Need for Power Predicts Career Intent in University Students

2016 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 389-404 ◽  
Jonathan E. Ramsay ◽  
Joyce S. Pang ◽  
Moon-Ho R. Ho ◽  
Kim Yin Chan

Previous research has indicated robust relationships between implicit motives and various indices of career preference and performance, with the implicit need for power ( nPow) and the implicit need for achievement ( nAch) found to associate with leadership and entrepreneurship, respectively. However, relatively little work has examined the relationships between implicit motivation and career intention. In the present study, 149 university students completed questionnaires assessing their intention to embark on entrepreneurial, professional, or leadership careers, while implicit motivation was measured using the picture story exercise. nPow was found to positively predict entrepreneurial intent and to negatively predict professional intent, while higher nPow was positively associated with both entrepreneurial and leadership career choice. nAch did not associate significantly with any of the intent or choice measures. These results tentatively suggest a previously undocumented relationship between nPow and entrepreneurial ambition, and possible differences in the motivational profiles of aspiring and actual entrepreneurs.

1992 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 467-480 ◽  
Joan Huser Liem ◽  
Joan Gateley O'Toole ◽  
Jacquelyn Boone James

Ten women who had been sexually abused as children and a matched group of women who had not been sexually abused participated in a preliminary study to explore the hypothesis that feelings of powerlessness and a compensatory need for power continue into adulthood for survivors of childhood sexual abuse. The Picture-Story Exercise (PSE) was used as an indirect assessment technique to determine the level of the need for power (McClelland, 1985; Winter, 1973, 1988). Results indicated that the stories of women with sexual abuse histories revealed a higher need for power and greater fear of power than those of nonabused women. Further content analysis of the PSE revealed that sexual abuse survivors' stories also contained more references to Finkelhor and Browne's (1986) dynamics of powerlessness, traumatic sexualization, betrayal, and stigmatization. These findings suggest important directions for future research as well as areas for therapeutic exploration.

2011 ◽  
Annie Lee ◽  
Jocelyn Yap Shu Mei ◽  
Min Joyce Pang Shu

2019 ◽  
Henna Asikainen ◽  
Nina Katajavuori ◽  
Kirsikka Kaipainen

BACKGROUND Internationally there have been many studies showing that the number of university students suffering from mental illness is growing and this problem should be addressed OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to examine 41 pharmacy students’ experiences of a small Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) -based intervention that was implemented as a 7-week course with weekly online modules. METHODS Students’ well-being, experiences of stress, organised studying and psychological flexibility were measured with questionnaires at the beginning and end of the course. Students’ experiences of the effectiveness of the course and were analysed from open-ended responses and a reflective journal. RESULTS The results show that students’ well-being and ability to manage time and effort increased during the course(p≤0.003). In their reflective journals, students described how their ability to manage stress in their studies, cope with their thoughts and feelings, focus on the things that are more important to them, and manage their time in studying and their well-being had improved. CONCLUSIONS This study showed that it is possible to foster students’ well-being in their studies. More research is needed to identify the long-lasting effects of these kind of interventions.

Assessment ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 107319112110361
Philipp Schäpers ◽  
Stefan Krumm ◽  
Filip Lievens ◽  
Nikola Stenzel

Picture–story exercises (PSE) form a popular measurement approach that has been widely used for the assessment of implicit motives. However, current theorizing offers two diverging perspectives on the role of pictures in PSEs: either to elicit stories or to arouse motives. In the current study, we tested these perspectives in an experimental design. We administered a PSE either with or without pictures. Results from N = 281 participants revealed that the experimental manipulation had a medium to large effect for the affiliation and power motive domains, but no effect for the achievement motive domain. We conclude that the herein chosen pictures cues function differentially across motives, as they aroused the affiliation and power motives, but not the achievement motive.

Frieder L. Schillinger ◽  
Jochen A. Mosbacher ◽  
Clemens Brunner ◽  
Stephan E. Vogel ◽  
Roland H. Grabner

AbstractThe inverse relationship between test anxiety and test performance is commonly explained by test-anxious students’ tendency to worry about a test and the consequences of failing. However, other cognitive facets of test anxiety have been identified that could account for this link, including interference by test-irrelevant thoughts and lack of confidence. In this study, we compare different facets of test anxiety in predicting test performance. Seven hundred thirty university students filled out the German Test Anxiety Inventory after completing a battery of standardized tests assessing general intelligence and mathematical competencies. Multiple regressions revealed that interference and lack of confidence but not worry or arousal explained unique variance in students’ test performance. No evidence was found for a curvilinear relationship between arousal and performance. The present results call for revisiting the role of worries in explaining the test anxiety-performance link and can help educators to identify students who are especially at risk of underperforming on tests.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Greeni Maheshwari

PurposeThe purpose of the paper is to investigate the influence of personality traits, individual factors and theory of planned behaviour (TPB) components (personal attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control) on entrepreneurial intentions of university students. The study further aims to determine which factors have a higher influence on the entrepreneurial intentions of the students.Design/methodology/approachThe data was collected using an online survey from 164 students studying in universities in Vietnam. The study used confirmatory factor analysis and hierarchical regression to analyse the data.FindingsResults suggested that educational support has no impact on entrepreneurial intentions but individual factors such as self-efficacy, risk propensity and need for power and all the TPB components influenced entrepreneurial intentions. The TPB components had a higher influence on entrepreneurial intentions of students as compared to individual factors.Originality/valueOnly a few studies have been conducted to determine the strength of factors affecting entrepreneurial intensions of the students. This study demonstrates that TPB components have the highest influence on entrepreneurial intentions. Moreover, the study introduces an independent variable, need for power which is rarely used in any such studies and this adds a new component to the already existing research framework and in academic literature.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 718
Luis Eduardo Brandão Paiva ◽  
Tereza Cristina Batista de Lima ◽  
Silvia Maria Dias Pedro Rebouças ◽  
Rômulo Alves Soares

Research on entrepreneurial intention stands out in the academic context and addresses several determinants related to the behavioral nature influencing entrepreneurship. Consequently, the following behavioral constructs were used for sustainable entrepreneurship: attitude towards self-employment; orientation towards sustainability; propensity to innovate; barriers and facilities for entrepreneurial activities; and entrepreneurs in the immediate family. This study aimed to analyze the influence of the behavioral constructs of sustainable entrepreneurship on the entrepreneurial intentions of university students. Based on a sample of 318 students enrolled on an administration course at the Federal University of Ceará, statistical techniques of data analysis were applied, namely factorial analysis, inferential statistics (t-test and Mann-Whitney test), logistic regression and Classification and Regression Trees (CART). Three hypotheses were constructed in this study based on the literature: (i) there is a positive influence between the orientation towards the sustainability of university students and their entrepreneurial intention, (ii) there is a positive influence between the propensity to innovate and the entrepreneurial intention of the university students, and (iii) having entrepreneurs in the immediate family contributes positively to the entrepreneurial intent of university students. It was noted that, in general, students most likely to have entrepreneurial intent are those most concerned with environmental issues, that are stimulating and original, and have immediate relatives that are entrepreneurs.

Victoria Franco Taboada ◽  
Ramón González Cabanach ◽  
Antonio Souto Gestal

The target of the research was to find out if academic stressors perception could change according to the motivational orientation to the student’s goals. With a sample population of 468 university students, 62.4% female and 37.6% male, and an average age of 21.82 years old (DT=3.13). Through a conglomerate analysis, the research obtained five groups of approximation goals and avoidance to learning and performance. That, in some cases, combined multiple goals. Opposite to the approximation groups, with a much minor threat perception before the academic exigencies, the avoidance groups expressed a greater vulnerability to stress. Except for the learning avoidance group with a low quality perception of the stressors and a strong indifference towards all related to the academic field. The obtained results, in general, inform us that the origin of this sort of stress is not related as much with the fulfilment of responsibilities, but with the breach or absence of compromise with the work they demand. These are typical manifestations of the students orientated towards avoidance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Alex Bertrams ◽  
Myriam Zäch

Social anxiety (alternatively: social-contact uncertainty) in the university context can lead to reduced health, well-being, and performance, and can even cause premature leaving of education. With the present study, we intended to supplement cross-sectional studies on students' autistic traits and social anxiety with longitudinal findings. We measured autistic traits and social-contact uncertainty of 118 university students on two occasions, roughly 1 year apart. Correlation, multiple regression, and cross-lagged analyses showed that more pronounced autistic traits predicted higher future social-contact uncertainty. Social-contact uncertainty did not predict autistic traits. We conclude that university students who are high in autistic traits tend not only to be more socially anxious at the moment but have a heightened risk of still being so in the future.

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