scholarly journals Regeneration capacity and threats to mangrove areas on the southern coast of Oriental Mindoro, Philippines: Implications to mangrove ecosystem rehabilitation

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (8) ◽  

Abstract. Raganas AFM, Hadsall AS, Pampolina NM, Hotes S, Magcale-Macandog DB. 2020. Regeneration capacity and threats to mangrove areas on the southern coast of Oriental Mindoro, Philippines: Implications to mangrove ecosystem rehabilitation. Biodiversitas 21: 3625-3636. Regeneration capacity is important as it determines the fate of an ecosystem. This study assessed six mangrove areas in the southern coast of Oriental Mindoro, Philippines to evaluate their regeneration capacity status. Four mangrove ecotypes were delineated namely seaward, middle, landward and riverine zones at each mangrove ecosystem, where dominant mangrove species were identified and selected for regeneration capacity study. Three subplots measuring 1 x 1 m2 were laid within the five 10 x 10 m2 survey plots established per zone. The juveniles were counted and categorized according to their height classes, using linear regeneration sampling method; where: RCI (≤40 cm) considered seedlings; RCII (41-150 cm) as saplings; and RCIII (151-≤300 cm) as small trees. Potential threats both anthropogenic and natural were determined through key informant interviews. Seven dominant species were identified across ecotypes in all mangrove sites, namely Avicennia marina, Avicennia rumphiana, Ceriops decandra, Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora mucronata, Sonneratia alba, and Xylocarpus granatum. RCI (seedlings) is the most abundant across mangrove sites irrespective of the dominant species. Fishpond operation within the mangrove stand is considered a major threat to the juveniles and most mangrove ecosystems. Therefore, protection and constant monitoring of these mangrove ecosystems are necessary to ensure regeneration success in the future.

Shintani Asri Tinambunan ◽  
Nyoman Dati Pertami ◽  
Ni Made Ernawati

This research was conducted to determine the condition of the mangrove ecosystem based on its canopy cover and to determine the types of mollusks (Bivalves and Gastropods) associated with the Benoa Bay mangrove ecosystem. Hemispherical photography is a method for observing mangrove canopy cover and line transect method for mollusks. The composition of mangrove species found in the research location were five species, namely Rhizophora stylosa, Rhizophora mucronata, Rhizophora apiculata, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, and Avicennia marina. The percentage of mangrove canopy cover in the Benoa Bay mangrove ecosystem is in a good category (average = 76.59%). There are eight types of mollusks found in the research location. There are two types of bivalves (Polymesoda bengalensis and Gafrarium pectinatum) and six types of gastropods (Nerita balteata, Nerita picea, Neritina turrita, Pila ampullacea, Cassidula aurisfelis, and Littoraria melanostoma). The relationship between the percentage of mangrove canopy cover and abundance of mollusks in the Benoa Bay mangrove ecosystem is very strong (r) of 0.920. The higher the percentage value of mangrove canopy cover, the higher the mollusks abundance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 416-422
Raditya Rizki Ananta ◽  
Nirwani Soenardjo ◽  
Rini Pramesti

ABSTRAK: Ekosistem mangrove adalah komunitas tumbuhan tropis yang berada di daerah tepi pantai yang memiliki kemampuan adaptasi pada perairan asin di wilayah intertidal yang dipengaruhi oleh pasang surut air laut. Struktur komunitas mangrove merupakan salah satu parameter dalam menentukan kondisi mangrove. Kawasan ekosistem mangrove yang memiliki karakteristik dinamis komposisi jenis mangrove terdapat di Segara Anakan. Akan tetapi memiliki penurunan luasan hutan mangrove. Hal ini adanya beragam faktor kondisi lingkungan di Segara Anakan, sehingga menyebabkan variabilitas mangrove wilayah Segara Anakan berbeda. Namun kondisi terkini belum banyak dilakukan dalam suatu penelitian sehingga dibutuhkan informasi ilmiah terkini untuk mengetahui komposisi jenis mangrove. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut maka dilakukan penelitian struktur komunitas untuk mengetahui kondisi ekologi mangrove di Segara Anakan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menggambarkan kondisi struktur komunitas mangrove di muara timur Segara Anakan. Lokasi penelitian berada di muara sungai bagian Timur (Sungai Donan). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif. Penentuan titik pengambilan data atau sampel di setiap lokasi dilakukan dengan teknik purposive sampling. Selain itu, digunakan teknik transek kuadrat 10x10 m dan Hemispherical Photography. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kerapatan pohon sebesar 90,6 /ha. Kerapatan sapling rata-rata bernilai 1023 /ha. Kerapatan seedling bernilai 1746 /ha di Muara Timur. Tutupan kanopi komunitas mangrove memiliki persentase kurang dari 75%. Tinggi dan diameter pohon didapatkan sebesar 5,97 m dan 3,1 cm. Spesies mangrove yang ditemukan di dalam plot berjumlah 10 spesies mangrove yaitu Rhizophora apiculata, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Aegiceras corniculatum, Avicennia marina, Avicennia alba, Ceriops tagal, Ceriops decandra, Sonneratia caseolaris, Sonneratia alba, Scyphiphora hydrophyllacea, Xylocarpus moluccensis, Xylocarpus granatum, Talipariti tiliaceum, dan Nypa fruticans. ABSTRACT: Mangrove ecosystems are communities of tropical plants located on the coast that have the ability to adapt to salty waters in intertidal areas which are affected by tides. Mangrove community structure is one of the parameters in determining mangrove condition. Mangrove ecosystem areas that have dynamic characteristics of mangrove species composition are found in Segara Anakan. However, it has decreased the area of mangrove forests. This is because of various environmental conditions in Segara Anakan, causing variability of mangroves in the Segara Anakan area to be different. However, recent conditions have not been carried out in many studies, so the latest scientific information is needed to determine the species composition of mangroves. To overcome this, a community structure research was conducted to determine the ecological conditions of mangroves in Segara Anakan. The purpose of this study was to describe the condition of the mangrove community structure in the eastern estuary of Segara Anakan. The research location is in the mouth of the eastern river (Donan River). The method used in this research is descriptive method. Determination of data collection points or samples at each location was done by using purposive sampling technique. In addition, the 10x10 m quadratic transect technique and Hemispherical Photography were used. The results showed the tree density was 90.6 ind/ha. Saplingaveraged 1023 ind/ha. The density seedling is 1746 ind/ha in Muara Timur. The canopy cover of the mangrove community has a percentage of less than 75%. The tree height and diameter were 5.97 m and 3.1 cm respectively. There are 10 mangrove species found in the plot, namely Rhizophora apiculata, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Aegiceras corniculatum, Avicennia marina, Avicennia alba, Ceriops tagal, Ceriops decandra, Sonneratia caseolaris, Sonneratia alba, Scyphiphora hydrophyllacea, Xylocarpus moluccensis, Xylocarpus granatum, Talipariti tiliaceum, and Nypa fruticans.   

2014 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
Agil Al Idrus, I Gde Mertha Gito Hadiprayitno, dan M. Liwa Ilhamdi

ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis kekhasan morfologi spesies mangrove diGili Sulat. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey melaluipengamatan langsung secara in situ terhadap morfologi populasi-populasi dalam spesiesmangrove di lapangan. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara kualitatif dan kuantitatifkemudian deskripsikan untuk menggambarkan kekhasan morfologi spesies mangrove diGili Sulat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat tujuh spesies mangrove komponenmayor yang populasinya menunjukkan morfologi yang khas di Gili Sulat, yaitu Bruguieragymnorrhiza, Rhizophora mucronata, Rhizophora stylosa, Rhizophora apiculata, Ceriopstagal, Sonneratia alba, dan Avicennia marina. Kekhasan morfologi spesies mangrovetersebut mencakup karakter tinggi pohon, warna dan diameter batang, struktur akar danjumlah bunga.Kata kunci: kekhasan, mangrove, morfologiABSTRACTThe aims of this reseach is to analyze specific morphology of species mangrove inGili Sulat. Data collected in this reseach is done by survey method through in situobservation to populations morphology of mangrove species in the field. Data is analyzedby qualitative and quantitative and then describing to explain specific morphology ofmangrove species in Gili sulat. The result show that there are seven major component ofmangrove species with specific population morphology in Gili sulat, namely Bruguieragymnorrhiza, Rhizophora mucronata, Rhizophora stylosa, Rhizophora apiculata, Ceriopstagal, Sonneratia alba, and Avicennia marina, respectively. The specific morphologycharacter of these mangrove species are heigh of trees, colour and diameter of stem, rootstructure and number of flower.Key Words: specific, mangrove, morphology

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Hadijah Azis Karim ◽  
Afandi Ahmad ◽  
Andi Rosdayanti

Carbon storage at mangrove ecosystem is one of the largest compared between any vegetated ecosystem. Palopo City is one of the cities bordering teh Gulf of Bone and still have secondary mangrove ecosystem. This ecosystem become a good vegetated area which can provide environmental services in the form of CO2 uptake around Palopo City. This study aimed to analyze carbon storage at mangrove ecosystem at Palopo City. Furthermore, the value of carbon storage converted to CO2-eq value which described uptake at mangrove ecosystem. Method of this research is non destructive sampling and used existing allometric equations. Data collection carried out by measuring tree diameter in sampling plot 25 × 25 m with space between plot is 100 m. Result of this study showed that average of above ground carbon is 82.34±16.92 ton/ha equal to 301.90±62.03 ton/ha CO2-eq. The sequestration of CO2 based on each mangrove species at study area is Avicenia marina 55.26 ton/ha, Rhizophora apiculata 497.13 ton/ha, Rhizophora mucronata 2259.49 ton/ha, Rhizophora spp. 1975.62 ton/ha, Sonneratia alba 4268.43 ton/ha, Xylocarpus granatum 1.19 ton/ha.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 129
A Hadian Pratama Hamzah ◽  
Trisno Anggoro ◽  
Sri Puryono

Mangroves are one of the important coastal ecosystems that have various benefits and their uses are carried out by various stakeholders. This study aims to 1) find out and analyze the condition of mangrove resources and community beneficiaries, 2) analyze the roles and functions of each stakeholder, and 3) find out and analyze the form of co-management of mangrove ecosystem management in Lubuk Kertang Village, West Brandan, Langkat Regency. Mangrove vegetation data collection is done using the quadratic transect method; while taking socioeconomic, institutional, and interview data using survey and purposive sampling methods. Data obtained from mangrove vegetation include density, frequency, cover, and mangrove importance index. Stakeholder analysis using a matrix of interests and influences. Research shows there are 5 types of mangroves in Lubuk Kertang Village, namely Avicennia marina, Rhizophora mucronata, Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora stylosa and Sonneratia alba. Strategies in the context of expanding mangrove forests are with these types. Stakeholder analysis identified 16 stakeholders who were classified in 4 groups, namely subject, key players, crowd, and by standers. Mangrove management in Lubuk Kertang Village is still in the consultative stage. To improve effectiveness, management is directed at the cooperative level in the co-management spectrum with management strategies.

BioScience ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 86
Irma - Leilani ◽  
Hendra Lardiman ◽  
Mades Fifendy

A research has been conducted to find out the ecological preferences of soil texture on seedling of mangrove species in mangrove forest of Teluk Buo, Padang of West Sumatra. The study was done from May to July 2008. Samples were taken by making 3 transect lines perpendicular to the coastline. 26 observation plot 10 x 10 m was placed continuously zigz zag left to right along the transect line. In each plot is recorded the species of seedling were found and soil texture. Soil texture analized in the lab. Biology FMIPA-UNP. The study revealed that there is an ecological freferences the soil texture to the distribution of seeding of mangrove species. The seedling of Rhizophora apiculata, Ceriop tagal and Sonneratia alba was collected in areas with dusty clay soil texture. The seedling of Avicennia marina was collected on sandy loam soil and sand. The seedling of Bruguiera gymnorhyza only present on the clay sandy soil.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
Pande Komang Egar Prihandana ◽  
I Dewa Nyoman Nurweda Putra ◽  
Gede Surya Indrawan

Karang Sewu Beach is one of the areas in the West Bali National Park (TNBB) which has a natural mangrove ecosystem. One of parameters affecting mangrove growth is substrate. This research aims to determine the vegetation structure, substrate characteristics, and different vegetation groups of mangroves based on its substrate characteristics in Karang Sewu Beach. This study collected the data on vegetation structure using a plotted line method with 2x2, 5x5, 10x10 and 20x20 meters transects. Substrate texture was analyzed using a pipette method while total organic material was analyzed using the Loss on Ignition (LOI) method. Mangrove vegetation was categorized based on substrate characteristics using the descriptive quantitative method. Results showed there were nine species of mangrove found in Karang Sewu Beach, namely Ceriops tagal, Sonneratia alba, S. caseolaris, Rhizophora apiculata, R. mucronata, R. stylosa, R. lamarckii, Lumnitzera racemosa, and Avicennia marina. INP in the first station was dominated by R. apiculata for tree levels (152,88 %), pole (174,24 %), sapling (139,04 %), and seedling (111,48 %). R. lamarckii dominated the second station with a tree level value of 226,94 % while C. tagal dominated for pole level (220,82 %), sapling (243,65 %), and seedling (182,94 %). INP in the third stasion was dominated by C. tagal for pole level (103,68 %), sapling (98,77 %) and seedling (95,51 %). Mangrove substrate in Karang Sewu Beach was characterized as having a sand like texture, dusty loam, sandy loam, loamy sand, and sandy clay with moderate organic matter (2.44 %) to low (0.79 %). Mangrove vegetation grouping based on substrate characteristics in Karang Sewu Beach was different in general. A. marina is found in the middle zone, where this species is usually found in the front zone.  

2021 ◽  
pp. 223-242
Wayan Pasek Eka Sedana Putra ◽  
Abdul Syukur ◽  
Didik Santoso

Mangrove ecosystems have an important role in coastal areas. Mangroves have a function as a shelter, foraging for food, and breeding various aquatic biota. Damage to mangrove forests can cause the service of mangrove ecosystems to decrease, especially for mollusk life. Mollusks are one of the associated biotas of mangroves whose life is influenced by mangrove forests. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the diversity of mollusks and the relationship between mollusk density and mangrove density in the mangrove ecosystem of the southern coast of East Lombok. A sampling of mollusks used the quadrate sampling method by purposive sampling by taking into account the mangrove species contained in the observation plot. The collected data were analyzed by diversity index, distribution pattern, association, and Pearson correlation coefficient. Then a simple linear regression analysis was performed with the independent variable (x) mangrove density and the dependent variable (y) mollusk density. The results of this study were the discovery of 22 species of mollusks consisting of 17 species of gastropods and five species of bivalves. The density of mollusks in the mangrove ecosystem of the southern coast of East Lombok is 44.50±2.63 ind./m2. The diversity index at the study site was classified as moderate, with a value ranging from 1.99 to 2.46. The distribution pattern of mollusks at the research site is clustered with an Id value > 1. There are eight mollusk species associated with three mangrove species from 22 mollusk species found. The linear regression equation y = 0.084x – 0.2963 with a Pearson correlation coefficient (r) 0.95 describes a strong relationship between the independent variable (x) mangrove density and the dependent variable (y) mollusk density. This study concludes that there is a significant relationship between mangrove density and mollusk density as indicated by F-hit(41.01) > F-table (7.70) and P-value (0.003) < (0.05).  

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 268
Laily Hunawatun Sani ◽  
Dining Aidil Candri ◽  
Hilman Ahyadi ◽  
Baiq Farista

Abstrak : Rehabilitasi mangrove merupakan salah satu upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengurangi laju kerusakan hutan mangrove di Indonesia salah satunya di kawasan Teluk Gerupuk. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi mangrove hasil rehabilitasi di Teluk Gerupuk dengan mebandingkan struktur vegetasi mangrove di kawasan tersebut dengan ekosistem mangrove alami. Pelaksanaan penelitian dilakukan pada bulan April-Juni 2019 di dua kawasan hutan mangrove di pesisir selatan pulau Lombok yaitu hutan mangrove alami desa Pemongkong dan hutan mangrove rehabilitasi Teluk Gerupuk. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode transek berpetak dengan ukuran petak 10 x 10 m untuk tipe pohon, sub petak 5 x 5 m untuk tipe pancang, dan petak semai berukuran 2 x 2 m. Terdapat 11 spesies mangrove ditemukan di dalam plot penelitian dengan persebaran spesies yaitu 8 spaesies ditemukan di hutan mangrove alami Pemongkong dan hanya 7 spesies ditemukan di hutan mangrove rehabilitasi Gerupuk. Spesies mangrove yang dimaksud termasuk ke dalam 4 famili yaitu Avicenniaceae (Avicennia alba, A. marina, A. lanata), Rhizophoraceae (Ceriops decandra, C. tagal, Rhizophora apiculata, R. mucronata, R. stylosa), Rubiaceae (Scyphiphora hydrophyllaceae) dan Sonneratiaceae (Sonneratia alba, S. casiolaris). Struktur vegetasi kedua ekosistem sangat berbeda terlihat pada vegetasi penyusunnya. Hutan mangrove alami Pemongkong didominasi oleh jenis Sonneratia alba dan Avicennia alba yang memiliki Indeks nilai penting (INP) untuk tipe pohon dan pancang dengan nilai masing-masing 132,37 dan 141,52, sedangkan hutan mangrove rehabilitasi didapatkan INP tertinggi pada tipe pohon dan pancang yaitu jenis R. apiculata dan R. stylosa dengan INP berturut-turut 140,5 dan 116,41. Rehabilitasi hutan mangrove dengan metode yang selama ini dilakukan telah mengubah struktur vegetasi hutan mangrove di Pulau Lombok yang juga dapat mempengaruhi fauna asosiasi dan ekosistem sekitar mangrove. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan perencanaan serta analisis terlebih dahulu terhadap lokasi tujuan rehabilitasi mangrove agar untuk terbentuknya hutan mangrove rehabilitasi yang lebih sesuai dengan biota asosiasi dan ekosistem sekitar yang telah ada sebelumnya.Kata Kunci : Struktur Komunitas, Mangrove, Alami, RehabilitasiAbstract : Rehabilitation of mangrove vegetation was an effort in order to decrease the rate of mangrove ecosystem destruction. This research aimed to determine the vegetation structure and the community status of natural and rehabilitation mangrove forest at South Lombok seashore. This research held on March – June 2019 at two types of mangrove ecosystem such as natural ecosystem at pemongkong, East Lombok and rehabilitation ecosystem at Gerupuk bay, Central Lombok. Data collection used plotted transect method by placed a plot sized 10x 10 m alternately. There are 11 species of mangrove found which belong to 4 families such as Avicenniaceae (Avicennia alba, A. marina, A. lanata), Rhizophoraceae (Ceriops decandra, C. tagal, Rhizophora apiculata, R. mucronata, R. stylosa), Rubiaceae (Scyphiphora hydrophyllaceae) and Sonneratia (Sonneratia alba, S. casiolaris). Vegetation structure in these 2 location was different based on the composition each vegetation and it proportion. Natural mangrove forest in pemongkong dominated by Sonneratia alba with importance value reached 132,37, meanwhile the rehabilitation area of mangrove ecosystem Gerupuk dominated by Rhizophora apiculata with number of importance value reached 140,5. These differences drove the value of persent of similarity (PS) between these ecosystem only reached 10.41% which categorized as low similarity. Mostly of rehabilitation of mangrove ecosystem conducted cause the alteration of vegetation structure of mangrove in Lombok coastal and affect the mangrove associated fauna and ecosystems. In that case, it really important to analys the condition of mangrove rehabilitation plan location to determine the mangrove species to plant in order to formed a rehabilitiation of mangrove area which more compatible to its associated biota and ecosystems.Keyword : Structure, Mangrove, Natural, Rehabilitation  

2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
Riyadi Subur ◽  
Sarni Sarni

Abstrak Mangrove adalah ekosistem pesisir transisi yang unik, tumbuh diantara lingkungan laut dan terestrial, penyebaran umumnya terbatas pada daerah tropis dan subtropis di seluruh dunia.Menyediakan berbagai layanan ekologi, ekonomi serta sosial.Efektif berfungsi sebagai pelindung lahan daratan pesisir pulau kecil.The purpose of this study is to determine the adaptive capacity of mangrove ecosystems on Maitara Island.Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metodePengukuran Kapasitas Adaptif Ekosistem Mangrove.Hasil penelitian ini ditemukan sebanyak 4 spesies mangrove yaitu, Rhizophora apiculata,R. mucronata, R. stylosa danSoneratia alba,  terdiri dari 2 genera,Rhizophora, dan Sonneratia.Nilai indeks dominasi sebesar 0,57, dominasi sedang oleh R. apiculata.Kerapatan pohon per hektar sebanyak 789 tegakan.Nilai kapasitas adaptif ekosistem mangrove di pulau Maitara sebesar 0,44, yang berarti bahwa kapastias adaptif mangrove pulau tersebut“sedang”. Kata kunci: Kapasitas Adaptif, Mangrove, Pulau Kecil-Mikro. AbstractMangroves are unique transitional coastal ecosystems, growing between marine and terrestrial environments, the spread is generally limited to tropical and subtropical regions around the world. Providing a variety of ecological, economic and social services. Effectively serves as a protector coastal landof small island. The purpose of this study is to determine the adaptive capacity of mangrove ecosystems on Maitara Island. This research was conducted using the Mangrove Ecosystem Adaptive Capacity Measurement method. The results of this study found as many as 4 mangrove species, that isRhizophora apiculata, R. mucronata, R. stylosa and Soneratia alba, consisting of 2 genera,Rhizophora, and Sonneratia. Dominance index value is 0.57, moderate dominance by R. apiculata. Tree density per hectare is 789 stands. The value of the adaptive capacity of the mangrove ecosystem on the island of Maitara is 0.44, which means that the island's mangrove adaptive capacity is "medium". Keywords: Adaptive Capacity, Mangrove, Micr-Small Island.

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