scholarly journals Space weather impact on ground-based technological systems

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 68-104
Vyacheslav Pilipenko

This review, offered for the first time in the Russian scientific literature, is devoted to various aspects of the problem of the space weather impact on ground-based technological systems. Particular attention is paid to hazards to operation of power transmission lines, railway automation, and pipelines caused by geomagnetically induced currents (GIC) during geomagnetic disturbances. The review provides information on the main characteristics of geomagnetic field variability, on rapid field variations during various space weather mani-festations. The fundamentals of modeling geoelectric field disturbances based on magnetotelluric sounding algorithms are presented. The approaches to the assessment of possible extreme values of GIC are considered. Information about economic effects of space weather and GIC is collected. The current state and prospects of space weather forecasting, risk assessment for technological systems from GIC impact are discussed. While in space geophysics various models for predicting the intensity of magnetic storms and their related geomagnetic disturbances from observations of the interplanetary medium are being actively developed, these models cannot be directly used to predict the intensity and position of GIC since the description of the geomagnetic field variability requires the development of additional models. Revealing the fine structure of fast geomagnetic variations during storms and substorms and their induced GIC bursts appeared to be important not only from a practical point of view, but also for the development of fundamentals of near-Earth space dynamics. Unlike highly specialized papers on geophysical aspects of geomagnetic variations and engineering aspects of the GIC impact on operation of industrial transformers, the review is designed for a wider scientific and technical audience without sacrificing the scientific level of presentation. In other words, the geophysical part of the review is written for engineers, and the engineering part is written for geophysicists. Despite the evident applied orientation of the studies under consideration, they are not limited to purely engineering application of space geophysics results to the calculation of possible risks for technological systems, but also pose a number of fundamental scientific problems

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 73-110
Vyacheslav Pilipenko

This review, offered for the first time in the Russian scientific literature, is devoted to various aspects of the problem of the space weather impact on ground-based technological systems. Particular attention is paid to hazards to operation of power transmission lines, railway automation, and pipelines caused by geomagnetically induced currents (GIC) during geomagnetic disturbances. The review provides information on the main characteristics of geomagnetic field variability, on rapid field variations during various space weather mani-festations. The fundamentals of modeling geoelectric field disturbances based on magnetotelluric sounding algorithms are presented. The approaches to the assessment of possible extreme values of GIC are considered. Information about economic effects of space weather and GIC is collected. The current state and prospects of space weather forecasting, risk assessment for technological systems from GIC impact are discussed. While in space geophysics various models for predicting the intensity of magnetic storms and their related geomagnetic disturbances from observations of the interplanetary medium are being actively developed, these models cannot be directly used to predict the intensity and position of GIC since the description of the geomagnetic field variability requires the development of additional models. Revealing the fine structure of fast geomagnetic variations during storms and substorms and their induced GIC bursts appeared to be important not only from a practical point of view, but also for the development of fundamentals of near-Earth space dynamics. Unlike highly specialized papers on geophysical aspects of geomagnetic variations and engineering aspects of the GIC impact on operation of industrial transformers, the review is designed for a wider scientific and technical audience without sacrificing the scientific level of presentation. In other words, the geophysical part of the review is written for engineers, and the engineering part is written for geophysicists. Despite the evident applied orientation of the studies under consideration, they are not limited to purely engineering application of space geophysics results to the calculation of possible risks for technological systems, but also pose a number of fundamental scientific problems

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-58
Андрей Воробьев ◽  
Andrey Vorobev ◽  
Вячеслав Пилипенко ◽  
Vyacheslav Pilipenko ◽  
Ярослав Сахаров ◽  

Using observations from the IMAGE magnetic observatories and the station for recording geomagnetically induced currents (GIC) in the electric transmission line in 2015, we examine relationships between geomagnetic field and GIC variations. The GIC intensity is highly correlated (R>0.7) with the field variability |dB/dt| and closely correlated with variations in the time derivatives of X and Y components. Daily variations in the mean geomagnetic field variability |dB/dt| and GIC intensity have a wide night maximum, associated with the electrojet, and a wide morning maximum, presumably caused by intense Pc5–Pi3 geomagnetic pulsations. We have constructed a regression linear model to estimate GIC from the time derivative of the geomagnetic field and AE index. Statistical distributions of the probability density of the AE index, geomagnetic field derivative, and GIC correspond to the log-normal law. The constructed distributions are used to evaluate the probabilities of extreme values of GIC and |dB/dt|.

2005 ◽  
Vol 23 (9) ◽  
pp. 3089-3093 ◽  
P. Hejda ◽  
J. Bochníček

Abstract. Whereas geomagnetically induced currents are a source of problems for technological systems mainly at high geomagnetic latitudes, strong geomagnetic disturbances can have quite strong effects even at mid-latitudes. This paper deals with the analysis of the pipe-to-soil (P/S) voltage measured in oil pipelines in the Czech Republic during the Halloween magnetic storms in 2003. It is shown that the simplest - plane wave and uniform Earth-model of the electric field corresponds well to the measured P/S voltage. Although the largest amplitudes of the geomagnetic field were reached on the onset of the geomagnetic storm, large voltages were also induced in the main and recovery phases due to Pc5 oscillations.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-42 ◽  
Андрей Воробьев ◽  
Andrey Vorobev ◽  
Вячеслав Пилипенко ◽  
Vyacheslav Pilipenko ◽  
Ярослав Сахаров ◽  

Using observations from the IMAGE magnetic observatories and the station for recording geomagnetically induced currents (GIC) in the electric transmission line in 2015, we examine relationships between geomagnetic field and GIC variations. The GIC intensity is highly correlated (R>0.7) with the field variability |dB/dt| and closely correlated with variations in the time derivatives of X and Y components. Daily variations in the mean geomagnetic field variability |dB/dt| and GIC intensity have a wide night maximum, associated with the electrojet, and a wide morning maximum, presumably caused by intense Pc5–Pi3 geomagnetic pulsations. We have constructed a regression linear model to estimate GIC from the time derivative of the geomagnetic field and AE index. Statistical distributions of the probability density of the AE index, geomagnetic field derivative, and GIC correspond to the log-normal law. The constructed distributions are used to evaluate the probabilities of extreme values of GIC and |dB/dt|.

2009 ◽  
Vol 27 (4) ◽  
pp. 1775-1787 ◽  
M. Wik ◽  
R. Pirjola ◽  
H. Lundstedt ◽  
A. Viljanen ◽  
P. Wintoft ◽  

Abstract. In this paper, we analyse in detail two famous space weather events; a railway problem on 13–14 July 1982 and a power blackout on 30 October 2003. Both occurred in Sweden during very intensive space weather storms and each of them a few years after the sunspot maximum. This paper provides a description of the conditions on the Sun and in the solar wind leading to the two GIC events on the ground. By applying modelling techniques introduced and developed in our previous paper, we also calculate the horizontal geoelectric field at the Earth's surface in southern Sweden during the two storms as well as GIC flowing in the southern Swedish 400 kV power grid during the event in October 2003. The results from the calculations agree with all measured data available. In the July-1982 storm, the geomagnetic field variation, ΔBx, reached values up to ~2500 nT/min and the geoelectric field reached values in the order of several volts per kilometer. In the October-2003 storm, the geomagnetic field fluctuations were smaller. However, GIC of some hundreds of amperes flowed in the power grid during the October-2003 event. Technological issues related to the railway signalling in July 1982 and to the power network equipment in October 2003 are also discussed.

2020 ◽  
Hermann J. Opgenoorth ◽  
Audrey Schilling ◽  
Maria Hamrin

<p>Rapid storm-time geomagnetic disturbances, typically at sub-auroral latitudes, have been recognized as one of the most detrimental space weather phenomena, potentially leading to damage to and outage of critical power infrastructure. We can show that sub-auroral magnetic spikes in storms (of the order of 1000 nT/min) do resemble in their appearance and spatio-temporal behavior small but intense and very short-lived substorms, including three-dimensional current wedge and electrojet-enhancement formation. Statistically these spikes do occur at all local times, but preferably pre-midnight and around 0600 MLT in the morning sector, which is only partially in agreement with the substorm analogy, and indicate that there may indeed be several mechanisms at work. We will present results from event and statistical studies to clarify the physical characteristics and potential drivers for these potentially most damaging geomagnetic disturbances in the SWx realm.</p><p> </p>

ELMAR 2007 ◽  
2007 ◽  
Tomislav Kos ◽  
Renato Filjar ◽  
Ivan Markezic

2012 ◽  
N. B. Crosby ◽  
A. Veronig ◽  
E. Robbrecht ◽  
B. Vrsnak ◽  
S. Vennerstrom ◽  

2016 ◽  
Vol 34 (4) ◽  
pp. 427-436 ◽  
Larisa Trichtchenko

Abstract. Power transmission lines above the ground, cables and pipelines in the ground and under the sea, and in general all man-made long grounded conductors are exposed to the variations of the natural electromagnetic field. The resulting currents in the networks (commonly named geomagnetically induced currents, GIC), are produced by the conductive and/or inductive coupling and can compromise or even disrupt system operations and, in extreme cases, cause power blackouts, railway signalling mis-operation, or interfere with pipeline corrosion protection systems. To properly model the GIC in order to mitigate their impacts it is necessary to know the frequency dependence of the response of these systems to the geomagnetic variations which naturally span a wide frequency range. For that, the general equations of the electromagnetic induction in a multi-layered infinitely long cylinder (representing cable, power line wire, rail or pipeline) embedded in uniform media have been solved utilising methods widely used in geophysics. The derived electromagnetic fields and currents include the effects of the electromagnetic properties of each layer and of the different types of the surrounding media. This exact solution then has been used to examine the electromagnetic response of particular samples of long conducting structures to the external electromagnetic wave for a wide range of frequencies. Because the exact solution has a rather complicated structure, simple approximate analytical formulas have been proposed, analysed and compared with the results from the exact model. These approximate formulas show good coincidence in the frequency range spanning from geomagnetic storms (less than mHz) to pulsations (mHz to Hz) to atmospherics (kHz) and above, and can be recommended for use in space weather applications.

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