Observer-based robust controller design for fractional-order systems with stochastic perturbations: A diffusive representation approach

Majid Parvizian ◽  
Khosro Khandani

We investigate the fractional-order systems that are perturbed by stochastic input to achieve stabilization via sliding mode control (SMC) approach. It is assumed that the system states are unknown and there is uncertainty and time-delay in the system. We utilize the diffusive representation of the stochastic fractional-order dynamics to transform the system into an integer-order system perturbed by Brownian motion. Provided that some linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) are feasible, it is proven that the estimation error system is stochastically stabilized and the overall closed-loop system is stable in probability. A numerical simulation shows the effectiveness of the results.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2018 ◽  
pp. 1-12 ◽  
Shulan Kong ◽  
Mehrdad Saif ◽  
Guozeng Cui

This study investigates estimation and fault diagnosis of fractional-order Lithium-ion battery system. Two simple and common types of observers are designed to address the design of fault diagnosis and estimation for the fractional-order systems. Fractional-order Luenberger observers are employed to generate residuals which are then used to investigate the feasibility of model based fault detection and isolation. Once a fault is detected and isolated, a fractional-order sliding mode observer is constructed to provide an estimate of the isolated fault. The paper presents some theoretical results for designing stable observers and fault estimators. In particular, the notion of stability in the sense of Mittag-Leffler is first introduced to discuss the state estimation error dynamics. Overall, the design of the Luenberger observer as well as the sliding mode observer can accomplish fault detection, fault isolation, and estimation. The effectiveness of the proposed strategy on a three-cell battery string system is demonstrated.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 50
Xuefeng Zhang ◽  
Wenkai Huang

This paper focuses on the sliding mode control (SMC) problem for a class of uncertain singular fractional order systems (SFOSs). The uncertainties occur in both state and derivative matrices. A radial basis function (RBF) neural network strategy was utilized to estimate the nonlinear terms of SFOSs. Firstly, by expanding the dimension of the SFOS, a novel sliding surface was constructed. A necessary and sufficient condition was given to ensure the admissibility of the SFOS while the system state moves on the sliding surface. The obtained results are linear matrix inequalities (LMIs), which are more general than the existing research. Then, the adaptive control law based on the RBF neural network was organized to guarantee that the SFOS reaches the sliding surface in a finite time. Finally, a simulation example is proposed to verify the validity of the designed procedures.

Esmat Sadat Alaviyan Shahri ◽  
Alireza Alfi ◽  
J. A. Tenreiro Machado

This paper addresses the design of a robust fractional-order dynamic output feedback sliding mode controller (FDOF-SMC) for a general class of uncertain fractional systems subject to saturation element. The control law is composed of two components, one linear and one nonlinear. The linear component corresponds to the fractional-order dynamics of the FDOF-SMC, while the nonlinear component is associated with the switching control algorithm. The closed-loop system exhibits asymptotical stability and the system states approach the sliding surface in a finite time. In order to design the controller, a linear matrix inequality (LMI)-based procedure is also derived. Simulation results demonstrate the feasibility of the FDOF-SMC strategy.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2017 ◽  
pp. 1-13 ◽  
Ali Ben Brahim ◽  
Slim Dhahri ◽  
Fayçal Ben Hmida ◽  
Anis Sallami

This paper proposes a scheme to estimate actuator and sensor faults simultaneously for a class of linear parameter varying system expressed in polytopic structure where its parameters evolve in the hypercube domain. Transformed coordinate system design is adopted to decouple faults in actuators and sensors during the course of the system’s operation coincidentally, and then two polytopic subsystems are constructed. The first subsystem includes the effect of actuator faults but is free from sensor faults and the second one is affected only by sensor faults. The main contribution is to conceive two polytopic sliding mode observers in order to estimate the system states and actuator and sensor faults at the same time. Meanwhile, in linear matrix inequality optimization formalism, sufficient conditions are derived withH∞performances to guarantee the stability of estimation error and to minimize the effect of disturbances. Therefore, all parameters of observers can be designed by solving these conditions. Finally, simulation results are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed simultaneous actuator and sensor faults estimation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 41 (15) ◽  
pp. 4351-4357
Chen Lanfeng ◽  
Xue Dingyu

Fractional-order calculus can obtain better results than the integer-order in control theory, so it has become a research hotspot in recent years. However, the structure of the irrational fractional-order system is complex, so its theoretical analysis and controller design are more difficult. In this paper, a method based on convolution integral is proposed to obtain the frequency domain response of the irrational model. Combined with the optimization algorithm, the model parameters are identified. Moreover, the rationalization of the irrational model is realized, which facilitates the analysis and application design of this kind models. Finally, two examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness and feasibility of the method by identifying parameters and rationalization.

XueFeng Zhang ◽  
YangQuan Chen

This paper considers the stability and stabilization of fractional order systems (FOS) with the fractional order α: 0 < α < 1 case. The equivalence between stability of fractional order systems and D–stability of a matrix A in specific region is proven. The criteria of stability and stabilization of fractional order system are presented. The conditions are expressed in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) which can be easily calculated with standard feasible solution problem in MATLAB LMI toolbox. When α = 1, the results reduce to the conditions of stability and stabilization of integer order systems. Numerical examples are given to verify the effectiveness of the criteria. With the approach proposed in this paper, we can analyze and design fractional order systems in the same way as what we do to the integer order system state-space models.

2018 ◽  
Vol 60 (2) ◽  
pp. 230-248
T. ZHAN ◽  
S. P. MA

We study the problem of pseudostate and static output feedback stabilization for singular fractional-order linear systems with fractional order $\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}$ when $0<\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}<1$. All the results are given by linear matrix inequalities. First, a new sufficient and necessary condition for the admissibility of singular fractional-order systems is presented. Then based on the admissible result, not only are sufficient conditions for designing pseudostate and static output feedback controllers obtained, but also sufficient and necessary conditions are presented by using different methods that guarantee the admissibility of the closed-loop systems. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated by numerical simulations and a real-world example.

2017 ◽  
Vol 40 (6) ◽  
pp. 1808-1818 ◽  
Ehsan Ghotb Razmjou ◽  
Seyed Kamal Hosseini Sani ◽  
Jalil Sadati

This paper develops a novel controller called adaptive iterative learning sliding mode (AILSM) to control linear and nonlinear fractional-order systems. This controller applies a hybrid structure of adaptive and iterative learning control in to sliding mode method. It can switch between both adaptive and iterative learning control in order to use the advantages of both controllers simultaneously and therefore achieve better control performance. This controller is designed in a way to be robust against the external disturbance. It also estimates unknown parameters of fractional-order system. The proposed controller, unlike the conventional iterative learning control, does not need to apply direct control input to output of the system. It is shown that the controller performs well in partial and complete observable conditions. Illustrative examples verify the performance of the proposed control in presence of unknown disturbances and model uncertainties.

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