psychological practice
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Kirsi Salonen ◽  
Katriina Hyvönen ◽  
Jane-Veera Paakkolanvaara ◽  
Kalevi Korpela

This study examined Flow with Nature (FWN) treatment, which is an integrative intervention (rehabilitation) based on eco and environmental psychology, psychotherapeutic theories and professional psychological practice. FWN is intended for depression rehabilitation with the help of social support, nature environments and FWN exercises. Exercises encourage sensing the environment, mindful awareness, psychological processing and focusing on the future. The FWN treatment proceeds in separate stages (horizon, growth and path), which emphasise nature, group (social support) and FWN exercises differently. This study focused on the experiences of the participants in the FWN treatment. Finnish adults who had been diagnosed with clinical depression took part in the FWN treatment (N = 82) and answered feedback questions (by paper, electronic questionnaire or phone discussion). Answers were analysed using theory-based content analysis. Data were collected between spring 2019 and spring 2020. The majority of the participants were women (82%) and on average 44 years old. Content analysis revealed that the participant feedback answers were in agreement with the central theoretical themes of FWN. The participants emphasised the significance of nature, social support and exercises differently. Moreover, the significance of these ingredients differed according to the stages of treatment: in the horizon stage restorative (e.g., fascination) and comprehensive nature experiences (e.g., connectedness with nature), in the growth stage social support (e.g., peer support) and in the path stage environmental self-regulation (e.g., nature as a part of life) were emphasised. These results are in accordance with the objectives of the stages and seem to support the phase-based rationale. The participants’ experiences of the key elements of the intervention, social support and nature environment were experienced mainly positively, which supports their inclusion in future intervention versions. In the future, FWN exercises should be developed to better enable participants’ possibilities for concentration and being present in the moment (mindfulness). Exercises should also be simplified to match the target group’s cognitive abilities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 10-13

The problems of modern psychology are immense, and there are many different directions, methods, approaches. All of them actively represent themselves both in the professional and public sphere, which is a positive thing, but you should think about the internal essence of mass psychological content. Psychology asks questions about processes, about changes in the mental, but not about what the mental is and, most importantly, it does not ask questions about the conscious. This is addressed by existentially oriented philosophy the use of which in physiological practice seems necessary and meaningful.

2021 ◽  
Cindy L. Juntunen ◽  
Kipp R. Pietrantonio ◽  
Jameson K. Hirsch ◽  
Astrea Greig ◽  
Mindi N. Thompson ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 226-232
Amelia Głowacka ◽  

The paper presents an exemplary strategy for interpreting MMPI-2 data. Due to the multitude of diagnostic tools, the complex nature of the questionnaire and the time-consuming analysis of the data obtained, all examples of interpretation may be helpful for a psychologist. Polish reports supporting the broad interpretation of the MMPI-2 are sparse. The presented case study illustrates an interpretative path replicable in any clinical psychological practice. The article is based on the official guidelines of the Psychological Test Laboratory of the Polish Psychological Association. They were developed by Marek Matkowski and Tomasz Kucharski, specialists dealing with the discussed tool, and represent individual diagnostic recommendations created under the supervision of experienced clinicians and a one-time consultation with MSc Andrzej Janiak. Respecting the original copyrights belonging to the Psychological Test Laboratory of the Polish Psychological Association in Poland, I recommend purchasing only official and authorised materials in the above-mentioned Laboratory and familiarising with its official position on the diagnostic path in MMPI-2.

T.V. Danylchenko ◽  

The article notes the features of the consultative and therapeutic process in positive psychology. The article makes the analysis of the fundamental works of Pezeshkina N.P. on positive psychotherapy, Fava J. and Ruini K. on the well-being therapy, and the works of Sin N.L. and Lubomyrskyi S. on the theory of psychological interventions, Parks A.S. and Biswas-Diner R. on models of self-help. The main characteristics of positive psychological interventions are considered. As a means of influence, such characteristics must turn to the constructs of positive psychology, as well as to have scientific evidence of their effectiveness. The following features of the consultative and therapeutic process are revealed. The purpose and means are: according to the hedonistic paradigm it is changing the focus of the client’s vision of the situation to a more positive one; in the eudemonic paradigm the emphasis is on self-determination and the achievement of personal authenticity by personality. It is believed that the resources of achieving well-being in a person are sufficient. Accordingly, “hedonists” believe that the key point is to increase positive affect through the development of positive thinking, optimism, and taste skills. The eudemonists see the approach to their identity through meditation, the development of abilities for self-expression. The role of the consultant in in following: to act as an informed communicator, to help the client to focus on his strengths (virtues). The counselor / psychotherapist does not look for the source of problems in the past, but focuses on the present and future of the client, identifies factors that prevent the latter from transforming the life situation in the desired direction in the current moment of life. The role of life’s difficulties is such: the problem is not treated as a difficult life task that needs to be solved and it is necessary to get out of the comfort zone, but as an opportunity for the client to improve his own personality. Psychological practice should take into account the cultural specificity of views on happiness, well-being and criteria of psychological comfort. Key words: positive psychology, well-being therapy, positive therapy, subjective well-being, positive psychology intervention.

2021 ◽  
Vol 47 (3) ◽  
pp. 324-338
Karolina Kossakowska ◽  
Magdalena Zadworna

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the digitally supported pedagogical tool for promoting students' well-being, developed during Erasmus+ project. The research includes the data from 59 fourth-year students in a five-year MA degree program in psychology (50 women and 9 men) aged 22–46 (M = 26.51, SD = 5.43). We used a survey questionnaire developed for the purposes of the study to assess the attractiveness and usefulness of the e-tool, the effectiveness of the different forms of communication used in the tool, and its overall strengths and weaknesses. The mean overall satisfaction with the tool was high. Among the factors contributing to the overall satisfaction with the tool, the content of the tool and the attractiveness of its message form was rated the highest. Online videos were considered to be the most effective form of communication used in the tool. The most appreciated features of the tool were the use of multimedia and remote resources and an attractive form; the weakest side of the tool, according to the respondents, turned out to be its appropriateness for the recipients’ developmental stage. Erasmus+ projects can develop valuable outcomes for school practice. They have also the potential for educating future staff working in various areas of psychological practice. Future psychologists and prevention providers should come into contact with the international nature of education, psychoeducation, and modern prophylaxis already during their studies.

2021 ◽  
pp. 0961463X2110375
Małgorzata M Puchalska-Wasyl

Wisdom is considered to be a prototype of positive functioning and flourishing. In the light of previous studies, wisdom correlates positively only with past-positive and future time perspectives. The main aim of this paper is testing whether adaptive types of internal dialogues weaken the negative relationships between the remaining time perspectives and wisdom or change their relationship to a positive one. To check this, 129 women and 105 men completed three methods: the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory, the Internal Dialogical Activity Scale—Revised, and the Three-Dimensional Wisdom Scale. It was confirmed that different types of internal dialogues can reduce negative and foster positive relationships between time perspectives and wisdom. The results can be used in psychological practice to support clients’ development in terms of wisdom. These findings can also encourage independent work on oneself, especially for those who conduct internal dialogues in everyday life but until now have not consciously used these dialogues as a tool for self-development.

O. Ya. Gavrilova ◽  
O. A. Ulyanina

Relevance. The development of a system for providing emergency psychological assistance to minors in our country involves taking into account the leading international experience, both in terms of the practice of providing emergency psychological assistance and at the level of its methodological support.Intention. To review the key aspects of international experience in providing emergency psychological assistance to minors.Methodology. The object of the work was scientific articles indexed in the abstract-bibliographic database of the Russian Science Citation Index, and articles included in international databases.Results and Discussion. There were analyzed the main meta-analytical reviews, as well as data on the implementation of the emergency psychological assistance system in different countries. The article considers such characteristics of emergency psychological assistance as types, terms, place and agents of rendering, as well as the main modalities of psychological practice in which psychological support and assistance to minors is provided. The degree of methodological development of the problem of providing emergency psychological assistance to minors in the international community is revealed through the analysis of two main guidelines with recommendations in relation to working with stress reactions in emergency situations for children and adolescents.Conclusion. The variability of embedding the system for providing emergency psychological assistance both in the structure of the educational sphere and in various departments in different countries makes it possible to reasonably choose the optimal model, taking into account the realities of our country in general and regional characteristics in particular.

2021 ◽  
pp. 003022282110451
Sílvia Marina ◽  
Tony Wainwright ◽  
Miguel Ricou

Hastened death practices are legal in several countries. Psychologists are increasingly taking a more active role in end-of-life issues, but the role of psychologists in requests to hasten death is not established. This study aims to contribute guidance for psychological practice in the context of requests to hasten death. We conducted a cross-sectional and cross-cultural study with Psychologists from Portugal and Luxembourg who answer closed and open questions to provide views about their role in hastened death. Psychological assessment, psychological support to patient and family, the exploration of patient decision-making and reorientation of patients were viewed as roles for psychologists. However, these roles may differ depending whether the patient has a terminal or non-terminal illness.

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