Harnessing Vitality in Kunming: The Intellectual Lineage and Artistic Development in the Yi Compatriots Music and Dance Performance of 1946

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 (2) ◽  
pp. 367-394
Ruby MacDougall
2008 ◽  
Vol 40 (S1) ◽  
pp. 106-110
Tanji Gilliam

Given the ephemeral nature of digital technology, alternative methods of recording hip-hop history must be developed. While I do not agree with dismantling the intergenerational oral tradition altogether, and would advocate for a reawakening of this historical convention as well, archiving hip-hop digital media, in both institutional archives, museums, and libraries as well as in alternative print, Internet, and video mediums, could be its own form of preservation and power in the hip-hop community. It would preserve a legacy of intergenerational cultural and historical inheritance that is currently threatened. It could also add institutional legitimacy and economic independence. Finally, it could promote education and artistic development. My lecture-demonstration featured an eighteen-minute filmed interview with breakdancer Rokafella, as well as a presentation of the larger project, set against the backdrop of a videotaped, commissioned, solo dance performance with Rokafella as well.

2019 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-34
Edward C. Warburton

This essay considers metonymy in dance from the perspective of cognitive science. My goal is to unpack the roles of metaphor and metonymy in dance thought and action: how do they arise, how are they understood, how are they to be explained, and in what ways do they determine a person's doing of dance? The premise of this essay is that language matters at the cultural level and can be determinative at the individual level. I contend that some figures of speech, especially metonymic labels like ‘bunhead’, can not only discourage but dehumanize young dancers, treating them not as subjects who dance but as objects to be danced. The use of metonymy to sort young dancers may undermine the development of healthy self-image, impede strong identity formation, and retard creative-artistic development. The paper concludes with a discussion of the influence of metonymy in dance and implications for dance educators.

1970 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Fathul Aminudin Aziz

Tulisan ini disusun sebagai panduan bagi kepala madrasah untuk mempraktikkan gaya kepemimpinan transformasional agar guru dan karyawan di madrasah memiliki kesiapan dalam implementasi kurikulum 2013. Ada enam peran yang dimainkan oleh kepala madrasah dalam praktik kepemimpinan transformasionalnya. Pertama, melakukan sosialisasi kurikulum 2013. Kedua, membina pribadi guru dan karyawan dengan melakukan pembinaan mental, pembinaan moral, pembinaan fisik, dan pembinaan artistik. Ketiga, membina pribadi peserta didik. Keempat, mengubah paradigma guru. Kelima, memenuhi berbagai fasilitas dan sumber belajar yang mendukung dalam implementasi kurikulum 2013. Keenam, menciptakan lingkungan madrasah yang kondusif-akademik, baik secara fisik maupun nonfisik. This paper is organized as a guide for the headmaster to practice transformational leadership style so that the teachers and staff at the school ready to apply the 2013 curriculum. There are six roles that play by the headmaster in the practice of transformational leadership. First role is to disseminate the curriculum of 2013. Second role is fostering teachers and employees personality to perform mental, moral, physical, and artistic development. Third role is fostering the learners’ personality. Fourth role is changing the paradigm of teachers. Fifth role is fulfilling a variety of facilities and learning resources that support the implementation of the 2013 curriculum. Sixth role is creating an academic-supported environment in madrasah both physical and nonphysical.

Mediaevistik ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 299-301
Charlotte A. Stanford

Cathedrals are buildings of cultural weight. They have frequently drawn attention from architectural historians, especially in the medieval era, as examples of Great Churches: leaders in artistic development or pioneers in engineering technology. When one thinks of Gothic buildings in <?page nr="300"?>particular, it is the cathedral that comes foremost to mind as example. Salisbury, Canterbury, York, and their fellows continue to draw both scholarly attention and popular attraction.

2020 ◽  
Vol 50 (1) ◽  
pp. 66-82
Rasmus Vangshardt

AbstractTom Kristensen’s travel book En Kavaler i Spanien (1926) was the result of a stay at the Danish explorer Knud Rasmussen’s house, where Kristensen not only met his physical and psychological superior, he also began his artistic development and personal breakdown towards the novel Hærværk (1930). The article argues that with a departure from this context, En Kavaler i Spanien can be read as an original and complex subgenre of the sentimental novel and it suggests that the work might best be categorized as ‘hard sentimentalism’. This subgenre of the travel novel can be identified in the intertwinement of the core thematic of the book — eroticism, medieval Spain and identity loss — with style and form. The paradoxical generic notion of ‘hard sentimentalism’ is used to connect medieval Spain with the erotic, but in an increasingly dangerous way, which threatens the traveler’s identity by increasing homosexual attraction and opening an abyss of degeneration and distorted emptiness behind the flirt.

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