Seasonal and Bathymetric Changes in Feeding Habits of the Benthic Red Crab Pleuroncodes Planipes (Decapoda, Anomura, Galatheidae) Off the Pacific Coast of Baja California Sur, Mexico

Crustaceana ◽  
1997 ◽  
Vol 70 (3) ◽  
pp. 272-287 ◽  
David Aurioles-Gamboa ◽  
Ricardo Pérez-Flores
1995 ◽  
Vol 69 (3) ◽  
pp. 509-515 ◽  
Richard L. Squires ◽  
Robert A. Demetrion

The cassiduloid echinoid Calilampas californiensis n. gen. and sp. is described from middle lower Eocene (“Capay Stage”) shallow-marine sandstones in both the middle part of the Bateque Formation, Baja California Sur, Mexico, and the lower part of the Llajas Formation, southern California. The new genus is tentatively placed in family Pliolampadidae. The cassiduloid Cassidulus ellipticus Kew, 1920, previously known only from the “Capay Stage” in California, is also present in “Capay Stage” shallow-marine sandstones of the Bateque Formation.

2013 ◽  
Vol 77 (3) ◽  
pp. 473-487 ◽  
Felipe Galvan-Magaña ◽  
Sergio R. Ramirez-Amaro ◽  
Daniel Cartamil ◽  
Gerardo Gonzalez-Barba ◽  
Jeffrey B. Graham ◽  

1995 ◽  
Vol 69 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-51 ◽  
Michael R. Sandy ◽  
Richard L. Squires ◽  
Robert Demetrion

Two species of terebratulide brachiopods are described from the upper part of the Bateque Formation (middle Eocene) on the Pacific coast of Baja California Sur, Mexico, Terebratulina cf. Terebratulina louisianae Stenzel, 1940, and Terebratalia batequia n. sp. Terebratalia batequia n. sp. is the earliest confirmed record of the genus Terebratalia Beecher, 1893, which has been an important component of Pacific brachiopod faunas through to the present day. The occurrence of Terebratulina cf. Terebratulina louisianae Stenzel is one of the earliest records of the genus from the west coast of North America. These brachiopods, like other elements of the Bateque invertebrate fauna, may record Eocene migration from the Atlantic to Pacific Ocean via the Central American seaway.

2016 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 45
Ludwig Naegel ◽  
Mauricio Muñoz-Ochoa ◽  
Lorena Maria Durán-Riverol

The coastal lagoon system Bahía Magdalena / Almejas (BM/A) at the Pacific coast of Baja California Sur, México, is a large water body extremely important for ecological, economic and social reasons. Because of its natural environment BM/A was declared as one of the areas deserving marine conservation priority. The exact number of fishermen and their families living around the Bay is not known, and neither is the currently registered small boats in service, nor the fishing efforts, expenses and yields. Recently, several civil organizations started working in the BM/A with the mission to solve some of the identified environmental and social problems. However, because of the lack of reliable data, wide spread corruption, and undirected and uncoordinated research make it very difficult to suggest ways to improve the livelihood of the small-scale shrimp fishermen without endangering the environment. Some promising options are small-scale aquaculture projects, mainly for off-shore mollusks production, and to offer eco-tourist activities as well as eco-friendly sport fishing. Both bring local employment opportunities while maintaining a quality environment. En busca de sustentabilidad de la pesquería de camarón a baja escala en el sistema lagunar Magdalena-Almejas Baja California Sur, México: una revisión El sistema lagunar Bahía Magdalena / Almejas (BM/A) ubicado en la costa oeste de Baja California Sur, México, es un cuerpo de agua de extrema importancia bajo las perspectivas ecológica, económica y social. Dado su ambiente natural, BM/A es considerada un área prioritaria en términos de conservación marina. Se desconoce cuántas familias de pescadores viven entorno a la bahía, así como el número registrado de embarcaciones pequeñas en activo, el esfuerzo pesquero, sus gastos, o su rendimiento. Recientemente, varias organizaciones civiles comenzaron labores en BM/A bajo la consigna de resolver algunos de los problemas ambientales y sociales identificados. Sin embargo, debido a la falta de datos confiables y a la corrupción, aunados a investigación mal dirigida y sin coordinación, dificultan la posibilidad de sugerir maneras de mejorar la sustentabilidad de la pesca menor de camarón sin poner en riesgo el ambiente. Algunas alternativas prometedoras son los proyectos acuaculturales a pequeña escala, principalmente para producción de moluscos lejos de la costa, así como las actividades ecoturísticas y la pesca deportiva ecológicamente amigable, dado que ambas abren oportunidades de empleo locales conservando la calidad del ambiente.

1994 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
pp. 72-87 ◽  
Daniel R. Muhs ◽  
George L. Kennedy ◽  
Thomas K. Rockwell

AbstractFew of the marine terraces along the Pacific coast of North America have been dated using uranium-series techniques. Ten terrace sequences from southern Oregon to southern Baja California Sur have yielded fossil corals in quantities suitable for U-series dating by alpha spectrometry. U-series-dated terraces representing the ∼80,000 yr sea-level high stand are identified in five areas (Bandon, Oregon; Point Arena, San Nicolas Island, and Point Loma, California; and Punta Banda, Baja California); terraces representing the ∼125,000 yr sea-level high stand are identified in eight areas (Cayucos, San Luis Obispo Bay, San Nicolas Island, San Clemente Island, and Point Loma, California; Punta Bands and Isla Guadalupe, Baja California; and Cabo Pulmo, Baja California Sur). On San Nicolas Island, Point Loma, and Punta Bands, both the ∼80,000 and the ∼125,000 yr terraces are dated. Terraces that may represent the ∼105,000 sea-level high stand are rarely preserved and none has yielded corals for U-series dating. Similarity of coral ages from midlatitude, erosional marine terraces with coral ages from emergent, constructional reefs on tropical coastlines suggests a common forcing mechanism, namely glacioeustatically controlled fluctuations in sea level superimposed on steady tectonic uplift. The low marine terrace dated at ∼125,000 yr on Isla Guadalupe, Baja California, presumed to be tectonically stable, supports evidence from other localities for a +6-m sea level at that time. Data from the Pacific Coast and a compilation of data from other coasts indicate that sea levels at ∼80,000 and ∼105,000 yr may have been closer to present sea level (within a few meters) than previous studies have suggested.

Emelio Barjau-Gonzalez ◽  
Abril Karim Romo-Pinera ◽  
Juan Manuel Lopez-Vivas ◽  
Jose Perez-Castillo ◽  
Myrna Barjau-Perez Milicua

2019 ◽  
Vol 09 (02) ◽  
pp. 86-97
Emelio Barjau-González ◽  
José Ange Armenta-Quintana ◽  
Juan Manuel López-Viva ◽  
Eleonora Romero-Vadillo

2010 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 173-183 ◽  
Vanessa Labrada-Martagón ◽  
Lia C. Méndez-Rodríguez ◽  
Susan C. Gardner ◽  
Victor H. Cruz-Escalona ◽  
Tania Zenteno-Savín

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