Creating Participatory Global Cultures

1980 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 575-590 ◽  
Chadwick F. Alger

This paper, resting on the belief that people everywhere have the right to determine their own culture instead of having one imposed on them in the name of national or global solidarity, maintains that this right can become real only if people at the local community level gain the competence to control all external impact on their culture and thereby contribute to new global cultures through participation in work and in local government, both of which produce feelings of efficacy that lead to participation in the wider society. It then outlines the principles of external relations of local communities that would enable them to preserve their cultural autonomy and contribute to common culture for a broader society and the world. This would provide a place for self-reliant local communities in their visions of future worlds.

Legal Ukraine ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 33-43

A local community has been defined by the Constitution of Ukraine as a primary subject of a local government. But in practice the participation of a local community in socio-political life is comed down to the realization of the right to vote of its sitizens. According to this in Ukraine the Constitutional right of a local community to decide quastions of a local significance now is limited and isn’t settled on legislative level and on regulatory level. Should be noted a local community as a primary subject of a local government hasn’t recived а proper legal status in Ukraine. The purpose of the article is the systematization of existing theoretical ways to the defining of a local community as a primary subject of a local government and the determining its legal status in Ukraine. On the basis of the conducted research it is detected that a local community must be considered as a set of persons which live within a certain area, have a certain relationship with each other and a common interests, rights and powers to solve common problems. We’ve found out that an organizational and legal status of local communities is characterized by imperfection and need specifications and refinements. Because of no having a clear organizational and legal status of a legal entity local communities can be the subject of legal rights and powers only indirectly, from representative bodies. The adoption of the law of Ukraine «About local communities» will allow on legislative level to settle the quastion of legal subjection of a local community as a legal entity of public law, its legal, organizational and other guarantees, which to a large extent affect on the capacity of such local community, its real ability to decide quastions of a local significance and protect own rights and legal interests self-sufficient in full. A Clear definition of a legal status of a local community allows to harmonize the system of public administration in districts and to provide a successful development of the state as a whole. Key words: local self-government, territorial community, legal status, administrative-territorial reform.

2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 315-337
Cristiani Pereira de Morais Gonzalez ◽  
Maria Creusa De Araújo Borges

A partir de uma pesquisa teórico-normativa e descritiva, busca-se descrever a Educação em Direitos Humanos (EDH) na educação básica, que está traçada na 1ª fase do Programa Mundial para Educação em Direitos Humanos (PMEDH) e no Plano Nacional de Educação em Direitos Humanos (PNEDH). Consoante o primeiro, a EDH na educação básica é direito de todas as crianças, e prática educativa que deve ser desenvolvida nos sistemas de ensino primário e secundário; e, segundo o último, ainda, na comunidade escolar em interação com a comunidade local. Constata-se que a concepção de EDH contida nesses documentos é permeada pelo elemento da universalidade, havendo resguardo da diversidade quanto à prática.  Based on a normative and descriptive research, the goal is to describe Human Rights Education (HRE) in basic education that is outlined in the first phase of the World Program for Human Rights Education (WPHRE) and in the National Human Rights Education Plan (NHREP). According to first, HRE in basic education is the right of all children and the educational practice that must be developed in primary and secondary education systems; and, according to latter, still in the interation between the school community and the local community. It is verified that the concept of HRE contained in these documents is permeated by universality, protecting the diversity in the practice.

Curatopia ◽  
2019 ◽  
pp. 90-106 ◽  
Viv Golding ◽  
Wayne Modest

This ambitious chapter draws on a range of voices to examine what the ethnographic museum is and what it can be for the benefit of diverse audiences around the world. Taking their 2013 publication, Museum and Communities: Curators, Collections: Collaborations as a starting point, the authors critically consider their own work internationally, for example with ICOM (The International Council of Museums) and ICOM Namibia, as well as at everyday level with local communities, such as youth groups in Europe. Against increasing fear of difference, and movements to the right in world politics, they foreground the values of human rights, artist collaborations and the development of feminist pedagogy in museum work. Theoretically, the chapter unpacks the notions of the ‘human’, the ‘cosmopolitan’ and the inextricable relation between theory and practice that can underpin collaborative activities in museums of ethnography/world culture today.

Sarudzai Mutana ◽  
Geoffrey Mukwada

This paper assesses the use the Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria (GSTC) indicators for monitoring tourism along a mountainous route. The study was carried out along a mountain route in the Drakensberg Mountains of South Africa. A survey was carried out among tourism businesses, local communities and local government officials located along the Maluti Route, which passes though the eastern part of the Free State Province of South Africa. This study constitutes the first assessment in which the GSTC indicators are applied in the assessment of the sustainability of route tourism in South Africa. The study first evaluated the importance of each indicator by considering the level of application in tourism business organisations before examining the perceptions of local community members and local government officials regarding the applicability of the indicators in the assessment of tourism sustainability. The results suggest that there is a general appreciation of tourism sustainability among tourism business operators although shortcomings were evident on environmental and socio-economic indicators. In conclusion, the paper suggests ways through which tourism sustainability could be enhanced among different players along the Maluti Route.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 60-72
Taufiqur Rahman ◽  
Faisol Gunawan ◽  
Dian Altika Sari ◽  
Mohammad Herli

Ojhung culture is one of the local culture in Madura. Existence is motivated by people's desire for rain on drought in some parts of Madura. The Existence of “Ojhung” madura is currently imposing, where the attention of the younger generation and the government was minimal. It is feared will lead to the sinking of this culture in Madura. This research was conducted with the aim to formulate the right strategy for cultural preservation efforts Ojhung Madura, it is expected this will be a recommendation for the parties concerned for the preservation of the culture. To answer the problems that occur, we used qualitative method with phenomenological approach. The use of this method is carried out to reveal the cultural phenomenon Ojhung and preservation strategies. The strategy formulation process we involve stakeholders as informants such as Actors Ojhung match, chairman Ojhung community, local government, as well as cultural Madura. The results of the study resulted in recommendations for the strategy of cultural preservation efforts Ojhung Madura. The formulation of the strategy through a SWOT analysis shows that cultural preservation Ojhung Madura require their attention from the local government, the younger generation, as well as the local community. Improvements to the management (match) Ojhung culture also required include increased promotion, event format, as well as efforts to Ojhung performances scheduled on the agenda of local travel (Sumenep).

2018 ◽  

ABSTRACTRegional autonomy as the right and authority and obligation of an autonomous region to regulate and manage a certain region or region which otonami this area is done to advance the welfare of the local community with the base on the legislation of Law no. 23 of 2014 on local government (Revision of Law No.32 of 2004) Implementation of regional autonomy that should be very helpful in the welfare of the people but is now still inversely proportional to the construction of flat-clad apartment standing on Jalan Yos Sudarso, Rumbai District, Pekanbaru, Monday (16 / 11/2015). Rusunawa built by the Ministry of Public Works (PU) is still not fully functioned because it is still waiting for the inauguration of the provincial government development that has not been oriented to the interests of the community and the potential that still looks minimal in the knowledge of the apparatus in managing the existing resources that make terkendalanya in the management of the rusunawaAbstrakOtonomi daerah sebagai hak dan wewenang serta kewajiban suatu daerah otonom untuk mengatur dan mengurus suatu wilayah atau daerah tertentu yang mana otonami daerah ini di lakukan untuk memajukan kesejahteraan masyarakat setempat dengan di landaskan pada peraturan perundang-undangan UU No. 23 Tahun 2014 tentang pemerintah daerah (Revisi UU No.32 Tahun 2004) pemerintah daerah menyelenggarakan urusan pemerintah menjadi kewengan daerah.. Pelaksanaan dari kegitan yang mengarah pada pembangunan yang mendukung Otonomi daerah yang seharusnya sangat membantu dalam kesejahteraan rakyat namun kini masih berbanding terbalik seperti halnya pada pembangunan rusunawa berdiri tegak di Jalan Yos Sudarso, Kecamatan Rumbai, Pekanbaru, Senin (16/11/2015). Rusunawa (rumah susun sederhana sewa) yang dibangun Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum (PU) tersebut hingga kini masih belum juga difungsikan seutuhnya karena masih menunggu peresmian dari pihak pemprov pekanbaru pembangunan yang belum berorientasi kepada kepentingan masyarakat dan potensi yang masih terlihat minim pada pengetahuan aparatur dalam mengelola sumber daya yang ada yang menjadikan terkendalanya dalam pengelolaan rusunawa tersebut.

2021 ◽  
Vithaya Arporn ◽  

This paper studied the management of three World Heritage sites in 3 countries of Southeast Asia : Malaysia, Laos, and Thailand. The results of this research show that a decentralized form of government in Southeast Asia provides opportunities for local communities to develop better participation in the World Heritage site management than the centralized forms of government. For local communities to contribute to the World Heritage philosophy, it is necessary to improve both the conceptual and practical aspects of the World Heritage Committee, Advisory organizations, and State Parties. They have to learn lessons and agree to work closely together. บทความนี้เลือกศึกษาการจัดการแหล่งมรดกโลกจำานวน 3 แหล่งในประเทศมาเลเซีย ลาว และไทย โดยใช้วิธีการ สำารวจเอกสาร ผลการศึกษาพบว่า รูปแบบของรัฐในเอเชียตะวันออกเฉียงใต้ที่กระจายอำานาจจะเปิดโอกาสให้ ชุมชนท้องถิ่นสามารถพัฒนาการมีส่วนร่วมในการจัดการแหล่งมรดกโลกได้ดีกว่ารูปแบบรัฐที่รวบอำานาจ การที่จะ ให้ชุมชนท้องถิ่นมีส่วนร่วมตามปรัชญาของมรดกโลกจึงจะต้องปรับปรุงทั้งในส่วนของกรอบคิดและการปฏิบัติทั้งใน ส่วนของคณะกรรมการมรดกโลก องค์กรที่ปรึกษา และรัฐภาคี โดยต้องสรุปบทเรียนและยอมรับร่วมกันอย่างใกล้ ชิด

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (01) ◽  
pp. 51-62
Isdarmanto Isdarmanto

Local community development and tourism through tourist village nowadays is currently promoted and developed by the local government, it has been committed in accordance with regional autonomy program and it was launched a few years ago, so that the development and improvement of regional income seriously needed the responsibility of local governments entirely. The existence of the tourist village of Tembi, further more who became one of the prospects for tourism in the district of Bantul. Potentially tourist village of Tembi which has a unique cultural heritage of indigenous Java, as well as custom program learning of center Javanese culture by the meaning of the noble values of a custom still believe until now. In addition, the tourist village of Tembi also adapt to the developments in field of science and technology. The prospects of potential tourist village of Tembi, it still has not been able to be developed and properly noticed by the actors of society in particular tourism of tourist village Tembi with their own environment, in case this is precisely the right moment to lift the tourism program in the world heritage aspect. To the authors are very interested to do research so as to provide answers about why the potential of the tourist village of Tembi yet to be developed and how the future development of solutions. And so as to provide concrete strategic measures and appropriate environment for the community to realize the tourist village of Tembi and motivate communities to take advantage of business interests family in particular, and in general for the future tourism development and Bantul city become an icon of Yogyakarta tourism. Keywords: Local community, Tourist village of Tembi

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (03) ◽  
pp. 168-174
Deni Dwi Ananti ◽  
Andi Pebrianto

This study aims to determine the management of Matantimali tourism objects and constraints faced in the management of Matantimali. the writing of this Scientific Article is presented in a descriptive qualitative manner to provide an overview and information about Matantimali tourism objects. Methods of collecting data using observation, interviews, documents, and questionnaires. the data obtained were then analyzed qualitatively and presented descriptively. The results of the study indicate that Matantimali tourism objects have potential but the lack of funds is one of the obstacles so that this potential has not been widely developed. The management of Matantimali tourism objects is currently still managed by the local community because of the absence of regulations with the local government. With sufficient human resources plus the right education and management Matantimali will be beneficial for improving the economy of the surrounding community.  Keywords: Tourism Development, Tourism Management, Tourism Attraction

2018 ◽  
Vol 04 (03) ◽  
pp. 1850011 ◽  
Edwin Muchapondwa ◽  
Jesper Stage ◽  
Eric Mungatana ◽  
Pushpam Kumar

Watershed management is a complex activity with constraints on funding and human resources in many parts of the world, and there is a need for global effort to identify strategies that can work. To complement regulatory approaches, attention is now also being given to market-based incentives because of their potential cost-effectiveness. This study seeks to provide impetus to the use of the most successful market-based incentives to promote sustainable watershed practices through strengthening and increasing direct participation by local communities and the private sector. To identify proven market-based incentives for use to catalyze local community and private sector participation, a review of a sample of 26 purposively selected case studies from different contexts in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas is conducted. In reviewing those case studies, emphasis is placed on understanding the threats to specific watersheds, the market-based incentives used, the countrywide policy environment, the outcomes from the interventions, the factors for success and failure, and the pertinent policy issues in support of upscaling and the uptake of appropriate market-based approaches. The study identifies seven key policies that Governments should consider to upscale and facilitate the uptake of market-based incentives to promote participation by local communities and the private sector in watershed management.

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