scholarly journals Are Multi-Language Design Smells Fault-Prone? An Empirical Study

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-56
Mouna Abidi ◽  
Md Saidur Rahman ◽  
Moses Openja ◽  
Foutse Khomh

Nowadays, modern applications are developed using components written in different programming languages and technologies. The cost benefits of reuse and the advantages of each programming language are two main incentives behind the proliferation of such systems. However, as the number of languages increases, so do the challenges related to the development and maintenance of these systems. In such situations, developers may introduce design smells (i.e., anti-patterns and code smells) which are symptoms of poor design and implementation choices. Design smells are defined as poor design and coding choices that can negatively impact the quality of a software program despite satisfying functional requirements. Studies on mono-language systems suggest that the presence of design smells may indicate a higher risk of future bugs and affects code comprehension, thus making systems harder to maintain. However, the impact of multi-language design smells on software quality such as fault-proneness is yet to be investigated. In this article, we present an approach to detect multi-language design smells in the context of JNI systems. We then investigate the prevalence of those design smells and their impacts on fault-proneness. Specifically, we detect 15 design smells in 98 releases of 9 open-source JNI projects. Our results show that the design smells are prevalent in the selected projects and persist throughout the releases of the systems. We observe that, in the analyzed systems, 33.95% of the files involving communications between Java and C/C++ contain occurrences of multi-language design smells. Some kinds of smells are more prevalent than others, e.g., Unused Parameters , Too Much Scattering , and Unused Method Declaration . Our results suggest that files with multi-language design smells can often be more associated with bugs than files without these smells, and that specific smells are more correlated to fault-proneness than others. From analyzing fault-inducing commit messages, we also extracted activities that are more likely to introduce bugs in smelly files. We believe that our findings are important for practitioners as it can help them prioritize design smells during the maintenance of multi-language systems.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 (11) ◽  
pp. 62-69
Алексей Сергеев ◽  
Aleksey Sergeev

The article describes the implementation of the mechanism of inheritance of educational programs in the process of electronic development of educational documentation of the university. The purpose of the inheritance mechanism is to improve the processes of automated development of educational programmes and to ensure internal consistency of educational documentation. In the course of the study, the concept of inheritance of educational programs was introduced as a mechanism to take into account the information of parental educational programs when describing the elements of subsidiary programs corresponding to this information. The possibilities of applying the inheritance mechanism in situations: 1) preparation of documentation of similar programs implemented on different forms of training are disclosed; 2) creation of different versions of documentation of educational programs, depending on the year of reception; 3) creating one child program based on several parents; 4) multiple inheritance of a series of related educational programs. Functional requirements for the educational program development tool system are described for each of the above situations. Actual data on the impact of the inheritance mechanism in the development of educational programmes are presented. Thus, the inheritance of educational programs is an effective mechanism for developing educational documentation in an electronic environment. This mechanism significantly reduces the cost of developing similar programs, as well as improving the quality of the university 's educational documentation by improving the consistency of its parts.

Tran Thanh Luong ◽  
Le My Canh

JavaScript has become more and more popular in recent years because its wealthy features as being dynamic, interpreted and object-oriented with first-class functions. Furthermore, JavaScript is designed with event-driven and I/O non-blocking model that boosts the performance of overall application especially in the case of Node.js. To take advantage of these characteristics, many design patterns that implement asynchronous programming for JavaScript were proposed. However, choosing a right pattern and implementing a good asynchronous source code is a challenge and thus easily lead into less robust application and low quality source code. Extended from our previous works on exception handling code smells in JavaScript and exception handling code smells in JavaScript asynchronous programming with promise, this research aims at studying the impact of three JavaScript asynchronous programming patterns on quality of source code and application.

2015 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-57
Rizqa Raaiqa Bintana ◽  
Putri Aisyiyah Rakhma Devi ◽  
Umi Laili Yuhana

The quality of the software can be measured by its return on investment. Factors which may affect the return on investment (ROI) is the tangible factors (such as the cost) dan intangible factors (such as the impact of software to the users or stakeholder). The factor of the software itself are assessed through reviewing, testing, process audit, and performance of software. This paper discusses the consideration of return on investment (ROI) assessment criteria derived from the software and its users. These criteria indicate that the approach may support a rational consideration of all relevant criteria when evaluating software, and shows examples of actual return on investment models. Conducted an analysis of the assessment criteria that affect the return on investment if these criteria have a disproportionate effort that resulted in a return on investment of a software decreased. Index Terms - Assessment criteria, Quality assurance, Return on Investment, Software product


Исследованы прочностные и физико-механические свойства оболочки рапса с точки зрения ее разрушения и удаления. Установлено, что наиболее рациональным является двухстадийный способ обрушивания: 1-я стадия – на вальцовых мельницах, 2-я – на центробежной обрушивающей машине. Определены параметры центробежной обрушивающей машины для обеспечения минимальной необходимой линейной скорости 10,81 м/с: угол наклона отбойной пластины (90 ± 2)°, частота вращения барабана (2400 ± 150) об/мин. Установлено, что правильно подобранные условия и угол, под которым происходит удар, позволяют значительно снизить количество не до конца обрушенного семени и содержание расколотого ядра. При этом при свободном ударе об отбойную пластину под углом, отличным от 88–91°, или подаче недостаточно равномерного потока семян значительно увеличивается содержание необрушенных семян. На разрушение 1 кг семян необходимо затратить 58,45 Дж. Таким образом, по расчетным данным, для семян рапса диаметром 1,5 мм частота вращения барабана должна находиться в диапазоне от 2221 до 2565 об/мин при ударе семени под углом 90°. Диаметр семян рапса, выращиваемого в Сибирском регионе, составляет от 0,8 до 1,8 мм. Установлено, что подсушивание семян рапса в течение 30–40 с при температуре 100°С позволяет увеличить эффективность разрушения оболочки до полного ее отделения от ядра рапса. Представленные результаты позволяют повысить качество очистки семян рапса от оболочки и улучшить качественные характеристики получаемого масла, облегчить последующие технологические процессы получения пищевого масла, снизить затраты на рафинацию и дезодорацию на 2%. The strength and physico-mechanical properties of the shell of rapeseed in terms of its destruction and removal are investigated. It is established that the most rational is a two-stage method of seed hulling: the 1st stage – on roller mills, the 2nd – on a centrifugal hulling machine. The parameters of the centrifugal hulling machine to provide the minimum required linear speed of 10,81 m/s are defined: the angle of inclination of the turnback plate (90 ± 2)°, the rotational speed of drum (2400 ± 150) RPM. It is established that the correctly selected conditions and the angle at which the impact occurs, can significantly reduce the amount is not completely hulling seed and the substance of the split nucleus. At the same time, with a free impact on the turnback plate at an angle different from 88–91°, or the supply of an insufficiently uniform flow of seeds, the content is not completely hulling seed increases significantly. On hulling of 1 kg of seeds it is necessary to spend 58,45 J. Thus, according to the calculated data, for rape seeds with a diameter of 1,5 mm, the rotational speed of drum should be in the range from 2221 to 2565 RPM when the seed is struck at an angle of 90°. The diameter of rapeseed grown in the Siberian region ranges from 0,8 to 1,8 mm. It was found that drying of rapeseed for 30–40 s at a temperature of 100°C, can increase the efficiency of destruction of the shell to its complete separation from the core of rapeseed. The presented results make it possible to improve the quality of cleaning of rape seeds from the shell and improve the quality characteristics of the obtained oil, facilitate the subsequent technological processes of obtaining edible oil, reduce the cost of refining and deodorization by 2%.

Valentyna Fostolovych ◽  
Tetiana Botsian

The permeability of all spheres of both economic activity and human life with digital technologies encourages the search for new marketing ideas necessary for the implementation of the product (goods, works and services).  Today's consumer has become more demanding both to the product itself and to the ways of presenting it.  Immersive technologies are becoming one of the tools that contribute to the formation of competitive advantages, especially the organization of business in the field of entertainment, as one of the areas of additional income in the field of hotel and restaurant services and marketing activities of enterprises.  Digital transformation leads to the search for new initiatives that will be a tool to meet customer needs and a way to reach wider market segments.  The process of digitalization must first be integrated into the economy of the whole state and the enterprise as a whole, and in all processes of production of goods, works and services.  Digital-transformation of domestic enterprises will help to obtain additional competitive advantages both in the domestic market and in the international market.  The formation of competitive advantages is associated not only with the maximum involvement of digital technologies in business.  It is important to choose such technologies that will be most effective in the implementation of a particular type of enterprise, under certain conditions and in a particular environment. The expediency of using immersive technologies as a marketing tool is undeniable.  However, in addition to tools, immersive technologies are important as a means of education, a separate milestone in the field of entertainment, a means of psychological influence and more.  That is, the impact of this tool on the level of competitiveness of the enterprise in the environment of the demanding consumer is manifested: in the form of reducing the cost of attracting the client; active covert promotion through their use; improving the quality of the presented product (goods, works, services); ensuring the elasticity of the enterprise to the needs and requirements of consumers; the transition of the enterprise to an innovative type of development and active digitalization.

2018 ◽  
Vol 239 ◽  
pp. 03005
Lidia Shkurina ◽  
Eugenia Maskaeva ◽  
Stanislav Maskaev

the authors reviewed the quality of operational work of railway transport in the cost management system, presented methods for assessing the impact of the quality of rolling stock on the current costs of transportation activities, considered the issues of the impact of the quality of operational work on the formation of freight market demand and of financial result of the transport company - the owner of infrastructure and traction rolling stock, represented methods of assessing financial and economic efficiency of improving the quality of operational work for the company - a participant of the freight market.

Zegbeh C. Jallah ◽  
Pamela Moalli ◽  
Andrew Feola ◽  
William Barone ◽  
Stacy Palcsey ◽  

Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is a multifactorial disorder characterized by the descent of the pelvic organs into the vaginal canal. This disorder is associated with decreased quality of life, and even depression, yet 50% of women over the age of fifty are living with POP. The cost associated with the repair of POP exceeds one billion dollars annually, in the United States alone. This rather exorbitant figure includes the cost of surgery performed for symptom management, but does not include strategies which address the underlying cause of the disorder for which there are none. Because failure rates of native tissue repairs are as high as 30%, vaginal mesh is increasingly used in the surgical repair of POP. The procedure aims to reinforce the fibromuscular layer of the vagina and the paravaginal attachments, thus providing structural integrity to the weakened native tissues. However, the use of mesh is limited by mesh-related complications including exposure, erosion, pain contraction and infection.

2018 ◽  
Vol 25 (8) ◽  
pp. 963-968 ◽  
Enrico Coiera ◽  
Elske Ammenwerth ◽  
Andrew Georgiou ◽  
Farah Magrabi

Abstract Objective Many research fields, including psychology and basic medical sciences, struggle with poor reproducibility of reported studies. Biomedical and health informatics is unlikely to be immune to these challenges. This paper explores replication in informatics and the unique challenges the discipline faces. Methods Narrative review of recent literature on research replication challenges. Results While there is growing interest in re-analysis of existing data, experimental replication studies appear uncommon in informatics. Context effects are a particular challenge as they make ensuring replication fidelity difficult, and the same intervention will never quite reproduce the same result in different settings. Replication studies take many forms, trading-off testing validity of past findings against testing generalizability. Exact and partial replication designs emphasize testing validity while quasi and conceptual studies test generalizability of an underlying model or hypothesis with different methods or in a different setting. Conclusions The cost of poor replication is a weakening in the quality of published research and the evidence-based foundation of health informatics. The benefits of replication include increased rigor in research, and the development of evaluation methods that distinguish the impact of context and the nonreproducibility of research. Taking replication seriously is essential if biomedical and health informatics is to be an evidence-based discipline.


Diagnostics in the practice of a dentist is the key to quality treatment. However, depending on the quality of services provided, the cost of diagnostic methods is set. For a dentist working in a private office, the key to successful diagnostic measures at a high quality level is a priority. However, these methods are expensive for the patient. The purpose of this study is to study the impact of financial incentives on the quality of early diagnosis in the practice of a dentist who provides quality treatment. In the study, we studied clinical cases with full and partial study in terms of diagnostic and neglect x-ray diagnosis from the doctor and from the patient due to a misunderstanding of the importance and necessity of this manipulation. In statistical data analysis, the resulting regression models use a binary variable as a dependent variable on the level of financial costs. Thus, in the course of our research, we found that the number of x-rays significantly increases when dentists receive a fee for services, rather than a salary, and when patients are exempt from paying for additional diagnostic methods. Our results show that financial incentives significantly influence additional high-quality and complete examination of patients.

Energetika ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 64 (2) ◽  
Valerijs Bezrukovs ◽  
Vladislavs Bezrukovs ◽  
Sabine Upnere ◽  
Linda Gulbe ◽  
Deniss Bezrukovs

Prior to the start of any Wind Power Park construction project, it is necessary to carefully assess available wind potential in the selected area. The cost of such investigative studies is considerable – even with a relatively small 70 m tall mast it reaches several tens of thousands of Euros. In order to reduce costs related to wind speed measurements it is suggested to use the existing cellular communication masts that are widely spread in Europe. The study presents a methodological approach and the results of wind speed and wind shear measurements performed with the use of lattice cellular communication masts at the height of up to 100 m. A CFD model of airflow around a cellular communication mast structure was created in order to explore the impact of mast structure on the quality of wind speed measurements. The paper presents the results of the CFD modelling in the form of contour maps depicting the severity of airflow disturbances around the mast. The study is based on experimental measurements conducted in 2018 in three coastal sites of Latvia. At each site wind speed and direction were measured at several heights along with air temperature, humidity and air pressure. The experimentally obtained data in combination with the analysis of modelled CFD results shows the possibility of using cellular communication masts for accurate measurements of wind speed. Overall, the study shows that the proposed approach to wind speed measurements can result in high quality data and reduced overall expenses.

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