Role of Cohesin-Resolving Protease, Separase, In Hematopoiesis.

Blood ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 116 (21) ◽  
pp. 1593-1593
Lanelle V. Nakamura ◽  
Malini Mukherjee ◽  
Margaret A. Goodell ◽  
Debananda Pati

Abstract Abstract 1593 Introduction: Cohesin is an evolutionarily conserved protein complex that forms during the replication of sister chromatids. It is a multi-protein complex that consists of four proteins, Smc1, Smc3, Rad21, and Scc3. Resolution of sister chromatid cohesion at the onset of anaphase depends on Separase, an endopeptidase that separates sister chromatids by cleaving cohesion Rad21. A recent study suggests a new role of Cohesin proteins in gene expression and development with implications in hematopoiesis. Our data indicates that cohesin-resolving protease Separase may play a critical role in hematopoiesis. HYPOTHESIS: We hypothesize that Separase plays a role in hematopoiesis by increasing the quantity of hematopoietic stem cells (HSC). METHODS: Our experimental approach was to isolate murine long-term HSC from WT mice and mice with one mutated copy of Separase (i.e. Separase heterozygotes). In addition, in vivo competitive long term repopulation assays were used assess the function of HSC in Separase heterozyotes. RESULTS: Separase heterozygote have increased HSC numbers (p<0.05) as compared to WT mice. In addition, an improved engraftment in a competitive repopulation assay (p < 0.001) was seen in the Separase heterozyotes. Analysis of the engrafted cells demonstrated no difference between the wild type and Separase heterozygote animals, indicating the increased engraftment may be due to unique features in the primitive hematopoietic stem cells. CONCLUSION: Investigation of the mechanism for improved HSC engraftment in Separase heterozygote mice will significantly contribute to our understanding of marrow engraftment and function. Elucidating the mechanisms of hematopoietic dysregulation will provide insights into the development of life-threatening disorders such as leukemia and, in the setting of bone marrow transplant, engraftment failure. Disclosures: No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

Blood ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 118 (10) ◽  
pp. 2733-2742 ◽  
Cristina Mazzon ◽  
Achille Anselmo ◽  
Javier Cibella ◽  
Cristiana Soldani ◽  
Annarita Destro ◽  

Abstract Hematopoiesis is the process leading to the sustained production of blood cells by hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). Growth, survival, and differentiation of HSCs occur in specialized microenvironments called “hematopoietic niches,” through molecular cues that are only partially understood. Here we show that agrin, a proteoglycan involved in the neuromuscular junction, is a critical niche-derived signal that controls survival and proliferation of HSCs. Agrin is expressed by multipotent nonhematopoietic mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and by differentiated osteoblasts lining the endosteal bone surface, whereas Lin−Sca1+c-Kit+ (LSK) cells express the α-dystroglycan receptor for agrin. In vitro, agrin-deficient MSCs were less efficient in supporting proliferation of mouse Lin−c-Kit+ cells, suggesting that agrin plays a role in the hematopoietic cell development. These results were indeed confirmed in vivo through the analysis of agrin knockout mice (Musk-L;Agrn−/−). Agrin-deficient mice displayed in vivo apoptosis of CD34+CD135− LSK cells and impaired hematopoiesis, both of which were reverted by an agrin-sufficient stroma. These data unveil a crucial role of agrin in the hematopoietic niches and in the cross-talk between stromal and hematopoietic stem cells.

Blood ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 128 (22) ◽  
pp. 931-931
Ajay Abraham ◽  
Puneet Agarwal ◽  
Hui Li ◽  
Andrew Paterson ◽  
Jianbo He ◽  

Abstract Despite the success of tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) in treatment of CML, cures remain elusive, as primitive leukemia stem cells (LSC) are retained in patients achieving remission. Previous studies from our group have suggested that Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) inhibition may represent a novel approach for elimination of LSCs in chronic phase CML. SIRT1 was shown to be overexpressed in CML LSCs, and SIRT1 inhibition using shRNA or a small molecule SIRT1 inhibitor selectively eliminated CML LSCs by increasing p53 acetylation and activity (Li; Cancer Cell 2012). These studies were limited by possible off-target effects and limited duration of in vivo exposure. Here we used a genetic mouse model to definitively delineate the role of SIRT1 in CML development. A model for conditional SIRT1 deletion in hematopoietic stem cells was established by crossing homozygous SIRT1 exon-4 floxed (SIRT1fl/fl) mice with Mx1-Cre mice. To study the requirement of SIRT1 for development of CML, Mx1-cre SIRT1fl/fl mice were crossed with SCL-tTA/BCR-ABL mice, representing a tet-regulated inducible transgenic mouse model of CML, to generate SCL-tTA/BCR-ABL Mx1-Cre SIRT1fl/fl mice (BA Mx1-Cre SIRT1fl/fl). BA SIRT1fl/fl mice lacking Mx1-Cre were used as controls. The mice were maintained on doxycycline until CML induction. Cre mediated deletion of SIRT1 was induced by intraperitoneal pIpC injections (250µg/mouse) administered every other day for a total of 7 doses. SIRT1 knockdown was confirmed by PCR for excised exon-4 and by RT-Q-PCR. Bone marrow (BM) cells from either BA Mx1-Cre SIRT1fl/fl or controls (both CD45.2) were transplanted into irradiated (800 cGy) CD45.1 congenic recipients (2X106 cells/mouse). Cre-mediated deletion of SIRT1 was induced by pIpC injection starting at 4 weeks post-transplant, followed by withdrawal of tetracycline to induce BCR-ABL expression. Serial PB counts and phenotypic evaluation of cell types by flow cytometry (Fig 1 A-B) showed SIRT1 knockdown to have a profound effect on CML development. By 8 weeks after BCR-ABL induction, BA SIRT1fl/fl mice (n=10), showed significantly lower neutrophils (p=0.0003) and Gr-1/Mac-1 positive myeloid cells (p=0.0002) compared to control mice. Subsequently, control mice developed progressive neutrophilic leukocytosis and increasing morbidity from leukemia, whereas BA SIRT1fl/fl mice demonstrated significantly lower WBC counts, without evidence of progressive increase or morbidity (Fig 1 A). This cohort of mice continues to be followed for survival. Another cohort of BA Mx1-Cre SIRT1fl/fl mice was sacrificed at 8 weeks post pIpC injection and BCR-ABL induction to evaluate the effect of SIRT1 knockdown on stem and progenitor populations (n=6 each). SIRT1 deleted mice demonstrated significant reduction in spleen size, weight, cellularity, and myeloid infiltration (Fig 2 A-B), and in myeloid cell expansion in the BM compared to controls (p=0.002). Primitive lineage negative, Sca1 positive, c-Kit negative (LSK) cells and granulocyte-macrophage progenitors (GMP) were significantly reduced in BM and spleen of BA SIRT1 deletedmice compared to control mice, whereas megakaryocyte-erythrocyte progenitors (MEP) were increased (Fig 3 A-B). Long term hematopoietic stem cells (LTHSC) in the BM are reduced following CML development. The percentage and number of LTHSC were significantly increased in SIRT1 deletedmice compared to control mice (Fig 3C-D). We also evaluated the effect of SIRT1 deletion on normal hematopoiesis by studying Mx1-Cre SIRT1fl/fl mice lacking BCR-ABL. SIRT1fl/fl mice without Mx1-Cre were studied as controls. Mx1-Cre SIRT1fl/fl and control mice were treated with pIpC to induce SIRT1 deletion. SIRT1deletedmice did not show significant alteration in blood counts, but demonstrated significantly higher LSK and LTHSC numbers in BM compared to control mice. Upon secondary transfer, recipients of BM from SIRT1deleted mice showed a modest increase in donor cell engraftment at 12 weeks compared to controls (90.8% (83.2-92.2%) vs 83.6% (75.8-86.7%); p=0.001). We conclude that genetic deletion of SIRT1 markedly inhibits all aspects of CML development in transgenic BCR-ABL mice, without impairing normal hematopoiesis. These observations demonstrate a critical role for SIRT1 in leukemia development, and support further evaluation of SIRT1 as a therapeutic target in CML. Disclosures No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

Blood ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 114 (22) ◽  
pp. 396-396
Stephane Barakat ◽  
Julie Lambert ◽  
Guy Sauvageau ◽  
Trang Hoang

Abstract Abstract 396 Hematopoietic stem cells that provide short term reconstitution (ST-HSCs) as well as hematopoietic progenitors expand from a small population of long term hematopoietic stem cells (LT-HSCs) that are mostly dormant cells. The mechanisms underlying this expansion remain to be clarified. SCL (stem cell leukemia), is a bHLH transcription factor that controls HSC quiescence and long term competence. Using a proteomics approach to identify components of the SCL complex in erythroid cells, we and others recently showed that the ETO2 co-repressor limits the activity of the SCL complex via direct interaction with the E2A transcription factor. ETO2/CBF2T3 is highly homologous to ETO/CBFA2T1 and both are translocation partners for AML1. We took several approaches to identify ETO2 function in HSCs. We initially found by Q-PCR that ETO2 is highly expressed in populations of cells enriched in short-term HSC (CD34+Flt3-Kit+Sca+Lin-) and lympho-myeloid progenitors (CD34+Flt3+Kit+Sca+Lin-) and at lower levels in LT-HSCs (CD34-Kit+Sca+Lin- or CD150+CD48-Kit+Sca+Lin-). Next, the role of ETO2 was studied by overexpression or downregulation combined with transplantation in mice. Ectopic ETO2 expression induces a 100 fold expansion of LT-HSCs in vivo in transplanted mice associated with differentiation blockade in all lineages, suggesting that ETO2 overexpression overcomes the mechanisms that limit HSC expansion in vivo. We are currently testing the role of the NHR1 domain of ETO2 in this expansion. Conversely, shRNAs directed against ETO2 knock down ET02 levels in Kit+Sca+Lin- cells, causing a ten-fold decrease in this population after transplantation, associated with reduced short-term reconstitution in mice. Finally, proliferation assays using Hoechst and CFSE indicate that ETO2 downregulation affects cell division (CFSE) and leads to an accumulation of Kit+Sca+Lin-cells in G0/G1 state (Hoescht). In conclusion, we show that ETO2 is highly expressed in ST-HSCs and lymphoid progenitors, and controls their expansion by regulating cell cycle entry at the G1-S checkpoint. In addition, ETO2 overexpression converts the self-renewal of maintenance into self-renewal of expansion in LT-HSCs. Disclosures: No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

Blood ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 122 (21) ◽  
pp. 1180-1180
Hajime Akada ◽  
Saeko Akada ◽  
Golam Mohi

Abstract Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) play an essential role in the long-term maintenance of hematopoiesis. Various intracellular signaling proteins, transcription factors and extracellular matrix proteins contribute to the maintenance and function of HSCs. Jak2, a member of the Janus family of non-receptor protein tyrosine kinases, is activated in response to a variety of cytokines. It has been shown that germ-line deletion of Jak2 results in embryonic lethality whereas post-natal or adult stage deletion of Jak2 results in anemia and thrombocytopenia in mice. However, the role of Jak2 in the maintenance and function of adult HSCs has remained elusive. Understanding the normal function of Jak2 in adult HSC/progenitors is of considerable significance since mutations in Jak2 have been associated with several myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs), and most patients treated with Jak2 inhibitors exhibit significant hematopoietic toxicities. To assess the role of Jak2 in adult HSCs, we have utilized a conditional Jak2 knock-out (Jak2 floxed) allele and an inducible MxCre line that can efficiently express Cre recombinase in adult HSC/progenitors after injections with polyinosine-polycytosine (pI-pC). We have found that deletion of Jak2 in adult mice results in pancytopenia, bone marrow aplasia and 100% lethality within 25 to 42 days after pI-pC induction. Analysis of the HSC/progenitor compartments revealed that Jak2-deficiency causes marked decrease in long-term HSCs, short-term HSCs, multipotent progenitors and early progenitors of all hematopoietic lineages, indicating a defect at the earliest stage of adult hematopoietic development. We have found that deletion of Jak2 leads to increased HSC cell cycle entry, suggesting that Jak2-deficiency results in loss of quiescence in HSCs. Jak2-deficiency also resulted in significant apoptosis in HSCs. Furthermore Jak2-deficient bone marrow cells were severely defective in reconstituting hematopoiesis in lethally-irradiated recipient animals. Competitive repopulations experiments also show that Jak2 is essential for HSC functional activity. We also have confirmed that the requirement for Jak2 in HSCs is cell-autonomous. To gain insight into the mechanism by which Jak2 controls HSC maintenance and function, we have performed phospho flow analysis on HSC-enriched LSK (lin-Sca-1+c-kit+) cells. TPO and SCF-evoked Akt and Erk activation was significantly reduced in Jak2-deficient LSK compared with control LSK. Stat5 phosphorylation in response to TPO was also completely inhibited in Jak2-deficient LSK cells. In addition, we observed significantly increased intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels and enhanced activation of p38 MAPK in Jak2-deficient LSK cells, consistent with the loss of quiescence observed in Jak2-deficient HSCs. Treatment with ROS scavenger N-acetyl cysteine partially rescued the defects in Jak2-deficient HSCs in reconstituting hematopoiesis in lethally irradiated recipient animals. Gene expression analysis revealed significant downregulation of HSC-specific gene sets in Jak2-deficient LSK cells. Taken together, our data strongly suggest that Jak2 plays a critical role in the maintenance of quiescence, survival and self-renewal of adult HSCs. Disclosures: No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

2000 ◽  
Vol 191 (2) ◽  
pp. 253-264 ◽  
Jos Domen ◽  
Samuel H. Cheshier ◽  
Irving L. Weissman

Hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) give rise to cells of all hematopoietic lineages, many of which are short lived. HSC face developmental choices: self-renewal (remain an HSC with long-term multilineage repopulating potential) or differentiation (become an HSC with short-term multilineage repopulating potential and, eventually, a mature cell). There is a large overcapacity of differentiating hematopoietic cells and apoptosis plays a role in regulating their numbers. It is not clear whether apoptosis plays a direct role in regulating HSC numbers. To address this, we have employed a transgenic mouse model that overexpresses BCL-2 in all hematopoietic cells, including HSC: H2K-BCL-2. Cells from H2K-BCL-2 mice have been shown to be protected against a wide variety of apoptosis-inducing challenges. This block in apoptosis affects their HSC compartment. H2K-BCL-2–transgenic mice have increased numbers of HSC in bone marrow (2.4× wild type), but fewer of these cells are in the S/G2/M phases of the cell cycle (0.6× wild type). Their HSC have an increased plating efficiency in vitro, engraft at least as well as wild-type HSC in vivo, and have an advantage following competitive reconstitution with wild-type HSC.

Leukemia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Mengke Li ◽  
Chen Qiu ◽  
Yujie Bian ◽  
Deyang Shi ◽  
Bichen Wang ◽  

AbstractSETD5 mutations were identified as the genetic causes of neurodevelopmental disorders. While the whole-body knockout of Setd5 in mice leads to embryonic lethality, the role of SETD5 in adult stem cell remains unexplored. Here, a critical role of Setd5 in hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) is identified. Specific deletion of Setd5 in hematopoietic system significantly increased the number of immunophenotypic HSCs by promoting HSC proliferation. Setd5-deficient HSCs exhibited impaired long-term self-renewal capacity and multiple-lineage differentiation potentials under transplantation pressure. Transcriptome analysis of Setd5-deficient HSCs revealed a disruption of quiescence state of long-term HSCs, a cause of the exhaustion of functional HSCs. Mechanistically, SETD5 was shown to regulate HSC quiescence by mediating the release of promoter-proximal paused RNA polymerase II (Pol II) on E2F targets in cooperation with HCF-1 and PAF1 complex. Taken together, these findings reveal an essential role of SETD5 in regulating Pol II pausing-mediated maintenance of adult stem cells.

Fatima Aerts-Kaya

: In contrast to their almost unlimited potential for expansion in vivo and despite years of dedicated research and optimization of expansion protocols, the expansion of Hematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs) in vitro remains remarkably limited. Increased understanding of the mechanisms that are involved in maintenance, expansion and differentiation of HSCs will enable the development of better protocols for expansion of HSCs. This will allow procurement of HSCs with long-term engraftment potential and a better understanding of the effects of the external influences in and on the hematopoietic niche that may affect HSC function. During collection and culture of HSCs, the cells are exposed to suboptimal conditions that may induce different levels of stress and ultimately affect their self-renewal, differentiation and long-term engraftment potential. Some of these stress factors include normoxia, oxidative stress, extra-physiologic oxygen shock/stress (EPHOSS), endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, replicative stress, and stress related to DNA damage. Coping with these stress factors may help reduce the negative effects of cell culture on HSC potential, provide a better understanding of the true impact of certain treatments in the absence of confounding stress factors. This may facilitate the development of better ex vivo expansion protocols of HSCs with long-term engraftment potential without induction of stem cell exhaustion by cellular senescence or loss of cell viability. This review summarizes some of available strategies that may be used to protect HSCs from culture-induced stress conditions.

Blood ◽  
2006 ◽  
Vol 108 (4) ◽  
pp. 1189-1197 ◽  
Hua Tang ◽  
Zhenhong Guo ◽  
Minghui Zhang ◽  
Jianli Wang ◽  
Guoyou Chen ◽  

Abstract Regulatory dendritic cells (DCs) have been reported recently, but their origin is poorly understood. Our previous study demonstrated that splenic stroma can drive mature DCs to proliferate and differentiate into regulatory DCs, and their natural counterpart with similar regulatory function in normal spleens has been identified. Considering that the spleen microenvironment supports hematopoiesis and that hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are found in spleens of adult mice, we wondered whether splenic microenvironment could differentiate HSCs into regulatory DCs. In this report, we demonstrate that endothelial splenic stroma induce HSCs to differentiate into a distinct regulatory DC subset with high expression of CD11b but low expression of Ia. CD11bhiIalo DCs secreting high levels of TGF-β, IL-10, and NO can suppress T-cell proliferation both in vitro and in vivo. Furthermore, CD11bhiIalo DCs have the ability to potently suppress allo-DTH in vivo, indicating their preventive or therapeutic perspectives for some immunologic disorders. The inhibitory function of CD11bhiIalo DCs is mediated through NO but not through induction of regulatory T (Treg) cells or T-cell anergy. IL-10, which is secreted by endothelial splenic stroma, plays a critical role in the differentiation of the regulatory CD11bhiIalo DCs from HSCs. These results suggest that splenic microenvironment may physiologically induce regulatory DC differentiation in situ.

Blood ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 120 (21) ◽  
pp. 2309-2309
Jian Huang ◽  
Peter S. Klein

Abstract Abstract 2309 Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) maintain the ability to self-renew and to differentiate into all lineages of the blood. The signaling pathways regulating hematopoietic stem cell (HSCs) self-renewal and differentiation are not well understood. We are very interested in understanding the roles of glycogen synthase kinase-3 (Gsk3) and the signaling pathways regulated by Gsk3 in HSCs. In our previous study (Journal of Clinical Investigation, December 2009) using loss of function approaches (inhibitors, RNAi, and knockout) in mice, we found that Gsk3 plays a pivotal role in controlling the decision between self-renewal and differentiation of HSCs. Disruption of Gsk3 in bone marrow transiently expands HSCs in a b-catenin dependent manner, consistent with a role for Wnt signaling. However, in long-term repopulation assays, disruption of Gsk3 progressively depletes HSCs through activation of mTOR. This long-term HSC depletion is prevented by mTOR inhibition and exacerbated by b-catenin knockout. Thus GSK3 regulates both Wnt and mTOR signaling in HSCs, with opposing effects on HSC self-renewal such that inhibition of Gsk3 in the presence of rapamycin expands the HSC pool in vivo. In the current study, we found that suppression of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway, an established nutrient sensor, combined with activation of canonical Wnt/ß-catenin signaling, allows the ex vivo maintenance of human and mouse long-term HSCs under cytokine-free conditions. We also show that combining two clinically approved medications that activate Wnt/ß-catenin signaling and inhibit mTOR increases the number of long-term HSCs in vivo. Disclosures: No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

Blood ◽  
1994 ◽  
Vol 83 (12) ◽  
pp. 3758-3779 ◽  
N Uchida ◽  
HL Aguila ◽  
WH Fleming ◽  
L Jerabek ◽  
IL Weissman

Abstract Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are believed to play a critical role in the sustained repopulation of all blood cells after bone marrow transplantation (BMT). However, understanding the role of HSCs versus other hematopoietic cells in the quantitative reconstitution of various blood cell types has awaited methods to isolate HSCs. A candidate population of mouse HSCs, Thy-1.1lo Lin-Sca-1+ cells, was isolated several years ago and, recently, this population has been shown to be the only population of BM cells that contains HSCs in C57BL/Ka-Thy-1.1 mice. As few as 100 of these cells can radioprotect 95% to 100% of irradiated mice, resulting long-term multilineage reconstitution. In this study, we examined the reconstitution potential of irradiated mice transplanted with purified Thy-1.1lo Lin-Sca-1+ BM cells. Donor-derived peripheral blood (PB) white blood cells were detected as early as day 9 or 10 when 100 to 1,000 Thy-1.1lo Lin-Sca-1+ cells were used, with minor dose-dependent differences. The reappearance of platelets by day 14 and thereafter was also seen at all HSC doses (100 to 1,000 cells), with a slight dose-dependence. All studied HSC doses also allowed RBC levels to recover, although at the 100 cell dose a delay in hematocrit recovery was observed at day 14. When irradiated mice were transplanted with 500 Thy-1.1lo Lin-Sca-1+ cells compared with 1 x 10(6) BM cells (the equivalent amount of cells that contain 500 Thy-1.1lo Lin-Sca-1+ cells as well as progenitor and mature cells), very little difference in the kinetics of recovery of PB, white blood cells, platelets, and hematocrit was observed. Surprisingly, even when 200 Thy1.1lo Lin-Sca- 1+ cells were mixed with 4 x 10(5) Sca-1- BM cells in a competitive repopulation assay, most of the early (days 11 and 14) PB myeloid cells were derived from the HSC genotype, indicating the superiority of the Thy-1.1lo Lin-Sca-1+ cells over Sca-1- cells even in the early phases of myeloid reconstitution. Within the Thy-1.1lo Lin-Sca-1+ population, the Rhodamine 123 (Rh123)hi subset dominates in PB myeloid reconstitution at 10 to 14 days, only to be overtaken by the Rh123lo subset at 3 weeks and thereafter. These findings indicate that HSCs can account for the early phase of hematopoietic recovery, as well as sustained hematopoiesis, and raise questions about the role of non-HSC BM populations in the setting of BMT.

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