Mechanisms of hypergammaglobulinemia and impaired antigen-specific humoral immunity in HIV-1 infection

Blood ◽  
2004 ◽  
Vol 103 (6) ◽  
pp. 2180-2186 ◽  
Angelo De Milito ◽  
Anna Nilsson ◽  
Kehmia Titanji ◽  
Rigmor Thorstensson ◽  
Elisabet Reizenstein ◽  

Abstract Hypergammaglobulinemia and defective humoral immunity are hallmarks of HIV-1 infection. Naive B cells have been recently suggested as the major source of hypergammaglobulinemia in chronic viral infections. We recently reported that HIV-1–infected patients carry low levels of memory B cells. Here we studied whether defects in the naive and memory B cells in HIV-1–infected patients translated into hypergammaglobulinemia and defective humoral immunity against specific antigens. Naive B cells from HIV-1–infected patients exhibited abnormal expression of the activation/differentiation markers CD70 and leukocyte-associated Ig-like receptor (LAIR-1). Activated naive B cells from patients showed a significant increase in the intracellular immunoglobulin G (IgG) content ex vivo and this activated phenotype correlated to hypergammaglobulinemia and to the ability of naive B cells from patients to secrete IgG in vitro. We analyzed the levels of antibodies to tetanus toxoid, measles, and HIV-1 in relation to memory B cells and observed a significant reduction of antigen-specific antibodies in patients with low-memory B lymphocytes. Nevertheless, hypergammaglobulinemia and levels of polyspecific self-reactive antibodies were comparable in patients with normal and low memory B cells. We conclude that reduction of memory B lymphocytes in HIV-1 infection correlates with defective humoral immunity and that hyperactivated naive B cells may represent the source of abnormal IgG production in HIV-1 infection. Our results may be relevant to the design of HIV-1 therapeutical vaccines and to the clinical management of HIV-1–infected patients.

2020 ◽  
Vol 218 (1) ◽  
Astrid Hagelkruys ◽  
Gerald Wirnsberger ◽  
Johannes Stadlmann ◽  
Miriam Wöhner ◽  
Marion Horrer ◽  

Jagunal homolog 1 (JAGN1) has been identified as a critical regulator of neutrophil biology in mutant mice and rare-disease patients carrying JAGN1 mutations. Here, we report that Jagn1 deficiency results in alterations in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of antibody-producing cells as well as decreased antibody production and secretion. Consequently, mice lacking Jagn1 in B cells exhibit reduced serum immunoglobulin (Ig) levels at steady state and fail to mount an efficient humoral immune response upon immunization with specific antigens or when challenged with viral infections. We also demonstrate that Jagn1 deficiency in B cells results in aberrant IgG N-glycosylation leading to enhanced Fc receptor binding. Jagn1 deficiency in particular affects fucosylation of IgG subtypes in mice as well as rare-disease patients with loss-of-function mutations in JAGN1. Moreover, we show that ER stress affects antibody glycosylation. Our data uncover a novel and key role for JAGN1 and ER stress in antibody glycosylation and humoral immunity in mice and humans.

Blood ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 112 (11) ◽  
pp. 4920-4920
Robert Delage ◽  
Emmanuelle Dugas-Bourdages ◽  
Annie Roy ◽  
Sonia Neron ◽  
Andre Darveau

Abstract Persistent polyclonal B cell lymphocytosis (PPBL) is a rare disorder characterized by an expansion of memory B cells CD19+, CD27+, IgM+. PPBL occurs mainly in female, is associated with HLA DR7, an increased level of serum IgM and the lymphocytes frequently show a bi-nucleated morphology. The patients have in most cases smoking habits and the clinical evolution is usually benign but we have previously described one case of lymphoma 19 years after a diagnosis of PPBL. Although the pathophysiology remains unknown, a familial occurrence is at the basis of this disorder suggesting a genetic defect. Moreover, multiple bcl-2\Ig gene rearrangements are present in all patients and an extra isochromosome 3 (i3)(q10) is frequently shown in the B cell population. The binding of CD40 to CD154 expressed on activated T cells plays a central role in B cell activation, proliferation and Ig isotype switching. We have previously shown that PPBL B lymphocytes were unable to respond to the proliferative signal delivered in vitro by CD40 in the CD40-CD154 system, indicating a possible defect in the CD40 pathway although CD40 expression, sequencing and tyrosine phosphorylation appeared normal. However, it has been shown recently that a reduced intensity of CD40-CD154 interaction in the presence of IL-2, IL-4 and IL-10 results in the proliferation, expansion and immunoglobulin secretion of normal memory CD19+,CD27+, IgM+ B cells. PPBL B lymphocytes sharing the same phenotype as normal memory B cells, we design a study to investigate the response of B lymphocytes from patient with PPBL in culture in high and low CD154 interaction. Proliferation and flow cytometry analysis of B lymphocytes from 6 patients with PPBL were closely monitored through a 14 day culture period and the Ig secretion was determined by Elisa. Our results show that a low intensity CD40- CD154 interaction in the presence of IL-2, IL-4 and IL-10 induces proliferation of the CD19+,CD27+,IgM+ PPBL population 6 to 20 times higher compared to high CD154 interaction. Interestingly, the CD19+, IgG+ cell population that constitutes less than 5% of the cell population at the beginning of the culture, increased over 25% on day 14. As for normal controls, we observed the emergence of a CD19+,CD27− cell population and the disappearance of surface IgD. Culture of B cells from patients with PPBL resulted in high Ig secretion. Moreover on day 14, Ig isotype analysis showed higher IgG levels compared to IgM. We conclude that PPBL B lymphocytes could proliferate in the CD40- CD154 system under proper condition and that proliferation also results in IgM and IgG secretion indicating an adequate CD40 signalling pathway. Moreover, this report provides the first evidence of in vitro Ig isotype switching of CD19+,CD27+,IgM+ B lymphocytes from PPBL. These results also suggest a possible defect in the interaction with T cells as observed in the hyper-IgM syndrome or alternatively, other cells from the microenvironment.

Blood ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 118 (2) ◽  
pp. 348-357 ◽  
Bettina Franz ◽  
Kenneth F. May ◽  
Glenn Dranoff ◽  
Kai Wucherpfennig

Abstract Studying human antigen-specific memory B cells has been challenging because of low frequencies in peripheral blood, slow proliferation, and lack of antibody secretion. Therefore, most studies have relied on conversion of memory B cells into antibody-secreting cells by in vitro culture. To facilitate direct ex vivo isolation, we generated fluorescent antigen tetramers for characterization of memory B cells by using tetanus toxoid as a model antigen. Brightly labeled memory B cells were identified even 4 years after last immunization, despite low frequencies ranging from 0.01% to 0.11% of class-switched memory B cells. A direct comparison of monomeric to tetrameric antigen labeling demonstrated that a substantial fraction of the B-cell repertoire can be missed when monomeric antigens are used. The specificity of the method was confirmed by antibody reconstruction from single-cell sorted tetramer+ B cells with single-cell RT-PCR of the B-cell receptor. All antibodies bound to tetanus antigen with high affinity, ranging from 0.23 to 2.2 nM. Furthermore, sequence analysis identified related memory B cell and plasmablast clones isolated more than a year apart. Therefore, antigen tetramers enable specific and sensitive ex vivo characterization of rare memory B cells as well as the production of fully human antibodies.

2008 ◽  
Vol 82 (9) ◽  
pp. 4400-4412 ◽  
Marcus Dorner ◽  
Franziska Zucol ◽  
Christoph Berger ◽  
Rahel Byland ◽  
Gregory T. Melroe ◽  

ABSTRACT Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) uses tonsils as the portal of entry to establish persistent infection. EBV is found in various B-cell subsets in tonsils but exclusively in memory B cells in peripheral blood. The in vitro susceptibilities of B-cell subsets to EBV infection have been studied solely qualitatively. In this work, we examined quantitatively the in vitro susceptibilities of various B-cell subsets from different tissue origins to EBV infection. First, we established a centrifugation-based inoculation protocol (spinoculation) that resulted in a significantly increased proportion of infected cells compared to that obtained by conventional inoculation, enabling a detailed susceptibility analysis. Importantly, B-cell infection occurred via the known EBV receptors and infected cells showed EBV mRNA expression patterns similar to those observed after conventional inoculation, validating our approach. Tonsillar naïve and memory B cells were infected ex vivo at similar frequencies. In contrast, memory B cells from blood, which represent B cells from various lymphoid tissues, were infected at lower frequencies than their naïve counterparts. Immunoglobulin A (IgA)-positive or IgG-positive tonsillar memory B cells were significantly more susceptible to EBV infection than IgM-positive counterparts. Memory B cells were transformed with lower efficiency than naïve B cells. This result was paralleled by lower proliferation rates. In summary, these data suggest that EBV exploits the B-cell differentiation status and tissue origin to establish persistent infection.

2020 ◽  
Vol 79 (Suppl 1) ◽  
pp. 1319.2-1319
R. Lorenzetti ◽  
M. Engesser ◽  
R. Voll ◽  
A. Troilo ◽  
I. Janowska ◽  

Background:Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA) is a rare form of systemic vasculitis, which is characterized by bronchial asthma, hypereosinophilia, and systemic vasculitis. B-lymphocytes play a key role in EGPA as producers of IgE and anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCAs). Indeed, the neutrophils that are targeted by these antibodies are widely described as the mechanism of endothelial damage in this disease. On the other side, the therapeutic response to rituximab in EGPA patients provides evidence for a role of B-cells in the pathogenesis of EGPA. Therefore characterizing B cell subpopulations may help in understanding the disease and the treatment.Objectives:To characterize the peripheral B cell compartment in patients with EGPA and to analyze the in vivo potential of B lymphocytes to class-switch to IgE and to assess in vitro the differentiation potential of naïve B cells of EGPA patients into IgE-secreting plasmablasts.Methods:Clinical characteristics of the patients, including organ involvement and treatment regimen were evaluated. Laboratory work-up included ANCA-status, eosinophils, IgE, IgG, IgA, IgM, and peripheral CD19+B-cell count. For immunophenotyping isolated PBMCs were stained with monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies and B cells were classified into: naïve, marginal zone, class-switched memory B cells, unconventional memory B cells, transitional and plasmablasts. Furthermore, the expression of IgG+ and subclasses IgG1-4, IgA+, IgE+B cells, BAFFR and TACI was quantified. For in vitro differentiation assays magnetically isolated B lymphocytes from EGPA patients and age-matched healthy controls were stimulated with CD40L, IL-21 and IL-4. Starting the culture with equal number of B cells, the absolute number of plasmablasts, and IgE class switched cells after 9 days was determined by counting the events in the CD27highCD38high gate or the IgG/A/D-IgE+gate by flow cytometry. IgE secretion in the supernatant was measured by ELISA. JAK-STAT signalling pathway was analyzed in response to IL-4 and IL-21 stimulation and phosphorylation of STAT5 and 6 measured by flow cytometry.Results:34 patients with EGPA diagnosed according to ACR and CHC-criteria were included into the study. Ten of these patients were analysed separately because they received rituximab therapy. Peripheral B cell numbers in EGPA patients were markedly diminished. B cell subpopulation phenotyping showed in average 57.9% naïve B cells, 12.5 % marginal zone like B cells and 19.2% switched memory B cells. Plasmablasts constituted in average 1.15% of the peripheral B cell compartment, transitional B cells 2.0%. Interestingly, the expression of BAFF receptor and TACI in the memory B cell subset was significantly decreased in EGPA patients when compared with healthy donors. In vitro assays of isolated B cells from EGPA patients demonstrated an increased proportion of IgE-class-switched B cells after 9 days of culture under IL4 stimulation compared with controls. However, no differences were observed in the phosphorylation of STAT5 and STAT6 after stimulation with IL-4 or IL-21.Conclusion:In the EGPA-patients we observed markedly diminished B-cells despite of normal lymphocyte counts. B cells showed a reduced expression of BAFF-R and TACI. Class switch to IgE is enhanced in EGPA patients.Disclosure of Interests:None declared

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (7) ◽  
Giovanna Rappocciolo ◽  
Nicolas Sluis-Cremer ◽  
Charles R Rinaldo

Abstract Background Antiretroviral therapy (ART) has dramatically improved the quality of life of people with HIV-1 infection (PWH). However, it is not curative, and interruption of ART results in rapid viral rebound. Cell-to-cell transfer of HIV-1, or trans infection, is a highly efficient mechanism of virus infection of CD4+ T cells by professional antigen-presenting cells (APCs), that is, dendritic cells (DCs), macrophages, and B lymphocytes. Methods APC from HIV seronegative donors treated with ART in vitro (CCR5 agonist, NRTI, PI and NNRTI, alone or in combination), were loaded with HIV R5-tropic HIVBal and mixed with autologous or heterologous CD4+ T lymphocytes to assess trans infection. Ex vivo APC from chronic HIV-infected MACS participants before and after initiation of ART, were also loaded with HIV R5-tropic HIVBal and tested for trans infection against autologous or heterologous CD4+ T lymphocytes. Virus replication was measured by p24 ELISA. Results Here we show in vitro that antiretroviral drugs did not block the ability of DCs and B cells to trans-infect CD4+ T cells, although they were effective in blocking direct cis infection of CD4+ T cells. Moreover, ex vivo DCs and B cells from ART-suppressed PWH mediated efficient HIV-1 trans infection of CD4+ T cells, which were resistant to direct cis infection. Conclusions Our study supports a role for HIV-1 trans infection in maintenance of the HIV-1 reservoir during ART.

2021 ◽  
Vol 80 (Suppl 1) ◽  
pp. 1046.1-1046
L. Schlicher ◽  
P. Kulig ◽  
M. Murphy ◽  
M. Keller

Background:Cenerimod is a potent, selective, and orally active sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1 (S1P1) modulator that is currently being evaluated in a Phase 2b study in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) (NCT03742037). S1P1 receptor modulators sequester circulating lymphocytes within lymph nodes, thereby reducing pathogenic autoimmune cells (including B lymphocytes) in the blood stream and in inflamed tissues. Extensive clinical experience has become available for the nonselective S1P receptor modulator fingolimod in relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis, supporting this therapeutic concept for the treatment of autoimmune disorders.Objectives:Although the effect of S1P-receptor modulators in reducing peripheral B cells is well documented1,2, the role of the S1P1 receptor on this cell type is only incompletely understood. In this study, the mode of action of cenerimod on primary human B cells was investigated in a series of in vitro experiments, including S1P1 receptor cell surface expression and chemotaxis towards S1P. Moreover, S1P1 expression following B cell activation in vitro was studied. As glucocorticoids (GC) are frequently used in the treatment of patients with autoimmune disorders including SLE, the potential influence of GC on the mode of action of cenerimod was evaluated.Methods:Primary human B lymphocytes from healthy donors were isolated from whole blood. In one set of experiments, cells were treated with different concentrations of cenerimod to measure S1P1 receptor internalization by flow cytometry. In a second set of experiments, isolated B cells were activated using different stimuli or left untreated. Cells were then analysed for S1P1 and CD69 cell surface expression and tested in a novel real-time S1P-mediated migration assay. In addition, the effect of physiological concentrations of GCs (prednisolone and prednisone) on cenerimod activity in preventing S1P mediated migration was tested.Results:In vitro, cenerimod led to a dose-dependent internalization of the S1P1 receptor on primary human B lymphocytes. Cenerimod also blocked migration of nonactivated and activated B lymphocytes towards S1P in a concentration-dependent manner, which is in line with the retention of lymphocytes in the lymph node and the reduction of circulating lymphocytes observed in the clinical setting. Upon B cell activation, which was monitored by CD69 upregulation, a simultaneous downregulation of S1P1 expression was detected, leading to less efficient S1P-directed cell migration. Importantly, physiological concentrations of GC did not affect the inhibitory activity of cenerimod on B cell migration.Conclusion:These results show that cenerimod, by modulating S1P1, blocks B lymphocyte migration towards its natural chemoattractant S1P and demonstrate compatibility of cenerimod with GC. These results are consistent with results of comparable experiments done previously using primary human T lymphocytes.References:[1]Nakamura M et al., Mult Scler. 2014 Sep; 20(10):1371-80.[2]Strasser DS et al., RMD Open 2020;6:e001261.Disclosure of Interests:None declared

2020 ◽  
Vol 79 (Suppl 1) ◽  
pp. 230.2-231
A. Pappalardo ◽  
E. Wojciechowski ◽  
I. Odriozola ◽  
I. Douchet ◽  
N. Merillon ◽  

Background:Neutrophils have been described as potent antigen-presenting cells able to activate T cells by MHC/TCR interaction and costimulatory molecules in tumor immunity. However, little is known about the direct interaction between neutrophils and CD4 T cells with respect to systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). We have previously shown that OX40L expressed by monocytes from SLE patients promote the differentiation of naïve and memory cells into IL21 secreting T cells that are able to help B cells1,2.Objectives:In this study, we investigate OX40L expression on neutrophils from SLE patients and contribution of these OX40L+neutrophils in SLE pathogenesis to modulation of the B cell helper role of CD4 T cells.Methods:Surface expression of co-stimulatory molecules (OX40L, ICOSL, GITRL, 4-1BBL) on neutrophils from SLE patients and healthy donors (HD) was measured by flow cytometry (FC). Neutrophils from HD were stimulated with TLR7 or TLR8 agonists and IFNα after 5 hours of culture, OX40L expression was measured by FC and Western Blotting. CD4 T cells were cultured with the stimulated neutrophils for 3 days. At the end of the co-culture, percentages of IL21-expressing T follicular (Tfh) and peripheral helper (Tph) cells measured by FC. These generated T cells were also cultured in the presence of memory B cells. After 5 days of co-culture, plasmablast generation and Ig levels were assessed by FC and ELISA, respectively. Inhibition of OX40-OX40L interaction in vitro was achieved using ISB 830, a novel anti-OX40 mAb currently used in clinical trials.Results:Among the co-stimulatory molecules tested, percentages of OX40L+neutrophils in SLE (n=54) were increased compared to HD (n=25)(mean + SD: HD = 1,34%±1.62 vs SLE = 4,53%±8.1; p=0.29). OX40L expression positively correlated with SLE disease activity score (SLEDAI) (p = 0,04; r = 0,31) and with anti-DNA antibodies (p= 0,04, r = 0,33). Of note, the percentage of OX40L+neutrophils was higher in anti-sm-RNP+patients (n=16, mean= 9%±9.8), compared to anti-sm-RNP-patients (n=27, mean = 1,4%±2.5; p = 0,02). The percentage of OX40L+neutrophils was higher in patients with class III or IV lupus nephritis, and inflammatory infiltrate within the kidney biopsy disclosed OX40L+neutrophils, in close contact with T cells. Neutrophils from HD express OX40L with TLR8 agonist, or IFNα priming followed by TLR7 agonist. When memory CD4 T cells were cultured in the presence of TLR8-stimulated neutrophils, the proportion of IL21-expressing Tfh (CXCR5+PD1+) and Tph (CXCR5-PD1hi) were increased, compared to culture with unstimulated neutrophils. This process was dependent on OX40-OX40L interactions, since in vitro treatment with the anti-OX40 blocking antibody ISB 830, inhibited the differentiation of memory T cells into Tfh and Tph. Both generated Tfh and Tph were able to promote the differentiation of memory B cells into Ig-secreting plasmablasts.Conclusion:Our results disclose an unprecedented phenomenon where cross-talk between TLR7/8-activated neutrophils and CD4 lymphocytes operates through OX40L-OX40 costimulation, and neutrophils promote the differentiation of pro-inflammatory Tfh and Tph, as well as IL21 production. Therefore, OX40L/OX40 should be considered as a potentially therapeutic axis in SLE patients.References:[1]Jacquemin et al. Immunity 2015;[2]Jacquemin et al. JCI Insight 2018Disclosure of Interests:Angela Pappalardo Grant/research support from: Ichnos Sciences, Elodie Wojciechowski: None declared, Itsaso Odriozola: None declared, Isabelle Douchet: None declared, Nathalie Merillon: None declared, Andrea Boizard-Moracchini: None declared, Pierre Duffau: None declared, Estibaliz Lazaro: None declared, Marie-Agnes Doucey Employee of: Ichnos Sciences, Lamine Mbow Employee of: Ichnos Sciences, Christophe Richez Consultant of: Abbvie, Amgen, Mylan, Pfizer, Sandoz and UCB., Patrick Blanco Grant/research support from: Ichnos Sciences

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