scholarly journals Finding creative processes in learning design patterns

2018 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
Robyn Louise Philip

Bridging the gap between theory and practice in higher education continues to be problematic for educators. One potential means of addressing this problem and moving practice forward is to articulate and share learning designs created from the work of exemplary practitioners. This study offers a new representation of learning design which foregrounds creative processes. The learning design patterns are in text and visual format, and they reveal where creative processes reside in the learning process. The patterns are complemented by case study narratives, so there is an opportunity to bring significant insight to pedagogical practice. The designs were derived from an in-depth, qualitative study of exemplary practitioners who teach creatively and foster student creativity within either the creative industries or social sciences. Constructivist, informed grounded theory methods were used for the case study data collection and analysis that led to the construction of the patterns. The two case study examples chosen for discussion in this paper were distilled from blended learning units where online and face-to-face learning technologies were utilised. The learning designs discussed represent an original contribution to the field and have potential to be adapted to other disciplines, beyond those from which they originated.

2019 ◽  
Vol 60 (5) ◽  
pp. 831-840
Helen Q Kivnick ◽  
Molly C Driessen ◽  
Chittaphone Santavasy ◽  
Clair Wardwell ◽  
Linda Duncan Davis

Abstract Background and Objectives This article presents a narrative-based case study about vital involvement in an elder role model, exploring the dimensions of this man’s current vital involvement and identifying its lifelong expressions that appear, in older adulthood, to have enabled him to become such an exemplar. This case was chosen from a larger study of “Elder Roles Models”, that explores: (i) What about these particular older adults (identified by colleagues, friends, program directors, and service providers) constitutes their “elder role model-hood”; and (ii) How, developmentally, they got to be this way in older adulthood. This case study addresses the first of these questions by identifying five dimensions of vital involvement. Research Design and Methods Case study data were collected through five, semi-structured life-history interviews conducted over the 3 months. Interviews (90–120 minutes, each) were transcribed and analyzed using a thematic analysis approach. Findings Five dimensions emerged as constituting this man’s vital involvement in older adulthood: (i) enacting personal values and strengths; (ii) person–environment reciprocity; (iii) using environmental supports; (iv) enriching the environment; and (v) experience-based perspective. Discussion and Implications Dimensions are contextualized in terms of gerontological and life-cycle research, theory, and practice. A fundamental principle of Erikson’s theory of lifelong psychosocial development, the vital involvement dynamic, is suggested as an “umbrella concept” for integrating disparate gerontological practices, theories, and research, and for conceptualizing older adulthood in the context of the life cycle as a whole.

Kirsty Kitto ◽  
Mandy Lupton ◽  
Kate Davis ◽  
Zak Waters

Despite a narrative that sees learning analytics (LA) as a field that aims to enhance student learning, few student-facing solutions have emerged. This can make it difficult for educators to imagine how data can be used in the classroom, and in turn diminishes the promise of LA as an enabler for encouraging important skills such as sense-making, metacognition, and reflection. We propose two learning design patterns that will help educators to incorporate LA into their teaching protocols: do-analyse-change-reflect, and active learning squared. We discuss these patterns with reference to a case study utilising the Connected Learning Analytics (CLA) toolkit, in three trials run over a period of 18 months. The results demonstrate that student-facing learning analytics is not just a future possibility, but an area that is ripe for further development.

Eleanor Shaw ◽  
Juliette Wilson ◽  
Tobias Pret

This article explores the activities involved in embedding a small firm in its industrial context. Inductive analysis of longitudinal, case study data collected from a small firm in the creative industries highlights the use of networks and networking as embedding mechanisms. Key emergent themes include the impacts of pre-embeddedness (defined as the sum of all cultural, social and symbolic capital accessible to the founding team prior to business start-up), the vision and network orientation of the founding team and their strategic use of networking. The interplay between these conditions and activities is revealed as important in building legitimacy, which is critical for embedding a firm in its industrial context. This article extends knowledge of embedding beyond the initial phase of new venture creation and highlights the emergent and evolving dynamics behind this process.

AdBispreneur ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 89
Arif Sugiono ◽  
Dian Fordian

The purpose of this study was to identify the types of dynamic capabilities for start-up entrepreneurs in the creative industries gastronomy sub-sector where the Organization Life Cycle stage is at the entrepreneurial stage. The method used was a snapshot case study with a naturalistic descriptive type. The informants were determined using purposive techniques with some criteria that are in accordance with the focus and locus of research. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, observation, and literature study. Data were analyzed using an interactive model. The results showed that there are several types of dynamic capabilities that start-up entrepreneurs need: the ability to choose and design organizational structures, the accuracy of the choice of information technology types, and the ability to design market-oriented strategies. Based on the results of the research above, the startup entrepreneurs are required to have a renewal ability to sustain managerial skills to analyze and adapt to the dynamics of the internal and external environment that changes amicably. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi jenis kapabilitas dinamis yang diperlukan bagi para pelaku start up entrepreneur di sub sektor gastronomi industri kreatif yang tahap Organization Life Cycle berada pada tahap entrepreneurial. Metode yang digunakan adalah snapshoot case study dengan type deskriptif naturalistic. Penentuan informan menggunakan teknik purposive, dengan beberapa krieria yang sesuai dengan fokus dan lokus penelitian. Teknik pengambilan data melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi dan studi pustaka. Analisis data menggunakan model interaktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada beberapa jenis kapabilitas dinamis yang sangat diperlukan bagi pelaku rintisan start up entrepreneur, yaitu kemampuan memilih dan mendesain struktur organisasi, ketepatan pemilihan jenis teknologi informasi dan kemampuan mendesain strategi yang berorientasi pasar. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian di atas, maka pelaku rintisan start up entrepreneur dituntut untuk memiliki renewal ability untuk menopang managerial skill, sehingga mampu menganalisa dinamika lingkungan internal dan eksternal.

2018 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
Franciscus Adi Prasetyo ◽  
Jajang Gunawijaya

Self-stigma experienced by people who experience schizophrenia has influence on reduced self-esteem, on powerlessness, the weakening of hope, and a motivation towards recovery. The aim of this study is to explain the efforts of people suffering schizophrenia to manage their self-stigma through self-control, using a case study approach. Based on the purposive sampling technique, five people with schizophrenia were selected as the cases to be studied. Data collection techniques utilized in-depth interviews, observation, and documentary studies. The analysis of the study data employed the stages of data reduction, data display, and data verification. Improvement in study quality employed the triangulation of data sources by checking the data to determine its consistency. The results of this study indicate that people with schizophrenia who have the ability to self-control can overcome self-stigma through changes in the manner of viewing themselves, self-training through activities, having endurance, having an honest approach, being able to explain schizophrenia from a positive viewpoint, having initiative, and having a positive attitude and the courage to face challenges.

Michael W. Pratt ◽  
M. Kyle Matsuba

Chapter 7 begins with an overview of Erikson’s ideas about intimacy and its place in the life cycle, followed by a summary of Bowlby and Ainsworth’s attachment theory framework and its relation to family development. The authors review existing longitudinal research on the development of family relationships in adolescence and emerging adulthood, focusing on evidence with regard to links to McAdams and Pals’ personality model. They discuss the evidence, both questionnaire and narrative, from the Futures Study data set on family relationships, including emerging adults’ relations with parents and, separately, with grandparents, as well as their anticipations of their own parenthood. As a way of illustrating the key personality concepts from this family chapter, the authors end with a case study of Jane Fonda in youth and her father, Henry Fonda, to illustrate these issues through the lives of a 20th-century Hollywood dynasty of actors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 89 ◽  
pp. 106582
Charles Roche ◽  
Martin Brueckner ◽  
Nawasio Walim ◽  
Howard Sindana ◽  
Eugene John

Buildings ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 260
James Ellis ◽  
David John Edwards ◽  
Wellington Didibhuku Thwala ◽  
Obuks Ejohwomu ◽  
Ernest Effah Ameyaw ◽  

This research explores the failure of competitively tendered projects in the UK construction industry to procure the most suited contractor(s) to conduct the works. Such work may have equal relevance for other developed nations globally. This research seeks to teach clients and their representatives that “lowest price” does not mean “best value”, by presenting a case study of a successfully negotiated tender undertaken by a small-to-medium enterprise (SME) contractor; SME studies are relatively scant in academic literature. By applying the “lessons learnt” principle, this study seeks to improve future practice through the development of a novel alternative procurement option (i.e., negotiation). A mixed philosophical stance combining interpretivism and pragmatism was used—interpretivism to critically review literature in order to form the basis of inductive research to discuss negotiation as a viable procurement route, and pragmatism to analyse perceptions of tendering and procurement. The methods used follow a three-stage waterfall process including: (1) literature review and pilot study; (2) quantitative analysis of case study data; and (3) qualitative data collection via a focus group. Our research underscores the need to advise clients and their representatives of the importance of understanding the scope of works allowed within a tender submission before discounting it based solely on price. In addition, we highlight the failings of competitive tendering, which results in increased costs and project duration once the works commence on site. These findings provide new contemporary insight into procurement and tendering in the construction industry, with emphasis on SME contractors, existing relationships, and open-book negotiation. This research illustrates the adverse effects of early cost estimates produced without first securing a true understanding of project buildability and programming. Our work concludes with a novel insight into an alternative procurement option that involves early SME contractor involvement in an open-book environment, without the need for a third-party cost control.

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