scholarly journals Extension of matrix pencil reduction to abelian categories

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (04) ◽  
pp. 1850062
Olivier Verdier

Matrix pencils, or pairs of matrices, are used in a variety of applications. By the Kronecker decomposition theorem, they admit a normal form. This normal form consists of four parts, one part based on the Jordan canonical form, one part made of nilpotent matrices, and two other dual parts, which we call the observation and control part. The goal of this paper is to show that large portions of that decomposition are still valid for pairs of morphisms of modules or abelian groups, and more generally in any abelian category. In the vector space case, we recover the full Kronecker decomposition theorem. The main technique is that of reduction, which extends readily to the abelian category case. Reductions naturally arise in two flavors, which are dual to each other. There are a number of properties of those reductions which extend remarkably from the vector space case to abelian categories. First, both types of reduction commute. Second, at each step of the reduction, one can compute three sequences of invariant spaces (objects in the category), which generalize the Kronecker decomposition into nilpotent, observation and control blocks. These sequences indicate whether the system is reduced in one direction or the other. In the category of modules, there is also a relation between these sequences and the resolvent set of the pair of morphisms, which generalizes the regular pencil theorem. We also indicate how this allows to define invariant subspaces in the vector space case, and study the notion of strangeness as an example.

2015 ◽  
Vol 14 (08) ◽  
pp. 1550121
Jason Lo

Given a noetherian abelian k-category [Formula: see text] of finite homological dimension, with a tilting object T of projective dimension 2, the abelian category [Formula: see text] and the abelian category of modules over End (T) op are related by a sequence of two tilts; we give an explicit description of the torsion pairs involved. We then use our techniques to obtain a simplified proof of a theorem of Jensen–Madsen–Su, that [Formula: see text] has a three-step filtration by extension-closed subcategories. Finally, we generalize Jensen–Madsen–Su's filtration to the case where T has any finite projective dimension.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (01) ◽  
pp. 131-142
Weiling Song ◽  
Tiwei Zhao ◽  
Zhaoyong Huang

Let [Formula: see text] be an abelian category, [Formula: see text] an additive, full and self-orthogonal subcategory of [Formula: see text] closed under direct summands, [Formula: see text] the right Gorenstein subcategory of [Formula: see text] relative to [Formula: see text], and [Formula: see text] the left orthogonal class of [Formula: see text]. For an object [Formula: see text] in [Formula: see text], we prove that if [Formula: see text] is in the right 1-orthogonal class of [Formula: see text], then the [Formula: see text]-projective and [Formula: see text]-projective dimensions of [Formula: see text] are identical; if the [Formula: see text]-projective dimension of [Formula: see text] is finite, then the [Formula: see text]-projective and [Formula: see text]-projective dimensions of [Formula: see text] are identical. We also prove that the supremum of the [Formula: see text]-projective dimensions of objects with finite [Formula: see text]-projective dimension and that of the [Formula: see text]-projective dimensions of objects with finite [Formula: see text]-projective dimension coincide. Then we apply these results to the category of modules.

1966 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-55 ◽  
Rosemary Bonyun

Homological monoids, as first defined by Hilton and Ledermann [ l ], are a generalization of abelian categories. It is known that if is an abelian category, so is here we prove the more general theorem that if is a homological monoid, so is . Our definition differs from that originally given by Hilton and Ledermann by the addition of a uniqueness condition in Axiom 1.

2019 ◽  
Vol 62 (2) ◽  
pp. 383-439 ◽  

AbstractLet R→U be an associative ring epimorphism such that U is a flat left R-module. Assume that the related Gabriel topology $\mathbb{G}$ of right ideals in R has a countable base. Then we show that the left R-module U has projective dimension at most 1. Furthermore, the abelian category of left contramodules over the completion of R at $\mathbb{G}$ fully faithfully embeds into the Geigle–Lenzing right perpendicular subcategory to U in the category of left R-modules, and every object of the latter abelian category is an extension of two objects of the former one. We discuss conditions under which the two abelian categories are equivalent. Given a right linear topology on an associative ring R, we consider the induced topology on every left R-module and, for a perfect Gabriel topology $\mathbb{G}$, compare the completion of a module with an appropriate Ext module. Finally, we characterize the U-strongly flat left R-modules by the two conditions of left positive-degree Ext-orthogonality to all left U-modules and all $\mathbb{G}$-separated $\mathbb{G}$-complete left R-modules.

1964 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 276-281 ◽  
J. L. Brenner

2019 ◽  
Vol 62 (3) ◽  
pp. 673-705

AbstractThe notion of mutation pairs of subcategories in an n-abelian category is defined in this paper. Let ${\cal D} \subseteq {\cal Z}$ be subcategories of an n-abelian category ${\cal A}$. Then the quotient category ${\cal Z}/{\cal D}$ carries naturally an (n + 2) -angulated structure whenever $ ({\cal Z},{\cal Z}) $ forms a ${\cal D} \subseteq {\cal Z}$-mutation pair and ${\cal Z}$ is extension-closed. Moreover, we introduce strongly functorially finite subcategories of n-abelian categories and show that the corresponding quotient categories are one-sided (n + 2)-angulated categories. Finally, we study homological finiteness of subcategories in a mutation pair.

Fernando Verduzco ◽  
Joaquin Alvarez ◽  
Armando Carrillo

Zhenxing Di ◽  
Jiaqun Wei ◽  
Xiaoxiang Zhang ◽  
Jianlong Chen

Given a non-negative integer n and a complete hereditary cotorsion triple , the notion of subcategories in an abelian category is introduced. It is proved that a virtually Gorenstein ring R is n-Gorenstein if and only if the subcategory of Gorenstein injective R-modules is with respect to the cotorsion triple , where stands for the subcategory of Gorenstein projectives. In the case when a subcategory of is closed under direct summands such that each object in admits a right -approximation, a Bazzoni characterization is given for to be . Finally, an Auslander–Reiten correspondence is established between the class of subcategories and that of certain subcategories of which are -coresolving covariantly finite and closed under direct summands.

Taiki Shibata ◽  
Kenichi Shimizu

AbstractWe organize the modified trace theory with the use of the Nakayama functor of finite abelian categories. For a linear right exact functor Σ on a finite abelian category ${\mathscr{M}}$ M , we introduce the notion of a Σ-twisted trace on the class $\text {Proj}({\mathscr{M}})$ Proj ( M ) of projective objects of ${\mathscr{M}}$ M . In our framework, there is a one-to-one correspondence between the set of Σ-twisted traces on $\text {Proj}({\mathscr{M}})$ Proj ( M ) and the set of natural transformations from Σ to the Nakayama functor of ${\mathscr{M}}$ M . Non-degeneracy and compatibility with the module structure (when ${\mathscr{M}}$ M is a module category over a finite tensor category) of a Σ-twisted trace can be written down in terms of the corresponding natural transformation. As an application of this principal, we give existence and uniqueness criteria for modified traces. In particular, a unimodular pivotal finite tensor category admits a non-zero two-sided modified trace if and only if it is spherical. Also, a ribbon finite tensor category admits such a trace if and only if it is unimodular.


The technique of vector space decomposition control of three phase induction machine is presented in this paper. By vector space decomposition the analytical modeling and control of machine are accomplished. The space vector decomposition technique limits the 5th, 7th, 17th, 19th….harmonic currents, which in such a system is otherwise difficult to control. This synopsis present harmonic analysis of motor current of medium and high power Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) Systems. Computer simulation of an IGBT fed induction motor based on constant voltage/frequency (V/f) operation is implemented using simulation software.

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