Family and private life of merchants in the second half of XIX-early XX century (based on the materials of Tula province)
The work is devoted to the study of the history of everyday life of merchants — an elite group of the urban class of pre-revolutionary Russia. The author focuses on the evolution of the merchant family and private life in the period of capitalist modernization in Russia. Is it possible to consider the merchant class solely as a layer of successful entrepreneurs? How stable was the composition of the merchant class, how and why did it change in the cities of Tula province? Why did the traditions of a big family go to the past? How did the merchants of the marriages of their children and how to treat manalansan? What are the requirements in the merchant environment to the marriage partners and how to resolve family conflicts? What qualities did the representatives of the merchant class hope to bring up in their children and how deep education did they strive to provide? How did the houses, furnishings, forms of merchants ' leisure change in the second half of XIX-early XX century? What were the features of the appearance of the representatives of the merchants? This is not a complete list of questions to which the author gives an answer in his monograph. The work is based on a wide range of various sources, both published (legislative documents, literary monuments, sources of personal origin, photo documents) and unpublished materials of the state archive of Tula region (GATO) and the state archive of the Orel region (BUOO GAO). The book is intended for historians, culturologists, ethnologists and all those interested in the history and way of life of the Russian merchant class.