Mean Field Analysis of Join-Below-Threshold Load Balancing for Resource Sharing Servers

Illés Antal Horváth ◽  
Ziv Scully ◽  
Benny Van Houdt
2020 ◽  
Vol 48 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-42
Illés Antal Horváth ◽  
Ziv Scully ◽  
Benny Van Houdt

Illés Antal Horváth ◽  
Ziv Scully ◽  
Benny Van Houdt

2006 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 201-217 ◽  
Sandro Romani ◽  
Daniel J. Amit ◽  
Gianluigi Mongillo

1994 ◽  
Vol 343 ◽  
J. A. Floro ◽  
C. V. Thompson

ABSTRACTAbnormal grain growth is characterized by the lack of a steady state grain size distribution. In extreme cases the size distribution becomes transiently bimodal, with a few grains growing much larger than the average size. This is known as secondary grain growth. In polycrystalline thin films, the surface energy γs and film/substrate interfacial energy γi vary with grain orientation, providing an orientation-selective driving force that can lead to abnormal grain growth. We employ a mean field analysis that incorporates the effect of interface energy anisotropy to predict the evolution of the grain size/orientation distribution. While abnormal grain growth and texture evolution always result when interface energy anisotropy is present, whether secondary grain growth occurs will depend sensitively on the details of the orientation dependence of γi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 127 (12) ◽  
M. Jeddi ◽  
J. Massoudi ◽  
H. Gharsallah ◽  
Sameh I. Ahmed ◽  
E. Dhahri ◽  

PLoS ONE ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (12) ◽  
pp. e0189866 ◽  
S. Konini ◽  
E. J. Janse van Rensburg

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. 1659-1676 ◽  
Alex Zazunov ◽  
Albert Iks ◽  
Miguel Alvarado ◽  
Alfredo Levy Yeyati ◽  
Reinhold Egger

We present a theoretical analysis of the equilibrium Josephson current-phase relation in hybrid devices made of conventional s-wave spin-singlet superconductors (S) and topological superconductor (TS) wires featuring Majorana end states. Using Green’s function techniques, the topological superconductor is alternatively described by the low-energy continuum limit of a Kitaev chain or by a more microscopic spinful nanowire model. We show that for the simplest S–TS tunnel junction, only the s-wave pairing correlations in a spinful TS nanowire model can generate a Josephson effect. The critical current is much smaller in the topological regime and exhibits a kink-like dependence on the Zeeman field along the wire. When a correlated quantum dot (QD) in the magnetic regime is present in the junction region, however, the Josephson current becomes finite also in the deep topological phase as shown for the cotunneling regime and by a mean-field analysis. Remarkably, we find that the S–QD–TS setup can support φ0-junction behavior, where a finite supercurrent flows at vanishing phase difference. Finally, we also address a multi-terminal S–TS–S geometry, where the TS wire acts as tunable parity switch on the Andreev bound states in a superconducting atomic contact.

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