Myelin Plasticity and Nervous System Function

2018 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-76 ◽  
Michelle Monje

Structural plasticity in the myelinated infrastructure of the nervous system has come to light. Although an innate program of myelin development proceeds independent of nervous system activity, a second mode of myelination exists in which activity-dependent, plastic changes in myelin-forming cells influence myelin structure and neurological function. These complementary and possibly temporally overlapping activity-independent and activity-dependent modes of myelination crystallize in a model of experience-modulated myelin development and plasticity with broad implications for neurological function. In this article, I consider the contributions of myelin to neural circuit function, the dynamic influences of experience on myelin microstructure, and the role that plasticity of myelin may play in cognition.

2019 ◽  
Sean M. Flynn ◽  
Changchun Chen ◽  
Murat Artan ◽  
Stephen Barratt ◽  
Alastair Crisp ◽  

AbstractBesides well-known immune roles, the evolutionarily ancient cytokine interleukin-17 (IL-17) modulates neural circuit function. We investigate how IL-17 signals in neurons, and the extent to which this signaling can alter organismal phenotypes. We combine immunoprecipitation and mass spectrometry to biochemically characterize endogenous signaling complexes that function downstream of IL-17 receptors in C. elegans (Ce) neurons. We identify the Ce ortholog of MALT1 as a critical output of the pathway. MALT1 was not previously implicated in IL-17 signaling or in nervous system function. MALT1 forms a complex with homologs of Act1 and IRAK and functions both as a scaffold for IκB recruitment, and as a protease. MALT1 is expressed broadly in the Ce nervous system, and neuronal IL-17–MALT1 signaling regulates many phenotypes, including escape behavior, associative learning, immunity and longevity. Our data suggest MALT1 has an ancient role modulating neural function downstream of IL-17 to remodel physiological and behavioral state.

2019 ◽  
Vol 116 (47) ◽  
pp. 23783-23789 ◽  
Igor Delvendahl ◽  
Katarzyna Kita ◽  
Martin Müller

Animal behavior is remarkably robust despite constant changes in neural activity. Homeostatic plasticity stabilizes central nervous system (CNS) function on time scales of hours to days. If and how CNS function is stabilized on more rapid time scales remains unknown. Here, we discovered that mossy fiber synapses in the mouse cerebellum homeostatically control synaptic efficacy within minutes after pharmacological glutamate receptor impairment. This rapid form of homeostatic plasticity is expressed presynaptically. We show that modulations of readily releasable vesicle pool size and release probability normalize synaptic strength in a hierarchical fashion upon acute pharmacological and prolonged genetic receptor perturbation. Presynaptic membrane capacitance measurements directly demonstrate regulation of vesicle pool size upon receptor impairment. Moreover, presynaptic voltage-clamp analysis revealed increased Ca2+-current density under specific experimental conditions. Thus, homeostatic modulation of presynaptic exocytosis through specific mechanisms stabilizes synaptic transmission in a CNS circuit on time scales ranging from minutes to months. Rapid presynaptic homeostatic plasticity may ensure stable neural circuit function in light of rapid activity-dependent plasticity.

2018 ◽  
Vol 120 (2) ◽  
pp. 854-866 ◽  
Sarah E. V. Richards ◽  
Stephen D. Van Hooser

Circuit operations are determined jointly by the properties of the circuit elements and the properties of the connections among these elements. In the nervous system, neurons exhibit diverse morphologies and branching patterns, allowing rich compartmentalization within individual cells and complex synaptic interactions among groups of cells. In this review, we summarize work detailing how neuronal morphology impacts neural circuit function. In particular, we consider example neurons in the retina, cerebral cortex, and the stomatogastric ganglion of crustaceans. We also explore molecular coregulators of morphology and circuit function to begin bridging the gap between molecular and systems approaches. By identifying motifs in different systems, we move closer to understanding the structure-function relationships that are present in neural circuits.

2021 ◽  
Nada Y. Abdelrahman ◽  
Eleni Vasilaki ◽  
Andrew C. Lin

AbstractNeural circuits use homeostatic compensation to achieve consistent behaviour despite variability in underlying intrinsic and network parameters. However, it remains unclear how compensation regulates variability across a population of the same type of neurons within an individual, and what computational benefits might result from such compensation. We address these questions in the Drosophila mushroom body, the fly’s olfactory memory center. In a computational model, we show that memory performance is degraded when the mushroom body’s principal neurons, Kenyon cells (KCs), vary realistically in key parameters governing their excitability, because the resulting inter-KC variability in average activity levels makes odor representations less separable. However, memory performance is rescued while maintaining realistic variability if parameters compensate for each other to equalize KC average activity. Such compensation can be achieved through both activity-dependent and activity-independent mechanisms. Finally, we show that correlations predicted by our model’s compensatory mechanisms appear in the Drosophila hemibrain connectome. These findings reveal compensatory variability in the mushroom body and describe its computational benefits for associative memory.Significance statementHow does variability between neurons affect neural circuit function? How might neurons behave similarly despite having different underlying features? We addressed these questions in neurons called Kenyon cells, which store olfactory memories in flies. Kenyon cells differ among themselves in key features that affect how active they are, and in a model of the fly’s memory circuit, adding this inter-neuronal variability made the model fly worse at learning the values of multiple odors. However, memory performance was rescued if compensation between the variable underlying features allowed Kenyon cells to be equally active on average, and we found the hypothesized compensatory variability in real Kenyon cells’ anatomy. This work reveals the existence and computational benefits of compensatory variability in neural networks.

2012 ◽  
Vol 2012 ◽  
pp. 1-12 ◽  
Behdad Tahayori ◽  
David M. Koceja

Part of the development and maturation of the central nervous system (CNS) occurs through interactions with the environment. Through physical activities and interactions with the world, an animal receives considerable sensory information from various sources. These sources can be internally (proprioceptive) or externally (such as touch and pressure) generated senses. Ample evidence exists to demonstrate that the sensory information originating from large diameter afferents (Ia fibers) have an important role in inducing essential functional and morphological changes for the maturation of both the brain and the spinal cord. The Ia fibers transmit sensory information generated by muscle activity and movement. Such use or activity-dependent plastic changes occur throughout life and are one reason for the ability to acquire new skills and learn new movements. However, the extent and particularly the mechanisms of activity-dependent changes are markedly different between a developing nervous system and a mature nervous system. Understanding these mechanisms is an important step to develop strategies for regaining motor function after different injuries to the CNS. Plastic changes induced by activity occur both in the brain and spinal cord. This paper reviews the activity-dependent changes in the spinal cord neural circuits during both the developmental stages of the CNS and in adulthood.

2021 ◽  
Megan E Madden ◽  
Daumante Suminaite ◽  
Elelbin Ortiz ◽  
Jason J Early ◽  
Sigrid Koudelka ◽  

Myelination is essential for central nervous system (CNS) formation, health and function. As a model organism, larval zebrafish have been extensively employed to investigate the molecular and cellular basis of CNS myelination, due to their genetic tractability and suitability for non-invasive live cell imaging. However, it has not been assessed to what extent CNS myelination affects neural circuit function in zebrafish larvae, prohibiting the integration of molecular and cellular analyses of myelination with concomitant network maturation. To test whether larval zebrafish might serve as a suitable platform with which to study the effects of CNS myelination and its dysregulation on circuit function, we generated zebrafish myelin regulatory factor (myrf) mutants with CNS-specific hypomyelination and investigated how this affected their axonal conduction properties and behaviour. We found that myrf mutant larvae exhibited increased latency to perform startle responses following defined acoustic stimuli. Furthermore, we found that hypomyelinated animals often selected an impaired response to acoustic stimuli, exhibiting a bias towards reorientation behaviour instead of the stimulus-appropriate startle response. To begin to study how myelination affected the underlying circuitry, we established electrophysiological protocols to assess various conduction properties along single axons. We found that the hypomyelinated myrf mutants exhibited reduced action potential conduction velocity and an impaired ability to sustain high frequency action potential firing. This study indicates that larval zebrafish can be used to bridge molecular and cellular investigation of CNS myelination with multiscale assessment of neural circuit function.

2021 ◽  
Danny Rahal ◽  
Sarah M Tashjian ◽  
Maira Karan ◽  
Naomi Eisenberger ◽  
Adriana Galván ◽  

Parasympathetic nervous system activity can downregulate inflammation, but it remains unclear how parasympathetic nervous system activity relates to antiviral activity. The present study examined associations between parasympathetic nervous system activity and cellular antiviral gene regulation in 90 adolescents (Mage = 16.3, SD = 0.7; 51.1% female) who provided blood samples and measures of cardiac respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA), twice, five weeks apart. Using a multilevel analytic framework, we found that higher RSA (an indicator of higher parasympathetic nervous system activity) - both at rest and during paced breathing - was associated with higher expression of Type I interferon (IFN) response genes in circulating leukocytes, even after adjusting for demographic and biological covariates. RSA was not associated with a parallel measure of inflammatory gene expression. These results identify a previously unrecognized immunoregulatory aspect of autonomic nervous system function and highlight a potential biological pathway by which parasympathetic nervous system activity may relate to health.

2020 ◽  
Dhruva V Raman ◽  
Timothy O’Leary

ABSTRACTSynaptic connections in many brain areas have been found to fluctuate significantly, with substantial turnover and remodelling occurring over hours to days. Remarkably, this flux in connectivity persists in the absence of overt learning or behavioural change. What proportion of these ongoing fluctuations can be attributed to systematic plasticity processes that maintain memories and neural circuit function? We show under general conditions that the optimal magnitude of systematic plasticity is typically less than the magnitude of perturbations due to internal biological noise. Thus, for any given amount of unavoidable noise, 50% or more of total synaptic turnover should be effectively random for optimal memory maintenance. Our analysis does not depend on specific neural circuit architectures or plasticity mechanisms and predicts previously unexplained experimental measurements of the activity-dependent component of ongoing plasticity.

2005 ◽  
Vol 2005 (309) ◽  
pp. eg10-eg10
E. M. Adler ◽  
N. R. Gough

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