momentum equation
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Francisco Fernando Hernandez ◽  
Federico Mendez ◽  
Jose Joaquin Lizardi ◽  
Ian Guillermo Monsivais

Abstract This work presents the numerical solution for different velocity profiles and friction factors on a rectangular porous microchannel fully saturated by the flow of a nanofluid introducing different viscosity models, including one nanofluid density model. The Darcy-Brinkman-Forchheimer equation was used to solve the momentum equation in the porous medium. The results show that the relative density of the fluid, the nanoparticle diameters and their volumetric concentration have a direct influence on the velocity profiles only when the inertial effects caused by the presence of the porous matrix are important. Finally, it was found that only viscosity models that depend on temperature and nanoparticle diameter reduce the friction factor by seventy percent compared to a base fluid without nanoparticles; furthermore, these models show a velocity reduction of even ten percent along the symmetry axis of the microchannel.

Abhrajit Bhattacharjee ◽  
Sandip Kumar Chakrabarti ◽  
Dipak Debnath

Abstract Spectral and timing properties of accretion flows on a black hole depend on their density and temperature distributions, which, in turn come from the underlying dynamics. Thus, an accurate description of the flow which includes hydrodynamics and radiative transfer is a must to interpret the observational results. In the case of non-rotating black holes, Pseudo- Newtonian description of surrounding space-time enables one to make a significant progress in predicting spectral and timing properties. This formalism is lacking for the spinning black holes. In this paper, we show that there exists an exact form of ‘natural’ potential derivable from the general relativistic (GR) radial momentum equation written in the local corotating frame. Use of this potential in an otherwise Newtonian set of equations, allows us to describe transonic flows very accurately as is evidenced by comparing with solutions obtained from the full GR framework. We study the properties of the sonic points and the centrifugal pressure supported shocks in the parameter space spanned by the specific energy and the angular momentum, and compare with the results of GR hydrodynamics. We show that this potential can safely be used for the entire range of Kerr parameter −1 < a < 1 for modeling of observational results around spinning black holes. We assume the flow to be inviscid. Thus, it is non-dissipative with constant energy and angular momentum. These assumptions are valid very close to the black hole horizon as the infall time scale is much shorter as compared to the viscous time scale.

2022 ◽  
Vol 36 (06) ◽  

DPF is an important device in the exhaust system of Diesel engine. In this paper we simulate velocity and pressure distributions in DPF to determine kinematic and hydraulic characteristics. This will provide the basis for designing and selecting size of channels in DPF. Numerical simulations were made using ANSYS Fluent commercial software and OpenFOAM open-source software. The results show that the difference between the two softwares is negligible. A compact 1D mathematical model developed based on the Darcy equation, momentum equation and continuity equation. The mathematical model solved by shooting method for boundary value problem. Simulation results from 1D and 3D approaches are very coincident.

Machines ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 39
Xin Xiong ◽  
Yanfei Zhou ◽  
Yiqun Wang

Many randomly uncertain factors inevitably arise when gas flows through a labyrinth seal, and the orbit of the rotor center will not rotate along a steady trajectory, as previously studied. Here, random uncertainty is considered in an interlocking labyrinth seal-rotor system to investigate the fluctuations of dynamic coefficients. The bounded noise excitation is introduced into the momentum equation of the gas flow, and as a result, the orbit of the rotor center is expressed as the combination of an elliptic trajectory with the bounded noise perturbation. Simulation results of the coefficients under randomly uncertain perturbations with various strengths are comparatively investigated with the traditional predictions under ideal conditions, from which the influences of random uncertain factors on dynamic coefficients are analyzed in terms of the rotor speed, pressure difference, and inlet whirl velocity. It is shown that the deviation levels of the dynamic coefficients are directly related to the random perturbations and routinely increase with such perturbation strengths, and the coefficients themselves may exhibit distinct variation patterns against the rotor speed, pressure difference, and inlet whirl velocity.

2022 ◽  
Vol 46 (4) ◽  
pp. 393-400

ABSTRACT. Mesoscale features of a coastal atmospheric boundary layer such as the land-sea circulation and the thermal internal boundary layer (TIBL) structure have been simulated using a two-dimensional numerical boundary layer model. Using Boussinesq approximation for horizontal momentum equations and hydrostatic approximation for vertical momentum equation the model solves the 'shallow water' equations year over a grid domain 80 km length on either side of the coastline and 2 km height. The influence of the land-sea breezes on the dispersion of pollutants released from a continuous point source located at the roast has been studied. The fumigation of pollutants from an offshore source into TIBL over the land has also been illustrated. The limitations associated with the model are also discussed.    

Atmosphere ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 72
Yuxin Zhang ◽  
Shuyang Cao ◽  
Jinxin Cao

For the analysis of the aerodynamic characteristics of the buildings immersed in the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL), it is necessary to generate a turbulence velocity field with similar temporal and special characteristics to the ABL to obtain a reliable result. In this paper, an improved precursor simulation method called the recycling and reshaping method (RRM) is proposed to generate a turbulent boundary layer in an LES model. The laminar inflow is firstly disturbed by the virtual roughness blocks realized by adding drag force term in the momentum equation, then the inflow velocity profile is reshaped every several steps to adjust the streamwise velocity profile in the downstream target area to meet the requirements. The final turbulence field generated by RRM with virtual roughness blocks is in good agreement with the target velocity conditions. Then, the simulation of the wind-induced pressure on an isolated low-rise building surface is carried out, using the generated turbulence boundary layer as inflow. The comparison between numerical results and TPU aerodynamic database shows that the time-averaged wind-induced surface pressure obtained by LES can be considered in good accordance with the measurements over the whole building surface. However, the non-ignorable deviations for the fluctuating pressure result in the flow separation corners still exist.

Sabri Deniz ◽  
Ulf Christian Müller ◽  
Ivo Steiner ◽  
Thomas SERGI

Abstract Covid-19 pandemic has introduced radical changes to the engineering education so that most of the teaching moved to the off-campus setting of online classes. However, conducting the laboratory classes, a fundamental part of engineering education has remained to be a challenge. To address to this situation, an ambitious approach is taken to re-establish the laboratory experience entirely online with the help of digital twins of the laboratory experiments. Laboratory based undergraduate courses are important parts of the curriculum at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences (HSLU), Switzerland. During the Covid-19 pandemic, it was necessary to adapt to the new environment of remote learning and modify the laboratory experiments so that they can be carried out online. The approach was to develop digital twins of each laboratory experiment with web applications and to provide an environment together with supporting videos and interactive problems so that the laboratory experiments can be carried out remotely. This paper explains the development of the digital twins of the laboratory experiments and provides information about the selected experiments such as potential vortex, linear momentum equation, diffuser flow, radial compressor, fuel cell, and pump test rig. A remote or distance learning has many hurdles, a major one being how to teach hands-on laboratory courses outside of an actual laboratory. The experience at the HSLU showed that teaching online laboratories using the digital twins of the experiments can work and the students can take part in remote laboratories that meet the learning objectives.

CFD Letters ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Muhammad Shahrul Nizam Shahrin ◽  
Norazila Othman ◽  
Nik Ahmad Ridhwan Nik Mohd ◽  
Mastura Ab Wahid ◽  
Mohd Zarhamdy Md. Zain

In monopropellant system, hydrogen peroxide is used with catalyst to create an exothermic reaction. Catalyst made of silver among the popular choice for this application. Since the catalyst used is in porous state, the effect of its porosity in the hydrogen peroxide monopropellant thruster performances is yet unknown. The porosity changes depending on factors including catalyst pact compaction pressure, bed dimension, and type of catalyst used. As researches on this topic is relatively small, the optimum porosity value is usually left out. The performance of the thruster indicated by the pressure drop across the catalyst bed. Porosity of the catalyst bed adds additional momentum sink to the momentum equation that contributes to the pressure gradient which lead to pressure loss inside thruster. The effect of porosity influences the performance and precision of the thruster. Study of the pressure drop by the catalyst bed requires a lengthy period and expensive experiments, however, numerical simulation by mean of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) can be an alternative. In this paper, 90 wt% hydrogen peroxide solution with silver catalyst is studied in order to investigate the influence of porosity to the performances of the thruster, and to find the optimum porosity of the thruster. Species transport model is applied in the single-phase reaction simulation using the EDM for turbulence-chemistry interaction. Through this study, the effect of porosity towards the thruster performances represented in term of pressure drop, exit velocity, bed temperature, and thrust, and porosity of 0.4 found to be as an optimal value.

Sankar Vijay ◽  
Jaimon Cletus ◽  
Arun MG ◽  
Ranjith S Kumar

Abstract Theoretical analysis of the entrance hydrodynamics of microchannels is an important design aspect in connection with the development of microfluidic devices. In this paper, pressure-driven fluid flow in the entrance region of two infinite hydrophobic parallel plates with dissimilar slip-velocities is analytically modelled. The linearized momentum equation is solved by applying the Navier-slip model at the boundaries to achieve the most generalized two-dimensional form. The velocity profile is obtained by combining the developed and developing velocities, which is estimated by invoking the separation of variable method. It is observed that the velocity profile is asymmetric and the shear-free region can be shifted from the geometrical central line by altering the wall hydrophobicity. Moreover, the zero shear zone is transferred more towards the surface having high hydrophobicity. The expression for wall shear stress is obtained analytically using Newton's law of viscosity. Moreover, the boundary layer growth from the upper and lower walls are found to be entirely different and they merge at the entrance length and is noticed to be off-setted from the geometric centre-line. The effect of slip-length on the entrance length is analysed and an empirical correlation is deduced.

2021 ◽  
Vol 49 (1) ◽  
M. Nasir Khattak ◽  
U. Zakir ◽  
M. Yaqoob Khan ◽  
Niaz. Wali ◽  

The linear and nonlinear low-frequency collisional quantum Buneman instability in electronpositron- ion plasmas have been studied. Buneman instability in low frequency three species quantum plasma has been investigated using the approach of the quantum hydrodynamic model. The one-dimensional low-frequency collisional model is revisited by introducing the Bohm potential term in the momentum equation along with the role of the positron. Low-frequency Buneman instability which arises by one stream of particles drifting over another is investigated in the presence of the positron. Different plasma configurations based on the relative velocities of streaming particles are analyzed and it is observed that positron content enhances the instability in classical limits. Further, we found that in pure quantum limits the instability growth rate is decreased by increasing the positron concentration. The present work is very useful for the nonlinear problems in Quantum Coulomb systems.

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