Who Is a Migrant? Understanding Migrant’s Identity in a North Indian Industrial Setting

2021 ◽  
pp. 239386172110476
Saroj Kumar Dhal

The question of ‘identity’ is being questioned and debated in modern social theory. One way of life is giving one identity and another way of life is giving another identity, which leads to the identity crisis. The formation and transformation of identity is really a matter of concern and introspection in today’s world. As Mercer (1990, Identity: Community, Culture, Difference, 43–71, London: Lawrence & Wishart), observes ‘Identity only becomes an issue when it is in crisis, when something assumed to be fixed, coherent and stable is displaced by the experience of doubt and uncertainty’. The identities of a migrant and to identify who is a migrant are to be answered and analysed in different contexts. Also, it extends the idea of life world of migrants hinting at the complex identity in a new space like Hindustan Aeronautics Limited. The main purpose of this article is to investigate the migrant employees’ perception and construction of multiple identities for each other in their everyday life. Their everyday negotiation and confrontation with respect to identity constructions have been focused on and discussed.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 737-740
Cabangile N. Ngwane

: Traditional cultural practices reflect values and beliefs of members of a community. Culture is an umbrella term, which explains common things people share such as language, customs, beliefs and the way of life. This paper seeks to look at male circumcision culture of a certain indigenous group in South Africa. Male circumcision is associated with ethnic marks, virility, masculinity, rite of passage to manhood however, there are many ethical concerns centering on male circumcision. Hence, this paper seeks to explore the ethical concerns surrounding male circumcision culture of a selected ethnical group in order to contribute to ethical execution of the practice. Little has been done on ethical issues surrounding male circumcision. The fallacy surrounding this phenomenon needs further investigation. The paper intends to contribute to the debate on male circumcision as a way of mitigating HIV/AIDS infections. The Social Norm Theory has been used to explain the phenomenon under study. The constructivist research paradigm enabled the interviewing of participants from the target population, as the study is inductive in nature. The key finding was that they do male circumcision mostly in an unethical way that it also affects women and children. They also do it based on the misconception and the fallacy that they will not get HIV/AIDS.

2016 ◽  
Vol 45 (2) ◽  
pp. 267-280 ◽  
Michael James Roberts

This essay is an intervention into the debate regarding the possibility and/or desirability of articulating Nietzsche with Marx as a means to expand upon the foundations of critical social theory. Critics who oppose such an articulation do so because they see Nietzsche’s political views as elitist, if not reactionary, and therefore incompatible with any Marxist-influenced theoretical project. On the other hand, theorists who do attempt such an articulation focus upon the critique of epistemology at the relative exclusion of politics. By focusing upon the labor question, the following pages present a new way to articulate Nietzsche’s cultural analyses with Marx’s structural ones. Both thinkers argued for the separation of work from leisure through a critique of the capitalist work ethic. This way of approaching the labor question is largely neglected in much of Marxist theory that seeks the liberation of work rather than the liberation from work. Reading the two thinkers together on the labor question provides an alternative way to understand Nietzsche’s perceived aristocratic pretensions while jettisoning the labor metaphysic that plagues much of Marxist theory. A rigorous critique of the work ethic points toward a new way of life beyond the workplace, made possible by the radical reduction of working hours.

William Mude ◽  
Lillian Mwanri

This paper was part of a large study that aimed to explore determinants of increased suicides among African youths in South Australia. As part of this larger study, narratives from participants indicated that identity crisis could be a potential determinant of suicide. This paper reports on how African youths negotiate and form identity in Australia. A qualitative inquiry was undertaken with 31 African youths using a focus group and individual interviews. Data analysis was guided by a framework for qualitative research. These youths negotiated multiple identities, including those of race, gender, ethnicity and their origin. ‘Freedom and opportunity’, ‘family relationships’, ‘neither belonging here nor there’ and ‘the ability to cope against the paradox of resourcefulness in Australia’ appeared to be important themes in negotiating individual identities. An opportunity was used to acknowledge privileges available in Australia relative to Africa. However, the extent to which individuals acted on these opportunities varied, affecting a person’s sense of purpose, identity formation and belonging in Australia. The loss of social networks following migration, and cultural differences between African and Australian societies, shaped the experience of belonging and identity formation. These findings are crucial as they indicate the need for policies and practices that consider experiences of youths as they form their identity in Australia. Further studies with large numbers of participants are needed to explore these issues further among African youths in Australia.

Problemos ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 82 ◽  
pp. 70-84
Algis Mickunas

The scientific modern Western pronouncement that everything has to be treated with objective impartiality requires the positing of our own culture as one among others, having no value claim to be privileged in its various pronouncements. The claim to scientific objectivity is an aspect of Western modern culture and belongs only to its interpretive context. Hence, the very claim to Western scientific superiority as having methods to access all phenomena objectively is a culture bound position that cannot be universal. After all, “objectively speaking” other cultures, as equal, have very different understandings that do not include such tandems as “objectivity” or for that matter “subjectivity.” Culturally objectively speaking, we cannot deny them their different reading of cultural, and indeed all other, phenomena. To say that the others are wrong would be tantamount to saying that we have a criterion of the “right culture” which belongs only to our culture. But in this sense, one abolishes the treatment of other cultures as given objectively and equivalently. We then would posit our scientific culture as universal and require that all others interpret themselves in terms of our own requirements. If social theory is part of modern western culture, then it is limited by that culture and cannot claim universality.Keywords: civilizational awareness, common daily world, life world, transitional awareness.Socialinė teorija civilizacijos požiūriuAlgis MickūnasSantraukaModerni mokslinė Vakarų nuostata, kad viskas turi būti traktuojama objektyviai ir nešališkai, reikalauja mūsų pačių kultūrą priimti kaip vieną iš daugelio, nesuteikiant privilegijuoto statuso jokioms jos formoms. Mokslinio objektyvumo reikalavimas yra šiuolaikinės Vakarų kultūros bruožas ir priklauso tik jos interpretaciniam kontekstui. Taigi, pati Vakarų mokslo pretenzija į metodų, leidžiančių pažinti visus reiškinius objektyviai, monopolį yra kultūriškai sąlygota ir negali būti universali. Kitoms kultūroms, kaip lygioms, būdingos visai kitokios nuostatos, kuriose nerasime Vakarams įprasto „objektyvumo“ ir „subjektyvumo“ tandemo. Kultūriškai objektyviai kalbant, mes negalime paneigti kitokio jų kultūrinių ir kitokių fenomenų supratimo. Sakyti, kad kiti klysta, yra tas pat, kas teigti, jog turime teisingos kultūros kriterijų, kuris priklauso tik mūsų kultūrai. Taip būtų neigiamas kitų kultūrų traktavimas kaip objektyviai duotų ir lygiaverčių. Taip mes laikytume savo mokslinę kultūrą universalia ir reikalautume visas kultūras interpretuoti pagal mūsų kultūros standartus. Jei socialinė teorija yra modernios Vakarų kultūros dalis, ji turi išlikti toje kultūroje ir negali pretenduoti į universalumą.Pagrindiniai žodžiai: civilizacinis supratimas, kasdienis pasaulis, gyvenamasis pasaulis, pereinamasis supratimas.

2000 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 288-288
Robert S. Burton

According to the editors of this volume, models and theories of linguistic analysis that are based on a study of monolingual societies are no longer appropriate for our contemporary world. Fueled by an interest in examining “multilingual and pluricultural societies where learning more than one language and accommodating multiple identities is a way of life” (p. 17), they have collected 11 papers as well as an introductory essay that analyze second language learning in a range of interesting multicultural settings. For example, there are papers on the acquisition of Hindi by Tamils in Delhi, English and German by Indian undergraduates at the University of Delhi, and English by immigrants from six different countries in Britain.

K. Myronchak

The article awareness of their own mortality considered as a psychological practice, which provides training influence the consciousness of the individual in order to increase its overall tanatology competence that allows you to: expand the knowledge of death, to understand and to comprehend their own tanatology experience to meet their own anxieties and find inner personal resources to work with them. It is shown that the practice of awareness of their own mortality provokes internal personal transformation, to stimulate changes in mid-life system updates the feelings, thoughts, emotions, expands the range of ideas about themselves and their life-world. In our study, the fear of death as a way of life experience applied system of quality procedures (associative experiment, a survey with open questions, unfinished sentences, written narrative, depth semi-structured interviews), which may be a set of practices, awareness of mortality. Through analysis of the psychological effect of the study identified the following types of respondents: positive-interested (48%), ambivalent-conflict (29%), negative-negatory (14%) and avoiding neutral (9%). Given the fact that most of the respondents received a positive psychological effect on research with a clear intention to change in your life, you rightly talk about the relevance and feasibility of attracting young people to this kind of practice as an awareness of their own mortality to improve the overall tanatology competence.

GEOgraphia ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 20 (43) ◽  
pp. 21
Cláudio Smalley Soares Pereira

A teoria da produção do espaço de Henri Lefebvre é hoje uma das principais contribuições debatidas na teoria social contemporânea quando o assunto é a espacialidade da vida social. Este artigo se insere nessa discussão. No entanto, chama a atenção para outros aspectos da teoria lefebvriana que foram pouco discutidos e merecem uma maior atenção por parte de seus interlocutores. O argumento central é que Lefebvre elabora um projeto teórico-prático que tem como finalidade a revolução do espaço, a qual teria um alcance mais amplo e mais profundo que a revolução urbana, sem excluí-la. Para mudar a vida, seria necessário revolucionar o espaço por meio da produção de um novo espaço. A intenção é, portanto, contribuir para o debate sobre a teoria da produção do espaço e sobre os aportes teóricos oferecidos por esta teoria para a compreensão do mundo atual. Palavras-chave: Mudar a vida. Produção do espaço. Projeto. Revolução do espaço. Revolução urbana. “CHANGE LIFE”: FROM URBAN REVOLUTION TO SPACE REVOLUTION – HENRI LEFEBVRE PROJECT Abstract: The Henri Lefebvre’s theory of the production of space is nowadays one of the main debated contributions in contemporary social theory when the subject is the spatiality of social life. This paper has place in this discussion. However, it draws attention to other aspects of lefebvrian theory that were little discussed and deserve a greater attention for its interlocutors part. The main argument is that Lefebvre elaborates a theoretical and practical project with the finality and revolution of space, in which would have a wider and deeper range than urban revolution, without excluded it. To change life would be necessary to revolutionize the space through the production of a new space. The intention is, therefore, to contribute for the debate about the theory of the production of space and about theoretical contributions offered by this theory to comprehend the current world. Keywords: Change life. Space production. Project. Space revolution. Urban revolution. “CAMBIAR LA VIDA”: DE LA REVOLUCIÓN URBANA A LA REVOLUCIÓN DEL ESPACIO – EL PROYECTO DE HENRI LEFEBVRE Resumen: La teoría de la producción del espacio de Henri Lefebvre es hoy una de las principales contribuciones debatidas en la teoría social contemporánea, por lo menos cuanto a la espacialidad de la vida social se refiere. Este artículo se inserta en esta discusión. Sin embargo, llama la atención sobre otros aspectos de la teoría lefebvriana que fueron poco discutidos y merecen una mayor atención por parte de sus interlocutores. El argumento central es que Lefebvre elabora un proyecto teórico-práctico que tiene como finalidad la revolución del espacio, la cual tendría un alcance más amplio y más profundo que la revolución urbana, sin excluirla, por supuesto. Para cambiar la vida sería necesario revolucionar el espacio a través de la producción de un nuevo espacio. De este modo, la intención es contribuir al debate sobre la teoría de la producción del espacio y sobre los aportes teóricos ofrecidos por esta teoría para la comprensión del mundo actual. Palabras clave: Cambiar la vida. Producción del espacio. Proyecto. Revolución del espacio. Revolución urbana. 

Proceedings ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (21) ◽  
pp. 1356
Miguel Castro

Since the first decades of the twentieth century, Portugal has affirmed itself as an emigration country. This social, political, economic and demographic phenomenon has consequences, which have always been approached in a general way, neglecting the personal side and identity aspects that the displacement causes at an individual and family level. In long duration emigration, there is usually a paradoxical feeling of non-belonging/belonging to two spaces. On the one hand, already integrated in the new reality, the individual feels that to a certain extent they belong to the new space. However, in their identity memory, the culture and way of life of their nationality, region or place still exists. This dilemma of (non)belonging is relatively abstract to convey to students, when we work the demographic phenomenon. We used a recent film—The Golden Cage, released by the son of Portuguese emigrants—where this feeling of belonging is represented, under ‘the cover’ of a comedy. We showed the film to a group of Demography and Sociology students and had them explore this phenomenon. The results were extremely positive.

2019 ◽  
pp. 235-259
Melissa Wei-Tsing Inouye

Within China’s diverse civil society, certain groups including Christian churches like the True Jesus Church are autonomous ideological communities (communities oriented around a shared ideology or set of truth-claims about the nature of reality, including the moral dimensions of right and wrong). Autonomous ideological communities (or “truth-claiming” groups) are not hermetically sealed off from surrounding society, but their strong ideological orientation creates a distinctive and complex community culture. Within the True Jesus Church, efficacious charismatic practices such as healing, exorcism, and tongues-speaking strengthen shared community culture by certifying that the church’s sacred worldview, governance, and shared way of life are legitimate (rooted in truth). This shared culture within the church gives rise to discourse that sometimes rejects Chinese society and sometimes affirms it, but always refers back to the church’s own internal truth-claims as the basis for engaging with the wider world. Despite the stereotypically “uncivil” insularity and exclusivity of the True Jesus Church’s teachings, its strong community culture strengthens civil society on a society-wide scale by valuing truth, building trust, and contributing to ideological pluralism.

GEOgraphia ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 20 (43) ◽  
pp. 21
Cláudio Smalley Soares Pereira

A teoria da produção do espaço de Henri Lefebvre é hoje uma das principais contribuições debatidas na teoria social contemporânea quando o assunto é a espacialidade da vida social. Este artigo se insere nessa discussão. No entanto, chama a atenção para outros aspectos da teoria lefebvriana que foram pouco discutidos e merecem uma maior atenção por parte de seus interlocutores. O argumento central é que Lefebvre elabora um projeto teórico-prático que tem como finalidade a revolução do espaço, a qual teria um alcance mais amplo e mais profundo que a revolução urbana, sem excluí-la. Para mudar a vida, seria necessário revolucionar o espaço por meio da produção de um novo espaço. A intenção é, portanto, contribuir para o debate sobre a teoria da produção do espaço e sobre os aportes teóricos oferecidos por esta teoria para a compreensão do mundo atual. Palavras-chave: Mudar a vida. Produção do espaço. Projeto. Revolução do espaço. Revolução urbana. “CHANGE LIFE”: FROM URBAN REVOLUTION TO SPACE REVOLUTION – HENRI LEFEBVRE PROJECT Abstract: The Henri Lefebvre’s theory of the production of space is nowadays one of the main debated contributions in contemporary social theory when the subject is the spatiality of social life. This paper has place in this discussion. However, it draws attention to other aspects of lefebvrian theory that were little discussed and deserve a greater attention for its interlocutors part. The main argument is that Lefebvre elaborates a theoretical and practical project with the finality and revolution of space, in which would have a wider and deeper range than urban revolution, without excluded it. To change life would be necessary to revolutionize the space through the production of a new space. The intention is, therefore, to contribute for the debate about the theory of the production of space and about theoretical contributions offered by this theory to comprehend the current world. Keywords: Change life. Space production. Project. Space revolution. Urban revolution. “CAMBIAR LA VIDA”: DE LA REVOLUCIÓN URBANA A LA REVOLUCIÓN DEL ESPACIO – EL PROYECTO DE HENRI LEFEBVRE Resumen: La teoría de la producción del espacio de Henri Lefebvre es hoy una de las principales contribuciones debatidas en la teoría social contemporánea, por lo menos cuanto a la espacialidad de la vida social se refiere. Este artículo se inserta en esta discusión. Sin embargo, llama la atención sobre otros aspectos de la teoría lefebvriana que fueron poco discutidos y merecen una mayor atención por parte de sus interlocutores. El argumento central es que Lefebvre elabora un proyecto teórico-práctico que tiene como finalidad la revolución del espacio, la cual tendría un alcance más amplio y más profundo que la revolución urbana, sin excluirla, por supuesto. Para cambiar la vida sería necesario revolucionar el espacio a través de la producción de un nuevo espacio. De este modo, la intención es contribuir al debate sobre la teoría de la producción del espacio y sobre los aportes teóricos ofrecidos por esta teoría para la comprensión del mundo actual. Palabras clave: Cambiar la vida. Producción del espacio. Proyecto. Revolución del espacio. Revolución urbana. 

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