scholarly journals Chinese Herbal Medicine Alleviates Thyroidectomy-Induced Cardiopulmonary Exercise Dysfunction in Rats

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-8 ◽  
Tai-Yuan Chuang ◽  
Chia-Ying Lien ◽  
Chih-Hsiang Hsu ◽  
Chen-Wen Lu ◽  
Chung-Hsin Wu

Hypothyroidism frequently causes cardiopulmonary dysfunction, such as heart failure and respiratory and metabolic deficiencies. This study investigated the effects of Chinese herbal formula B307 on thyroidectomy-induced cardiopulmonary exercise dysfunction in rats. Twenty male rats were equally divided into four groups: negative control with sham treatment, positive control with oral B307 treatment only, thyroidectomy treatment only, and thyroidectomy with B307 posttreatment groups. The feeding dose of B307 was 50 mg/kg per day for 14 days. We examined and then compared the thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), free triiodothyronine (T3), free thyroxine (T4), and reactive oxygen species (ROS) from the blood of these four groups. Also, we compared the body weight, neck subcutaneous blood flow, cardiac ejection function, cardiopulmonary exercise function of oxygen consumption (VO2), carbon dioxide production (VCO2), and respiratory quotient (RQ = VCO2/VO2) among the four groups. Our results indicated that thyroidectomized rats had significantly decreased body weight, neck subcutaneous blood flow, cardiac ejection function, serum T3 and T4, and VO2 and VCO2, but had significantly increased ROS and TSH levels and RQ values compared with sham rats (P<0.01–0.05). In addition, thyroidectomized rats receiving oral B307 treatment had significantly increased body weight, neck subcutaneous blood flow, cardiac ejection function, and VO2, but significantly decreased ROS and TSH levels and VCO2 and RQ values compared with thyroidectomized rats (P<0.01–0.05). We suggest that the B307 could be a protective and beneficial alternative treatment for thyroidectomy-induced cardiopulmonary exercise dysfunction.

2020 ◽  
Vol 99 (11) ◽  
pp. 1276-1279
Valery N. Rakitskii ◽  
Tatiana M. Epishina ◽  
Elena G. Chkhvirkiya

Introduction. Historically, pesticides are evaluated more strictly from a medical point of view than other chemicals. Since their features, such as deliberate introduction into the environment, the possibility of contact with them by large masses of the population, and the high biological activity determine their potential danger to humans. Purpose of research - study of the biological effect of a technical product derived from triazoles when it is repeatedly ingested orally in mammals (rats), establishment of inactive and active doses, justification of the permissible daily dose (DSD) for humans. Material and methods. In acute experiments, white rats were used, including 6 animals in the group. Tested dose: 500-4000 mg/kg of body weight. A chronic (12 months) experiment was performed on 80 male rats with a bodyweight of 180-190 g at the beginning of the study. Tested doses: 5.0; 16.0 and 55.0 mg/kg of body weight (1 control and 3 experimental animals, 20 individuals each). In the dynamics of the experiment, we observed the condition and behavior of animals, water, and food consumption, recorded the timing of death, changes in body weight, physiological, biochemical, and hematological indices. Results. Indices of the acute oral toxicity on the studied product LD50 male rats were 2250 ± 483 mg/kg body weight. The dose of 5.0 mg / kg of body weight was not found to cause significant changes in all studied indices. The doses of 16.0 and 55.0 mg/kg of body weight had a polytropic effect on the body in experimental animals. Discussion. The studied product for the acute oral toxicity refers to low-hazard compounds, the doses of 16.0 and 55.0 mg/kg of body weight has a polytropic effect on the mammalian body, causing changes in carbohydrate, lipid, and lipoprotein metabolism in the body of rats - was accepted as acting. The dose of 5.0 mg / kg of body weight, when administered in rats, there are no changes in all the studied parameters throughout the experiment, is accepted as invalid. Based on the inactive dose-5.0 mg/kg of body weight and taking into account the reserve factor of 100, we have scientifically justified DSD for a person at the level of 0.05 mg/kg. Summary. The conducted sanitary and Toxicological studies indicate the need to assess the toxicity of new technical products to the mammalian body, to increase the reliability of the developed hygiene standards in environmental objects and food products.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
Condro Suro Miyarso ◽  
Tri Cahyani Widiastuti ◽  
Naelaz Zukhruf Wakhidatul Kiromah

The root of pasak bumi (Eurycoma longifolia, Jack) is one of plant from Indonesia known as aphrodisiac. The study about its standardized extract as aphrodisiac was show increasing libido, testosterone level, FSH and LH on male rats. This study was conducted to evaluate testosterone level and histopathological changes of the testes of male rats of standardized extract of pasak bumi root. There are 50 old male rats which ages 3-4 months old divided to five groups. Group I as negative control was administered aquadestilata. Group II as positive control was administered testosterone (Andriol®). Group III, IV and V ware given standardized extract of pasak bumi root at the dose 50, 100 and 200 mg/kg body weight Respectively. The extract was given orally twice a day for six days and forty nine days and then the testes was taken out on 7th and 50th day. The histopathological of the testes was evaluated using quantitative parameter by the presence of testes weight, number and diameter of Leydig cells. Testosterone level was taken on 7th and 50th day used ELISA method. The results were analyzed using parametric test, one way ANOVA (P<0,05), post hoc Dunnet (2-sided) (P < 0,05). The result of this study shows that the standardized extract of pasak bumi root was not effect on histopathological changes of the testes but it could increased the level of testosterone m at the dose 100 and 200 mg/kg body weight.  Key word : Eurycoma longifolia, Jack, aphrodisiac, histopathological testes testosteron

F1000Research ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 130
Novita Sari Harahap ◽  
Aznan Lelo ◽  
Ambrosius Purba ◽  
Awaluddin Sibuea ◽  
Rina Amelia ◽  

Background: Oxidative stress from exercise can contribute to damaging cells, increasing heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) and suppressing the immune system in the body. This research aimed to determine the antioxidant potential of red-fleshed pitaya extract on HSP70 and cortisol expression in rats which were subjected to strenuous exercise. Methods: The subjects of this research were 32 Sprague Dawley male rats, aged 3 months, with an average weight of 200 g. Red-fleshed pitaya extract was obtained from methanol extraction process; a maceration technique was performed and the extract was concentrated using an air-drying method. Rats were randomly divided into four groups. Group 1 were subjected to strenuous exercise and treated with distilled water only; while Groups 2, 3 and 4 were subjected to strenuous exercise and treated with 100 mg/kg body weight, 200 mg/kg body weight and 300 mg/kg body weight of red-fleshed pitaya extract, respectively. Strenuous exercises in rats was performed by intense swimming of 20 min/day, 3 days a week for 3 weeks. HSP70 expression and cortisol were measured with Enzyme-Linked Immune Sorbent Assay (ELISA) method. Results: There was a significant reduction of HSP70 (p=0.000) and cortisol expression (p=0.000) between the groups. Also, there was a significant difference in the average decreasing of HSP70 expression between group 4 and either groups 1 or 2 (p=0.000). However, a significant difference between groups 4 and 3 was not observed (p=0.813). Lastly, a significant difference was found in the average decrease of cortisol expression between groups 4 and 1 (p=0.000), 2 (p=0.000), and 3 (p=0.000) respectively. Conclusion: Red-fleshed pitaya is potential to be utilized as antioxidant to decrease the HSP70 and cortisol expression.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 89-97
EL Lappa ◽  
C Bogning Zangueu ◽  
EL Nguemfo ◽  
JJ Kojom Wanche ◽  

Ficus vogelii is a medicinal plant mainly found in tropical Africa and reported to treat inflammatory complaints. This study aims to evaluate the acute and sub-chronic toxicity of the aqueous extract of Ficus vogelii stem bark in wistar rats. For acute study, aqueous extract at a single dose of 5000 mg/kg body weight was administered to female rats and observed for 14 days. In the sub-chronic study, the extract was administered daily to both sex rats at the doses of 100, 200, 400, and 600 mg/kg body weight for 28 consecutive days. Body weight was measured weekly, while hematological, biochemical, and histopathological parameters were analyzed after euthanize. Aqueous extract of Ficus vogelii at all tested doses didn’t produced any mortality or significant change on the body weight and relative weight of rats on acute and sub-chronic studies. The lethal dose 50 was estimated greater than 5000 mg/kg (DL50˃5000 mg/kg). Hematological parameters were recorded non-significant in all treated rats. Aqueous extract at 600 mg/kg significantly changed transaminases and alkaline phosphatase activities, these changes were reversible in satellites. The concentrations of bilirubin was increased at 200 and 600 mg/kg in male rats, at 100, 400 mg/kg in female rats. The levels of lipids markers didn’t changed, except the significant decrease of LDL-cholesterol. Histological examination didn’t showed any change in the architecture of the liver and kidney of rats treated compared to control. Thus aqueous extract of Ficus vogelii stem bark didn’t produced adverse effects in rats after oral acute and sub-chronic treatment.

Kristiana Nugraheni ◽  
Fadlina Chany Saputri

Objective: This study was conducted to determine the cardioprotective effect of secang extract on the heart cells of rats who suffered from myocardialinfarction induced by isoproterenol.Materials and Methods: Sprague Dawley rats were divided into six groups: Normal control, negative control, control extract (200 mg/kg), and threedifferent dose extract groups (50, 100, and 200 mg/kg body weight) that were given treatment for 30 days, and then, induced with isoproterenol.Observations were made for changes in the macroscopic appearance, cardiac weight, and histology of the cardiac organ.Results: The results showed a decrease in the incidence of myocardial infarction in rats given secang extract. The infarction area decreased withincreasing doses of extract. The weight of the heart in the control extract group was smaller than in the negative control group.Conclusions: Damage to heart cells, seen in the microscope, decreased with increasing doses.

2009 ◽  
Vol 52 (spe) ◽  
pp. 233-240 ◽  
José Otávio Berti Sorbara ◽  
Alice Eiko Murakami ◽  
Eliane Saiuri Nakage ◽  
Francisco Piracés ◽  
Alexandra Potença ◽  

Two trials were conducted on floor pens to evaluate the performance of broilers fed with diets contained different carbohydrases enzyme programs at different ages. Trial 1- The body weight gain (BWG) was affected by the Negative Control (NC) treatment (P<0.05). However, when the birds were fed with the NC diet + Amilase (AMY)+Xilanase (XYL), the BWG improved and reached the same level as the Positive Control (PC). Trial 2- The birds received enzymes supplementation in the total phase and others only in the grower phase.The ME reduction by 120 kcal/kg increased the feed conversion ratio (FCR) (P<0.05) when compared to PC and none of the enzyme programs was able to recover the performance. It can be concluded that it is possible to supplement with AMY during the role period of broiler chicken life or use an enzymatic program with AMY or AMY+XYL only in the grower phase.

1992 ◽  
Vol 52 (6) ◽  
pp. 1173-1177 ◽  
M. Cabanac ◽  
J. Morrissette

2011 ◽  
Vol 124 (3) ◽  
pp. 978-982 ◽  
Gianpietro Bondiolotti ◽  
Umberto Cornelli ◽  
Rosanna S. Strabbioli ◽  
Natale G. Frega ◽  
Matteo Cornelli ◽  

1966 ◽  
Vol 51 (2) ◽  
pp. 315-320 ◽  
C. M. Goodall ◽  
J. B. Gavin

ABSTRACT Male rats were hypophysectomized at four weeks of age, rested for four weeks, and then were fed a thyroid digest in their drinking water continuously for up to seventy weeks. The digest treatment supplied the equivalent of 1.25μg L-thyroxine per 100 g rat per day approximately. From the body weight curves and radiographic measurements of the skull and mandibles, it was shown that contrary to some previous reports in the literature there was no statistically significant change in the indices of growth or body mass when compared with controls receiving no thyroid treatment. It is suggested that data previously reported by others, indicating a stimulation of growth in hypophysectomized rats by thyroid hormones, may have been derived from animals having minute but still effective pituitary remnants, and somewhat more stringent morphological criteria of hypophysectomy are proposed.

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