scholarly journals Reversed Myth and Negative Symbols of Narcissus in Mother-Son Relationship in Hayashi Fumiko’s Narcissus

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 350-361
Ratna Asmarani

The famous myth of Narcissus is about a mythical handsome young man who indifferently rejects the love of the nymph Echo leading to Echo’s broken heart and untimely death and his being cursed to excessively adore his own handsome reflection on the pond till his death. The short story entitled Narcissus written by Hayashi Fumiko is intriguing because its title calls to mind the famous myth of Narcissus. However, this short story portrays the myth of Narcissus from a unique perspective. Thus, the aims of this paper are to analyse the reversed myth and negative symbols of Narcissus as reflected in the mother-son relationship in the short story. To support the analysis various psychological understandings of the myth of Narcissus are used as well as various understandings of the symbols of the flowers called Narcissus. The methods of research used are a comprehensive combination of textual-contextual methods as well as library research and qualitative research. The textual method focuses on the intrinsic aspects relevant to the focus of analysis, such as character, conflict, and setting, while the contextual method borrows the psychological concepts of the term Narcissus and the symbolic meaning of the flowers named Narcissus. The result shows that the mother-son relationship clearly portrays the reversed myth in the matter of the gender roles, the type of relationship, and the ending of the relationship. Another result shows that all the symbols related to the flowers of Narcissus turn into negative meanings in the sort of story entitled Narcissus by Hayashi Fumiko. In short, the short story writer turns upside down both the myth and the symbols resulting in an engaging story full of hidden meanings to be interpreted

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (01) ◽  
pp. 41
Reni Ilmayanti

This paper examines a collection of short stories entitled: Liman nahmil al-Rasasah by Jihad Al-Rajbi>using the semiotic approach of Charles Sander Peirce. This paper intends to describe the symbolic meaning implicit in the text in expressing the reality of the events behind the Intifada in the Palestinian state presented in the short stories of Jihad Al-Rajbi. This research includes library research; by reviewing library materials, in the form of books, encyclopedias, journals and other sources relevant to the topic being studied. The results of the analysis found that the language used by the author in conveying communication to the public was a symbolic language, to deliver the reader to the context of the Palestinian people in the period 1967-1993. Bullet words (Al-Rasasah), small stone stones, children, mothers, al-Quds, seclusion is a symbol that is often repeated in short story narratives. This symbolizes the oppression of the Palestinian people over Israeli cruelty, so the word used as the parent title of the collection of short stories Intifadhah is the word bullet (Al-Rasasah).

Sidiq Aji Pamungkas ◽  
Sarwaji Surwandi ◽  
Muhammad Rohmadi

The equality of gender roles between men and women is a problem / polemic due to differences in gender roles. Social agreements place women to be regulated by men in life. This study discusses subordination of women in short story of Kompas newspaper on 2017. This is important to understand because understanding about subordination of women can be used as a standard of behavior to achieve harmonious and democratic community life. This type of research is descriptive qualitative with content analysis strategies. The research data was obtained from short story documents published in the Kompas newspaper in July 2017 to December 2017. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. Data collection techniques use library research techniques. Data validity uses theory triangulation. The results showed that the subordination of women in Kompas short stories in 2017 in the form of a decision to determine the number of children was a man's decision and the decision of a girl's mate was under a man's decision as the head of the family (patriarchal culture).

2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (S) ◽  
Romesa Qaiser Khan ◽  
Asnia Latif ◽  
Ali Madeeh Hashmi

Aristotle’s theory of melancholia hypothesized for the first time that individuals who possess any form of genius are prone to depression more than the average person. The list of examples supplementing Aristotle’s theory is by no means exhaustive. Extensive medical research has also been done to establish this connection. We will briefly review our understanding of the relationship between creativity and mental illness. We will discuss the insights provided by the life and works of American poet, novelist and short story writer Sylvia Plath. Sylvia Plath extensively chronicled her struggle with lifelong depression in her semi-autobiographical novel 'The Bell Jar'.

Azimatusy Syahidah ◽  
Idah Hamidah ◽  
Eko Kurniawan

This research in entitled “The Social Aspects of the Main Characters in Mahou Hakase Short Stories”. The purpose of this research is to know the social aspects including habitus, capital, domain, and practice of the main character named Genko Sensei in the short story of Mahou Hakase by Iwaya Sazanami. The theory used is the theory of literary sociology popularized by Pierre Bourdieu regarding habitus, capital, domain, and practice. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods as well as data collection by referring to and taking notes. The data used in the form of paragraphs, sentences, and dialogs in the short story. The results of this study found 38 sosial aspects including 7 habitus, 11 capital, 4 domains, and 16 practices owned by Genko Sensei. Habitus that he had was a good relationship, considered to be good and honest, and able to change bad habits into good. This he combined with capital held in the form of money, a college degree, public speaking skills, do not hesitate to act, confident, good cooperation skills and magic abilities. By utilizing the habitus and capital, Genko Sensei able to do a lot of practice (such as lingers though without legs, grow horns to fight the enemy, and others) to master the realm of Germany, the University, and the Palace. In the end, he was able to become famous, get a degree, defeat the enemy, gain power by winning the hearts of the King at the palace, and received a lot of gifts. Above aligned with Pierre Bourdieu's theory about the relationship habitus, capital, and domains, resulting in practice to seize power.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Fajrul Falah

The background of this research is there is an indication that the short story was created not just accentuate the beauty aspects of language and narration. However, the language in the meaningful short stories and the author's ideological message through imaginary characters constructed. The purpose of this study is to reveal hegemony and ideology that contains short stories “Surga untuk Lelaki yang Tertipu” by Adam Yudhistira. The research approach used in the realm of sociology of literature, with the study of Gramsci hegemony. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. Research data in the form of language; words, phrases, sentences in the short story related ones are described and interpreted with the Gramsci hegemony approach. The results of the study show the relationship between the teacher's figure and Santo like a patron-client. The teacher has a higher status (superior) and the power to rule Santo (inferior). The ideological hegemony was carried out by the teacher's figure towards Santo went well. Because it has and is bound by the same beliefs. The orientation of the two figures is the same, namely heaven. The ideology instilled by the teacher has a significant influence on the Santo, so he wants to take action that sacrifices the lives of others and himself. The act which was originally believed to be true by Santo, but regretted in the end.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 18
Ahmad Teguh Santoso ◽  
Wimbrayardi Wimbrayardi

Abstract The purpose of this study is to describe results of the analysis of creative Piring Dance at Syofyani's studio in the Case Study of Dance Accompaniment which is viewed from the relationship of the dance movements to the music rhythm. This type of research was qualitative research with using a content analysis approach. The instrument of this research was the researcher and it was assisted by supporting instruments such as stationery, camera and laptop. The types of data used were primary and secondary data. Techniques of data collection were conducted by doing library research, observation, interviews and documentation. The steps to analyze data were done by collecting data, listening to audio recording, playing music, transcribing and analyzing scores. The result shows that music and Piring dance is made based on "Alam Takambang Takambang jadi Guru", therefore the process that is passed by imagining (visualizing) the movement of the dance , it is like stretching a shade (weaving place) then describing the movement above the shade. Music and Piring Dance are also made based on the nuance of music and dance that are presented and related in rhythmic between music and dance. Based on the rhythmic relationship between music and dance, there are several parts of music and dance that have strong accents so that it support the rhythm that is shown from music and dance from the intro section, core A and B and their variations. B rhythmic which is used in music uses more of a 2/4 with a different tempo from the beginning to the final climax. Keywords: analysis, creative Piring dance, syofyani studio, dance accompaniment music.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 485-494
Fozia Chandio ◽  
Zia Ahmed ◽  
Akbar Sajid

Analysis of the stylistics features of any author has been very interesting technique to explore themes depicted by him/her. This paper examines a short story of Alice Munro titled ‘The Eye’, from stylistic perspective. ‘The Eye’ is the opening tale of the set of four stories, in a style of memoir that is titled as ‘Finale’. This set of four stories appears in her collection of short stories titled “Dear Life” (2012. ) The paper presents the stylistics analysis of the story keeping the stylistic approach in focus suggested by Leech and Short in Style in Style in Fiction (2007). The story is analyzed stylistically in terms of character and characterization, point of view and speech, thought and writing presentation. Stylistic study of any text effectively provides comprehension of the base of the text particularly and its evaluation generally (Peer 2008). In order to carry this out, the method of textual analysis of Qualitative research approach is conducted. The end of the analysis is to have a turnout of a deeper comprehension of the relationship between style and literary aesthetics in ‘The Eye’ by studying the stylistic patterns behind Munro’s narrative, in order to find out her creative approach. Paul Simpson maintains, “Stylistics serves to inquire into the language of the text and on a broader level to investigate creativity in the use of language (2004:3). The endeavor made in the paper explores that Munro has an ambivalent and complicated technique of presentation, both structurally and thematically. Here, the argument is that the stylistic analysis of the story reveals that Munro has high artistic approach towards the short story; she narrates the fiction with such an ambiguous approach that it welcomes more than one interpretations of the story.

2015 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 209-220
Mega Hayuningtyas Erwanti ◽  
Maimunah Maimunah

This study is conducted to examine the portrayal of a lesbian continuum in Sarah Waters’ Fingersmith. To conduct the analysis, there are two research questions: first, how is the construction of lesbian continuum portrayed in the relationship between Susan Trinder and Maud Lilly and how does lesbian continuum become a strategy to negotiate compulsory heterosexuality. In doing the analysis, the theory of lesbian continuum which is proposed by Adrienne Rich will be used to elaborate the novel. This study is a qualitative research where the data are taken from the novel Fingersmith, library research, journals, and other relevant sources. To gain the comprehensive analysis, this study uses some methods which are: close reading, postulation the statements of the problems, data classification, and analysis using the lesbian continuum theory, supporting analysis through library research, books, and academic journals. This study finds that the characters of Susan Trinder and Maud Lilly can be identified as having a double life which constructs the lesbian continuum. Moreover, the lesbian continuum becomes a strategy to negotiate compulsory heterosexuality with denial and negotiation of women’s oppression. Abstrak: Artikel ini mengkaji representasi lesbian continuum dalam novel Sarah Waters yang berjudul Fingersmith. Dua pertanyaan utama penelitian ini adalah (1) bagaimana konstruksi lesbian continuum direpresentasikan dalam hubungan antara tokoh Susan Trinder dan Maud Lily dalam novel Fingersmith dan (2) bagaimana lesbian continuum menjadi strategi untuk menghadapi compulsory heterosexuality dalam novel Fingersmith. Teori lesbian continuum oleh Adrienne Rich akan menjadi teori utama untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian. Menggunakan teknik pembacaan novel dan analisis pustaka yang bersumber dari jurnal dan sumber lain yang mendukung. Untuk mendapatkan data yang komprehensip, metode yang dipakai adalah close reading, menjabarkan pertanyaan, klasifikasi data, dan analisis menggunakan teori lesbian continuum, analisis didukung menggunakan penelitian pustaka, buku dan jurnal. Dalam penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan hal-hal berikut: Pertama, tokoh Susan Trinder dan Maud Lily diidentifikasi memiliki kehidupan ganda (double life), yang merupakan ciri dari representasi Lesbian Continuum. Kedua, lesbian continuum adalah strategi untuk bertahan dalam masyarakat dengan cara menyangkal (denial) adanya relasi seksual di antara mereka dan untuk melawan tekanan terhadap perempuan pada masa itu. Kata-kata Kunci: compulsory heterosexuality; lesbian continuum; Fingersmith

2021 ◽  
Vol VI (I) ◽  
pp. 178-185
Noveen Javed ◽  
Ezzah Shakil ◽  
Sohail Ahmad Saeed

This study plans to tour the different stages of the loss of innocence in the character of MYOP, a feeling conjured by Alice Walker in her short story "The Flowers". This paper encompasses the qualitative research approach and insights taken from the basic postulates of "traditional gender roles" situated within the theoretical framework of Feminists Criticism by Lois Tyson. Significant findings of the study are that a patriarchal society ceases the mental and emotional growth of a girl. When that girl is exposed to the outer environment, it leads to the onset of her maturity. It is hoped that my work will contribute to the expansion of episteme regarding the drastic influences of chauvinism and maximizing female society's potential.

Mahakim ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-24
Nastangin Nastangin

Rules for marriage restrictions are regulated in the Number Marriage Act. 1 of 1974 from Article 8-10 and also regulated in the Compilation of Islamic Law in Article 39, namely the prohibition forever and Article 40-44, namely a temporary ban. The broad outline, the contents of the rules on the marriage restrictions are same, namely the prohibition of marriage with idolaters, marrying a woman who is still in the iddah period, marrying a stepmother, due to blood relations, intercession, stepchildren who are adherent with their mother, collecting two woman (muhrim). The purpose of this paper is to find out about the nature of the rules of marriage prohibition using the Philosophy approach of Islamic Law by explaining the nature and wisdom of its formal object. The conclusion of this paper is that there are rules for marriage restrictions to provide benefits to the community and someone who wants to get married because of the existence of these rules that not everyone can be married. This research is library research (Library Research) by analyzing various sources of laws relating to the prohibition of marriage. This research is also qualitative research. According to Satori, qualitative research is descriptive because it describes an object, phenomenon, or social setting that is translated into a narrative text. In line with the opinions of Surjono and Abdurahman, Dyah Ochtorina Susanti and A’an Efendi assert that doctrinal law research is systematic research on the rule of law regulate in certain areas of law, analyzing the relationship between one rule and another, explaining the difficult parts to be understood from a certain rule of law, it may even include predictions of the development of a certain rule of law in the future.

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