The equations of the steady state, compressible inviscid gaseous flow are linearized in a form suitable for application to nozzles of the Laval type. The procedure in the supersonic phase is verified by comparing solutions so obtained with those derived by the method of characteristics in two and three dimensions. Likewise, the solutions in the transonic phase are com pared with those obtained by other investigators. The linearized equation is then used to investigate the nat re of non-symmetric flow in rocket nozzles. It is found that if the flow from the combustion chamber into the nozzle is non-symmetric, the magnitude and direction of the turning couple produced by the emergent jet is dependent on the profile of the nozzle and it is possible to design profiles such that the turning couples or lateral forces are zero. The optimum nozzle so designed is independent of the pressure and also of the magnitude of the non-symmetry of the entry flow. The formulae by which they are obtained have been checked by extensive static and projection tests with simulated rocket test vehicles which are described in this paper.

1978 ◽  
Vol 100 (4) ◽  
pp. 690-696 ◽  
A. D. Anderson ◽  
T. J. Dahm

Solutions of the two-dimensional, unsteady integral momentum equation are obtained via the method of characteristics for two limiting modes of light gas launcher operation, the “constant base pressure gun” and the “simple wave gun”. Example predictions of boundary layer thickness and heat transfer are presented for a particular 1 in. hydrogen gun operated in each of these modes. Results for the constant base pressure gun are also presented in an approximate, more general form.

1996 ◽  
Vol 154 ◽  
pp. 149-153
S. T. Wu ◽  
A. H. Wang ◽  
W. P. Guo

AbstractWe discuss the self-consistent time-dependent numerical boundary conditions on the basis of theory of characteristics for magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) simulations of solar plasma flows. The importance of using self-consistent boundary conditions is demonstrated by using an example of modeling coronal dynamic structures. This example demonstrates that the self-consistent boundary conditions assure the correctness of the numerical solutions. Otherwise, erroneous numerical solutions will appear.

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