Investigations on Surface Roughness Measurement in Minimum Quantity Lubrication Turning of Titanium Alloys Using Response Surface Methodology and Box–Cox Transformation
AbstractIn the present work, an attempt has been made to establish the accurate surface roughness (Ra, Rq and Rz) prediction model using response surface methodology with Box–Cox transformation in turning of Titanium (Grade-II) under minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) conditions. This surface roughness model has been developed in terms of machining parameters such as cutting speed, feed rate and approach angle. Firstly, some experiments are designed and conducted to determine the optimal MQL parameters of lubricant flow rate, input pressure and compressed air flow rate. After analyzing the MQL parameter, the final experiments are performed with cubic boron nitride (CBN) tool to optimize the machining parameters for surface roughness values i. e., Ra, Rq and Rz using desirability analysis. The outcomes demonstrate that the feed rate is the most influencing factor in the surface roughness values as compared to cutting speed and approach angle. The predicted results are fairly close to experimental values and hence, the developed models using Box-Cox transformation can be used for prediction satisfactorily.