stakeholder analysis
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2022 ◽  
Vol 34 (4) ◽  
pp. 0-0

This article reports on an investigation into how to improve problem formulation and ideation in Design Science Research (DSR) within the mHealth domain. A Systematic Literature Review of problem formulation in published mHealth DSR papers found that problem formulation is often only weakly performed, with shortcomings in stakeholder analysis, patient-centricity, clinical input, use of kernel theory, and problem analysis. The study proposes using Coloured Cognitive Mapping for DSR (CCM4DSR) as a tool to improve problem formulation in mHealth DSR. A case study using CCM4DSR found that using CCM4DSR provided a more comprehensive problem formulation and analysis, highlighting aspects that, until CCM4DSR was used, weren’t apparent to the research team and which served as a better basis for mHealth feature ideation.

2022 ◽  
Vol 146 ◽  
pp. 105565
Ioanna Koromila ◽  
Olga Aneziris ◽  
Zoe Nivolianitou ◽  
Angeliki Deligianni ◽  
Evangelos Bellos

2022 ◽  
Vol 154 ◽  
pp. 111810
David Schlund ◽  
Simon Schulte ◽  
Tobias Sprenger

2022 ◽  
pp. 014473942110428
Jeffrey D Straussman ◽  
David E Guinn

The article tackles the question, how to provide students with a comparative orientation to public administration. We eschew the older tradition of comparing major systems such British parliamentary system or French bureaucratic approaches to organizations’ structure. Rather, we seek to understand public administration in countries with different cultures, histories, and political regimes by focusing on international development. Our students are drawn from the Master of Public Administration degree program and the Master of International Affairs degree program. What unites them is an interest in international affairs and the desire to work internationally; international students take what they learn and apply it in their home countries. We ground the course on a model of international development with a strong focus on development in governance. We spend the first third of the class creating a development lens for understanding global practices in public management in which they use what they learned in the first part of the course to analyze a range of public management issues within governmental institutions and/or in working in the nongovernmental organizations and intergovernmental organization sectors. We use detailed case studies drawn from several case data banks to apply some of the core concepts of public administration such as leadership, stakeholder analysis, complexity, and implementation to development challenges such as fiscal issues, poverty alleviation, interorganizational collaboration, and human rights. We do this with a range of in-class exercises and assignments that students do out of class. One goal we have is to provide students with knowledge and skills to enhance their ability to work internationally since many have gone on to work for donor and various implementing organizations in international development. We believe that this is a reasonable measure of success of the approach we have taken to comparative public administration.

2022 ◽  
Yamilé Molina ◽  
Perla Chebli ◽  
Stephanie A. Torres ◽  
Joanna Olazar ◽  
Jeanette Olazar ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (4 supplement) ◽  
pp. 1346-1353
Nendi ROHAENDI ◽  
Dicky MUSLIM ◽  
Athanasius CIPTA ◽  

The research goal is to evaluate land suitability for geo-tourism focuses on geology and landscape. Most of the Citatah karst area is natural-based industries or mining in particular. The ecological disturbance is an impetus for decision-makers to choose new use of land to deal with the conservation issues. SMCE techniques that apply geographic information systems (GIS) and analytical hierarchy processes. The use of land is formulated based on policy and stakeholder analysis. The research benefit is the possibility to change the area from mining to a geo-tourism area. There are two important results of research in spatial analysis, namely: intensive and extensive tourism areas, and the rest is for protective or no suitable area of tourism. In conclusion, the land suitability analysis is important for tourism industry development.

Elena Bulmer

There has been to date only limited consideration within the project management discipline of nonhuman actors as primordial stakeholders in projects. However, the inclusion of the roles of nonhuman actors is essential, when we consider that many projects in many areas, both within and outside the field of environmental conservation itself, such as for example in the fields of business and management, depend on natural resources for the development of their products. Despite this, natural resources tend to be overlooked in the stakeholder maps of projects in this wider context.   Environmental Conservation projects are themselves especially interesting to study with regards to their stakeholder context and have been used as the experimental setting for the empirical work of this study. The primordial stakeholders of these projects are not social objects and therefore go beyond what are currently generally regarded as the limits of stakeholder theory. The study that has been used to analyse this concept is a marine conservation project based in Spain, whose primordial actor is not human. Unfortunately, these stakeholders being non-human are therefore not able to express themselves, and therefore are rarely purposely included in stakeholder analysis and management approaches, thus limiting comprehensive stakeholder mapping analyses ab initio, and handicapping realistic consideration of nonhuman actors. This study may be extrapolated and applied to the United Nation´s Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 17, “Partnership for the goals”, with reference to SDG 14, which deals with marine conservation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 198-209
Rikky Mulyawan ◽  
Ennie Dwi Wahjunie ◽  
Iin Ichwandi ◽  
Suria Darma Tarigan

Kerusakan daerah aliran sungai (DAS) semakin meningkat, disamping karena faktor perubahan tutupan lahan, faktor pengelolaan DAS juga menjadi pemicu. Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) No.37 Tahun 2012 dan Perda (Qanun) No. 7 tahun 2018 merupakan landasan pengelolaan DAS di Aceh. DAS Krueng Aceh merupakan DAS prioritas yang kondisinya kritis, pengelolaan DAS Krueng Aceh memerlukan penanganan terpadu oleh stakeholders terkait. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis PP, Qanun, stakeholders pengelola DAS Krueng Aceh dan implementasi kebijakan berdasarkan perubahan kondisi biofisik DAS. Analisis yang digunakan kajian ini adalah analisis perubahan kondisi biofisik DAS, analisis stakeholders, serta analisis implementasi kebijakan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis kondisi biofisik DAS, tutupan lahan DAS Krueng Aceh dalam 10 tahun terakhir  menunjukkan perubahan yang sangat signifikan pada tahun 2020, perubahan ini berdampak pada kondisi hidrologi DAS dimana terjadi perubahan debit sungai maksimum pada tahun 2020 sebesar 15.78 m³/detik dibandingkan tahun 2019 sebesar 10.09 m³/detik. Dari pendalaman isi PP dan Qanun diketahui hal pokok kegiatan pengelolaan DAS yakni ; peningkatan daya dukung DAS, pengelolaan sumber daya air, dan penataan ruang. Terdapat 20 stakeholders yang terlibat pengelolaan DAS Krueng Aceh, stakeholders pemerintah memiliki kepentingan yang tinggi dan sumber daya untuk melaksanakan kegiatan. Bila dilihat dari kondisi biofisik DAS tahun 2020 dan dikaitkan dengan peraturan perundangan, analisis stakeholders, serta analisis implementasi kebijakan dapat dikatakan bahwa kegiatan pengelolaan DAS secara terpadu belum berjalan sesuai isi kebijakan. Untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut perintah PP dan Qanun harus dilaksanakan secara tegas, Tim Koordinasi Pengelolaan DAS Terpadu (TKPDAS-T) yang sudah dibentuk harus sesegera mungkin difungsikan untuk mewujudkan implementasi kebijakan pengelolaan DAS terpadu.ABSTRACTWatershed damage is increasing, in addition to changes in land cover, watershed management factors are also a trigger. Government Regulation (PP) No.37 of 2012 and Perda (Qanun) No. 7 of 2018 is the cornerstone of watershed management in Aceh. Krueng Aceh watershed is a priority watershed whose condition is critical, the management of Krueng Aceh watershed requires integrated handling by relevant stakeholders. This study aims to analyze PP, Qanun, stakeholders of Krueng Aceh watershed management and policy implementation based on changes in watershed biophysical conditions. The analysis used by this study is an analysis of changes in the biophysical condition of the watershed, stakeholder analysis, and policy implementation analysis. Based on the results of the analysis of the biophysical condition of the watershed, the cover of the Krueng Aceh watershed in the last 10 years showed a very significant change in 2020, this change has an impact on the condition of watershed hydrology where there is a maximum river discharge change in 2020 of 15.78 m³ / second compared to 2019 of 10.09 m³ / second. From the deepening of the contents of PP and Qanun, it is known that the main things of watershed management activities are; increased watershed carrying capacity, water resource management, and spatial arrangement. There are 20 stakeholders involved in the management of the Krueng Aceh watershed, government stakeholders have high interests and resources to carry out activities. When viewed from the biophysical condition of the watershed in 2020 and associated with legislation, stakeholder analysis, and policy implementation analysis, it can be said that integrated watershed management activities have not been run  with the contents of the policy. To realize this, the PP and Qanun orders must be implemented strictly, the Integrated Watershed Management Coordination Team (TKPDAS-T) that has been established must be as soon as possible to realize the implementation of integrated watershed management policies.

2021 ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 77 (4) ◽  
pp. 6-18
Muzakar Isa ◽  
M. Farid Wajdi ◽  
Mabruroh Mabruroh ◽  
Siti Fatimah Nur Hayati ◽  
Nitty Hirawaty Kamarulzaman

Rice issues are strategically important given that food sovereignty is one of the government’s strategic plans. The supply chain of rice is a complex system involving many interacting stakeholders. This study aims to analyse the rice supply chain in flood-prone areas, the level of rice business vulnerability to flooding, and the institutional competitiveness in the rice supply chain to improve food security. This study applied a mixed-method approach. The population of this research was business operators in the rice supply chain in the flood-prone areas of Klaten Regency, Indonesia. This study utilized primary data, which were collected using the method of direct interviews with business actors, supported by a list of questions and focus group discussions. The analytical tools used in this study were supply chain analysis, business vulnerability index, and stakeholder analysis. The results show that the rice supply chain consisted of farmers and rice fellers, collectors, rice mills, wholesalers, retailers and, finally, consumers. The vulnerability of companies in the rice supply chain was in the category of moderate. Stakeholders in the rice supply chain had diverse objectives, where the two most substantial goals were building reputation and earning income. Rice mill, Department of Agriculture, Food Security and Fisheries, and community are the main stakeholders in realizing food security because they have high interests and influence. The implication is that these three stakeholders must be the main actors in the development of regional food security.

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