scholarly journals Interacting Fock spaces and subproduct systems

Malte Gerhold ◽  
Michael Skeide

We present a new more flexible definition of interacting Fock space that allows to resolve in full generality the problem of embeddability. We show that the same is not possible for regularity. We apply embeddability to classify interacting Fock spaces by squeezings. We give necessary and sufficient criteria for when an interacting Fock space has only bounded creators, giving thus rise to new classes of non-selfadjoint and selfadjoint operator algebras.

Y. G. LU

Cabana-Duvillard and lonescu11 have proved that any symmetric probability measure with moments of any order can be obtained as central limit theorem of self-adjoint, weakly independent and symmetrically distributed (in a quantum souse) random variables. Results of this type will be called "universal central limit theorem". Using Interacting Fock Space (IFS) techniques we extend this result in two directions: (i) we prove that the random variables can be taken to be generalized Gaussian in the sense of Accardi and Bożejko3 and we give a realization of such random variables as sums of creation, annihilation and preservation operators acting on an appropriate IFS; (ii) we extend the above-mentioned result to the nonsymmetric case. The nontrivial difference between the symmetric and the nonsymmetric case is explained at the end of the introduction below.

2020 ◽  
Nicolas Pichot ◽  
Eric Bonetto ◽  
Jean-Baptiste Pavani ◽  
Thomas Arciszewski ◽  
Nathalie Bonnardel ◽  

In scientific research on creativity, there has been considerable debate concerning the criteria by which a production can be judged more or less creative, that is, about the definition of creativity. The most frequent definition – the standard definition – incorporates the criteria of novelty and value. However, other definitions, based on a single criterion or on more than two criteria, have also been proposed. Much of the discussion of this issue has been based on semantic analysis, a logical analysis of the concepts involved and the usefulness of the various proposed criteria. In this article, question of the necessary and sufficient criteria for defining creativity is approached from an empirical (i.e., psychometric) perspective. The studies that are examined here converge on the idea that the standard definition is not internally consistent, because its two proposed criteria (i.e., novelty and value) are largely independent. Moreover, judgments of the creativity of an object seem to be explained mainly by its novelty, which suggests the possible sufficiency of that criterion. These results are consistent with the intentional novelty definition proposed recently by Weisberg (2015, 2018).

2018 ◽  
Vol 2018 ◽  
pp. 1-9 ◽  
Yuanyuan Li ◽  
Jie Zhong ◽  
Jianquan Lu ◽  
Zhen Wang ◽  
Fuad E. Alssadi

This paper investigates the robust synchronization of drive-response Boolean control networks (BCNs) with disturbances via semi-tensor product of matrices. Firstly, the definition of robust synchronization is presented for the drive-response BCNs with disturbances. Then, based on the algebraic state space representation of drive-response BCNs, the robustly reachable states/sets are presented to investigate robust synchronization of disturbed BCNs. According to the set of robustly reachable states, some necessary and sufficient criteria are obtained for robust synchronization of drive-response BCNs with disturbances under a given state feedback controller. Finally, an illustrative example is presented to demonstrate the obtained theoretical results.


Consider the Lévy–Meixner one-mode interacting Fock space {ΓLM, 〈 ⋅, ⋅ 〉LM}. Inspired by a derivative formula appearing in 〈 ⋅, ⋅ 〉LM, we define scalar products 〈 ⋅, ⋅ 〉LM , nin symmetric n-particle spaces. Then, we introduce a class of one-mode type interacting Fock spaces [Formula: see text] naturally associated to the one-dimensional infinitely divisible distributions with Lévy–Meixner type {μr; r > 0}. The Fourier transform in generalized joint eigenvectors of a family [Formula: see text] of Lévy–Meixner Jacobi fields provides a way to explicit a unitary isomorphism 𝔘LMbetween [Formula: see text] and the so-called Lévy–Meixner white noise space [Formula: see text]. We derive a chaotic decomposition property of the quadratic integrable functionals of the Lévy–Meixner white noise processes in terms of an appropriate Wick tensor product. For their stochastic regularity, we give explicit form and sharp estimate of the associated Donsker's delta function.


We prove in this paper that the vacuum expectation of any product of field operator of an interacting Fock space with the interactions λn's is driven by pair partitions if and only if each interaction λn is a linear combination of permutation operators.

2007 ◽  
Vol 341 (2) ◽  
pp. 239-253 ◽  
K. R. Davidson ◽  
R. H. Levene ◽  
L. W. Marcoux ◽  
H. Radjavi

1987 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 671-692 ◽  
Ahmed I. Zayed

In this paper we extend the definition of the continuous Jacobi transform to a class of generalized functions and obtain a generalized inversion formula for it. As a by-product of our technique we obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for an analytic functionF(λ)inReλ>0to be the continuous Jacobi transform of a generalized function.

2011 ◽  
Vol 2011 ◽  
pp. 1-19 ◽  
M. Akyig~it ◽  
S. Ersoy ◽  
İ. Özgür ◽  
M. Tosun

We give the definition of generalized timelike Mannheim curve in Minkowski space-time . The necessary and sufficient conditions for the generalized timelike Mannheim curve are obtained. We show some characterizations of generalized Mannheim curve.

2011 ◽  
Vol 55 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-51 ◽  
Susumu Ariki ◽  
Nicolas Jacon ◽  
Cédric Lecouvey

AbstractThe level l Fock space admits canonical bases $\mathcal{G}_{e}$ and $\smash{\mathcal{G}_{\infty}}$. They correspond to $\smash{\mathcal{U}_{v}(\widehat{\mathfrak{sl}}_{e})}$ and $\mathcal{U}_{v}({\mathfrak{sl}}_{\infty})$-module structures. We establish that the transition matrices relating these two bases are unitriangular with coefficients in ℕ[v]. Restriction to the highest-weight modules generated by the empty l-partition then gives a natural quantization of a theorem by Geck and Rouquier on the factorization of decomposition matrices which are associated to Ariki–Koike algebras.

1972 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 127-133
Harold Morick

In the last two decades, there has been a great deal of interest in providing an intentional criterion of the psychological. Of the various ones proferred, it seems to me that the best was the earliest, which was Chisholm’s initial criterion in his 1955 essay “Sentences about Believing.” In this present paper I first single out a basic misconception pervading the recent literature on intentionality and suggest that a consequence of this misconception has been the futile attempt to use the notion of intentionality to provide a kind of definition of “mind”; that is, to use intentionality to provide a necessary and sufficient condition for the psychological. Secondly, I point out how intentionality as captured by my own criterion is indispensable in that it is an essential property of certain particulars (persons) which are basic to our conceptual scheme and apparently basic to any conceptual scheme whatsoever.

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