Teachers' use of technology in the university classroom

Albert Cubeles ◽  
David Riu
Jennifer Mankoff ◽  
Jacob O. Wobbrock

In an era of rapidly evolving technology and increasing interconnection, full participation in society depends on the successful use of technology. Thus, to ensure equity and participation for people with disabilities, technology must be accessible - we must create and adapt interactive systems to improve access to technology and to the world at large. The University of Washington Center for Research and Education on Accessible Technology and Experiences (CREATE) is dedicated to propelling accessible technology research and education from incremental improvements to paradigm-shifting breakthroughs that enable greater inclusion and participation for people of all abilities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 150-164
Eugenia Di Barbora ◽  
Lucia Bragatto ◽  
Lucia Locuoco ◽  
Daniela Paci ◽  
Maura Tavano

This exploratory study, conducted during the first Covid-19 lockdown, formed part of the practical module of the Teacher Training in Primary Education course at the University of Udine, and was carried out on a sample of trainees enrolled on the course. The research had the following objectives: to understand the effects of the Covid-19 lockdown on trainees and to reflect on the impact on planning of teaching in a traditional classroom environment or in VLE, Virtual Learning Environment. In order to improve the practical components of the course, observations focused on organizational, methodological and pedagogical aspects. The data, gathered in an online questionnaire, provided a comparison of teacher training delivered in person in the pre-Covid period and in later training online. The data also provided information on the strengths and weaknesses of classroom and distance learning, on the use of technology and on the professional development of teachers in the future. The study found a multitude of issues that will need to be further explored in the post Covid period, including rethinking models and approaches in initial teacher training.    Tirocinio di Scienze della Formazione Primaria: uno studio esplorativo nel primo lockdown per Covid.   Il presente studio esplorativo è stato promosso, durante il primo lockdown per Covid-19, all’interno del Tirocinio del Corso di Studi in Scienze della Formazione Primaria dell’Università di Udine su un campione di studenti iscritti al tirocinio. La ricerca esplorativa ha avuto come obiettivi: comprendere le ricadute nei tirocinanti conseguenti allo stato di emergenza e riflettere sulla didattica in presenza e a distanza sui piani organizzativo, metodologico e pedagogico per potenziare l’offerta formativa del tirocinio. I dati, desunti da un questionario online, hanno permesso un confronto sul tirocinio in presenza nel periodo pre-Covid e successivamente svolto in DaD. I dati hanno fornito anche risultati su punti di forza e criticità della didattica in presenza e a distanza, sull’uso delle tecnologie e sulla professionalità docente futura. Lo studio ha inoltre rilevato una molteplicità di aspetti che andranno ulteriormente approfonditi per il periodo post Covid-19, tra cui il ripensamento di modelli ed approcci nella formazione iniziale degli insegnanti.

Neurology ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 91 (11) ◽  
pp. 528-532 ◽  
Anindita Deb ◽  
Melissa Fischer ◽  
Anna DePold Hohler

As the global burden of neurologic disease increases, educating future neurologists about the principles of global health through global health curricula is of utmost importance. However, few neurology residency training programs have developed and implemented comprehensive global health curricula. This report outlines the design, implementation, and evaluation of the University of Massachusetts Medical School neurology residency global health curriculum. Using accepted curriculum development methods and incorporating an innovative use of technology, we created a global health curriculum focused on neurology to engage trainees. The implementation of curricula and organization of elective opportunities also incorporates learning objectives and an evaluation process. The University of Massachusetts Medical School neurology global health curriculum can be used as a framework for other residency programs developing global health programs. Global health education increases young neurologists' awareness of the growing burden of neurologic disease and, subsequently, may motivate them to address the need for neurologic expertise around the world.

Anne S. Koch ◽  
Joseph C. Kush

In this chapter, student achievement, the differentiation of instruction, and 21st Century Skills are examined along with their relationship to the use of technology in an educational setting. Characteristics of highly qualified teachers are also examined from multiple standpoints within the educational system. Standards from INTASC, NCATE, NCTAF, and NCLB point to the importance of the university faculty and quality teacher education programs to support the needs of preservice teachers. In addition, the joining of business and education across the nation and the world to infuse technology into education has shown positive results. This merger between business and education exemplifies the need for the acquisition of 21st century skills needed for all students to be a literate part of the 21st century workforce.

Despo Ktoridou

More and more students in higher education are enrolling on interdisciplinary programs. This phenomenon occurs since universities are breaking the boarders of a single subject area. At the university of Nicosia, the lecturer of two interdependent courses: MGT-372 Management of Innovation and Technology and MIS-151 Business Software Applications attempted to bring together students from different disciplines to explore the two topics. More specifically, through Interdisciplinary Problem-Based Learning (IPBL), the lecturer (author) aimed to eliminate the fragmentation and the learning of isolated skills and investigate students' motivation for learning and their level of active engagement through the use of technology (Google Apps). To address the above, the study employed a case study approach, collecting qualitative data through student focus groups, online/in-class observations, and lecturers' comments. The study showed that students seemed intrigued and satisfied working on interdisciplinary tasks, shared prior and newly researched knowledge, as well as acquired an integrated viewpoint and solution-focused strategies deriving from those disciplines.

Fariel Mohan ◽  
Garry Soomarah

This experiment investigated whether the infusion of technology in teaching as a scaffolding tool can improve the pass rate of mathematics at the University of Trinidad & Tobago. The use of technology facilitated the building of a virtual classroom which was based on scaffolding thus aiding students by either peers or the instructor until they are comfortable to move onto a next level. The virtual classroom was used to stimulate discussions on students' knowledge of mathematics ensuring no focus was on the technology nor the instructor. These discussions provide opportunities for the students to discover his/her existing level within the learning community. Within this learning community, everybody was anonymous including the instructor thus motivating the students to comment on the reflective questions. This encouraged students to collaborate and provide prompt feedback. Suggestions obtained from the students into improving the virtual classroom were considered resulting into 4 virtual classrooms.

Fariel Mohan ◽  
Garry Soomarah

This experiment investigated whether the infusion of technology in teaching as a scaffolding tool can improve the pass rate of mathematics at the University of Trinidad and Tobago. The use of technology facilitated the building of a virtual classroom which was based on scaffolding, thus aiding students by either peers or the instructor until they are comfortable to move on to the next level. The virtual classroom was used to stimulate discussions on students' knowledge of mathematics ensuring no focus was on the technology nor the instructor. These discussions provide opportunities for the students to discover his/her existing level within the learning community. Within this learning community, everybody was anonymous including the instructor thus motivating the students to comment on the reflective questions. This encouraged students to collaborate and provide prompt feedback. Suggestions obtained from the students into improving the virtual classroom were considered resulting in four virtual classrooms.

2022 ◽  
pp. 205-222
María A. Pérez-Juárez ◽  
Javier M. Aguiar-Pérez ◽  
Javier Del-Pozo-Velázquez ◽  
Miguel Alonso-Felipe ◽  
Saúl Rozada-Raneros ◽  

The presence of technology on college campuses has increased rapidly in recent years. Students come to the classroom with a variety of technological devices including smart phones, tablets, or laptops and use them during academic activity. For this reason, there are many researchers who, in recent times, have been interested in the problems derived from digital distraction in higher education. In many cases, researchers have conducted studies and surveys to obtain first-hand information from the protagonists, that is, from university professors and students. Despite the efforts, there are many questions that still remain unanswered. The authors are aware of the enormous challenge that the use of technology poses in the university classrooms and want to delve into the causes and consequences of student digital distraction and the strategies that can be used by instructors to curb student digital distraction without deteriorating student-instructor rapport in the context of higher education.

Airen Adetimirin

Deployment of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for teaching and learning affords learners' flexibility in learning such that they can learn as individuals or groups. The dissemination of information by lecturers to learners will also be facilitated by the use of ICT. The University of Ibadan designed a courseware development programme for 20 female lecturers to improve the use of technology for teaching and research. Data was collected using a questionnaire, interview and secondary data. Results revealed that the lecturers found the programme very relevant, appropriate but demanding. The major challenges were limited access to some of the technologies, fluctuation in internet connectivity and poor ICT literacy skills. Improvement in the level of ICT use requires the development of relevant infrastructure and ICT literacy training which were identified as critical for its successful deployment.

Javier Cachón-Zagalaz ◽  
Déborah Sanabrias-Moreno ◽  
María Sánchez-Zafra ◽  
María Luisa Zagalaz-Sánchez ◽  
Amador Jesús Lara-Sánchez

The university stage comprises a very important and vital period in the modification of students’ lifestyles, and these changes can affect their self-concept. The excessive use of technology today can also influence the formation of their identity. The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between self-concept and the use of the smartphone by university students in terms of gender. The sample included 253 students (mean age 21.39 ± 3.27) of the Primary Education Degree of the University of Jaén (106 men and 147 women). A questionnaire was used to unify several instruments: a sociodemographic questionnaire, a Self-Concept Form-5 questionnaire (AF-5), and a questionnaire on cell phone-related experiences (CERM). The results show the existence of significant differences between both genders in the academic, emotional, and social dimensions of self-concept, with women showing a greater academic self-concept and men showing an emotional and physical one. Regarding the use of the smartphone in relation to self-concept, significant differences are found in the academic and emotional dimensions depending on the degree of use. In addition, in relation to the use of the smartphone, it has been detected that half of the students present potential problems. It is concluded that there is a relationship between both constructs, especially the academic and emotional self-concept.

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