Note: Influence of pH on the Extraction Yield and Functional Properties of Macadamia (Macadamia Integrofolia) Protein Isolates
Three protein isolates from de-fatted macadamia nut kernel flour were prepared by extraction at acidic (pH2.0), neutral (pH7.2 with 0.2M phosphate buffer containing 0.5MNaCl) and alkaline (pH12.0) conditions. Extraction at pH2.0 solubilised nearly 52.0% of the proteins present in defatted macadamia flour, while extraction with buffer (pH7.2) and alkaline pH (12.0) solubilised about 83.0% of proteins. The yield of isoelectrically precipitated protein from acidic extract (pH2.0, isolate A) was about 65.2% and from neutral (isolate B) and alkaline extracts (isolate C) was slightly over 83.0% which accounted for 33.7, 69.1 and 69.4% of the proteins present in defatted flour. The protein content of the isolates was 80.1, 92.1 and 92.0% in A, B and C isolates respectively. The functional properties of these isolates were significantly different. Isolate A presented better solubility at pH below isoelectric pH, isolate C at pH above isoelectric pH and isolate B intermediate solubility at the pH range studied. Isolate B showed best water and oil absorption capacities followed by isolate C and least by isolate A. For each isolate, the emulsifying properties were also significantly different at different pH values.