growth of seedlings
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2022 ◽  
Vol 52 (1) ◽  
pp. 025
Rafael Cipriano da Silva ◽  
Karen Beneton ◽  
João José Cardinali Ieda ◽  
Antonio Carlos de Azevedo ◽  
Marcos Gervasio Pereira

Success in the production of eucalyptus seedlings directly affects the development of plants in the field. Several factors influence their initial growth, especially the substrate. This study aimed to evaluate the growth of Eucalyptus globulus seedlings and characteristics of the substrate using silicate agromineral (SA) in different proportions (substrate:SA; v/v): T0 – 100:00%, T1 – 90:10%, T2 – 80:20%, and T3 – 50:50%. The treatments were evaluated using a completely randomized design. Measurements of height (H), stem diameter (SD) and calculation of the H/SD ratio of the plants were performed every 3 weeks, totaling 4 measurements. At the end of the experiment (12 weeks), soil fertility analyses, granulometric analysis (sand, silt and clay) and total chemical analysis were carried out. Due to the chemical and mineralogical composition of SA, its use in substrate in a greater proportion (T3) promoted the increase of exchangeable K, Ca and Si contents, which influenced the increase in the sum of bases and cation exchange capacity. The levels of assimilable P and micronutrients Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn were also higher in this treatment. The increase in  SA proportions in the substrate composition also favored increase in the sand fraction and reduction in the clay fraction. As for the growth of seedlings, the results were not significant for H and SD as a function of SA doses, leading to the conclusion that the solubilization and slow release of nutrients by SA did not influence the growth of the plants

2022 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
pp. 02012
Marina Yu. Sautkina ◽  
Nina F. Kuznetsova ◽  
Michael A. Semenov ◽  
Andrew S. Khoroschev

The transition to biologically based technologies is one of the priority scientific areas of agriculture and forestry in Russia. The aim of the work is to develop and modify the technology of using biological products on forest tree species and to test it on Scots pine. The effect of pre-sowing inoculation of pine seeds with biological products on soil germination, safety of one- and two-year-old seedlings and their biometric characteristics was studied. The results of the analysis of soil germination of seeds and the safety of 1-year-old seedlings showed that these biological products can be introduced into the technology of growing planting material of Scots pine. It was revealed that the seeds of sensitive trees of the Stupinskaya population turned out to be the most responsive to inoculation with biological products. A stimulating effect has been established on the survival rate of seedlings, preservation, height, growth and diameter of 2-year-old plants in a forestry area (Vernadsky forestry, Tambov region). The height of 2-year-old seedlings of pine 'Ostrogozhskaya' exceeds the control by an average of 18.1%. The use of this biotechnology in forestry production will create favorable conditions for the germination of pine seeds, the growth of seedlings and their higher survival rate.

Rosimar Maria Marques ◽  
Giuliani Grazyella Marques-Silva ◽  
Carlos Moacir Bonato

The effects of high dilutions of Cymbopogon winterianus (citronella) on the growth and germination of Sida rhombifolia are analyzed; 5 homeopathic dilutions (3cH, 6cH, 12cH, 24cH, 30cH) and a control (water) were used, with 5 repetitions. Variables analyzed were the primary growth of the root system, length of the shoot, fresh mass total, germination percentage and germination speed index. All dilutions stimulated the primary growth of the root. Dilutions 3cH, 6cH, 12cH and 30 cH stimulated the growth of the aerial parts and 24cH inhibited it. Dilutions 6cH, 12cH, 24cH and 30cH stimulated a larger production of fresh mass than 3cH. Dilution 12cH resulted in the largest germination percentage while 24cH in the lowest. Dilution 12cH resulted in the highest score in the germination speed index, while 3cH and 24cH in the lowest. Keywords: Homeopathic dilutions; Plants; Germination; Growth; Cymbopogon winterianus; Sida rhombifolia.   Efeitos de altas diluições de Cymbopogon winterianus Jowitt (citronella) na germinação e crescimento de sementes de Sida rhombifolia Resumo Os efeitos de altas diluições de Cymbopogon winterianus (citronella) no crescimento e germinação de Sida rhombifolia são analisados; 5 diluições ho´meopáticas (3cH, 6cH, 12cH, 24cH, 30cH) e um controle (água) foram utilizados, com 5 repetições. As variáveis analisadas foram: crescimento primário do sistema da raiz, longitude do broto, massa fresca total, porcentagem de germinação e índice de velocidade de germinação. As diluições 3cH, 6cH, 12cH e 30cH estimularam o crescimento das partes aéreas, que foi inibido pela diluição 24cH. As diluições 6cH, 12cH e 30cH estimularam uma maior produção de massa fresca que a diluição 3cH. A diluição 12cH mostrou a porcentagem máxima de germinação, enquanto 24cH mostrou a mínima. Igualmente, a diluição 12cH resultou no máximo índice de velocidade de germinação, enquanto as diluições 3cH e 24cH, os mínimos. Palavras-chave: Diluições Homeopática; Plantas; Germination; Crescimento; Cymbopogon winterianus; Sida rhombifolia.   Efectos de altas diluciones de Cymbopogon winterianus Jowitt (citronella) en la germinación y crecimiento de semillas de Sida rhombifolia Resumen Los efectos de altas diluciones de Cymbopogon winterianus (citronella) en el crecimiento y germinación de Sida rhombifolia son analizados; 5 diluciones homeopáticas (3cH, 6cH, 12cH, 24cH, 30cH) y un control (agua) fueron utilizados, con 5 repeticiones. Las variables analizadas fueron: crecimiento primario del sistema de la raíz, largura del brote, masa fresca total, porcentaje de germinación e índice de velocidade de germinación. Las diluciones 3cH, 6cH, 12cH y 30cH estimularon el crecimiento de las partes aéreas, mientras que éste fue inhibido por la dilución 24cH. Las diluciones 6cH, 12cH, 24cH y 30cH estimularon una mayor producción de masa fresca que la dilución 3cH. La dilución 12cH mostró el máximo porcentaje de germinación, mientras que la dilución 24cH, el mínimo. Igualmente, la dilución 12cH resultó en el máximo índice de velocidad de germinación, mientras que las diluciones 3cH y 24cH, los mínimos. Palabras-clave: Diluciones homeopáticas; plantas; germinación, crecimiento, Cymbopogon winterianus; Sida rhombifolia.   Correspondence author: Carlos Moacir Bonato, [email protected], State University of Maringá-SP, Brazil How to cite this article: Marques RM, Marques-Silva GG, Bonato CM. Effects of high dilutions of Cymbopogon winterianus Jowitt (citronella) on the germination and growth of seedlings of Sida rhombifolia. Int J High Dilution Res [online]. 2008 [cited YYYY Mmm DD]; 7(22): 31-35. Available:  

Agronomy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 6
Mohammad Moinul Islam ◽  
Zed Rengel ◽  
Paul Storer ◽  
Kadambot H. M. Siddique ◽  
Zakaria M. Solaiman

Seed germination and seedling growth are two essential early determinants of subsequent crop yield and quality. A high germination percentage of industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) seed is required to import into Australia. The viability of hemp seed can decline rapidly depending on storage and other factors; hence, the quality of imported seed is not always reliable. Here, we aimed to investigate germination and early seedling growth responses of 14 industrial hemp varieties after being imported from various countries. Germination trials were conducted with 100 seeds of 14 varieties using a soil-less Petri dish assay and a compost growth medium under glasshouse conditions. We also assessed the effect of seed pre-treatments such as gibberellic acid (500 and 1000 mg·L−1), chlorine dioxide (500 and 1000 mg·L−1) and cold temperature (4 °C for 72 h) using 300 seeds of each of the three selected varieties in compost growth medium. Hemp varieties imported from China had higher germination and better seedling growth indices than those imported from Europe. All seed pre-treatments were associated with a decreasing trend in germination, but a positive effect on early growth responses was observed. Our findings indicate that the hemp variety Han FNQ performed better than many other varieties did regarding seed germination and seedling growth. Hemp seeds sanitising with 500 mg·L−1 of chlorine dioxide might improve the germination and early growth of seedlings.

2021 ◽  
Vol 226 ◽  
pp. 112817
Tao Han ◽  
Mengyuan Sun ◽  
Jinjin Zhao ◽  
Chunying Dai ◽  
Yang Li ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Cong Gao ◽  
Shuai Lu ◽  
Yongzhou Wang ◽  
Hao Xu ◽  
Xiaoxiao Gao ◽  

The excellent properties of nanomaterials have been confirmed in many fields, but their effects on plants are still unclear. In this study, different concentrations of bismuth vanadate (BV) were added to the growth medium to analyze the growth of seedlings, including taproots, lateral roots, leaf stomata, root activity, and superoxide anion O2.- generation. Gene expression levels related to root growth were determined by quantitative PCR in Arabidopsis thaliana. The results showed that BV promoted the growth of taproots and the development of lateral roots, enhanced the length of the extension zone in roots, increased the number and size of leaf stomata and root activity, reduced the accumulation of ROS in seedlings, and changed the expression levels of genes related to polyamines or hormones. At the same time, we investigated the antibacterial activity of BV against a variety of common pathogens causing crop diseases. The results showed that BV could effectively inhibit the growth of Fusarium wilt of cotton and rice sheath blight. These results provide a new prospect for the development of nanomaterial-assisted plants, which is expected to become one of the ways to solve the problem of controlling and promoting the development of plants. At the same time, it also provides a reference for the study of the effect of BV on plants.

2021 ◽  
Vol 910 (1) ◽  
pp. 012127
Maad N. M. Al-Rukabi ◽  
Vladimir I. Leunov ◽  
Ivan G. Tarakanov ◽  
Tatiana A. Tereshonkova

Abstract A study was conducted to evaluate the effect of LED lighting on the growth of seedlings of hybrid tomato plants. Four hybrids (Captain F1, Refiner F1, Coral Reef F1 and Fire F1), seven treatments of irradiators (monochromatic red, green, blue, white) and three dual light treatments (green+blue, blue+red, green+red) were carried out in the laboratory of artificial climate. Radiation with monochromatic had a role in increasing hypocotyl length, the height of plant, transpiration and stomata connection. The results have shown a significant effect on radiation with monochromatic red on hypocotyl length (73.00mm) and the height of plant (30.94cm). Plants radiation with monochromatic blue gave the highest transpiration (4.69 mmol/m2.s) and stomatal conductance (0.30 mol./m2.s). The dual radiation had a role in increasing dry weight for the plant and leaf chlorophyll content (SPAD). Radiation with (green+red) provided the best stem dry weight (0.91g). Plants irradiated with (green+blue) exhibited the highest leaf dry weight and root dry weight (1.96g and 3.12g respectively). Plants radiation with (blue + red) showed the highest leaf chlorophyll content (SPAD) (559.19). In the monochromatic light, the effect of hybrid Fire F1 showed the highest hypocotyl length (64.11mm) and height of plant (29.00 cm), and hybrid Refind F1 had the highest transpiration (3.58 mmol/m2.s) and stomatal conductance (0.23 mol./m2.s). In the binary spectral effect, the hybrid Coral reef F1 resulted the highest stem dry weight, leaf dry weight and root dry weight (0.68 g,1.76 g and 2.39g respectively), and hybrid Refind F1 had the highest leaf chlorophyll content (SPAD) (468.27).

Mangifera Edu ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-43
Tri Handayani

ABSTRACT Woody  plant produce small to large seeds which can affect germination process. Cotyledons as an important food source for early growth of seedlings. The position, function, and type of cotyledons when seeds germinate varies. This research aimed to determine cotyledons characters of woody plant seedlings collection  in Bogor Botanic Gardens. The position, function and type  of cotyledons were observed for 65 species of seedlings.This research used an observative method and was analyzed descriptively.The position of cotyledons when the seeds germinate are epigeal (above the ground) and hypogeal (remain in the soil). The epigeal cotyledons type found in 44 species that is higher than hypogeal cotyledons type (21 species). The function of cotyledons for seedlings is to reserve food or photosynthesis. Species with cotyledon reserve type were more than foliar cotyledons type (43 species and 22 species, respectively). The proportion of seedling types CER (cryptocotylar-epigeal-reservoir), CHR (cryptocotylar-hypogeal-reservoir), PEF (phanerocotylar-epigeal-foliaceous), PER (phanerocotylar-epigeal-reservoir), PHR (phanerocotylar-hypogeal-reservoir) were 3.08%, 16.92%, 33,85%, 29,23%, 16,92%, respectively.

2021 ◽  
Vol 875 (1) ◽  
pp. 012017
R A Korablev ◽  
V P Belocurov ◽  
E N Busarin

Abstract The article discusses the effect of microwave radiation on the seeds of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). The aim of the research is to increase the efficiency of pre-sowing treatment of seeds with Ultra-high-frequency radiation (UHF) radiation, allowing one to increase the standard planting material yield and reduce its cultivation time. The specificity of enzyme systems for stressing effects is revealed, the dynamics of their change in the period after irradiation is ambiguous and depends on the time of irradiation. The stimulating and lethal doses of radiation are determined. The results show seed treatment with stimulating doses causes reversible changes in the structure and function of enzymes. The regularities and model of the impact of UHF radiation as a stimulating factor on seed viability are established. When exposed to stress factors (radiation), an increase in the activity of enzymes is observed, leading to the excitation or inhibition of growth processes at the first stages of development. As a result, a stimulating effect arises – the germination of seeds increases, the growth of seedlings in height increases, or depressing – the germination decreases and the growth of seedlings slows down.

2021 ◽  
Vol 50 (3) ◽  
pp. 679-683
Hui Li ◽  
Qingzhi Yao ◽  
Ying Tie ◽  
Huiying Zhao

The affinity and promoting ability of the Cenococcum geophilum strains (CgSO1, CgSB2, CgO5, SPOP2 and Cg5 #) to Ostryopsis davidiana and Pinus tabulaeformis were studied. The results showed that the tested strains formed ectomycorrhizae(ECM)with O. davidiana except the Cg5 # strain and the infection rates were 40-50%. CgSO1 and CgSPOP2 formed ECM with P. tabulaeformis and the infection rates were 10.3 and 12.4%, respectively. C. geophilum can promote the growth of the two host plant seedlings, especially for root growth. Results proved that the affinity of different strains to host plants and the affinity of the same strain to different host plants are different. Bangladesh J. Bot. 50(3): 679-683, 2021 (September)

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