cosmological perturbation
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Jiří Bičák ◽  
Tomáš Ledvinka

In this paper, we review and analyze four specific general-relativistic problems in which gravitomagnetism plays an important role: the dragging of magnetic fields around rotating black holes, dragging inside a collapsing slowly rotating spherical shell of dust, compared with the dragging by rotating gravitational waves. We demonstrate how the quantum detection of inertial frame dragging can be accomplished by using the Unruh–DeWitt detectors. Finally, we shall briefly show how “instantaneous Machian gauges” can be useful in the cosmological perturbation theory.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (12) ◽  
Gabriel León ◽  
Gabriel R. Bengochea

AbstractWe propose a novel realization for the natural extrapolation of the continuous spontaneous localization (CSL) model, in order to account for the origin of primordial inhomogeneities during inflation. This particular model is based on three main elements: (i) the semiclassical gravity framework, (ii) a collapse-generating operator associated to a relativistic invariant scalar of the energy-momentum tensor, and (iii) an extension of the CSL parameter(s) as a function of the spacetime curvature. Furthermore, employing standard cosmological perturbation theory at linear order, and for a reasonable range within the parameter space of the model, we obtain a nearly scale invariant power spectrum consistent with recent observational CMB data. This opens a vast landscape of different options for the application of the CSL model to the cosmological context, and possibly sheds light on searches for a full covariant version of the CSL theory.

2021 ◽  
Vol 65 (10) ◽  
pp. 1068-1073
R. I. Yunis ◽  
C. R. Argüelles ◽  
C. G. Scóccola ◽  
D. López Nacir ◽  
G. Giordano

S. Schander ◽  
T. Thiemann

In this review, we investigate the question of backreaction in different approaches to cosmological perturbation theory, and with a special focus on quantum theoretical aspects. By backreaction we refer here to the effects of matter field or cosmological inhomogeneities on the homogeneous dynamical background degrees of freedom of cosmology. We begin with an overview of classical cosmological backreaction which is ideally suited for physical situations in the late time Universe. We then proceed backwards in time, considering semiclassical approaches such as semiclassical or stochastic (semiclassical) gravity which take quantum effects of the perturbations into account. Finally, we review approaches to backreaction in quantum cosmology that should apply to the very early Universe where classical and semiclassical approximations break down. The main focus is on a recently proposed implementation of backreaction in quantum cosmology using a Born–Oppenheimer inspired method.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (5) ◽  
Christoph Chiaffrino ◽  
Olaf Hohm ◽  
Allison F. Pinto

Abstract We show that the perturbative expansion of general gauge theories can be expressed in terms of gauge invariant variables to all orders in perturbations. In this we generalize techniques developed in gauge invariant cosmological perturbation theory, using Bardeen variables, by interpreting the passing over to gauge invariant fields as a homotopy transfer of the strongly homotopy Lie algebras encoding the gauge theory. This is illustrated for Yang-Mills theory, gravity on flat and cosmological backgrounds and for the massless sector of closed string theory. The perturbation lemma yields an algorithmic procedure to determine the higher corrections of the gauge invariant variables and the action in terms of these.

Symmetry ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 599
Sayantan Choudhury

The underlying physical concept of computing out-of-time-ordered correlation (OTOC) is a significant new tool within the framework of quantum field theory, which now-a-days is treated as a measure of random fluctuations. In this paper, by following the canonical quantization technique, we demonstrate a computational method to quantify the two different types of cosmological auto-correlated OTO functions during the epoch when the non-equilibrium features dominates in primordial cosmology. In this formulation, two distinct dynamical time scales are involved to define the quantum mechanical operators arising from the cosmological perturbation scenario. We have provided detailed explanation regarding the necessity of this new formalism to quantify any random events generated from quantum fluctuations in primordial cosmology. We have performed an elaborative computation for the two types of two-point and four-point auto-correlated OTO functions in terms of the cosmological perturbation field variables and its canonically conjugate momenta to quantify random auto-correlations in the non-equilibrium regime. For both of the cases, we found significantly distinguishable non-chaotic, but random, behaviour in the OTO auto-correlations, which was not pointed out before in this type of study. Finally, we have also demonstrated the classical limiting behaviour of the mentioned two types of auto-correlated OTOC functions from the thermally weighted phase-space averaged Poisson brackets, which we found to exactly match the large time limiting behaviour of the auto-correlations in the super-horizon regime of the cosmological scalar mode fluctuation.

Sayantan Choudhury

The underlying physical concept of computing out-of-time-ordered correlation (OTOC) is a significant new tool within the framework of quantum field theory, which now-a-days is treated as a measure of random fluctuations. In this paper, by following the canonical quantization technique we demonstrate a computational method to quantify the two different types of Cosmological auto-correlated OTO functions during the epoch when the non-equilibrium features dominates in Primordial Cosmology. In this formulation, two distinct dynamical time scales are involved to define the quantum mechanical operators arising from cosmological perturbation scenario. We have provided detailed explanation regarding the necessity of this new formalism to quantify any random events generated from quantum fluctuations in Primordial Cosmology. We have performed an elaborative computation for the two types of two-point and four-point auto-correlated OTO functions in terms of the cosmological perturbation field variables and its canonically conjugate momenta to quantify random auto-correlations in the non-equilibrium regime. For both the cases we found significantly distinguishable non-chaotic, but random behaviour in the OTO auto-correlations, which was not pointed before in this type of studies. Finally, we have also demonstrated the classical limiting behaviour of the mentioned two types of auto-correlated OTOC functions from the thermally weighted phase space averaged Poisson Brackets, which we found exactly matches with the large time limiting behaviour of the auto-correlations in the super-horizon regime of the cosmological scalar mode fluctuation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (3) ◽  
Szymon Sikora ◽  
Krzysztof Głód

AbstractWe construct an approximate solution to the cosmological perturbation theory around Einstein–de Sitter background up to the fourth-order perturbations. This could be done with the help of the specific symmetry condition imposed on the metric, from which follows that the model density forms an infinite, cubic lattice. To verify the convergence of the perturbative construction, we express the resulting metric as a polynomial in the perturbative parameter and calculate the exact Einstein tensor. In our model, it seems that physical quantities averaged over large scales overlap with the respective Einstein–de Sitter prediction, while local observables could differ significantly from their background counterparts. As an example, we analyze the behavior of the local measurements of the Hubble constant and compare them with the Hubble constant of the homogeneous background model. A difference between these quantities is important in the context of a current Hubble tension problem.

Sayantan Choudhury

The underlying physical concept of computing out-of-time-ordered correlation (OTOC) is a significant new tool within the framework of quantum field theory, which now-a-days is treated as a measure of random fluctuations. In this paper, by following the canonical quantization technique we demonstrate a computational method to quantify the two different types of Cosmological auto-correlated OTO functions during the epoch when the non-equilibrium features dominates in Primordial Cosmology. In this formulation, two distinct dynamical time scales are involved to define the quantum mechanical operators arising from cosmological perturbation scenario. We have provided detailed explanation regarding the necessity of this new formalism to quantify any random events generated from quantum fluctuations in Primordial Cosmology. We have performed an elaborative computation for the two types of two-point and four-point auto-correlated OTO functions in terms of the cosmological perturbation field variables and its canonically conjugate momenta to quantify random auto-correlations in the non-equilibrium regime. For both the cases we found significantly distinguishable non-chaotic, but random behaviour in the OTO auto-correlations, which was not pointed before in this type of studies. Finally, we have also demonstrated the classical limiting behaviour of the mentioned two types of auto-correlated OTOC functions from the thermally weighted phase space averaged Poisson Brackets, which we found exactly matches with the large time limiting behaviour of the auto-correlations in the super-horizon regime of the cosmological scalar mode fluctuation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (02) ◽  
pp. 014-014
G. Fanizza ◽  
G. Marozzi ◽  
M. Medeiros ◽  
G. Schiaffino

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