Family and private life of merchants in the second half of XIX-early XX century (based on the materials of Tula province)

Ирина Лобачева ◽  
Irina Lobacheva

The work is devoted to the study of the history of everyday life of merchants — an elite group of the urban class of pre-revolutionary Russia. The author focuses on the evolution of the merchant family and private life in the period of capitalist modernization in Russia. Is it possible to consider the merchant class solely as a layer of successful entrepreneurs? How stable was the composition of the merchant class, how and why did it change in the cities of Tula province? Why did the traditions of a big family go to the past? How did the merchants of the marriages of their children and how to treat manalansan? What are the requirements in the merchant environment to the marriage partners and how to resolve family conflicts? What qualities did the representatives of the merchant class hope to bring up in their children and how deep education did they strive to provide? How did the houses, furnishings, forms of merchants ' leisure change in the second half of XIX-early XX century? What were the features of the appearance of the representatives of the merchants? This is not a complete list of questions to which the author gives an answer in his monograph. The work is based on a wide range of various sources, both published (legislative documents, literary monuments, sources of personal origin, photo documents) and unpublished materials of the state archive of Tula region (GATO) and the state archive of the Orel region (BUOO GAO). The book is intended for historians, culturologists, ethnologists and all those interested in the history and way of life of the Russian merchant class.

Sergey S. Pashin ◽  
Natalia S. Vasikhovskaya

The article is devoted to the study of the movement for communist labour at the Tyumen Shipbuilding Plant during the period of the seven-year plan (1959-1965). The authors seek to fill a historical narrative with the particular facts connected with the peculiarities and specifics of such phenomenon as the movement for communist labour. They consider it in the context of microhistory and as the most important element of production routine. The employees of the largest industrial enterprise of Soviet Tyumen — Shipbuilding Plant in concrete historical circumstances came under the spotlight of the authors. The submitted article is written with attraction of a wide range of archival documents, taken from the funds of the State Archive of the Tyumen Region and also funds of the State Archive of Socio-Political History of the Tyumen Region. Having studied the documents the authors come to conclusion that the movement for communist labour had little effect on the production progress of the plant employees.

2019 ◽  
pp. 458-466
Yuri N. Timkin ◽  

The article draws on archival materials of the State Archive of the Kirov Region and those of the State Archive of Social and Political History of the Kirov Region to examine the development of uezd organizations of the ARCP (B) in the Vyatka gubernia in late 1918 and the first half of 1919. In late 1918 the Vyatka gubernia became the Civil War battleground. When Perm was taken, the White Guard began to threaten Vyatka. Meanwhile, the political situation in the gubernia was tense; peasants, townspeople, and workers had their grievances against the Bolshevik policies. The existing uezd organizations of the ARCP (B) were unprepared to work in the immediate battle area. Fearing for the fate of the Eastern front, the Central Committee of the party sent a commission to Vyatka headed by Stalin and Dzerzhinsky. It was to carry out a wide range of measures to reorganize party and Soviet work. The power was taken by the Military Revolutionary Committee. The novelty of the study is in the fact that archival materials are used to assess the circumstances of the ARCP (B) organizations. These circumstances can be defined as those of a permanent crisis; the party organizations were ill-adapted to the extraordinary conditions of the Civil War. The narrowing of the party’s social base caused, first of all, by food policies forced the gubernia committee to cleanse party organizations and staff them up with well trusted personnel. The author has introduced into scientific use some previously unknown facts. The analysis of archival material allows to conclude that party work lapsed because party organizations seemed ineffective in the days of the anti-Soviet uprisings of summer and autumn of 1918 and while the Civil War raged. Conflicts, squabbles, intra-party struggles became an everyday occurrence. Party organizations constantly faced infiltration of persons with opposing views who sought to avoid mobilization or improve their financial situation.

S.V. Bershadskaia

This paper examines how domestic and leisure practices of Siberian town-dwellers in the early 1920s were influenced by the state anti-religious policy. By examining state activities, the paper shows an enormous expansion of state intervention in the sphere of private life of the Yenissei province town-dwellers, their leisure activities and domestic practices. The participation of Siberian town-dwellers in the work of clubs, societies, lectures and new “proletarian” holidays became the mechanisms for secularizing their daily lives. The construction of the “new communist way of life” was underway and the state secularization policy became an additional catalyst for changes in domestic practices and a cause of family conflicts. By focusing on the above-mentioned period and using publications of the local leading periodical “Krasnoyarsk Worker” published in the Yenissei province since the year 1905 until recently, the article demonstrates the tendencies of changes in everyday life of the Yenissei province town-dwellers targeted by the state anti-religious policy.

2020 ◽  
pp. 615-626
Alexander Yu. Petrov ◽  
Yuliya S. Egorova ◽  

Presenting new documents to the scholarly society is important for studying the history and heritage of Russian America. The authors pay special attention to the fonds of regional archives, as their unique documents expand our knowledge of already known subjects and elaborate the historical and cultural heritage of Russian America. The State Archive of the Kostroma Region stores papers of local ethnographers, who meticulously collected materials on the history and heritage of the Russian colonial past. These documents have rarely being studied and remain unknown to researchers. The purpose of the article is to study the fonds of the State Archive of the Kostroma Region in order to identify new documents on the history of the Russian colonization of Alaska, as well as documents on the historical and cultural heritage of Russia in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean. The object of the research is document collection deposited in the State Archive of the Kostroma Region. The collection consists of hundreds of documents related to the history of the development of the Far East and Russian America and can provide a basis for preparing scholarly articles on a wide range of issues, such as the history of Russo-Chinese and Russo-Japanese relations, the interaction of the Russians and indigenous peoples of Siberia and Alaska, the transfer of Alaska to the USA, the financial and economic development of the Russian -American company and its joint-stock. Documents from N. N. Selifontov personal provenance fond shed light on the interactions of the Russian-American company with various government agencies during the sale of Alaska to the United States. Of particular value are N. N. Selifontov’s marginalia touching upon certain events in the history of Russian America, as well as his hand-written papers containing his personal opinion on the interaction of the Irkutsk governor-general with the royal court. The corpus of documents from Grigorov collection is vital for studying the early Russian exploration of the Aleutian Islands and Alaska and for preserving the memory of exploration of Alaska in various Russia towns.

Francesca Rohr Vio

In his reorganization of the State, Augustus restored the patrimony of values on which the senatorial aristocracy had founded its power in the res publica and he especially ensured the family’s central role. For this purpose he identified behavior exempla in the past of Rome and in his own domus and promoted a series of laws to regulate the public and private life of citizens. His aim was to affect morality and birthrate, but also to create a new ruling class: the homines novi would integrate with the ancient aristocracy through marriages and common descendants and this new senatorial class would operate according to the guidelines that had guided the leaders of the history of Rome.

Stefania Zini ◽  
Nikita V. Khokhlov

The article is dedicated to the history of the Italians of Crimea. The history of the group is still little studied and rich in myths and legends. Our complex historical-anthropological and genetic study of the community allowed us to dispel some myths, which are widespread among the members of the community and far beyond it, and to recreate the history, geography and causes of migrations that took place in the XIX century. The historical part of the research was mainly based on sources and documents found in the Russian and Italian archives. We used documents from the State Archive of the Saratov Region, the State Archive of the Republic of Crimea, the Russian State Military Archive of Moscow, the state archives of Genova, Napoli, Bari, Turin, and the Vatican Secret Archive. Extensive and equally useful information was found in newspapers and other periodicals of the XIX–XX centuries from Russian and Italian library collections. Family archives of descendants of Italian migrants also provided valuable information. The article presents some of the materials found in the course of the study. The article also deals with the problem of the size of the community, which is difficult to define both today and in the past.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 49-54
Dildora Alinazarova ◽  

In this article, based on an analysis of a wide range of sources, discusses the emergence and development of periodicals and printing house in Namangan. The activities of Ibrat- as the founder of the first printing house in Namangan are considered. In addition, it describes the functioning and development of "Matbaai Ishokia" in the past and present

Konstantin Kupchenko ◽  
Nikolay Fedoskin

The article analyzes the results of the state policy implementation withing the formation and development of the Soviet judicial system on the example of Smolensk Governoral Court. The authors set the goal, based on the analysis of sources not introduced into a wide scientific circulation, primarily stored at the State Archive of the Smolensk Region to restore the history of the creation and operation of justice institutions in the Smolensk region in the 1918s–1923s. The source base of the study was composed of documents stored at Smolensk State Regional Archive, materials on the history of the judiciary, statistical materials of the period under the study, documents on the history of the party-state bodies of the Smolensk region. The article studies current office documentation of both the higher and regional state bodies (Workers 'and Peasants' Government, People's Commissariat of Justice, Smolensk Governoral Executive Committee) and local authorities (Smolensk Council of Working People's Deputies, Executive Committee of Smolensk Governoral Council of Workers, Peasants' and Red Army Deputies), as well as Smolensk Governoral Court. The authors analyze the Soviet experience in the formation and development of judicial bodies under specific historical conditions; they consider transformations in the judicial system of the Smolensk Governorate in the 1917s–1922s, as well as the formation of Smolensk Governoral Court. The article studies legal foundations of the Soviet judicial system formation, characterizes processes of creating a judicial apparatus in the first years of Soviet power and analyzes activities of Smolensk Governoral Court during its formation. The authors reveal the essence, degree of efficiency, concrete results, political and socio-economic consequences, positive and negative lessons from the Soviet judicial system existed in Russia. The authors assume that the development of new legislation system in the 1920s was caused by the need to reform legal sources as the main means of socialism building. The authors conclude that the transformation of the Soviet judicial system completed the transition from the principle of «revolutionary expediency» to the principle of «revolutionary legality».

Philosophy ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 85 (2) ◽  
pp. 225-243
Tim Heysse

How should we look back on the history and the origins of our ethical outlook and our way of life? We know that in the past, strange and appalling ethical views and practices have enjoyed widespread and sincere support. Yet we do not regard our contemporary outlook – to the extent that we do, at the present, have a common outlook – as one option among many. However bemused we may feel in ethical matters, at least on some issues we claim to have reasons that are good (enough). If we do not object to the use of the predicate ‘true’ in ethics, we may say that we are confronted with the (ethical) truth of an outlook. Or, to echo a provocative expression of David Wiggins, we claim that ‘there is nothing else to think’.

2019 ◽  
Rouben Karapetyan

The textbook covers the main events and developments in the recent history of the Arab world. The key issues of the past and present of the major Arab countries are examined. The general patterns, main stages and peculiarities of the historical development of these countries are presented. The work is designed for students of the faculties of “Oriental Studies”, “History” and “International Relations”, as well as wide range of readers interested in the history of the Arab world.

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