relativistic approach
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 728
Per Söderlind ◽  
Emily E. Moore ◽  
Christine J. Wu

The high-temperature thermodynamical properties for the actinide monocarbides and mononitrides ThC, ThN, UC, UN, PuC, and PuN are calculated from first-principles electronic-structure theory. The electronic structure is modeled with density-functional theory (DFT) and is fully relativistic, including the spin-orbit interaction. Furthermore, the DFT is extended to account for orbital–orbital interactions, by means of a parameter-free orbital-polarization (OP) technique, that has proven to be essential for the 5f electrons in plutonium. Strong anharmonicity and the temperature dependence of the lattice vibrations are captured with the self-consistent ab initio lattice dynamics (SCAILD) method. The calculated free energies and heat capacities are compared to published results from quasi-harmonic (QH) theory, and experiments, where available. For the uranium and plutonium compounds, we make use of CALPHAD assessments to help evaluate the theory. Generally, our anharmonic relativistic approach compares well with both CALPHAD and experiments. For the thorium compounds, our theory is in good accord with QH modeling of the free energy at lower temperatures but for the heat capacity the comparison is less favorable.

2022 ◽  
Vol 258 ◽  
pp. 06001
Matteo Di Carlo ◽  
Maxwell T. Hansen ◽  
Nils Hermansson-Truedsson ◽  
Antonin Portelli

We present a model-independent and relativistic approach to analytically derive electromagnetic finite-size effects beyond the point-like approximation. The key element is the use of electromagnetic Ward identities to constrain vertex functions, and structure-dependence appears via physical form-factors and their derivatives. We apply our general method to study the leading finitesize structure-dependence in the pseudoscalar mass (at order 1/L3) as well as in the leptonic decay amplitudes of pions and kaons (at order 1/L2). Knowledge of the latter is essential for Standard Model precision tests in the flavour physics sector from lattice simulations.

2021 ◽  
pp. 60-67
E. Ternovsky ◽  
A. Mykhailov

It is presented  a new relativistic approach to computing the spectral parameters of multicharged ions in plasmas for different values of the plasmas screening (Debye) parameter (respectively, electron density, temperature). The approach used is based on the generalized relativistic energy approach combined with the optimized relativistic many-body perturbation theory (RMBPT) with the Dirac-Debye shielding model as zeroth approximation, adapted for application to study the spectral parameters of ions in plasmas. An electronic Hamiltonian for N-electron ion in plasmas is added by the Yukawa-type electron-electron and nuclear interaction potential. The special exchange potential as well as the electron density with dependence upon the temperature are used.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 248-262
Aleksey V. Zyrianov

This article is devoted to the problem of cognition and understanding of the essence of state power. Actualization is carried out by searching for a new paradigm approach in order to determine the fundamental principles that are correlated with the idea to optimize and increase the efficiency of the corresponding sphere of public relations. Acting as an alternative to the substantial and relativistic approach to the study of state power, the system-synergetic approach analyzes the phenomenon of power based on the definition of system, within which the functions of communication and regulation of public relations are assigned to power. As a result, power is seen as a property or function of a social, in particular, political system, the need for which is determined by the presence of society itself and the task of maintaining its integrity. The analysis allows stating that in most modern concepts there is a consistent rejection of the traditional interpretation of power as the result of subject-object relations, where the subject of power is an active, energetic principle, and the object undergoes impact. In contrast to the position of traditionalism, there is a tendency to interpret power as a complex polysystem permeating the entire social structure of society. As a structural and synergistic effect of the system, power is not a property of its individual element, since each element must certainly be correlated with other units of the given system. Power is an intrasystem relatedness of all elements. As a structural principle, power is realized on the basis of equivalent exchange, which means not the equivalence of the exchanged elements, but a situation in which one element is unconceivable without the other, i.e. one element exists in relation to the other, and co-develops with it. Thus, power really fulfills the function of streamlining socio-political ties, making their separation and differentiation expedient. Power, therefore, is the beginning, creating structures, increasing heterogeneities in a continuous social environment and connecting them together. Such a view allows interpreting power as a principle of functioning of the state system: if the state system, with the help of some value proposition, manages to reproduce the corresponding content of consciousness, then it functions quite stably.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 ◽  
pp. 301-318
Ryszard Hajduk

By showing people mercy, God points to the Church the way to fulfill her saving mission in the world. According to Pope Francis, the renewal of pastoral activity should be carried out in the logic of God’s mercy. As the beating heart of the Gospel, it should be at the center of the message of salvation communicated to people and give shape to pastoral care. The operationalization of the truth about God’s mercy leads pastors to adopt the attitude of going to the periphery of existence, to bring forgiveness and comfort to people wounded by sin, and to be ready to accompany them in achieving full Christian maturity. Their motivation to perform the service in imitation of Jesus Christ, who is the perfect personification of God’s mercy, cannot be weakened by misunderstandings, the disappearance of sin consciousness or a relativistic approach to moral values and principles. Acting in accordance with the logic of mercy, the Church bears witness to her fidelity to God and makes a significant contribution to building a more human world.

Atoms ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 42
Adam Singor ◽  
Dmitry Fursa ◽  
Igor Bray ◽  
Robert McEachran

A fully relativistic approach to calculating photoionization and photon-atom scattering cross sections for quasi one-electron atoms is presented. An extensive set of photoionization cross sections have been calculated for alkali atoms: lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium and cesium. The importance of relativistic effects and core polarization on the depth and position of the Cooper minimum in the photoionization cross section is investigated. Good agreement was found with previous Dirac-based B-spline R-matrix calculations of Zatsarinny and Tayal and recent experimental results.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (13) ◽  
pp. 5957
Franyelit Suárez-Carreño ◽  
Luis Rosales-Romero

The following research contributes to the understanding of how electric charge influences the unwrapping of spherically symmetric distributions using a relativistic approach. With the recent detection of gravitational waves and the location of black holes, where a strong emission of electromagnetic radiation prevails, interest has arisen to consider the existence of compact charged objects. Thus, the appearance of charge in small quantities during gravitational collapse, the process by which black holes originate, is not ruled out; this also includes the emission of electromagnetic waves from them. This article intends to establish algorithms and write field equations for a charged fluid as those corresponding to an anisotropic fluid with radiation flux. Using an appropriate definition of the mass function, considering self-similar symmetry and Bondian observers, dynamical results are obtained for the Einstein–Maxwell electromagnetic system with added gravity. Imposing an additional homothetic symmetry, the field equations are solved, and the most relevant conclusions are drawn about the influence of the electric charge during the collapse and subsequent changes in the physical variables.

2021 ◽  
pp. 9-30
Daniel Sheehy

What happens when an ethnographic, cultural relativistic approach to arts funding runs head-on into a “fine arts” approach governed by assumptions of excellence, appropriate targets of funding, and methods of distributing funds? This chapter, based on twenty-three years (1978–2000) working at the National Endowment for the Arts, will respond to this question through my personal conceptual and methodological challenges and experiences. When the National Endowment for the Arts and National Endowment for the Humanities were created in 1965, there was talk of creating a third endowment for folklore. This effort was unsuccessful, but it points to the belief at the time that American folk art traditions would not be well served by the federal endowments. There was much truth to this, as I and my colleagues regularly bumped into “glass ceilings and walls” that silently worked against us in supporting our field of hundreds of cultural traditions and thousands of art forms. My ethnomusicological training and experience were invaluable, not only in understanding the art forms and responding to their needs, but also understanding the biases of the institutional culture in which we were housed. At the same time, while certain aspects of my training at UCLA helped in navigating the waters of arts funding, much of the knowledge I applied to my work was learned “on the job” in extra-academic activities and mentorships rather than in university courses and seminars. This line of reflection will yield observations and recommendations to improve training and to increase ethnomusicology’s applicability and social and cultural relevance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 129 (12) ◽  
pp. 1477
А.М. Волчкова ◽  
Д.А. Глазов ◽  
В.М. Шабаев

The nuclear magnetic shielding is considered within the fully relativistic approach for the ground state of H-, Li-, and B-like ions in the range Z=32-92. The interelectronic interaction is evaluated to the first order of the perturbation theory in Li- and B-like ions. The calculations are based on the finite-field method. The numerical solution of the Dirac equation with the magnetic-field and hyperfine interactions included within the dual-kinetic-balance method is employed. The nuclear magnetic shielding constant is an important ingredient for accurate determination of the nuclear magnetic moments from the high-precision g-factor measurements.

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