scholarly journals Numerical Simulation of the Influence of Geological CO2 Storage on the Hydrodynamic Field of a Reservoir

Geofluids ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 ◽  
pp. 1-21
Zhaoxu Mi ◽  
Fugang Wang ◽  
Zhijie Yang ◽  
Xufeng Li ◽  
Yujie Diao ◽  

CO2 geological storage in deep saline aquifers is an effective way to reduce CO2 emissions. The injection of CO2 inevitably causes a significant pressure increase in reservoirs. When there exist faults which cut through a deep reservoir and shallow aquifer system, there is a risk of the shallow aquifer being impacted by the changes in reservoir hydrodynamic fields. In this paper, a radial model and a 3D model are established by TOUGH2-ECO2N for the reservoir system in the CO2 geological storage demonstration site in the Junggar Basin to analyze the impact of the CO2 injection on the deep reservoir pressure field and the possible influence on the surrounding shallow groundwater sources. According to the results, the influence of CO2 injection on the reservoir pressure field in different periods and different numbers of well is analyzed. The result shows that the number of injection wells has a significant impact on the reservoir pressure field changes. The greater the number of injection wells is, the greater the pressure field changes. However, after the cessation of CO2 injection, the number of injection wells has little impact on the reservoir pressure recovery time. Under the geological conditions of the site and the constant injection pressure, although the CO2 injection has a significant influence on the pressure field in the deep reservoir, the impact on the shallow groundwater source area is minimal and can be neglected and the existing shallow groundwater sources are safe in the given project scenarios.

2021 ◽  
Dale Douglas Erickson ◽  
Greg Metcalf

Abstract This paper discusses the development and deployment of a specialized online and offline integrated model to simulate the CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) Injection process. There is a very high level of CO2 in an LNG development and the CO2 must be removed in order to prepare the gas to be processed into LNG. To mitigate the global warming effects of this CO2, a large portion of the CO2 Rich Stream (98% purity) is injected back into a depleted oil field. To reduce costs, carbon steel flowlines are used but this introduces a risk of internal corrosion. The presence of free water increases the internal corrosion risk, and for this reason, a predictive model discussed in this paper is designed to help operations prevent free water dropout in the network in real time. A flow management tool (FMT) is used to monitor the current state of the system and helps look at the impact of future events (startup, shutdowns etc.). The tool models the flow of the CO2 rich stream from the outlet of the compressor trains, through the network pipeline and manifolds and then into the injection wells. System behavior during steady state and transient operation is captured and analyzed to check water content and the balance of trace chemicals along with temperature and pressure throughout the network helping operators estimate corrosion rates and monitor the overall integrity of the system. The system has been running online for 24/7 for 2 years. The model has been able to match events like startup/shutdown, cooldowns and blowdowns. During these events the prediction of temperature/pressure at several locations in the field matches measured data. The model is then able to forecasts events into the future to help operations plan how they will operate the field. The tool uses a specialized thermodynamic model to predict the dropout of water in the near critical region of CO2 mixtures which includes various impurities. The model is designed to model startup and shutdown as the CO2 mixture moves across the phase boundary from liquid to gas or gas to liquid during these operations.

Fluids ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 80 ◽  
Parvaneh Heidari ◽  
Hassan Hassanzadeh

Long-term geological storage of CO2 in deep saline aquifers offers the possibility of sustaining access to fossil fuels while reducing emissions. However, prior to implementation, associated risks of CO2 leakage need to be carefully addressed to ensure safety of storage. CO2 storage takes place by several trapping mechanisms that are active on different time scales. The injected CO2 may be trapped under an impermeable rock due to structural trapping. Over time, the contribution of capillary, solubility, and mineral trapping mechanisms come into play. Leaky faults and fractures provide pathways for CO2 to migrate upward toward shallower depths and reduce the effectiveness of storage. Therefore, understanding the transport processes and the impact of various forces such as viscous, capillary and gravity is necessary. In this study, a mechanistic model is developed to investigate the influence of the driving forces on CO2 migration through a water saturated leakage pathway. The developed numerical model is used to determine leakage characteristics for different rock formations from a potential CO2 storage site in central Alberta, Canada. The model allows for preliminary analysis of CO2 leakage and finds applications in screening and site selection for geological storage of CO2 in deep saline aquifers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1(61)) ◽  
pp. 33-40
Miсhail Lubkov ◽  
Oksana Zakharchuk ◽  
Viktoriia Dmytrenko ◽  
Oleksandr Petrash

The object of research is the filtration processes of displacement of the oil phase under the influence of an injection well in a heterogeneous porous medium. It is possible to evaluate and take into account the effect of reservoir heterogeneity on the distribution of reservoir pressure (and, consequently, on the intensity of the filtration process) using numerical modeling of filtration processes based on the piezoelectric equation. To solve the non-stationary anisotropic problem of piezoconductivity, it is proposed to apply the combined finite-element-difference method of M. Lubkov, which makes it possible to take into account the inhomogeneous distribution of permeability inside the anisotropic oil-bearing formation and at its boundaries, and to adequately calculate the distribution of reservoir pressure. The use of the combined finite-element-difference method allows to combine the advantages of the finite-element method and the finite difference method: to model geometrically complex areas, to find the value at any point of the object under study. At the same time, the use of an implicit difference scheme when finding the nodal values of the grid provides high reliability and convergence of the results. The simulation results show that the distribution of the pressure field between the production and injection wells significantly depends on their location, both in the isotropic landslide and in the anisotropic oil-bearing reservoir. It is shown that the distance between the wells of more than 1 km levels out the effectiveness of the impact of the injection well on the oil filtration process. The influence of the permeability of the oil phase in the shear direction dominates the influence of the permeability in the axial directions (affects the pressure decrease by 4–9.5 %). In the case of a landslide-isotropic reservoir, the wells should be located in the shear (diagonal) direction, which will provide the lowest level of drop in the average reservoir pressure (by 4 %). Based on the information obtained, for the effective use of anisotropic low-permeability formations, it is necessary to place production and injection wells in areas with relatively low anisotropy of the formation permeability, especially to avoid places with the presence of landslide permeability of the formation. The location of the wells is important so that, on the one hand, there is no blockage of oil from the side of reduced permeability, and on the other hand, rapid depletion of the formation from the side of increased permeability does not occur. And also the mutual exchange between the production and injection wells did not stop. When placing a system of production and injection wells in anisotropic formations of an oil field, it is necessary to carry out a systematic analysis of the surrounding anisotropy of the formations in order to place them in such a way that would ensure effective dynamics of filtration processes around these wells. Using the method used, it is possible to predict the impact of an injection well on the distribution of reservoir pressure in the reservoir.

2019 ◽  
Vol 126 ◽  
pp. 00074
Fedor Nedopekin ◽  
Nikolay Shestavin ◽  
Viktoriya Yurchenko

The Donbass has the largest potential in Europe for the geological storage of carbon dioxide (CO2), which needs to be implemented on a large scale to mitigate the effects of global climate change. The environmental risks of CO2 leaks in the processes of capturing, transporting and geological storage of CO2 at the enterprises of the energy and industrial sectors of the economy of the eastern regions of Ukraine are analyzed. Geographic information systems have been created in these areas with layers of geological structures suitable for long-term storage of supercritical CO2. The impact of CO2 leaks from geological repositories on the environment is estimated. In the proposed CO2 storage areas, some CO2 leakagescenarios were analyzed due to the filtering of CO2 fluids through porous rock layers, through abandoned wells and tectonic faults of the Donbas geological structures. The potential effects of CO2 leakage on groundwater quality in the region are also assessed.

2021 ◽  
pp. petgeo2020-086
Azadeh Pourmalek ◽  
Andrew J. Newell ◽  
Seyed M. Shariatipour ◽  
Adrian M. Wood

Three different outcrops are selected in this study, each representing a shallow marine system with varying heterogeneity provided by siliciclastic-carbonate mixing that may form a small or large stratigraphic trap. The impact of these styles of mixed facies on CO2 storage is relatively poorly known. This study demonstrates the significance of these systems for safe CO2 geological storage, as stratigraphic traps are likely to be a significant feature of many future storage sites. The three 3D models are based on the: 1. Grayburg Formation (US), which displays spatial permeability linked to variations in the mixture of siliciclastic-carbonate sediments; 2. Lorca Basin outcrop (Spain), which demonstrates the interfingering of clastic and carbonate facies; and 3. Bridport Sand Formation outcrop (UK), an example of a layered reservoir, which has thin carbonate-cemented horizons.This study demonstrates that facies interplay and associated sediment heterogeneity have a varying effect on fluid flow, storage capacity and security. In the Grayburg Formation, storage security and capacity are not controlled by heterogeneity alone but influenced mainly by the permeability of each facies (i.e., permeability contrast), the degree of heterogeneity, and the relative permeability characteristic of the system. In the case of the Lorca Basin, heterogeneity through interfingering of the carbonate and clastic facies improved the storage security regardless of their permeability. For the Bridport Sand Formation, the existence of extended sheets of cemented carbonate contributed to storage security but not storage capacity, which depends on the continuity of the sheets. These mixed systems specially minimise the large buoyancy force that act on the top seal and reduce the reliance of the storage security on the overlying caprock. They also increase the contact area between injected CO2 and brine, thereby promoting the CO2 dissolution processes. Overall, mixed systems contribute to the safe storage of CO2.Thematic collection: This article is part of the Geoscience for CO2 storage collection available at:

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 66-74
Dr. Kareem A. Alwan ◽  
Dr. Maha R. Abdulameer ◽  
Mohammed Falih

Ahdeb is one of the Iraqi oil fields, its crude characterized by medium API (22.5-28.9) and highly reservoir pressure depletion from Khasib formation due to lack of water drive. This makes it difficult to produce economic oil rates. Therefore, many water injection wells were drilled by the operators to maintain the reservoir pressure during production. In addition to that, electrical submersible pumps (ESP) were used in some productive wells. This study suggests exploitation of gas associated with oil production to be recycled to lift oil as a substitute for the ESP .The work in this study includes using PIPSIM software to build a model of four studied productive wells (AD1-11-2H, AD2-15-2H, AD4-13-3H, A4-19-1H) after choosing the suited correlation for each well. According to the statistical results, Mukherjee & Brill correlation is the best option for all wells. The use of PIPESIM software include determining artificial lift performance to determine the optimum amount of gas injected, optimum injection pressure as well as the optimum injection depth and knowing the impact of these factors on production, as well as the determination of the optimal injection conditions when water cut changes. According to the current circumstances of the wells, the depth optimized for injection is the maximum allowable depth of injection which is deeper than the packer by 100 ft and the amount of injection gas is (1.5, 1, 1, and 1) MMscf/day for wells (AD2-11-2H, AD2-15-2H, AD4-13-3H, and AD4-19-2H) sequentially and injection pressure (2050, 2050, 2050, and 2000) psi for wells (AD2-11-2H, AD2-15-2H, AD4-13-3H, and AD4-19-2H) sequentially.  

2019 ◽  
Autumn Haagsma ◽  
Andrew Burchwell ◽  
Amber Conner ◽  
Jackie Gerst ◽  
Wayne Goodman ◽  

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Doni Prakasa Eka Putra

Since 1980s, accelerated by urbanization, Yogyakarta City was shifting to many directions defined by main road networks and service centres. Urbanization has transformed rural dwellings to become urban settlements and generated urban agglomeration area. Until now, new business centres, education centres and tourism centres are growing hand in hand with new settlements (formal or informal) without proper provision of water supply and sanitation system. This condition increase the possibility of groundwater contamination from urban wastewater and a change of major chemistry of groundwater as shallow unconfined aquifer is lying under Yogyakarta City. To prove the evolution of groundwater chemistry, old data taken on 1980s were comparing with the recent groundwater chemistry data. The evaluation shows that nitrate content of groundwater in 1980s was a minor anion, but nowadays become a major anion, especially in the shallow groundwater in the centre of Yogyakarta City. This evidence shows that there is an evolution of groundwater chemistry in shallow groundwater below Yogyakarta City due to contamination from un-proper on-site sanitation system. Keywords: Urbanization, Yogyakarta city, rural dwellings, settlements, agglomeration, contamination, groundwater

Alberto Previati ◽  
Giovanni B. Crosta

AbstractUrban areas are major contributors to the alteration of the local atmospheric and groundwater environment. The impact of such changes on the groundwater thermal regime is documented worldwide by elevated groundwater temperature in city centers with respect to the surrounding rural areas. This study investigates the subsurface urban heat island (SUHI) in the aquifers beneath the Milan city area in northern Italy, and assesses the natural and anthropogenic controls on groundwater temperatures within the urban area by analyzing groundwater head and temperature records acquired in the 2016–2020 period. This analysis demonstrates the occurrence of a SUHI with up to 3 °C intensity and reveals a correlation between the density of building/subsurface infrastructures and the mean annual groundwater temperature. Vertical heat fluxes to the aquifer are strongly related to the depth of the groundwater and the density of surface structures and infrastructures. The heat accumulation in the subsurface is reflected by a constant groundwater warming trend between +0.1 and + 0.4 °C/year that leads to a gain of 25 MJ/m2 of thermal energy per year in the shallow aquifer inside the SUHI area. Future monitoring of groundwater temperatures, combined with numerical modeling of coupled groundwater flow and heat transport, will be essential to reveal what this trend is controlled by and to make predictions on the lateral and vertical extent of the groundwater SUHI in the study area.

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