sonneratia caseolaris
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2021 ◽  
Vol 914 (1) ◽  
pp. 012019
S Utami ◽  
A Kunarso ◽  
A Kurniawan ◽  
N E Lelana ◽  
N F Haneda

Abstract Sonneratia caseolaris is one of the mangrove species that is widespread in Indonesia. It has important ecological functions to protect coastal foreshores. However, the S. caseolaris seedlings are rarely to be planted in mangrove restoration projects. One of the challenges in producing many S. caseolaris seedlings for mangrove restoration projects is pest infestation. However, the information on those pests is still limited. This study aimed to identify S. caseolaris pests that hinder the successfulness of cultivation. The incidence and intensity of pest infestation on S. caseolaris seedlings have also been assessed. This research was carried out in the nursery of the mangrove restoration area of Berbak-Sembilang National Park. The results showed that insect and rodentia were two major groups found infested S. caseolaris seedlings. Three species of insect pests were identified, namely Pteroma plagiophleps, Ooecophylla sp., and Sexava sp. The incidence and severity of P. plagiophleps, Ooecophylla sp., and Sexava sp. infestation were 16.38%; 21.02%; 6.68%; and 30.83%; 42.67%, 25.83%, respectively. For rodentia pest, the Rattus sp. was the only species found to infest the plant, with an incidence of 16.67%. These all pests significantly affect the growth performance of S. caseolaris seedlings.

2021 ◽  
Vol 924 (1) ◽  
pp. 012029
E S Wulandari ◽  
K C Herlambang ◽  
Jariyah ◽  
K Fibrianto

Abstract Pedada seed is one of potential anti-oxidant resources of coastal plants which is under-utilized. In this current study, pedada seed was formulated in to Robusta coffee to develop a novel coffee mix. The purpose of this study was to obtain the most ideal formula of pedada-Robusta coffee mix based on sensory evaluation using Just about Right (JAR) analysis of French-press brewed coffee mix. The best coffee mix formula was obtained for the mix of 1:1 proportion between pedada seed and Robusta coffee. There were 18 out of 19 sensory attributes of the best formula that sensorially accepted by the consumer respondents. Those included vegetative aroma, brown sugar aroma, musty aroma, sweet aroma, nutty aroma, cocoa aroma, citrus-fruit aroma, sweet taste, sour taste, body-mouth-feel, mouth-feel strength, nutty flavour, burnt flavour, chemical flavour, citrus-fruit flavour, beany flavour, roasted flavour and sweet flavour. The best pedada-coffee mix was also characterized as having mean particle size of 421.5±19.1 μm, total phenolic content of 21.55±0.21 mg GAE/g, antioxidant activity of 48.60±0.94%, caffeine content of 278.50 ± 4.95 mg/kg, total dissolved solids of 0.4±0.066% and colour with a value of L=17.0±0.0; a=18.6±0.9 and b=23.6±0.9.

2021 ◽  
pp. 81-87
Nirmala Efri Hasibuan ◽  
Sumartini Sumartini
E Coli ◽  

Pengawetan merupakan salah satu cara untuk menghambat kemunduran mutu ikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memanfaatkan ekstrak daun pedada (Sonneratia caseolaris) sebagai bahan pengawet alami pada ikan kembung segar. Penelitian ini dibagi menjadi tiga tahap yaitu persiapan sampel, ekstraksi daun pedada dan aplikasi ekstrak pada ikan.  Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap Faktorial yang terdiri dari tiga faktor. Faktor pertama adalah penambahan ekstrak daun pedada. Faktor kedua adalah  suhu penyimpanan ikan yaitu suhu ruang (23º-27ºC), suhu dingin (10ºC), suhu beku (0ºC). Faktor ketiga adalah lama penyimpanan yaitu 1, 7 dan 14 hari. Masing-masing perlakuan dilakukan pengulangan sebanyak dua kali. Parameter yang diuji meliputi nilai pH, kadar air, kadar protein, angka lempeng total (ALT) dan E-coli. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan ekstrak daun pedada, perbedaan suhu penyimpanan, dan lama penyimpanan berpengaruh signifikan (sig<0.05)  terhadap nilai pH, kadar air, kadar protein dan angka lempeng total (ALT). Selanjutnya hasil uji E-coli diperoleh bahwa perlakuan suhu dingin dan suhu beku pada ikan dengan penambahan ekstrak daun pedada menunjukkan kandungan E-coli negatif.

Forests ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (9) ◽  
pp. 1273 ◽  
Huong Thi Thuy Nguyen ◽  
Giles E. St. J. Hardy ◽  
Tuat Van Le ◽  
Huy Quoc Nguyen ◽  
Duc Hoang Le ◽  

Even though survival rates for mangrove restoration in Vietnam have often been low, there is no information on fungal pathogens associated with mangrove decline in Vietnam. Therefore, this research was undertaken to assess the overall health of mangrove afforestation in Thanh Hoa Province and fungal pathogens associated with tree decline. From a survey of 4800 Sonneratia trees, the incidence of disorders was in the order of pink leaf spot > shoot dieback > black leaf spot for S. caseolaris and black leaf spot > shoot dieback > pink leaf spot for S. apetala. Approximately 12% of S. caseolaris trees had both pink leaf spot and shoot dieback, while only 2% of S. apetala trees had black leaf spot and shoot dieback. Stem and leaf samples were taken from symptomatic trees and fungi were cultured in vitro. From ITS4 and ITS5 analysis, four main fungal genera causing leaf spots and shoot dieback on the two Sonneratia species were identified. The most frequently isolated fungal taxa were Curvularia aff. tsudae (from black leaf spot),Neopestalotiopsis sp.1 (from stem dieback), Pestalotiopsis sp.1 (from pink leaf spot), and Pestalotiopsis sp.4a (from black leaf spot). The pathogenicity of the four isolates was assessed by under-bark inoculation of S. apetala and S. caseolaris seedlings in a nursery in Thai Binh Province. All isolates caused stem lesions, and Neopestalotiopsis sp.1 was the most pathogenic. Thus, investigation of fungal pathogens and their impact on mangrove health should be extended to other afforestation projects in the region, and options for disease management need to be developed for mangrove nurseries.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (9) ◽  
Agung Suwanto ◽  
Noverita Dian Takarina ◽  
Raldi Hendro Koestoer ◽  
Evi Frimawaty

Abstract. Suwanto A, Takarina ND, Koestoer RH, Frimawaty E. 2021. Diversity, biomass, covers, and NDVI of restored mangrove forests in Karawang and Subang Coasts, West Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 22: 4115-4122. Indonesia has been recognized as the country with greatest diversity of mangrove species with significant amount of carbon sink and biomass. In few recent decades, mangrove forests have been deforested significantly. One of the solutions to deal with mangrove deforestation is through restoration. West Java north coasts are one of the areas that have experienced deforestation, however and mangrove restorations have been conducted mainly in Karawang and Subang coasts. Correspondingly this research aims to assess the mangrove diversity using index and biomass resulted from restoration program in those coasts. To assess the mangrove diversity in each coast on June 2021, 6 sampling stations containing 3 replicated sample plots of size 10 m × 10 m were located. In total 8 species with 1549 trees were been sampled. In Subang the order of mangrove species from common to less-common species were Avicennia marina > Rhizophora mucronata > Sonneratia caseolaris > Acanthus ilicifolius > Bruguiera gymnorhiza. While the order in Karawang was Avicennia marina > Rhizophora mucronata > Rhizophora apiculata > Sonneratia caseolaris > Bruguiera gymnorhiza. The mangrove diversity (H)’ was significantly different (p = 0.000, F = 2.216) with diversity in Subang Coast (average H' = 1.326, 95% CI: 1.15-1.5) was higher than in Karawang (average H’ = 1.063, 95%CI: 0.934-1.2). Estimated restored mangrove covers in Subang were 3.612 km2 and 0.46 km2 in Karawang. R. mucronata was mangrove species that has the highest biomass with the value of 1337.91 mg ha-1 and the lowest was A. marina with value of 14.3 mg ha-1. The results suggest that restoration areas in Subang and Karawang have significant contributions to maintain mangrove diversity, biomass, and covers.

Jurnal Galam ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-40
Budi Mulyana ◽  
Ris Hadi Purwanto ◽  
Puspita Intan Sari ◽  
Afni Atika Marpaung ◽  

Ekosistem mangrove di Desa Pangarengan, Kabupaten Cirebon memberikan manfaat jasa lingkungan, diantaranya sebagai penjerap dan penyimpan karbon. Umumnya, pendugaan simpanan karbon hutan mangrove menggunakan persamaan alometrik. Namun demikian, persamaan alometrik yang tersedia saat ini masih disusun dari tahapan pertumbuhan pancang, tiang, dan pohon. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menyusun model alometrik untuk semai di hutan mangrove. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni 2021 di hutan mangrove Desa Pangarengan, Kabupaten Cirebon. Alat yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah kaliper, pita ukur, timbangan digital, dan gunting tanaman. Bahan penelitian berupa semai mangrove jenis Rhizophora mucronata, Avicennia marina, dan Sonneratia caseolaris sebanyak 25 sampel. Model alometrik terbaik dalam menduga biomassa berat kering dengan prediktor diameter pangkal adalah Y = 35,013 Dp1,860 (R2 adj = 0,873; SEE = 0,472) dengan menggunakan prediktor diameter ujung adalah Y = 249,573 Du2,276 (R2 adj = 0,524; SEE = 0,710), sedangkan alometrik penduga kandungan karbon semai adalah Y = 5,835 Dp1,804 (R2 adj = 0,831; SEE = 0,528) dan Y = 35,750 Du2,107 (R2 adj = 0,607; SEE = 0,805). Model alometrik power dengan prediktor diameter pangkal cukup baik dalam menduga biomassa berat kering dan kandungan karbon semai di hutan mangrove Desa Pangarengan. Kata kunci: akuntansi karbon, mitigasi, iklim, regresi

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Shrabanti Dev ◽  
Rabindra Nath Acharyya ◽  
Sheuly Akter ◽  
Md. Abdullah Al Bari ◽  
Kaniz Asma ◽  

Abstract Background Sonneratia caseolaris (L.) Engl. (S. caseolaris) belonging to the Sonneratiaceae family is commonly known as Ora. It is traditionally used as an astringent, antiseptic, to treat sprains, swellings, cough and in arresting hemorrhage. The ethanolic extract of S. caseolaris (L.) Engl. fruits was investigated in the present study for its toxicity as well as anti-allergic and anti-hyperglycemic potentials. Methods Major phenolic compounds were identified and quantified by HPLC. Behavioral change, body weight, mortality and different blood parameters were measured to assess the toxicological effect of the extract. Anti-allergic activity was evaluated using TDI-induced allergic model mice. Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and STZ-induced diabetic mice were used to evaluate the anti-hyperglycemic activity. Results Crude extract contained ellagic acid, vanillic acid and myrecitin (27.41, 3.06 and 7.93 mg per 100 g dry extract respectively). No major toxicity was observed in both acute and sub-acute toxicity study. Oral administration of the extract significantly ameliorated TDI-induced allergic symptoms like sneezing, scratching, swelling, redness and watery rhinorrhoea in the experimental mice. The extracts also reduced the total and differential count of leukocytes in the blood. The extract treated mice showed significant reduction in blood glucose, SGOT, SGPT, cholesterol, triglycerides, urea, creatinine and bilirubin level. Conclusions S. caseolaris contains bioactive phytoconstituents which may be the possible precursors to isolate and characterize the novel compounds targeting the diseases like allergy and diabetes.

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