Technology audit and production reserves
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Published By Private Company Technology Center

2706-5448, 2664-9969

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4(62)) ◽  
Oleksandra Mandych ◽  
Arkadii Mykytas ◽  
Tetiana Ustik ◽  
Svitlana Zaika ◽  
Olena Zaika

The object of research is the reengineering of business processes, which is used to increase the effectiveness of strategic management of an enterprise, which will create a new type of environmental enterprise «bioalliance». One of the most problematic places is the possibility of conducting marketing research to ensure the competitiveness of enterprises. The paper used the hypothetical method in substantiating the theoretical and methodological principles of organization and functioning of bio-alliances as the basis of bio-economy for rural areas. The study used the economic-statistical method, ranking of economic zoning, correlation and regression and cluster analysis. These methods were used in the elaboration of directions, sources and strategies of development, components of system and process management, state support for the implementation of traditional and new socio-economic and environmental functions. Also in the course of the work, methods of ideal modelling, mathematical modelling and programming, abstract-logical and structural-logical, extrapolation, expert evaluations, surveys, observations, qualitative and quantitative, imaginary and social experiments were used. The results of the market analyses of agricultural companies showed the inexpediency of agricultural companies. Based on the research, modelling and re-engineering of business processes through the implementation of organisational, corporate, business and functional strategies was proposed. The new form of agrarian enterprises, proposed in the work, is «bioalliance», based on the principles of integration of tourism sphere, sphere of organic production and production of eco-commodities, as well as using bio-resources as the main source. Compared to similar known methodologies of strategic management, the proposed methodology provides enterprises with a high level of importance in the regions, increasing the efficiency of the use of the resources available in their ownership. And also to allocate new market segments in order to attract not only existing, but also potential consumers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4(62)) ◽  
Daniela Palaščáková

In contrast to the traditional view on economics, related to productivity and economic growth, we focus our attention on the development of modern technologies, services, and the knowledge economy. The fast pace of technology innovations requires higher-quality education. In this matter, the objects of the research are universities that influence the population and economic development as well as the regional development as one of the involved institutions. The paper deals with the contextual analysis of the university environment within the conditions of regions in the Slovak Republic upon the selected subindexes, such as macroeconomic performance and stability, innovation policy, institutional quality, and the quality of human resources. The differences between the regions are analyzed through the Index of the quality of regional university environment (IQRUE) that enabled to recognize these differences better. The ranking of the regions has been created according to a daily index when interpreting the results by the comparison of each region. The Pearson’s correlation coefficient and Spearman’s ranking correlation coefficient were used to testing the relationship between GDP and science and research expenses. The results are presented in the tables and graphs. The conducted research enabled the identification of the deficiencies of the university environment in every region of Slovakia. As a result, some universities are disadvantaged within the competition. Continuous elimination of deficiencies should not be a priority of universities only, however, the entire society should prioritize it. The state, local self-government bodies should play the leading role to create the conditions to improve the quality of the university environment and pay attention mostly to the disadvantaged regions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4(62)) ◽  
Anna Hlazova

The object of the paper is peculiarities of digital economy development in the framework of informatization of socio-economic, socio-cultural relations. It contributes to the in-depth development of the noosphere, the emergence of new industries and a qualitative transformation of production and distribution relations. The paper examines the impact of digitalization on transformational changes in the economy. As noted at the 14th G20 Summit, the main goals of digitalization are the development of innovations, focused on the development of society 5.0, ensuring the free flow of data and at the same time solving problems, related to information security and the protection of intellectual property rights, as well as bridging the digital gap and promoting the digitalization of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and the development of smart cities. The research methodology is based on theoretical and methodological analysis of the literature, statistical, comparative analysis, as well as synthesis, generalization and systems analysis. The study has revealed differences between the national approach and world experience in the interpretation of digitalization. For instance, in Ukraine the phenomenon involves, first of all, «digitization» in the field of data collection and analysis. At the same time, the concept of digitalization in developed countries is considered as the modernization of the manufacturing sector based on the implementation of information and communication technologies in order to reduce the capital and material intensity of products to increase competitiveness. In addition, the level of development of central bank digital currencies (CBDC) as one of the indicators of the information society has been analyzed. As a result, it was found, that about 80 % of all central banks in the world have been working on projects to issue their own digital currency. The basic requirements for national CBDC have been systematized. The practical significance, presented in the paper, lies in making recommendations for policy implementation of national economy digitalization. It is important, first of all, to «digitize» the real manufacturing sector, but not only create all sorts of «remote access services», clearly define the government position on cryptocurrencies and continue to implement the project of e-hryvnia (digital currency of National Bank of Ukraine) introduction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4(62)) ◽  
Oleksandr Kononykhin

The object of research is the management processes of a road construction organization. The research is based on the principles of systems analysis for structuring design processes; methods of mathematical modeling, fuzzy mathematics, discrete programming, multicriteria assessment and optimization for the selection of cloud software for road construction organizations in terms of interval information. The information system of a road construction organization includes planning, reporting, regulatory and technical documentation that characterizes the state and movement of information in the enterprise. It is important to use systems that speed up the generation, processing and preparation of documents, as well as improve the storage and retrieval of information. The introduction of cloud technologies has become a necessary condition for increasing the mobility, flexibility and efficiency of the management system of a road construction organization. Formalized processes of information collection and internal distribution can better predict the dynamics of market trends and act more quickly, make decisions confidently and reasonably. In the final stages of selection for assessment, it is convenient to apply the criteria in conditions of interval uncertainty. The study was aimed at improving the efficiency of transport management by developing a model for choosing the cloud software of a road construction organization in terms of interval information. The following criteria of partial optimization were used in the developed model: maximum speed of execution of functions by cloud software; minimum cloud software requirements for internet connection speed; minimum cost of cloud software. The scope of permissible solutions is determined by restrictions: – execution of all functions must be provided by cloud software; – the minimum speed of execution of functions by the cloud software should be not lower than set; – cloud software requirements for Internet connection speed should not exceed the specified; – the cost of cloud software should be no more than specified. The developed model will reduce the cost of purchasing cloud software and increase the efficiency of transport management of a road construction organization.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4(62)) ◽  
Serhii Chapran

The object of research is theoretical and methodological approaches to mathematical modelling of dynamic nonlinear systems to ensure dynamic management of the investment process of information development of enterprises. Methodological aspects of building dynamic investment systems, maximizing the effectiveness of system interaction in information development are considered. One of the most problematic places is the formulation of the optimal approach to the methods of system analysis of decision management. The paper provides an opportunity to solve a wide range of problems, related to the flexible management of investment projects in the implementation of information technology. The study used the economic component of the formation of information resources, which contains an integral investment component of the information system. This is due to the fact that the proposed discreteness of this approach in the complex dynamics of the value of the information system contains partial estimates. Therefore, there should be a scheme of constant review of its value, which contains a dynamic component of the investment value of the information system with properties. The axiomatic approach was used in one of the most common approaches in the formal study of systems. The peculiarity is that the model is based on certain basic assumptions that do not require theoretical justification – on axioms. The study identified the main characteristics of the dynamic investment component of the system. Investments will have the properties of assessing information flows as part of information development. In particular, the research used approaches to modelling many solutions of the investment resources management process. The stages of modelling the process of dynamics and state of the system, implementation of the information support system are determined. This provides an opportunity to identify and assess the stages of investment, analysis of key risks and existing opportunities, defining strategies and methods of response, system typing. As well as the development and implementation of action plans to minimize the variability of investment areas and information structure.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4(62)) ◽  
Iegor Kartuzov

The object of this research is a quick recap to assess barriers on startups evolution in Ukraine after acquiring an independence 30 years ago and those developed of today. The paper aims to analyze an impact of political, historical and other factors affecting startups evolution and to understand how it decelerates an efficient functioning of technology transfer process nowadays. If one wants to establish a successful and fast-growing business, then you may need to create your own startup. The experience and practice show that it is a rather complicated process, which follows a few factors and conditions that determine its success and/or failure at the end. Being based on previously proposed efforts devoted to succinct analysis of historical, political and other premises jeopardizing transfer in Ukraine, this one is to scrutinize startups as an effective tool for such a transfer. The result of this endeavor makes a solid background for further debates in terms of political science, legal regulations and export control associated with startups and technology transfer. They highlight that startups' and DUs’ status quo implies that a global economy undergoes a number of changes related to demographic trends, technological advances, accelerated innovation and globalization. This study employs qualitative methodology and being under an umbrella of descriptive research design to accord on historical, technical, political, and other implications for startups origin as the effective mechanism for technology transfer and state’s security. This descriptive research portrays a rather accurate profile of present situation around Ukrainian startups. This design offers a profile of described relevant aspects of the problem from author's individual perspective.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4(62)) ◽  
Anna Zhaldak ◽  
Mariia Krasovska

The object of research is a set of stages of processes, used in the application of hunting as a method of closing vacancies. Such stages include: sources of search for candidates, ways of their interest formation, telephone conversation as an interview, negotiations and compilation of statistics with direct transfer of information to the director of the company. In the course of the study, such general scientific and specific research methods as analysis and synthesis, induction, deduction, as well as methods of comparison, observation and a systematic approach, were used. These methods are to determine the results and dynamics when recruiting strategies are changed or when they are combined. With the help of comparison methods and a systematic approach, it was possible to determine the optimal strategy for closing the required number of vacancies in the future. Using the observation method, it was possible to consider the dynamics of indicators from each selection method separately or in different combinations with each other. Among the complex methods, an analysis was used, which allowed to understand the dynamics of indicators and draw conclusions based on them on each of the options for implementing the methods. With the help of induction on the basis of a set of conclusions about each of the options separately, a generalized conclusion was made about the further rationality of the method of hunting as effective for businesses. The simulation allowed us to develop a strategy for the phased implementation of hunting based on direct search and understanding of its difference with the latter. With regard to theoretical methods, in the process of research the transition was made from the definitions and general provisions of the hunt to a specific consideration of the method in the enterprise and its direct implementation. The result of all studies was: – summary of theoretical aspects of headhunting as an effective method of attracting staff; – effective change of dynamics of indicators at the enterprise during introduction of hunting and its combination with direct search; – a developed strategy for the phased implementation of the hunt to increase the effectiveness of the method.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4(62)) ◽  
Tetiana Kvasha

The object of the study is the reserves of economic growth in the country on the example of Ukraine. One of the problems of such studies is the calculation of potential GDP, which is not observed, but is calculated on the basis of various methods. Also problematic is the choice of method/methods of calculating potential GDP and potential values of its factors. Any estimate of the potential value of a variable is based on one or more statistical relationships and therefore contains an element of uncertainty. In order to reduce uncertainty, 2 methods were used to determine the potential values of the components of GDP – the growth rate of employment, fixed capital and TFP (total factor productivity). The study used the methods of one-dimensional statistical filters Hodrick-Prescott and Baxter-King to estimate the potential values of GDP and the model of the production function to calculate potential GDP based on the potential values of its factors. The main reasons for the slowdown in Ukraine's GDP have been identified, the main of which is low capital productivity due to budget constraints. The second place in this ranking was taken by labor productivity, the last third – by TFP. Weak productivity and investment growth reinforced each other. Capital has the highest growth potential in Ukraine. Therefore, measures to stimulate capital investment, including in research and innovation and human capital, are important. Other factors that affect GDP through labor productivity and TFP are population aging, emigration, and tight lending conditions. To neutralize these factors, it is necessary to create new jobs, facilitate the conditions for obtaining loans by enterprises, stimulate advanced training and lifelong learning. The proposed approach to the separate calculation of potential values of GDP factors and their analysis find reserves for GDP growth. This provides the advantages of this method over other approaches.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3(62)) ◽  
pp. 43-46
Olga Samokhvalova ◽  
Kateryna Kasabova ◽  
Nataliа Shmatchenko

The object of research is the technology of jelly-fruit marmalade with the addition of multicomponent fruit and berry paste from apples, quince and black currant. Marmalade products are in demand due to their attractive appearance, excellent taste, aroma and good absorption by the body. This delicacy is characterized by the absence of fat, high sugar content and the presence of functionally physiological ingredients. Due to the growing interest of consumers in products of increased nutritional value, the technology of jelly-fruit marmalade with the addition of multicomponent fruit and berry paste from apples, quince and black currant has been improved. New confectionery products must first of all be safe for human health, therefore, organoleptic, physicochemical and microbiological indicators of the quality of marmalade were determined during storage. In terms of organoleptic quality indicators, both control and experimental marmalade samples have high quality indicators during the shelf life. The storage duration affects the consistency of the marmalade, which becomes protracted after 3 months of storage and contributes to a decrease in the color saturation of all samples. The loss of the mass fraction of moisture in the control sample of marmalade up to 6.1 % and the sample with fruit and berry paste – up to 5.0 %, an increase in acid accumulation by 4.0–20.6 % for the control and by 4.0–20 % for the sample marmalade with pasta. It is noted that the content of reducing substances increases in the control sample by 18.0–50.0 %, which is 11.8–15.0 %, and in the sample with the addition of paste – by 10.8–36.9 %, which is 12.3–15.2 %. The data obtained is admissible and meets the established quality requirements in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents. Microbiological quality indicators have been determined and it has been established that new samples of marmalade with multicomponent paste, both freshly prepared and after a guaranteed shelf life, comply with the standards of all current requirements for the quality of food products. The safety of jellied fruit marmalade on agar with the addition of multicomponent fruit and berry paste from apples, quince and black currant has been proven during the guaranteed shelf life of 3 months.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1(62)) ◽  
pp. 27-35
Nikolai Kobasko

Objects of investigations are water solutions of polyalkylene glycol (PAG) which are used as the quenchants in the heat-treating industry. They are tested by standard cylindrical probe made of Inconel 600 material. The main and not solved yet is the problem of transition from data achieved for standard probe to data suitable for any form and size of real steel part. It opens possibility to make predictable calculations. Taken this into account, it has been investigated water solutions of PAG of different concentration. It is underlined that cooling intensity of quenchant can be evaluated by Kondratiev number Kn. The mentioned number Kn varies within 0≤Kn≤1 when generalized Biot Biv number varies within 0≤Biv≤∞. As a main achievement of investigation is established correlation between standard Kn number and Kn number of real steel part. In many cases, when film boiling is absent, the established correlation is a linear function. It allows optimizing quenching processes: obtain high surface compressive residual stresses, save alloy elements and improve environment condition. All of this is achieved by tolerating chemical composition of steel with size and form of quenched object as it is proposed by UA Patent No. 114174. Also, the number Kn allows interruption of quench process when surface compressive residual stresses are at their maximum value that essentially improves the quality of steel components. Moreover, interrupted cooling prevents quench crack formation, decreases distortion of quenched steel parts. The results of investigations can be used by engineers in the heat-treating industry and scientists for further research.

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