Soviet Specialist Baiting: The Case of N. A. Dobrosmyslov

2011 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 5-22

AbstractFor many communists working in the Soviet state apparatus during the 1920s, the state's continued employment of so-called “bourgeois specialists” (spetsy) was an ideological affront and an obstacle to proletarian advancement. In their eyes, until the spetsy were removed and workers staffed the institutions of the state, the revolution would be neither secure nor its promises fulfilled. Based on archival research, this article traces rank-and-file communists' attempts to remove one such specialist, N. A. Dobrosmyslov, from his position in the Tax Department (Gosnalog) of the People's Commissariat of Finances (Narkomfin). Dobrosmyslov had been a long-time official in the tsarist tax bureaucracy and had also worked for the Provisional Government in 1917. Communist opposition to him took the form of a denunciation campaign that focused on his alleged anti-Sovietism, his professional competence, his arrogant manner, his high salary, and his attempt to obtain a large pension from the government. The documents related to the case reveal the atmosphere of suspicion and often open hostility that surrounded the spetsy. They provide evidence of the contrasting evaluations of the spetsy made by leading communist administrators and by the lower-level communists who worked closely with them. They also show how important the issue of material compensation was for this latter group. Finally, the case provides an example of how biography could be interpreted and manipulated to serve particular ends, especially in the context of political and personal denunciation.

Akil Ibrahim Al-Zuhari

The article defines the features of the process of forming the research tradition of studying the institute of parliamentarism as a mechanism for the formation of democracy. It is established that parliamentarism acts as one of the varieties of the regime of functioning of the state, to which the independence of the representative body from the people is inherent, its actual primacy in the state mechanism, the division of functions between the legislative and executive branches of government, the responsibility and accountability of the government to the parliament. It is justified that, in addition to the regime that fully meets the stated requirements of classical parliamentarism, there are regimes that can be characterized as limited parliamentary regimes. The conclusions point out that parliamentarism does not necessarily lead to a democracy regime. At the first stage of development of statehood, it functions for a long time in the absence of many attributes of democracy, but at the present stage, without parliamentarism, democracy will be substantially limited. Modern researchers of parliamentarism recognize that this institution is undergoing changes with the development of the processes of democracy and democratization. This is what produces different approaches to its definition. However, most scientists under classical parliamentarianism understand such a system, which is based on the balance of power. This approach seeks to justify limiting the rights of parliament and strengthening executive power. Keywords: Parliamentarism, research strategy, theory of parliamentarism, types of parliamentarism

Liubov Melnychuk

The author investigates and analyzes the state Chernivtsi National University during the Romanian period in Bukovina’s history. During that period in the field of education was held a radical change in the direction of intensive Romanization. In period of rigid occupation regime in the province, the government of Romania laid its hopes on the University. The Chernivtsi National University had become a hotbed of Romanization ideas, to ongoing training for church and state apparatus, to educate students in the spirit of devotion Romania. Keywords: Chernivtsi National University, Romania, Romanization, higher education, Bukovina

1973 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 221-248 ◽  
Robert J. Alexander

The “Tenentes” or “lieutenants” were an important factor in Brazilian politics between 1922 and the end of the government of President Castelo Branco early in 1967. They had an active and occasionally decisive role in most major political events for almost half a century. The emergence of the Tenentes in the 1920s was part of a broader movement of discontent with the Old Republic, a relatively loose confederation of states dominated by rural landed interests and the politicians associated with them. Subsequently, the Tenentes played a key part in overthrowing the Old Republic in the Revolution of 1930.Getúlio Vargas came to power in the 1930 Revolution and stayed in the presidency for fifteen years. As provisional chief executive for more than three years, he suppressed a serious revolt against his authority by the state of Sao Paulo between July and October of 1932, and summoned the assembly that wrote the Constitution of 1934 and chose him to be the first president under it.

1982 ◽  
Vol 39 (2) ◽  
pp. 153-166 ◽  
Donald Fithian Stevens

In the struggle sustained from time immemorial by the people with the haciendas, I shall be on the side of the people, once I obtain power.— Porfirio Díaz, 1876Given the importance of rural unrest in the destabilizing of Porfirian Mexico, it seems at least ironic to find these words attributed to Díaz during his Tuxtepec revolt. And, given the attention paid to the repressive elements of the Díaz dictatorship, one might easily argue that Díaz never intended to fulfill that promise, vague though it may be. A number of works seem to blame Díaz personally for the land problem which lead to his overthrow. Others maintain that Díaz remained aloof and was isolated from the common people; but by far the greatest number of works employ such amorphous or monolithic concepts as the “State,” the “Díaz regime,” “porjirismo,” or simply “the government” and focus exclusively on evidence of repression in Porfirian Mexico. Repression has attracted attention in part because it has been important in explaining dissatisfaction which lead to the Revolution of 1910 and in part because violence attracted a great deal of attention from contemporaries. This interest provides historians with more accessible sources while evidence of a more conciliatory attitude has remained hidden in the collection of Porfirio Díaz's presidential papers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (46) ◽  
pp. 168-178
Bahia Shehab

The article highlights the dialogue that took place in 2011–13 between the street and cyberspace and the government and the revolutionaries during the first wave of the Egyptian revolution. In this personal account of the Egyptian uprising, the author describes the unfolding political and social events and climate during the revolution, highlighting key factions at play and taking into account the reactions of protestors online and on the street. Examples of how the revolution was driven online by archival research, music videos, comedians, memes, graffiti, and symbols of martyrdom are paralleled with an account of the protests on the street and events that were unfolding at the time. Describing the environment of censorship and strategies used by the government to block dissent, the author provides stories of how different groups who were part of the revolution retaliated. The article can be considered a screen shot of a revolution that inspired the world but met an expected end.

2017 ◽  
Vol 51 (2) ◽  
pp. 197-237 ◽  
Tobias Böhmelt ◽  
Govinda Clayton

Governments often supplement the regular military with paramilitaries and progovernment militias (PGMs). However, it is unclear what determines states’ selection of these auxiliary forces, and our understanding of how auxiliary force structures develop remains limited. The crucial difference between the two auxiliary types is their embeddedness in official structures. Paramilitaries are organized under the government to support/replace the regular military, whereas PGMs exist outside the state apparatus. Within a principal–agent framework, we argue that a state’s investment in a particular auxiliary force structure is shaped by available resources and capacity, accountability/deniability, and domestic threats. Our results based on quantitative analysis from 1981 to 2007 find that (a) state capacity is crucial for sustaining paramilitaries, but not PGMs; (b) PGMs, unlike paramilitaries, are more common in states involved in civil conflict; and (c) although both paramilitaries and PGMs are associated with regime instability, there is no significant difference between them in that context.

Spatium ◽  
2009 ◽  
pp. 51-55
Andrea Sehic

Brownfield redevelopment has been playing a leading role in urban development in the state of Ohio for some time now. Being one of the most industrialized states in the US, Ohio has been struggling for a long time with numerous consequences of businesses that were shutting down, moving out of Ohio, or restructuring. The State officials have been addressing and taking care of these issues very carefully, and with a lot of concern and attention. Furthermore, the officials have been cooperating on all levels of government, which created a very positive and encouraging environment for successful redevelopment projects. The State has been focusing on comparative advantages of regions, and assisting where the demand is. The State has also been encouraging regional development by providing programs especially designed for ones in need, or valuing projects that propose a regional component/strategy. With establishing public-private partnerships between applicants and the government as the fund provider, a very important way of cooperation is established, and maintained, throughout the funding process. With the evident burden that brown fields impose on all participants in the process of redevelopment, it is sometimes difficult to see the overall benefit of such actions. The crucial role of government?s support has proved to be the key to successful implementation of brown field projects. Enabling continuous flow of funds, establishing intergovernmental relations, along with enabling public-private partnerships, and tightly linking the participants in the process of redevelopment resulted in successfully completed projects, which brought new life and brighter perspective to communities that haven?t been able to struggle through this complex process on their own.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (4 (202)) ◽  
pp. 139-160
Dmitry A. Redin ◽  

This article is devoted to the study of the formation of a management system in Ingermanland Province (the predecessor of St Petersburg Province) during the first years of its existence (1702–1708). The creation of the province was the first step towards a radical reform of the administrative and territorial division and local government of Russia. The author studies the process of creating key positions of the provincial apparatus of the upper and lower levels, primarily the provincial ober-commandant and landrichter and ober-commandant and commandant as heads of intra-regional territorial units, officials with highly specialised functions (commissars and food-masters (proviantmeistery). Considering the historical perspective, the author examines the principles of their interaction, the hierarchy, and terms of reference, concluding that the decisive influence on the formation of the state apparatus of Ingermanland Province was not provided by borrowing foreign (Baltic-German and Swedish) experience, but the specifics of solving current problems. The author considers the emerging principle of specialisation at the local state government level, primarily in the military and fiscal spheres, to be the main characteristic that distinguished the Ingermanland model from the previous voivodship administration. In the management methods as such, a significant role was played by traditional administrative principles and the regime of “manual control”, the adoption of situational decisions. All the advantages and disadvantages of the Ingermanland experiment were projected onto the state as a whole and consolidated during the provincial reform. Thus, the immediate source of the latter should be considered not the evolution of the system of enlarged districts (razryad) of the late seventeenth century, and not a generalisation of the experience of administering the Swedish Ostsee, but the achievements accumulated over several years of the functioning of Ingermanland Province.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 196-201
Lollong Manting ◽  
Pantja Bambang Sudarwanto

The purpose of this research is to find out how the implementation of standard operating procedures (SOP) for the application of education carried out at the Tangerang Special Child Treatment Institute (LPKA) as one of the government agencies that are obliged to provide guidance to children who are in conflict with the law. The implementation of SOP in the field of education refers to the regulations of the Ministry of Empowerment of the State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform (Kemenpan RB) No. 35 of 2012 which mandates the objectives of the SOP in the context of carrying out the duties and functions of the state administrators or state civilian apparatus, must fulfill the principles of the SOP itself, such as, a) the principle of ease and clarity, b) the principle of efficiency and effectiveness, c) the principle of harmony, d) the principle of measurement, e) the dynamic principle, f) the principle of user-oriented, g) the principle of legal compliance, and h) the principle legal certainty. The research method used in this study is qualitative research, with the aim of understanding as well as interpreting the is that the application of existing SOPs can be said to meet the principles of SOP implementation. While the conclusion of this study is that LPKA Tangerang has implemented the existing SOPs in the field of education administration, although there are still some shortcomings in terms of fulfilling some supporting elements such as facilities and infrastructure, human resources, and limited budgets, implementation of operational standard procedures for providing education in LPKA Tangerang is an embodiment of the fulfillment of children's rights to education guaranteed by law. Abstrak Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapan atau implementasi standar operasional prosedur (SOP) penyelenggaraan pendidikan yang dilakukan di Lembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak (LPKA) Tangerang sebagai salah satu instansi pemerintah yang berkewajiban untuk melakukan pembinaan terhadap anak yang berhadapan dengan hukum. Implementasi SOP penyelenggaraan pendidikan mengacu kepada peraturan Kementerian Pemberdayaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi (Kemenpan RB) Nomor 35 Tahun 2012 yang mengamanatkan tujuan dari SOP dalam konteks penyelenggaraan tugas dan fungsi aparat penyelenggara negara atau aparaur sipil negara harus memenuhi prinsip-prinsip dari SOP itu sendiri, antara lain, a) prinsip kemudahan dan kejelasan, b) prinsip efisien dan efektifitas, c) prinsip keselarasan, d) prinsip keterukuran, e) prinsip dinamis, f) prinsip yang berorientasi pada pengguna, g) prinsip kepatuhan hukum, dan h) prinsip kepastian hukum. Adapun metode riset yang yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini penelitian kualitatif, dengan tujuan untuk memahami sekaligus juga menginterpretasi gejala-gejala atau fenomenafenomena yang ada pada objek penelitian secara lebih detail. Adapun hasil penelitian berdasarkan riset yang dilakukan adalah bahwa penerapan SOP yang ada dapat dikatakan memenuhi prinsip-prinsip implementasi SOP. Sedangkan kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa LPKA Tangerang telah mengimplementasikan SOP yang ada dalam bidang penyelenggaraan pendidikan walaupun masih ada beberapa kekurangan dari segi pemenuhan beberap unsur pendukung seperti sarana dan prasarana, sumber daya manusia, dan anggaran yang terbatas, implementasi standar operasional prosedur penyelenggaraan pendidikan di LPKA Tangerang adalah perwujudan dari pemenuhan hak anak atas pendidikan yang dijamin oleh undang-undang. Kata Kunci : Hak Anak, Pendidikan, Standar Operasional Prosedur, Lembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-56
Darma Manalu

The State Civil Apparatus (ASN), which is the State Apparatus that organizes the government in carrying out national development, is the backbone of the government. The  smooth running of government and the implementation of national development depends on the perfection of the state apparatus both at the central and regional levels. In order to achieve the national goals as stated above, it is necessary to have a State Civil Apparatus who is full ofwillingness and obedience to Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, the State and the Government and is united, has good mentality, is authoritative, strong, efficient, clean, of high quality and aware of their responsibilities as elements of the State Apparatus, State servants and public servants. To realize the perfect State Civil Apparatus as intended above, the Civil Apparatus needs to be fostered as well as possible. One form of fostering the State Civil Apparatus is Mutation as an incarnation or embodiment of organizational dynamics which is used as a way to achieve organizational goals. In the implementation of mutations, it must be based on an objective assessment considering that the transfer system is intended to provide opportunities for State Civil Apparatus to develop their potential. The work motivation of the State Civil Apparatus can also decrease if the superiors do not pay attention to the interests of their subordinates. This will reduce the work motivation of both the State Civil Apparatus. Indicators of declining morale include: low productivity, high employee absenteeism, and others. Thus, it will certainly affect the work motivation of employees in an organization. Mutation will have a positive impact on employees, such as increasing work morale. However, if the mutation is carried out without paying close attention and without being based on convincing arguments, the mutation will have a negative impact on the employee and the organization.  

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