1994 ◽  
Vol 03 (02) ◽  
pp. 379-392 ◽  

We show in this paper that it is possible to formulate general relativity in a phase space coordinatized by two SO(3) connections. We analyze first the Husain-Kuchař model and find a two connection description for it. Introducing a suitable scalar constraint in this phase space we get a Hamiltonian formulation of gravity that is close to the one given by Ashtekar, from which it is derived, but has some interesting features of its own. Among them are a possible mechanism for dealing with the degenerate metrics and a neat way of writing the constraints of general relativity.

2018 ◽  
Vol 27 (08) ◽  
pp. 1830005 ◽  
Kristina Giesel ◽  
Adrian Herzog

The theory of cosmological perturbations is a well-elaborated field and has been successfully applied, e.g. to model the structure formation in our universe and the prediction of the power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background. To deal with the diffeomorphism invariance of general relativity, one generally introduces combinations of the metric and matter perturbations, which are gauge invariant up to the considered order in the perturbations. For linear cosmological perturbations, one works with the so-called Bardeen potentials widely used in this context. However, there exists no common procedure to construct gauge invariant quantities also for higher-order perturbations. Usually, one has to find new gauge invariant quantities independently for each order in perturbation theory. With the relational formalism introduced by Rovelli and further developed by Dittrich and Thiemann, it is in principle possible to calculate manifestly gauge invariant quantities, that is quantities that are gauge invariant up to arbitrary order once one has chosen a set of so-called reference fields, often also called clock fields. This article contains a review of the relational formalism and its application to canonical general relativity following the work of Garcia, Pons, Sundermeyer and Salisbury. As the starting point for our application of this formalism to cosmological perturbation theory, we also review the Hamiltonian formulation of the linearized theory for perturbations around FLRW spacetimes. The main aim of our work will be to identify clock fields in the context of the relational formalism that can be used to reconstruct quantities like the Bardeen potential as well as the Mukhanov–Sasaki variable. This requires a careful analysis of the canonical formulation in the extended ADM-phase-space where lapse and shift are treated as dynamical variables. The actual construction of such observables and further investigations thereof will be carried out in our companion paper.

Flavio Mercati

This chapter explains in detail the current Hamiltonian formulation of SD, and the concept of Linking Theory of which (GR) and SD are two complementary gauge-fixings. The physical degrees of freedom of SD are identified, the simple way in which it solves the problem of time and the problem of observables in quantum gravity are explained, and the solution to the problem of constructing a spacetime slab from a solution of SD (and the related definition of physical rods and clocks) is described. Furthermore, the canonical way of coupling matter to SD is introduced, together with the operational definition of four-dimensional line element as an effective background for matter fields. The chapter concludes with two ‘structural’ results obtained in the attempt of finding a construction principle for SD: the concept of ‘symmetry doubling’, related to the BRST formulation of the theory, and the idea of ‘conformogeometrodynamics regained’, that is, to derive the theory as the unique one in the extended phase space of GR that realizes the symmetry doubling idea.

Steven Carlip

This work is a short textbook on general relativity and gravitation, aimed at readers with a broad range of interests in physics, from cosmology to gravitational radiation to high energy physics to condensed matter theory. It is an introductory text, but it has also been written as a jumping-off point for readers who plan to study more specialized topics. As a textbook, it is designed to be usable in a one-quarter course (about 25 hours of instruction), and should be suitable for both graduate students and advanced undergraduates. The pedagogical approach is “physics first”: readers move very quickly to the calculation of observational predictions, and only return to the mathematical foundations after the physics is established. The book is mathematically correct—even nonspecialists need to know some differential geometry to be able to read papers—but informal. In addition to the “standard” topics covered by most introductory textbooks, it contains short introductions to more advanced topics: for instance, why field equations are second order, how to treat gravitational energy, what is required for a Hamiltonian formulation of general relativity. A concluding chapter discusses directions for further study, from mathematical relativity to experimental tests to quantum gravity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (3) ◽  
Temple He ◽  
Prahar Mitra

Abstract We perform a careful study of the infrared sector of massless non-abelian gauge theories in four-dimensional Minkowski spacetime using the covariant phase space formalism, taking into account the boundary contributions arising from the gauge sector of the theory. Upon quantization, we show that the boundary contributions lead to an infinite degeneracy of the vacua. The Hilbert space of the vacuum sector is not only shown to be remarkably simple, but also universal. We derive a Ward identity that relates the n-point amplitude between two generic in- and out-vacuum states to the one computed in standard QFT. In addition, we demonstrate that the familiar single soft gluon theorem and multiple consecutive soft gluon theorem are consequences of the Ward identity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (5) ◽  
Maciej Kolanowski ◽  
Jerzy Lewandowski

Abstract We generalize a notion of ‘conserved’ charges given by Wald and Zoupas to the asymptotically de Sitter spacetimes. Surprisingly, our construction is less ambiguous than the one encountered in the asymptotically flat context. An expansion around exact solutions possessing Killing vectors provides their physical meaning. In particular, we discuss a question of how to define energy and angular momenta of gravitational waves propagating on Kottler and Carter backgrounds. We show that obtained expressions have a correct limit as Λ → 0. We also comment on the relation between this approach and the one based on the canonical phase space of initial data at ℐ+.

2007 ◽  
Vol 3 (S248) ◽  
pp. 290-291 ◽  
A. Vecchiato ◽  
M. G. Lattanzi ◽  
M. Gai ◽  
R. Morbidelli

AbstractGAME (Gamma Astrometric Measurement Experiment) is a concept for an experiment whose goal is to measure from space the γ parameter of the Parameterized Post-Newtonian formalism, by means of a satellite orbiting at 1 AU from the Sun and looking as close as possible to its limb. This technique resembles the one used during the solar eclipse of 1919, when Dyson, Eddington and collaborators measured for the first time the gravitational bending of light. Simple estimations suggest that, possibly within the budget of a small mission, one could reach the 10−6level of accuracy with ~106observations of relatively bright stars at about 2° apart from the Sun. Further simulations show that this result could be reached with only 20 days of measurements on stars ofV≤ 17 uniformly distributed. A quick look at real star densities suggests that this result could be greatly improved by observing particularly crowded regions near the galactic center.

2010 ◽  
Vol 81 (10) ◽  
Laur Järv ◽  
Piret Kuusk ◽  
Margus Saal

Bahar Afsharizand ◽  
Pooya H. Chaghoei ◽  
A A. Kordbacheh ◽  
A Trufanov ◽  
G.Reza Jafari

According to its inner property, a crisis in the financial market can be considered as a collective behavior phenomenon. Through the prism of collective behavior, the crisis does not happen if the companies are independent of each other. In this work, cooperative movement processes in a stock market are investigated in a manner similar to that Vicsek first described collective behavior for self-propelled entities. To this end, a phase space is defined as the one in which the return of volume of transactions versus return of price is represented with each share in each day corresponding to a unique point in the space. The findings of the observation show that during times of crisis, the phase space is limited with the vector velocity of shares in the same direction. In contrast, on a regular day, the phase space is entirely accessible, with vector velocity aligned randomly. Moreover, in line with the Vicsek model, an order parameter is introduced, which evaluates the cooperative effects for the shares so that the higher the value of this parameter, the stronger the collective behavior of the shares.

2011 ◽  
Vol 110-116 ◽  
pp. 3750-3754
Jun Lu ◽  
Xue Mei Wang ◽  
Ping Wu

Within the framework of the quantum phase space representation established by Torres-Vega and Frederick, we solve the rigorous solutions of the stationary Schrödinger equations for the one-dimensional harmonic oscillator by means of the quantum wave-mechanics method. The result shows that the wave mechanics and the matrix mechanics are equivalent in phase space, just as in position or momentum space.

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