scholarly journals Transitions in development – an interview with Marie Monniaux

Development ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 148 (21) ◽  
Alex Eve

Marie Monniaux is a permanent CNRS researcher in the ‘Evo-devo of the flower’ group at the Laboratory for Plant Reproduction and Development (RDP) at the École normale supérieure (ENS) in Lyon, France. Marie uses Petunia to understand the development and evolution of the flower petal. We met Marie over Teams for a virtual chat about her career path, finding a permanent position and her ideas for the future.

Stéphane Schmitt

The problem of the repeated parts of organisms was at the center of the biological sciences as early as the first decades of the 19th century. Some concepts and theories (e.g., serial homology, unity of plan, or colonial theory) introduced in order to explain the similarity as well as the differences between the repeated structures of an organism were reused throughout the 19th and the 20th century, in spite of the fundamental changes during this long period that saw the diffusion of the evolutionary theory, the rise of experimental approaches, and the emergence of new fields and disciplines. Interestingly, this conceptual heritage was at the core of any attempt to unify the problems of inheritance, development, and evolution, in particular in the last decades, with the rise of “evo-devo.” This chapter examines the conditions of this theoretical continuity and the challenges it brings out for the current evolutionary sciences.

2011 ◽  
Vol 366 (1574) ◽  
pp. 2056-2068 ◽  
Rinaldo C. Bertossa

Development and evolution of animal behaviour and morphology are frequently addressed independently, as reflected in the dichotomy of disciplines dedicated to their study distinguishing object of study (morphology versus behaviour) and perspective (ultimate versus proximate). Although traits are known to develop and evolve semi-independently, they are matched together in development and evolution to produce a unique functional phenotype. Here I highlight similarities shared by both traits, such as the decisive role played by the environment for their ontogeny. Considering the widespread developmental and functional entanglement between both traits, many cases of adaptive evolution are better understood when proximate and ultimate explanations are integrated. A field integrating these perspectives is evolutionary developmental biology (evo-devo), which studies the developmental basis of phenotypic diversity. Ultimate aspects in evo-devo studies—which have mostly focused on morphological traits—could become more apparent when behaviour, ‘the integrator of form and function’, is integrated into the same framework of analysis. Integrating a trait such as behaviour at a different level in the biological hierarchy will help to better understand not only how behavioural diversity is produced, but also how levels are connected to produce functional phenotypes and how these evolve. A possible framework to accommodate and compare form and function at different levels of the biological hierarchy is outlined. At the end, some methodological issues are discussed.

2006 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
pp. 311-323 ◽  
Riaz Hassan

AbstractThe concept of ummah embodies the universalism of Islam and provides a framework for religious unity, which accommodates the cultural diversity of believers. It is an important part of historical as well as contemporary discourse on Islam. This paper provides an overview of the development and evolution of the concept of ummah and its usage in Islamic discourse to explain the current social, political and economic conditions of the Muslim world. It reports the findings about ummah consciousness and its relationship to modernity in Muslim countries of Southeast Asia, South and Central Asia, and the Middle East. It will examine the impact of globalisation on the Islamic ummah and how it is shaping the emerging struggle between 'hybridity' and 'authenticity' among Muslims and Islamic movements. The paper will explore the challenges of this struggle and its sociological implications for the 'de-centering' of the Muslim world into multiple autonomous regions. It will argue that the future of the Muslim ummah may gain strength not as a unified and unitary community, but as a differentiated community consisting of ummahs representing different Islamic regions. Each regional ummah will possess and embody a unique character that has been moulded by the history and temperament of its people. The paper will conclude with some observations on the future religious, intellectual, economic and political trajectories of Muslim countries.

2010 ◽  
Vol 03 (01) ◽  
pp. 57-76 ◽  
Z. T. Zhao

This article outlines the development and evolution of storage ring light sources, focusing on the latest, third generation light sources. After making brief historical remarks, it describes the current status, the performance, and the technological advancements of third generation light sources. The future developments of the ultimate storage ring as the next generation light source are envisioned.

2001 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 157-161 ◽  
Elizabeth K. Gregory ◽  
Marilyn Marcontel

The National Association of School Nurses proposed the concept of certification for school nurses in the 1970s. The development and evolution of the school nurse certification process, from concept to reality, were described in the October 2000 Journal of School Nursing ( Gregory & Marcontel, 2000 ). Readers were asked to submit questions to be answered in the second article. This article describes issues and answers questions from school nurses about national certification, gives information from past and current presidents and certified school nurses regarding their experiences, and presents a forecast on the future of school nurse certification.


V članku opisujemo prihodnost sistema karierne poti častnika v Slovenski vojski, in sicer za prvih deset let njegove kariere. Naš glavni namen je razviti predlagani sistem častniške karierne poti za Slovensko vojsko, ki bo zagotavljal določeno stopnjo predvidljivosti v častnikovi karieri in vključeval opredeljive kompetence ter razvoj konkurenčnega okolja za njegovo napredovanje. Osredotoča se na določanje ustreznih orodij za vse štiri funkcije upravljanja kadrov, ki so izvedljive in sprejemljive znotraj omejitev, ki jih postavlja zakonodaja. V članku je razložen sistem karierne poti častnika na podlagi štirih kadrovskih funkcij, ki so opredeljene kot zaposlitev, razvoj, napredovanje in prehod. Slovenska vojska na podlagi transformacije reorganizira svoje enote v polkovni sistem, v katerem imajo poveljniki čet čin majorja. To je eden izmed razlogov, zakaj v članku obravnavamo tudi sistem karierne poti častnika v britanski vojski, ki bi bil v nekaterih pogledih lahko primeren za novo strukturo Slovenske vojske. Poleg obravnave predlaganega sistema karierne poti za častnika so v članku navedeni tudi nekateri novi koncepti upravljanja kadrov, kot so izboljšan program zaposlovanja, razvrščanje v skupine po letih, odbori častnikov in nov sistem ocenjevanja. Vsi ti koncepti omogočajo v predlaganem sistemu častniške karierne poti uvedbo centraliziranega upravljanja kadrov ter zagotovitev pregledne in predvidljive karierne poti, ki temelji na sposobnostih posameznika. The article describes the future of the Officer Career Development (OCD) system in the Slovenian Armed Forces (SAF) for the first ten years of an officer’s career. The main purpose of the article is to develop a proposed OCD system for the SAF which will provide a certain level of predictability in an officer’s career and include identifiable competencies as well as develop a competitive environment for officer promotion. The article focuses on determining appropriate tools for all four functions of the personnel management, which are feasible and acceptable under the constraints provided by the legislation. The article defines the OCD system through four personnel functions defined as employment, development, promotion and transition. The SAF, through the transformation process, is reorganizing its units into a regimental system with company commanders being in the rank of major. This is one of the reasons the article also looks at the British Army (BA) OCD system which, in certain areas, could be applicable to the new structure of the SAF. The article discusses the proposed OCD system and introduces several new concepts in personnel management such as: improved employment programme, year group rankings, officer’s boards and new evaluation system. All these new concepts allow the proposed OCD system to introduce centralized execution of personnel management and provide a transparent and predictable career path, based on competencies of an individual.

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