizeau experiment and the Michelson-Morley experiment, not only still support and agree with the generalized special theory of relativity with variable speed of light, but also obtain a more correct and satisfactory interpretation from it.

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