scholarly journals Variation of seed sizes and its effect on germination and seedling growth of mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla)

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (9) ◽  
Kurniawati Purwaka Putri

Abstract. Pramono AA, Syamsuwida D, Putri KP. 2019. Variation of seed sizes and its effect on germination and seedling growth of mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla). Biodiversitas 20: 2576-2582. To get high-quality seeds, the size of seed is often suggested to be criteria of selection in seed collection. However, the size is not always effective to be used as a basis for seed selection. The study is aimed to determine the variation of mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) seed sizes and its effect on the germination and seedlings growth. The fruits were collected from stands of mahogany in Jonggol and Parung Panjang, Bogor District, Indonesia. The seeds were grouped into 5 classes based on seed size. The observation was conducted on seed viability of each size class as well as the growth of seedlings until 3 months old. The results showed that the seed size of mahogany was affected by position of the seeds inside the fruit, the mother trees, and fruit size. The seeds size of < 6 cm long had significantly lower germination rate and capacity than those seeds of more than 6 cm long. The size of seeds affected the initial growth of seedlings, but did not influence the subsequent growth of seedling after 3 months old. The selection of seeds was done by removing the seeds of less than 6 cm long.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 49 ◽  
Fábio Steiner ◽  
Alan Mario Zuffo ◽  
Aécio Busch ◽  
Tiago de Oliveira Sousa ◽  
Tiago Zoz

ABSTRACT Seed size is an important indicator of physiological quality, since it may affect seed germination and seedling growth, especially under stress conditions. This study aimed to investigate the effects of seed size on germination and initial seedling growth, under salinity and water stress conditions. The treatments were arranged in a completely randomized design, in a 3 × 3 factorial scheme: three seed size classes (small, medium and large) and three stress treatments (control, saline or water stress), with four replicates. Water and salt stresses do not reduce the germination rate of medium and large seeds; however, the germination rate of small seeds is reduced under salt stress conditions. Drought stress drastically reduces the shoot growth of seedlings regardless of seed size, whereas root growth is higher in seedlings from medium and large seeds under water stress conditions. Under non-stressful environments, the use of large seeds is preferable, resulting in more vigorous seedlings with a greater dry matter accumulation. Medium-size seeds are more adapted to adverse environmental conditions and, therefore, should be used under conditions of water shortage and salt excess in the soil at sowing time. Seedlings are more tolerant to salinity than to water stress during the germination stage and initial growth under laboratory conditions.

2019 ◽  
Vol 62 ◽  
Krystian Florkowski

Wpływ wielkości rozłupek na kiełkowanie i rozwój siewek selerów błotnych Apium repens (Jacq.) Lag. Dotychczas uznawano, że selery błotne występujące na obszarze Polski na wyspowych, izolowanych od zwartego zasięgu stanowiskach, nie wytwarzają w pełni funkcjonalnych propagul. Tymczasem szczegółowe badania populacyjne przeprowadzone w ostatnich latach w Wielkopolsce dowiodły, że selery błotne wytwarzają dojrzałe nasiona oraz rozmnażają się także generatywnie. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono wyniki testowania wpływu wielkości nasion i długości ich spoczynku na szybkość kiełkowania oraz tempo wzrostu siewek do etapu wytworzenia pierwszych rozłogów. Eksperyment prowadzony był równolegle w kontrolowanych warunkach środowiskowych w komorze hodowlanej oraz w warunkach polowych (inspekt otwarty) na terenie Ogrodu Botanicznego Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu. W eksperymencie wykorzystano rozłupki pochodzące z trzech największych populacji Wielkopolski (Brenno 2, Brenno Ostrowo i Ostrowo Hutka) zebrane w warunkach <em>in situ</em> oraz hodowli w ogrodzie botanicznym. Stwierdzono, że wielkość nasion ma wpływ na efektywność kiełkowania oraz rozwój siewek selerów błotnych <em>Apium repens</em>. Przeprowadzona korelacja r-Pearsona dowiodła, że wielkość rozłupek ma pozytywny wpływ na szybkość kiełkowania oraz tempo wzrostu siewek. Czas wymagany do kiełkowania rozłupek przechowywanych przez okres jednego roku od zebrania sięgał od blisko 30 dni dla próby w fitotronie do około 190 dni w warunkach polowych. Uzyskana wiedza z zakresu biologii rozwoju ma wartość aplikacyjną w aktywnej ochronie selerów błotnych. The effect of seed size on germination and growth of seedlings of creeping marshwort Apium repens (Jacq.) Lag. According to previous studies it was believed that creeping marshwort occurring in Poland on isolated locations, satellite to the main range of the species, does not produce fully functional propagules. Meanwhile, detailed population studies conducted in recent years in Wielkopolska region have shown that <em>Apium repens</em> produces mature seeds and reproduces generatively. The paper presents the results of testing the effect of seed size and length of their dormancy on the germination rate and the rate of growth of seedlings to the stage with first stolons. The experiment was conducted under controlled environmental conditions: in a breeding chamber (phytotron) and in the field (open hotbed) at the Botanical Garden of the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań. In experiment schizocarps from the three largest populations of Wielkopolska were used (Brenno 2, Brenno Ostrowo and Ostrowo Hutka), collected <em>in situ</em> and cultivated in the botanical garden. Seed size influenced efficiency of germination and seedling development of <em>Apium repens</em>. The r-Pearson correlation proved that fruit size has a positive effect on the germination rate and growth rate of seedlings. The time required for germination of seeds stored for one year after harvesting ranged from nearly 30 days for the phytotron test to about 190 days in field conditions. Acquired knowledge in developmental biology of creeping marshwort has an application value for active conservation of the species.

1983 ◽  
Vol 61 (9) ◽  
pp. 2309-2315 ◽  
Jesse K. Zimmerman ◽  
I. Michael Weis

Fruits of Xanthium strumarium L. from a population in southwestern Ontario exhibited an eightfold range in size. The effects of fruit size on seed size, germination, and seedling growth were investigated. Correlations between fruit size and seed size were strongly positive. In general, germination percentage and germination rate were both correlated positively with fruit size, although germination rate appeared to level off for the largest fruits. Cotyledon area and primary root length of newly emerged seedlings also were positively correlated with fruit size, although both variables and especially primary root length showed smaller increases over larger fruit sizes. The weights of newly emerged seedlings were highly positively correlated with fruit size. However, this relationship was not maintained for older seedlings. Weights of 15- and 30-day-old seedlings were constant over the majority of fruit sizes. This trend resulted from a negative correlation between seedling growth rate and fruit size which could, in part, be explained by a decline in the ratio of cotyledon area to the weight of newly emerged seedlings with fruit size.

1996 ◽  
Vol 74 (4) ◽  
pp. 568-572 ◽  
Stefan Andersson

The present study of the winter annual Crepis tectorum examines the relationship between seed (achene) size and the extent to which seeds resist germination during the year of their production. I carried out two seed burial experiments, one at an outcrop site occupied by a small-seeded population, and another in an experimental garden with soil from the same field site, with seeds representing the local population and a segregating generation of a cross between two other populations. Using logistic regression with data corrected for seed viability, I found an association between small seed size and failure to germinate in the first autumn. The small seed size characterizing many outcrop populations may have evolved as a response to selection for delaying germination in a habitat subject to unpredictable droughts during the growth season. Keywords: Crepis tectorum, germination, seed bank, seed size.

1989 ◽  
pp. 38-43 ◽  
J.A. Payne ◽  
A.A. Amis ◽  
J.H. Cane ◽  
P.M. Lyrene

Jadhav Rajesh K, Pranay Mulam, Khot Vidhesh

A study was conducted with an aim of achieving 100% seed germination and to evaluate the rate of dormancy upon exogenous application of the deproteinised leaf juice (DPJ) in various leguminous and non leguminous seeds. DPJ if inducing retardation of dormancy, the activity of enzyme was analysed to prove the presence of phytohormones. DPJ from the three non leguminous foliages of brinjal, radddish and dasheen were prepared by green crop fractionation. The seed germination results obtained by the paper towel method and the activity of enzyme protease in DPJ of radish and Colocasia leaves separately. There was variation in germination rate by different DPJ influence. Some seeds showed fast germination while some germinated late. Few seeds were not germinated by control. In some seeds, DPJ decreased the rate of germination while on the contrary there was rapid growth of seedlings by the potentiality of DPJ. DPJ found mutagenic by its influencing inhibitory expression in seedling growth in some cases. The enzyme protease released by phytohormone gibberellin during the seed germination. Positive glyoxlic test indicated presence of auxins in whey.

1999 ◽  
Vol 50 (6) ◽  
pp. 969 ◽  
W. M. Kelman ◽  
R. I. Forrester

The association of seed size, type of life cycle (annual/perennial), and ploidy (diploid/tetraploid) with low temperature (5˚C), germination rate, and seedling growth was examined under controlled conditions in 9 Lotus species. Seeds harvested at 2 localities from 2 populations of L. pedunculatus, one selected for early flowering and the other unselected for flowering time, were included in the study to examine the influence of selection history and seed provenance on cold temperature germination rate and seedling growth. Seed size and ploidy level were not significant factors influencing germination rate of the Lotus species, but both seed size and life cycle had significant associations (P< 0.01) with seedling dry weight. Seed of the selected, early flowering population of L. pedunculatus germinated significantly faster than that of the unselected population (P< 0.01), and this difference was more pronounced in seed from the site where early flowering would confer advantages of better seed production and the potential for better persistence through seedling recruitment. Anarrow-sense heritability estimate for the germination rate of L. pedunculatus was high at the 2 localities (0.84 ± 0.17 and 0.65 ± 0.16) and it was thus promising as a selection criterion for improved establishment. If interspecific hybridisation can be achieved between the annual and perennial species, a longer term prospect exists to utilise the high capacity of annual species to germinate and grow at low soil temperatures.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 135
Dian Wirawan Tambunsaribu ◽  
Syaiful Anwar ◽  
Dwi Retno Lukiwati

The research aimed to study the effect of type and humidity level of storage media and teir interaction on cacao seed viability and seedling growth. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized factorial design 3 x 4 with three replications. The first factor is the type of storage media (P) which is control (P0), charcoal shell (P1), and sawdust (P2).  The second factor is the humidity content of storage media (K) which is control (K0), moisture content 15% (K1), moisture content 30% (K2), moisture content 45% (K3). Parameters observed were seeds moisture content, electrical conductivity (EC), seed germination, germination vigor, germination rate,  height of seedling, leaf number of seedling, dry weight of seedling and hypothetic vigor index of seedling. Data were analyzed by anova and followed Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The treatments of charcoal shell and sawdust gave not significant effect to cacao seed viability and seedling growth, but it’s interactions gives significan effect the observed parameters. Combined use of  charcoal shell storage media with humidity content 30% gives the highest result to cacao seed viability and seedling growth after storage.Keywords : seed viability, storage media, humidity level and cacao

2016 ◽  
Vol 46 (2) ◽  
pp. 169-176
Sandro Lucio Silva Moreira ◽  
Paulo Prates Júnior ◽  
Raphael Bragança Alves Fernandes ◽  
Ana Catarina Monteiro Mori da Cunha ◽  
André Narvaes da Rocha Campos

ABSTRACT Euterpe edulis Martius is one of the endangered species of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest which presents low germination rate and slow seedling growth. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are known by their symbiosis with plants, promoting an increase of water and nutrientes uptake. This study aimed at evaluating the effect of AMF inoculation on the initial growth (6 months) and nutrients uptake in E. edulis seedlings. Treatments consisted of the inoculation of pre-germinated seeds with AMF spores collected from three sites (forest, Juçara and crop), as well as a control with no inoculation. Seedlings growth, number of AMF spores in the substrate and uptake of the N, P, K, Ca and Mg macronutrients in plant tissues were analyzed. Inoculation with AMF improved the initial growth of seedlings, regardless of the source of inoculum used in the experiment, and the inoculation with material collected from rhizosphere increased the shoot and root dry biomass of seedlings by 43 % and 61 %, respectively. Inoculation with AMF provided a greater accumulation of all nutrients assessed in the shoot and root of seedlings, especially when spores were collected at the Juçara site. Inoculation with AMF is a promising strategy to improve the spread of this species.

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