Building Yanhuitlan: Art, Politics, and Religion in the Mixteca Alta since 1500

2021 ◽  
Vol 101 (2) ◽  
pp. 307-308
Alex Hidalgo
2019 ◽  
Vol 49 (2) ◽  
pp. 290-303
Richard Howard

Irish science fiction is a relatively unexplored area for Irish Studies, a situation partially rectified by the publication of Jack Fennell's Irish Science Fiction in 2014. This article aims to continue the conversation begun by Fennell's intervention by analysing the work of Belfast science fiction author Ian McDonald, in particular King of Morning, Queen of Day (1991), the first novel in what McDonald calls his Irish trilogy. The article explores how McDonald's text interrogates the intersection between science, politics, and religion, as well as the cultural movement that was informing a growing sense of a continuous Irish national identity. It draws from the discipline of Science Studies, in particular the work of Nicholas Whyte, who writes of the ways in which science and colonialism interacted in late nineteenth and early twentieth-century Ireland.

Moreana ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 46 (Number 176) (1) ◽  
pp. 175-190
Bernard Bourdin

The legacy from Christianity unquestionably lies at the root of Europe, even if not exclusively. It has taken many aspects from the Middle Ages to modern times. If the Christian heritage is diversely understood and accepted within the European Union, the reason is essentially due to its political and religious significance. However, its impact in politics and religion has often been far from negative, if we will consider what secular societies have derived from Christianity: human rights, for example, and a religious affiliation which has been part and parcel of national identity. The Christian legacy has to be acknowledged through a critical analysis which does not deny the truth of the past but should support a European project built around common values.

2017 ◽  
Miranda Lynn Groft ◽  
Nathan Pistory ◽  
Rachel Hardy ◽  
Peter Joseph McLaughlin

With the proliferation of neuroscience-related messages in popular media, it is more important than ever to understand their impact on the lay public. Previous research has found that people believed news stories more when irrelevant neuroscientific explanations were added. We sought to reveal whether such information could cause a change in social behavior. Specifically, based on publicized findings of the relationship between social behavior and the neurotransmitter oxytocin, we proposed that participants would accept more strangers into their in-group, or alternatively decrease in-group size, if told that there were oxytocin-based (relative to psychological construct-based) health benefits for doing so. In two tasks, participants were shown faces and written information about stimuli that could match their race, politics, and religion to varying degrees. In spite of evidence that participants processed the primes, and were sensitive to their level of similarity with stimuli, oxytocin-based priming did not alter categorization, or pupil dilation. It did not alter cross-race viewing behavior, as measured by an eye tracker, in consistent ways. Unexpectedly, pupil dilation increased when viewing stimuli of the same religion, an effect entirely related to White liberal Christians viewing other Christians. Overall, these results suggest that neuroscience information may impact some judgments, but lay people will not alter their likelihood of acceptance of strangers simply because they were primed with a neuroscience- (or more specifically, neurotransmitter-) based reason for doing so.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 275-288 ◽  
Blanca Estela Santiago Mejía ◽  
Mario Roberto Martínez Menez ◽  
Erasmo Rubio Granados ◽  
Humberto Vaquera Huerta ◽  
Julio Sánchez Escudero

Los ecosistemas de la región Mixteca han estado sometidos a la deforestación, el sobrepastoreo y prácticas agrícolas inadecuadas, y como resultado los suelos se han degradado. Para atenuar este problema, desde tiempos ancestrales los pueblos mixtecos han establecido el sistema lama-bordo como estrategia para retener suelo, manejar los escurrimientos superficiales y retener humedad. Para tener evidencia de la efectividad del sistema lama-bordo se analizó la variabilidad espacial de las propiedades físicas (textura, densidad aparente, capacidad de campo y punto de marchitez permanente) y químicas (pH, materia orgánica, nitrógeno, fósforo, potasio y carbono orgánico) de los suelos retenidos en un sistema en el municipio de Teotongo, Oaxaca; este sistema tiene 8.47 ha distribuidas en 11 parcelas donde se tomaron muestra de suelos a 0.30 m de profundidad. Las propiedades físicas y química de los suelos muestran alta variabilidad espacial relacionada con la posición del muestreo y la antigüedad de la terraza. El análisis estadístico mostró diferencias estadísticamente significativas (a<0.05) en los contenidos de materia orgánica, nitrógeno, potasio, carbono orgánico, arcilla, capacidad de retención de agua y conductividad hidráulica entre las márgenes derecha, izquierda y central y la antigüedad en la construcción de las parcelas.

Tal Ilan

The women of the New Testament were Jewish women, and for historians of the period their mention and status in the New Testament constitutes the missing link between the way women are portrayed in the Hebrew Bible and their changed status in rabbinic literature (Mishnah and Talmud). In this chapter, I examine how they fit into the Jewish concepts of womanhood. I examine various recognized categories that are relevant for gender research such as patriarchy, public and private space, law, politics, and religion. In each case I show how these affected Jewish women, and how the picture that emerges from the New Testament fits these categories.

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